Nothing To Dread — Sun Square Pluto

March ends with Aries Sun square Pluto in Capricorn at 11:05 pm EDT Sunday. It will be nothing to dread. It will be something like the Planets Waves membership drive that has been going on this month. Something you can ignore. Something you can avoid. But also something that could change your life if you are willing to act.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Please consider what the act of spending $49.00 represents over the course of a year. Less than one dollar for a world-class horoscope every week, and more.

‘World class’ means specific enough to resonate with your life consistently, and usefully. It also means a read as clear as day, but with a complex array of data behind the illumination that reveals the unlit corners of your life as nothing to dread, rather simply a place to change direction.

Similarly enlightening is the rare experience of actual journalism (not the cut-and-pasted press releases that so often pass for news) that informs and empowers Planet Waves members along with their weekly horoscopes.

To get all that, the only action required of you is accepting the special membership offer, releasing less than one dollar a week from your annual budget, and adjusting to the difference in order to begin a whole new season of your own.

When the Sun entered cardinal Aries just over a week ago, it started new season for the entire Earth. The solar square to Pluto in cardinal Capricorn is your cue to act on co-creating a new season for yourself. It begins with getting over the dread.

Many dread Pluto’s part in astrology because of what the mythology of the name evokes. Death is the object of personal contemplation about as often as it is the subject of polite conversation. While there is more to the planet Pluto, and what it symbolizes for astrology, your reaction to its nominal component is telling.

Pluto tells you as much about the transitions of life as it does about the transition from life. The fact is that you are not the same person you used to be, and not the same person you will be. Yet, it requires conscious action on your part to participate in the process.

Every moment in your life resonates with the opportunity to act consciously by first accepting what you have been, then releasing how you are, and finally adjusting to what you would have yourself be. When the Aries Sun moves to 90 degrees of separation from Pluto in the last hour of March, it will do nothing more than illuminate one of those moments, as a dark corner is illuminated, containing nothing more dreadful than a change of direction.

This year, a complex array of energies, including the vitality of Mars, the values of Venus, and the revolutionary spark of Uranus will combine in an Aries conjunction with the Sun’s square to Pluto. Together those planets will add their qualities to not only reveal but inform you of the moment, empowering you to change direction and move out of the dark corner that your dread simply is. You’ll be empowered to conjoin in company with the lights of the sky. At any moment you can change your life. One of the best moments ever is at hand.

Offered In Service 

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

12 thoughts on “Nothing To Dread — Sun Square Pluto”

  1. Len,
    Yes, thank you. I really am in a very good place for this. I’ve been preparing for it for months, chipping away at the edges, and literally begging for exactly this lineup–though of course I didn’t know it–for weeks. It’s just stunning & humbling to see it laid out so perfectly to aid this precise transition in my life, as if the entire sky were just for me right now. (I feel like I’m “all me-all the time”, please do forgive me, everyone!) Tears of awe come easily at this point.
    I intend to use this conflagration of fire & air to propel myself through and beyond these addictions that never worked for me. My mantra for the present: With every breath, let in more love.

  2. Len,

    The nine year old boy in the film sounds like he reads your work. He must subscribe to PW!
    The clip is well worth a watch.


  3. Sarah: You are so very welcome.

    Steawberry: Please go with your first feeling, not the dread. There is nothing to dread. Oppositions are not bad news, they are good news. Here is an easy way to remember “oppositions equal options”. Similarly “squares equal growth”. Given the energetics of Mars, Uranus and Chiron, you are dealing with energy, a lot of it. Crying is a useful release both physically and emotionally. If you find a way to cry out of awe (a sunset), or passion (Beethoven’s 9th, final movement), it will be better than crying out of fear or terror. The main thing with energy is giving it a place to go and something to do on a continuous basis – if you can manage that this should be a huge time for growth and accomplishment that you will be proud of. You could be from training wheels to rocket boots in not time. Please, does that work for you?

    Mia: Thank you for the compliment, but i’m not much good as a philosopher. i spent the first first half of my life thinking it was “Cogito, ergo zoom.” That explains the bumps on my head.

    be: Now, you are a great philosopher, as well as an astrologer who brings tears of awe to my eyes. Thank you so very much for holding forth in such great form once again.

    waterjewel: Thank you so very much for sharing your experience with Pluto in your nativity and in transit. It appears as though those experiences have had the earmarks of being nothing less than holy. It appears as though you are coming to realize that. The current Pluto (and Uranus) transits to your natal chart just may be nothing less than your cue to bring the benefit of a lifetime of holy experiences to what you share with all beings – the Earth itself. We are lucky to have you among us.

    Fe: Thank you so very much for sharing your own transit experience as well. Talk about holy. Kali would appear to be just the ticket, you would appear to have the situation well in hand. As you already know, the operative phrase is to “be present to the energy, not consumed by it”.

    jinspace: You are most welcome as well.

  4. AHA!!

    Pluto is already within minutes of squaring exact on my natal first house Mars, Len, so that explains why every perceived threat right now to my 9-5 job is really a big brush with change and potential for something new — what I’m meant to do.

    I’ve had Kali up on my altar and asked for her clarity – she is a cosmic Queen of Swords. And the bullshit is rising to the surface. Ready for the walls to come down so we can begin anew.

    Ahh yes, and putting down the sword, with relaxed grace.

  5. I learned to appreciate the transformative nature of Pluto in the last several years as it moved over my Chiron/Sun (24/26 d Sag) and Venus/MC (4/6 d Cap) conjunction. As soon as it touched Chiron, I was deep in a dark womb like/kundalini awakening experience where I felt like I was dying. I was terrified to go out of the house, drive my car, go to the grocery store. Luckily I was doing massage for a living and could manage to do a few about 3 times a week just to pay my living expenses. My nervous system was so jacked up that I barely slept or ate and lost quite a bit of weight. I was getting acupuncture treatments that barely calmed me down for a day. The good news is I felt so close to the Source of my being at this time and knew the astrology of what was going on so I knew I wasn’t going to go insane even tho it felt like it. (Natally I have a grand trine between my Sun, Moon and Pluto in fire signs so Pluto was activating the trine and my Moon during this transit so on some level I felt protected and in a safe place to go thru this metamorphesis.) It took about a year to fully come out of this and my life has changed radically since then. Pluto is now moving into a square to my Aries Asc. and a conj. to my Mercury in Cap. at the same time that Uranus crosses my Asc. I can’t even imagine what that will be like altho I believe I may already be feeling its effects. With the recent grouping of Pisces planets in 12th house and now getting ready to cross my Asc., so much is being stripped away in my life – I don’t recognize it anymore.

  6. …though now I do want to cry. I just looked at the chart. Amid 10 oppositions & 6 squares that day, there’s a trine between transiting Mars conj my Chiron, transiting Moon, & my Pallas. Opposite Mars/Chiron is my Uranus, opposite Moon is my Saturn, & opposite my Pallas is the reason I need to go cry–as in release pent-up emotion, not as in calcify impending dread–asteroid Hebe is sitting there, whom Eric describes as being about the tripart relationship of abuser-rescuer-victim. This really does look like a lot of damn energy to burst through the structure of codependence I grew up in. Good lord, be careful what you ask for in life. Did somebody say training wheels???

  7. You do have a way of making a bitter pill go down Len. It’s not death I dread but the methodology of death, which, like birth, has usually entailed a fair amount of pain to “complete the process”. I’ll give you this though, Pluto has eliminated most of what I was, which wasn’t all that authentic anyway. What he uncovered is not nearly as socially acceptable but it’s real baby, it’s real. In hindsight, much like giving birth, the memory of pain has given way to the rewards of the process. Now that process has become a way of sharing wisdom gained, and that in turn can help reduce the dread others experience, if compassion is part of the method. Still, they say “no pain, no gain”.

  8. Somehow Len,

    this short film goes with your article for today. Another philosopher, perhaps?


  9. Just this morning, I was noting how, with the passing of the Libra full Moon & the return of longer days and stronger sunlight, I feel like I’m being rebirthed into a beautiful and life-sustaining version of who I am right now. Even looking forward at the truly difficult work ahead of me to move into the relationship I want to have to myself, I feel a great sense of ease, and truly belonging to the time we’re in. Though last year was–without doubt–a total revolution in how I saw myself and my place in the world, so far this year is (as Eric said months ago) making 2012 look like training wheels. Since I only joined PW late last year, I can say unequivocally that all these transitions are smoother, more meaningful, and more fun as a part of this community. Love to all <3

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