New Issue On Its Way to Members!

New issue of Planet Waves includes all kinds of stuff.

Today’s edition of Planet Waves includes readings for all 12 signs and rising signs, which cover the astonishing Pisces astrology that’s happening now. I offer a juicy birthday reading for Pisces people born around now, as well as a full report on what’s happening in the sky. I also cover the surreal (or is it dadaist?) week of news events and what they say about our moment of history. We are currently running a special limited time offer for new subscribers — sign up for six months and get the birthday reading of your choice, including one of the recent ones.

4 thoughts on “New Issue On Its Way to Members!”

  1. poor detroit — something tells me sequestration will not help matters there any:

    Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan announced on Friday that the city of Detroit is so snarled in financial woes that the state must appoint an emergency manager to lead it out of disaster.

    “It’s time to say we should stop going downhill,” Mr. Snyder told Detroiters in a town-hall-style meeting that was broadcast live on local television stations across the city.

    He later added, “Today is a day to call all hands on deck.”

    The state-appointed manager, who could be selected later this month, would ultimately wield powers aimed at swiftly turning around the municipal government’s dire circumstances — powers to cut city spending, change contracts with labor unions, merge or eliminate city departments, urge the sale of city assets and even, if all else failed, to recommend bankruptcy proceedings.

  2. Amanda: Yup, this set of horoscopes has a fascinating through line that made me want to consider every house on my chart. It’s worth the reader’s while to peruse all 12 to get the bigger picture. An exciting picture it is. It’s not just a life, it’s an adventure. This week’s subscriber edition re-kindles the sense of adventure.

  3. Chelsea:

    I just hoped you would pass along to Eric and all the other contributors to Planet Waves my sincerest thanks for your timely and depth of articles, insights, and platform that allows the readers to learn and expand.

    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat down at the computer and had to figure out which article I wanted to focus solely on for that day, absorb it, and try to integrate it before another article came along that was just as provocative. I’m a few weeks behind!

    You guys are truly wonderful and I thank you sooooo much for this journey.

    Much love,

    D. L.

  4. we’ve also featured one of the coolest photos projects, perfect for venus-neptune-chiron in pisces… and a movie that also fits the themes (sex surrogacy work, anyone?).

    it’s a pretty cool little issue, i have to say. and len has already told us how much he loves htis week’s horoscopes.


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