Venus-Neptune, Sun-Chiron: idealism and practicality

In the midst of having six very influential bodies in Pisces (five that rules signs, plus Chiron), you may be feeling creatively charged up; you may be feeling in love with love; you may be feeling slightly adrift, or as though every idea you try to put your finger on slips off to the periphery; perhaps sex has taken on a new dimension. Whatever it is, chances are you’re sensing things richly — even if it’s through subtler channels, like your dreams at night.

Look at all that Pisces! Venus (blue ‘female’ symbol) is exactly conjunct Neptune (blue trident); Sun (yellow circle) is just past its conjunction to Chiron (orange key). Mars and retrograde Mercury are the other Pisces planets; Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn are in aspect to the Sun. See glyph key here.

At the heart of all this swirling Pisces mojo this week, Venus and the Sun are making the most energized aspects.

Venus conjoins Neptune today (Thursday) at 8:37 am EST — though Neptune casts a wide net with its influence, so we’ve been feeling this for a few days.

Venus conjunct Neptune can be very artistically inspirational, with a gentle dreaminess added to attractions between people. Not only is there a sweetness in the air, but at its best, the Venus-Neptune combination boosts personal love to the level of universal love and divine compassion. It’s the selfless urge to do everything you can for the benefit of your loved ones (and the world).

At this aspect’s worst, Venus falls prey to Neptune’s diffusive, delusional powers. Making the ideal out of the real is how great music and art are made; attempting the same in an intimate relationship can be confusing. That is often when we set expectations of a loved one or relationship situation too high and end up disillusioned — or worse, feeling betrayed despite our own insistence on rose-colored glasses.

So the question becomes, how do we discern when we’re engaging in selfless, spiritually heightened love, versus when we’re refusing to see some other reality? How can we work this enhanced creative atmosphere constructively?

That’s where the Sun’s aspects come into play. Right now, the Sun is conjunct Chiron (exact yesterday, but still very much in effect). It is also making very easeful aspects to Saturn in Scorpio (a trine) and Pluto in Capricorn (a sextile), both exact Friday but lending a hand now.

Sun-Chiron is the focusing agent counteracting the diffusion of Venus-Neptune. The Sun brings the light to cut through the mist; the sense of consciousness of self in the world; the ‘I am’ in the middle of the swirling, collective Piscean dreamscape. Chiron takes that light and focuses it with laser-beam precision; it asks about the health of that self and its ego; it sharpens that ‘I am’ into something that can truly stand out with Piscean flair.

How do you feel about the ‘you’ you present to the world? Are you able to feel confident in your contributions, or do you second-guess the value of your ideas, your creations or your very presence? How have those feelings come to be?

The Sun’s aspects to Saturn in Scorpio (a water sign ruled by Pluto) and to Pluto in Capricorn (an earth sign ruled by Saturn) provide some extra grounding, structure, stability and movement as we feel out this moment. And no, ‘stability’ and ‘movement’ are not contradictory.

Think of riding a bicycle: do you feel most stable when it is in motion, or when it is stopped? Momentum in a well-chosen direction leaves us better able to flow with changes as they come up, shifting to incorporate them rather than re-starting from a dead standstill. It’s true for personal evolution and creative process — and the healing process suggested by Chiron.

The Sun’s aspects to Saturn and Pluto this week are both so eminently practical in assisting the setting and attaining of goals, the desire to evolve, the ability to bypass negativity, and the willingness to work for what we want, this week looks tailor-made for advancing any creative projects and artistic visions. But you do have to do things with actual objects and people. Getting lost in the daydream won’t work; throwing money at a situation won’t work (and is unadvisable with Venus conjunct Neptune, especially while Mercury is retrograde); setting ungrounded expectations for romantic partners and situations won’t work.

What will work is dealing with tangibles — pick up a paintbrush or camera or musical instrument; make your lover dinner for the sheer joy of creating and sharing a meal; accept the phone number offered to you (and then use it). Document what actually transpires, and Chiron will likely point you to the next step.

12 thoughts on “Venus-Neptune, Sun-Chiron: idealism and practicality”

  1. Pam: Thank you. Just looked on imputed hermes and saw him there as you say. Honestly tho the aspects I am not good at interpreting yet. I do not really understand the chart data sheets. But I had a look anyway on the extended fixed star chart and found Maia actually named there also. I guess a better question would have been with Maia transit at early Gemini, or considering hovering my natal Taurus 29 would just be curious if any influence, other than the associated dream was speaking to me yesterday?


  2. eek — maria — you got yelled at in *yoga* class??? hang in there!

    i keep thinking there has to be *something* being activated in your chart that can provide a key for this lock, or at least a life jacket of some sort. i wonder what it is?

  3. Very beautiful–I wish I could manifest it! This is all happening on top of my chiron, midheaven and moon. I’m getting all the “bad” side of Pisces–martyrdom, isolation, fog brain, random acts of cruelty, seeing through a blur of tears, longing for escape by any means (which I must deny myself, thanks to Saturnian responsibilities). I even got yelled at in yoga class yesterday! No faith in any of my abilities–can barely make a piece of toast without second-guessing, and anything creative is completely beyond me (and why bother; just generates more derision or indifference). Of course a lot is long term toxic work situation, but I keep thinking I could learn more about all this mess, some key that could transform it. Uk! I want the Pisces good parts!!

  4. A fork in the road is lady luck at work. I was going to do my own taxes but suddenly got the inner warning bell this morning that I should call a CPA. After talking to her, I’ve been pinching myself. We may even go back and redo taxes for several years.

    Making a decision doesn’t have to be frightening, but when spirit brings it up for consideration, show a little respect, especially in the pisces season.

  5. When setting one’s goals or riding a bike it would be prudent to consider the septile between the conjunction of today’s Venus-Neptune to Pluto. A septile is 1/7th of a circle and Robert Wilkinson has referred to the ongoing Neptune-Pluto septile as “‘the Grand Irrationality”. The septile can set up irrational conditions where one has to make a choice or a decision. Septile’s, he says, are a “critical fork in the road of destiny”. You can read more about what he says here. . .

  6. oops — just realized i’d forgotten to put the glyph key link in the caption. it’s there now! sorry about that.

  7. Amanda: Thank you. Absolutely beautiful. Your idea about stability and movement not being contradictory provides us access to a profound level of truth and your bicycle metaphor in support of the idea gives us a simple, yet entirely pertinent, door to your elevated level of understanding the connections you made so adroitly and so eloquently.

    pam: Your answer to P. Sophia’s question about asteroid Hermes is on the the same profound level that Amanda revealed to us today. Your interpretation was a joy to read.

  8. I have been kissing a LOT of people in my dreams these last few nights. Soulful, sexy kisses.

    Making me see everyone around me as eminently kissable. (Read: Loveable, cherished, valued.)

    Venus coming into Pisces is fine by me!

    PS: I might have to curb my new proclivity for staring at lips… Could become obsessive?

  9. more in keeping could be too abrupt – it is the friendship with God if you don’t like something choose again…

  10. P.Sophia according to charts Hermes is at 0 Aquarius 44’28” trine M87 opp Circe conj Diana trine atropos trine Hephaistos conj orpheus

    For Miss S from a week ago re pisces crashed dreams: probly just have to pick yourself/them up and keep going, refining retrying redoing repairing resmiling. Or choose something more in keeping with who you are/would be/will be.


  11. Woke up this morning my dream life Commanding the take away, ‘Thumbelina’, loud and clear. Strange, of all things?? I did not recall the tale, (if I ever even heard this tale when young) so i just read tonight. Really is a very symbolic and archetypically moving story of personal inner nature (masculine/feminine) and creative transformation…if not taken in the romantic expectation, fairy-taley way.

    Especially loved the ending when she is given her new name, Maia. I looked up the meaning:

    “Maia it is “great; mother”. Also (Maori) “brave warrior”. Greek mythology: Maia was a beautiful nymph and the mother of Hermes, the messenger god.”

    Of course, makes sense, today Mercury transit is ‘exact’ conjunct natal Chiron at 18 30′ Pisces.

    Amanda…i have no idea, may i ask do you know if Hermes is also a character now playing in current aspects, house?!

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