New issue on its way to subscribers

New issue of Planet Waves is on its way to subscribers.

The new edition of Planet Waves is on its way to subscribers. In addition to readings for all 12 signs and rising signs that cover the current astonishing astrology, we give full coverage to the resignation of the pope and the child abuse sex scandals in the Catholic Church. We also cover the meteorite that hit Russia this morning and today’s asteroid flyby.

We are offering a special introductory offer for new members — read more at this link.

5 thoughts on “New issue on its way to subscribers”

  1. Via email…

    I could fill many pages with thanks for your work, including the b-day
    reports and 2013 analyses … but no time (I’m one of those centaurs
    roller skating on greased ball bearings, love that description … and I
    did blow the lid off my own family’s history of sexual abuse, as I told
    you earlier). But I do want to thank you in particular for your brilliant
    analysis “Pope Meet Centaurs.” I usually have to listen to your
    broadcasts more than once to absorb all the information, and I will this
    (again, that is). Came across this link this morning: worth looking into,
    in the continuing saga of Rat-zinger (name says it all). My intuition
    right from the get-go was that it’s not just sex–it’s a worldwide market
    in sex trafficking (= $$$) that the church has been involved in, and it
    goes to the highest levels of govt., which explains his protection from
    prosecution in so many countries. And thanks for reminding us of Sinead’s
    brave work. I do believe she’s a centaur as well.

  2. Please thank Eric for all his amazing work. The subject of the Centaurs and their effects sure is cascading through my life at present – painful at first but clarifying and inspiring as the various realisations flow into consciousness – then profound relief for what you realise you can be freed from. So much baggage !!!

    I’m 74 but can still contemplate being subject to profound change. Clearly, 2012 was just the precipitator, 2013 is where we start doing the job !!

  3. glad to know you got a kick out of the pan photos, lizzy! be sure to check out the rest of them at the links — they’re beautiful.

  4. Holy Meteorites! Never have I been so happy to receive my PW edition. The last couple of days has been bad news all round, all the people who owe me money are going under or have blocked payments – and work is generally thin on the ground. But then I read my horoscope, and this, “the feeling that your mind and soul are seated in a body, and that your body occupies actual space and time. You can get anywhere from here — as long as you start right where you are, and that’s what I’m suggesting that you do”, I laughed loudly at the photo of frying pan bottoms, and sunk my teeth into all the wonderful news insights and pieces here. Thank you so much Eric, Amanda, all of you.

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