Give It Time — Sun Conjunct Mercury

Monday, when Mercury passes between Earth and the Sun, their brief Pisces conjunction will be busily aspected. That may mean a busy day for you. You may see conflict and feel doubt, but that will be detail. Details have their place, and it usually is not a central one. Since the Sun’s conjunction to Mercury will pass quickly, its central meaning will be to give events time to do the same.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Giving events time to pass does not mean that you ignore them. It means not getting caught up in them. That’s what makes the solar merger with Mercury both inseparable from and central to Monday’s complex astrology.

The actual Sun is inseparable from day and light. Day, in turn, is the natural time to be conscious and aware of the world. That’s how the Sun corresponds with consciousness for astrology. Just as the innermost planet is never far from the Sun, Mercury’s archetype of the mind and its means of communication is never far from consciousness. When the Sun and Mercury conjoin, it represents an appropriate time to merge awareness and thinking as one.

Being both conscious and thoughtful is central to being present for events without being caught up and swept away by them. In order to do that, you must not only give events enough time to transpire, you must also give some time to yourself.

It is nearly always possible to give yourself some time. For example, you breathe. Unless you have trouble breathing, most of your breaths are probably taken without being conscious of them.

To simply be conscious of your breathing is a simple and straightforward way to give yourself the gift of time that is always there for the taking. All you have to do is pay attention and the moment makes room for you instead of getting you lost in it. Stringing a few of those moments together gives you time to think about things, beginning with your next breath.

Thinking about your next breath further expands the time you gave yourself to be conscious of breathing. That allows you to take in what you are taking in, both air and circumstances, and to consider what both those breaths and events are doing for you, or to you. String a few of those thoughtful breaths together, and in no time at all you are in a different place.

Simply breathing consciously and thoughtfully brings you to a place of your own, where awareness and thinking merge into each other. It is a place where day, light and consciousness are as inseparable from your thoughts as they are from each other.

There are a lot of other things going on with Monday’s astrology besides Sun conjunct Mercury. The details are fascinating and not to be ignored. The most important thing, however, will be to put the details in their place and not allow them to take yours. So, keep it simple, as simple as breathing, and give wisely of your time, not forgetting yourself. When Tuesday comes around, you will be glad you did.

Offered In Service 

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

26 thoughts on “Give It Time — Sun Conjunct Mercury”

  1. With a frame of Venus and Mars in a last quarter of the moon. I them say Len that everything was fine and that a small grain of sand came to any question, it’s a bit for you also?

  2. Be, indeed! Since Juno is hanging a degree below my ascendant, I feel like she’s been chasing me all my life. Now I’d like to sit her down, have a cup of tea, or gin, and make peace. Especially since she is opposite Nessus on my DC. It’s been a lifelong squeeze, and time for a breakthrough, I believe.

  3. Youtube has a number of great interviews with Dr. Len Horowitz that I highly recommend. He has lots to say about the spoken word, language and numbers.

    I like to experiment and from time to time I focus my energy on events I read about. It’s fun to do while reading the New York Times online. If there is a story where someone is arrested, for example, and your intuition tells you they are innocent, focus your intention on a positive outcome for the person in the article. It is quite amazing to see how often times events work out in the same direction as your intent. Dr. Horowitz has worked closely with Dr. Emoto and his investigation with water. It is the same principle.

    One extremely hot summer I cleaned out my fridge and left five mayonnaise products on my kitchen counter, telling them not to spoil. During that time we had an entire week of 105 degree weather and the jars sat there for weeks without mold growing in any of them. We have much more input than we realize where outcome is concerned. Upon hearing about my mayo project friends tried the experiment with two containers of yogurt, sending positive thoughts to one and hateful thoughts to the other. One spoiled the other remainded sweet smelling without any mold.

    These experiences can be a reminder of who we really are.

  4. Lizzy: You are most welcome.

    DivaCarla: What be said, and glad you liked that idea. Thank you.

    Mia: Thank you so very much for your cross-reference to Da Vinci and Tesla. That is precisely the point. Thank you for picking up on it.

    Eli7: Thank you for coming in out of the lurk, it is very gratifying that you should do so to confirm my service has been useful to you. Thank you also for making an excellent point about Neptune.

  5. Hello all,
    I always find an interesting space with your posts, Len, and the comments illuminate and expand on pertinent themes. I am definitely a lurker and not a commenter, but I feel compelled to say thank you for letting a marvelous and unexpected synchronicty play out, something that can only occur when there is a true spirit of service and sharing. The past couple of years have been one nodal drama after another, with Neptune squaring itself while conjuncting my natal n.n/pallas conjunction opposed by my s.n./mars/bml conjunction. Transiting pallas and bml are inconjunct my natal 18+ scorpio moon (hello scorpio moon sisters!) and of course, the transiting n.n is conjunct. On Monday, sun/mercury will oppose within a few solar arc minutes my virgo sun and conjunct/oppose my partner’s natal jupiter/mars opposition. I wouldn’t have realized this without the exchange of information I found here. I now have a much clearer perspective on what is happening in my (our) chart(s) and in my life, without the words to say what it “means” but with increased disposition to allow the time to breathe and expand the space within and savor that liminal moment when exhale becomes inhale and inhale becomes exhale. Thank you.

  6. Di Vinci and Tesla wrote backwards.
    It’s a good way to get the subconscious mind to accept something.

    Good idea, Len!

  7. What a gift of bonus astrology! Thanks Strawberry, Len, and Be for the details on the yod. If I’ve got natal Juno at 18 scorpio, does that mean she’s getting squeezed?

    And what action does she required of me?

    That last question is for me not you. It would be a relief to be “told”, but I probably wouldn’t do it anyway ;o)

    please be sure to write it backwards so your third eye can read it. tee heee, Len.

  8. What wonderful advice, dear Len! (Scorpio moon here, too). And I found your piece helpful, too. Thank you.
    And thank you, be, as always, and to Strawberry for your penetrating questions and lovely name!

  9. Strawberry: That’s the general idea. The idea is to avoid betting caught up in the details, swept away, losing yourself. There is probably a logical reason for the lunar discrepancy, but it’s not such big a deal that you have to lose the big picture that most of the time a Scorpio Moon is a Scorpio Moon. Most of the time, close enough is good enough. Try letting it be that way so you can get some work done. Try being present with your breathing and let the details go. If you let the details go, some of the pressure will go with them.

  10. Wow, that is stunning. What an image, and a pressure I’m certainly feeling. Thank you. One more question, though (isn’t there always one more question with Astrology??). Are there different ways to calculate the moon’s position for a chart? Most charts show my Moon at 23 Scorpio. But I just looked at my Serennu chart, and it shows my Moon at 19 Scorpio (with all other points the same). The difference between whether this pressure focuses on my BlackMoon Lilith (16 scorpio–the focal point of the Natal chart yod) or my Moon (19 or 23 Scorpio) is challenge enough to keep me from getting any real work done today. Are these the types of details you were talking about, Len? The Bottom line here, I’ve heard, is to breathe. Thank you both, again.

  11. Strawberry,

    There is a sextile between Pallas-Athene at 17 Aries and BlackMoon Lilith (mean apogee) at 18 Gemini and they both quincunx the Moon’s north node 19 Scorpio to form a yod. Whatever you have at 17 Aries and whatever you have at 18 Gemini are pressuring whatever you have at 19 Scorpio to take action.

    If it is Chiron at 19 Scorpio you are getting pressure to become aware of something, probably hidden.
    If it is Saturn at 19 Scorpio you are getting pressure to organize, solidify or contain something.
    If it is Lilith at 19 Scorpio you are getting pressure to defy the status quo.

    In any case, it is the transiting north node that is guiding you and the rest of us.
    Sabian Symbol: A WOMAN DRAWS AWAY TWO DARK CURTAINS CLOSING THE ENTRANCE TO A SACRED PATHWAY. A suggestion to “Plunge Ahead Into The Unknown”

    Thank you for making us aware of this!

  12. Sigh. I knew I was in over my head asking this. Thank you both for offering to help. I’m looking at today’s mean apogee lilith at 18 gemini, pallas at 17 aries & the true node at 19 scorpio.

  13. Strawberry,

    What north node do you mean? Transiting north node is in Scorpio, but Pallas and asteroid Lilith ARE close together in Aries.

  14. Strawberrylaughter: Thank you. At your service. First, please, what Lilith do you mean? The apogee(s) or the asteroid?

  15. Actually, can someone tell me if there’s a significance to the relationship between Chiron, Lilith and the N Node right now? (because they’re sitting almost exactly on top of my Chiron, Saturn & Lilith) and that makes me crazy.

  16. be: Thanks again. Yes, Isis and Osiris together at last is a thing of beauty among all the other things going on.

  17. Len, did you happen to notice that Isis and Osiris are conjunct right now at 10 Aquarius? How often does THAT happen?

  18. Yikes, that IS busy! Still, I’m kind of glad you added in the details Len, I’m especially wondering about Elatus in Virgo. I mean, he’s a centaur, like Chiron, and they have several connections that makes me think this is as much about their opposition than anything else that’s going on. Since centaurs are about bringing things to consciousness, and the Sun is right there in the mix, along with all the personal planets, there might be some details demanding a closer look. I agree, Mercury will move quickly away from the pack, and at 8 AM on a Monday morning, we need to stay as alert as possible and not get caught up in those events demanding our attention. Deep breaths.

    Later though, maybe on lunch break, we might pondor the idea that Elatus and Chiron both got shot by the same arrow, and that when these two astral bodies were discovered they were both in Taurus, and also when they were discovered they both had Cancer Moons. And what’s with all the personal planets gathered together in Pisces at the same time, when that hasn’t happened since 1919? Well, as Scarlett might say, I’ll think about that tomorrow, or maybe Tuesday.

  19. be: Thank you for adding Borasisi. It is one of the objects when i wrote that Sun conjunct Mercury would be busily aspected (“Busy, busy…” As Vonnegut wrote it). Here’s the rest so you can get the whole picture. Opposing the Sun-Mercury=Borasisi conjunction is the slow-moving centaur object Elatus in Virgo. This takes us back a year (please see my blog of February 27, 2012) when the Pisces Sun opposed Elatus and the lunar nodes (Gemini-to-Sagittarius at that time) completed a grand mutable cross. Monday, we have another grand mutable cross that is even more complex. Squaring the opposition from Pisces to Virgo is another opposition – the Gemini conjunction of Vesta and Chaos precisely opposing the Great Attractor along the axis of Uranus’ heliocentric nodes! Do you see what i mean by complex? Can you see how easy it would be to get lost in that vortex? That is the reason for my blog today.

    Strawberrylaughter: Thank you. i would not recommend stapling anything to your forehead. Please do not harm yourself. We like you, a lot. If, however, you write your your reminder on your forehead, please be sure to write it backwards so your third eye can read it.

  20. A couple of years ago when things were especially crazy, I henna-tattooed “breathe” to the inside of my wrist. Apparently it’s time to do that again. Or, considering how the past few days have gone, just staple this post to my forehead. In lieu of both however, I’ll copy/paste it onto my desktop and try to remember that time’s reliably forward movement can also be a gift.

  21. Great advice for any Monday morning Len, but especially this one since Borasisi will be in the same degree as the Sun and Mercury at the start of this work morning. What you see and hear is likely not even real, so contemplating your breath as you breathe not only feels good, it might save you some embarrassment when the truth be told later. I find it grounds my thinking when I focus on my breathing, don’t you? Mercury is so airy-fairy anyway and being in Pisces it probably won’t be leaning toward a sense of grounding. Light? Yes. Consciousness? Yes. Fantasy or Delusions? Possibly, but if you’re a working girl or guy, 8 AM on a Monday morning (unless you are a news reporter for TV), the timing would probably not be to your advantage. Still, Phil Sedgwick has suggested it IS a good time to sign papers, the only time to do so, in fact, during a Mercury retrograde. This time however you better take into consideration that Borasisi effect!

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