Creative Warrior Spirit Rising: Mercury-Mars-Chiron in Pisces

Mercury, Mars and Chiron are currently in a three-way conjunction in Pisces. Mercury-Chiron was exact on Sunday; Mars-Chiron is exact at 11:52 am EST Tuesday. Put all three together, as they are right now, and you get a message (Mercury) about the creative (Pisces) Warrior Spirit (Mars-Chiron).

Simplified chart section showing Mars (red ‘male’ symbol) exactly conjunct Chiron (orange key) in Pisces with Mercury (green glyph). Neptune (blue trident) is in early Pisces, the Moon in late Pisces.

To put it in question format, aren’t you tired of being afraid to stand out for who you are? Aren’t you tired of letting your fears run your life — creatively, sexually, spiritually, mentally? Aren’t you done hesitating on whatever it is you have been putting off — you know, that thing that captures your imagination and passion when you let it?

So many people are carrying this fear of living their creative potential, sexual truth or spiritual mission. The sense you may have that you can’t actually write what you love to write (or paint, or perform) and earn a living, or that a ‘real job’ can’t possibly be the thing that makes you happy, is a lie that was laid on you at an early age. It happened before you could see fully the difference between you and your mother or father, and that makes it hard to see for what it is.

If the ‘frustrated artist’ metaphor doesn’t sound like what’s pushing into your consciousness at this time, what does that thing feel like to you?

Chiron is a centaur planet that calls our attention to wounds (psychological or physical) so we can recognize them, and understand how old they are, how deep they go and how they stand in our way. Then we can see how to resolve the old pain, release it, and grow in some way.

Mercury is taking advantage of Chiron’s focusing power to distill the message and direct it to our minds, where we can understand it clearly. Mars is stepping up to the plate like a baseball coach waving us home and shouting encouragement. The way is clear and the timing is right, but it’s still up to us to actually run the bases.

Here’s the catch: human beings have this tendency whereby once we are Self conscious, ego gets scared of the danger of change; a Self finally aware of the light is simultaneously made aware of all the shadow by contrast. The openness needed to embrace new possibility also creates space for fears to rush in, and we’ve ended up with an epidemic of paralysis.

There is also something about all this Pisces energy (Neptune is not far from this triple conjunction, and the Moon is in Pisces until Tuesday evening) about not pretending. Culturally, we do a lot of pretending as individuals about what we feel, what we want, what we believe, what is really true. This is a moment of clarity — but you have to be willing to stand in that vulnerable place of awareness, with the light and the dark, and make a choice: the choice not to be afraid anymore, but to dare to stand out.

This is the path of the Creative Warrior Spirit. For an illustration, consider the One Billion Rising movement begun by playwright/activist Eve Ensler to celebrate the 15th anniversary of her V-Day Foundation’s work to end violence against women. One Billion Rising is a worldwide event where local groups hold dancing ‘flash mobs’ in public spaces on Feb. 14 — Valentine’s Day.

The website proclaims:

One In Three Women On The Planet Will Be Raped Or Beaten In Her Lifetime.
One Billion Women Violated Is An Atrocity.
One Billion Women Dancing Is A Revolution.

Ensler writes, “Dance is holy, sexual, and it’s a way of being very powerful and a little dangerous without being violent.” Whether you join in a One Billion Rising event in your area on Thursday or not, how can you be holy, sexual, powerful and a little bit dangerous without being violent? What is the truth your inner Creative Warrior Spirit is ready to be known for? How will you stand out?

28 thoughts on “Creative Warrior Spirit Rising: Mercury-Mars-Chiron in Pisces”

  1. P. Sophia, Jinspace, be and all,
    sincronicity on this website is so amazing sometimes. And I really love the w i d e n e s s
    of the discussion. Love you all!
    Well, I just came back from a therapy session where I (kind of unexpectedly) retraced my whole history with food and the word ‘starvation’ came out. Wow.

  2. Be, Absolutely helps. Sincerely appreciative of all your insights. It is all so complex, psychological and inspiring. Another interesting layer as is with Tarot.

    I have periodically heard mention here of the Symbols and the novice i am to this study, I finally pulled them up last night, for additional clues to the chart angles. There is much to investigate and compare to the astrological degrees in how it all fits from the collective perspective to individual. Particularly helpful was the interpretation i did from the degrees spanning from DC to MC, AC and IC. It was a first read tonight but intuitively picking up many pieces to my puzzle and place here.

    Regarding today’s announcement and blog comments about the Pope stepping down, I was reading the symbol for my natal Chiron at 18 degree Pisces, and in continuing the intrepretation to 19 degrees…The symbol made great sense in understanding the influence our new moon brings. It will also be interesting to see what happens when the transiting planets hit this degree.


    KEYNOTE: The transfer of power and knowledge which keeps the original spiritual and creative Impulse of the cycle active and undeviated.

    The Hindu ideal of the sacred relationship between guru and chela (disciple) has of late become familiar to a vast number of young and not-so-young people. The doctrine of “the Apostolic succession” in the Roman Catholic Church has a similar significance. The Power and archetypal knowledge released “in the beginning” of any cycle (or at “Creation”) must be perpetuated until the very Last Day — the Omega state of which Teilhard de Chardin glowingly speaks. This Power is the “self” of the cyclic manifestation, the unchanging Tone (AUM) of all existences within this cycle. It can be transmitted from master to disciple at the latter’s “Initiation.” It must be so transmitted for when the line of transmission (in Sanskrit, guruampara) is discontinued, the cyclic process begins to collapse in futility and spiritual darkness.

  3. P. Sophia,

    I use an ephemeris listing from the website of Astrodienst where anyone can go and find all the major planets for the last 6000 years. I checked on Chiron for 1415 (don’t know the month when the Pope “retired”) and it ran between 1 degree and 14 degrees of Sagittarius as I recall. This would likely place him in a T-square with today’s astrology of Jupiter (and/or Vesta) in Gemini and Chiron (and/or Neptune, Mercury, Mars) in Pisces. Which would make perfect sense, in a lot of ways.

    As for the Sabian Symbols helping you find a specific role in your chart such as Creative Warrior Spirit, yes they could provide clues. It’s only if you combine the many facets within a chart though that you develop an understanding of the whole (person, country, event). They are all clues, but only clues.

    My primary method for discovering something specific (and important) about the subject is usually through feeling. For some it comes through as an intuitive insight, and for others it will come by their understanding it in a logical way. It is really a combination of methods and “clues” based on aspects and patterns, signs and houses emphasized, signs and houses left empty, and all are part of the exploration of the chart. If Venus is prominent in your chart it could mean she is central to your Creative Warrior, but it could also be Chiron or Mercury, depending on a lot of other things.

    In this case Amanda has assigned “creative” to Pisces, but in another chart it could be pinned to a Leo Venus or the 5th house Mercury or maybe an aspect between Neptune and the Sun. All the symbols have multiple meanings and it takes a while to see just how they blossom into being. The Sabian Symbols can often clarify that process but not always. They too can be interpreted many ways.

    Read the Sabian symbols for all your major planets and then, if one or two of them seems to resonate with you, follow up with the planet’s (or planets) aspects. How does it feel in the sign it is in? Strong, weak, happy, frustrated? What sign does it rule and which house is that sign on the cusp of? These are some of the steps you must go through to get to the essence of how that planet describes you. You may come to the conclusion you know exactly how a planet works for you and then 5 years later find a whole new meaning for it. That could come about through transits, progressions or just plain growth!

    The point is there is not just one path to finding a divine purpose, and usually there will be several pathways within each chart that all support one another. Sometimes something looks (or sounds) like a “bad” thing but then it turns out that it is a necessary function in order that some other something can flourish. Like retrograde planets for example. I find that they always serve to guide the individual or event in a direction which supports the overall direction of development in the subject. It is easy to get caught up narrow interpretations that wind up being good or bad, positive or negative. Try not to get caught in that trap, especially when studying your own chart.

    Hope this helps a little.

  4. Jinspace, be, Paola, all:

    Your comments regarding ‘penury and starvation’ brought to mind Eric’s interview with Melanie Reinhart in the emotional tracing of Chiron’s ancestral healing going back some 4 generations.

    Be- it will be interesting to see if you find Chiron was in Pieces at that time. I am amazed at how you all even find out this chart placement information when going back so far in time.

    Also Amanda/be, may I take the liberty to ask, as I truly value your experience… In referring to our natal planet placements in degree when using the Sabian Symbols, do you feel Chiron placement is a good one to consider, in path of unlocking the truth to our inner Creative Warrior Spirit? I was originally looking to my natal Venus positioning for discovery until reading this article and comments here…I am now realizing Chiron may hold the key.


  5. Amanda – I’ve lived abroad so long and have such limited access to what goes on there, I often feel like I no longer know my own country (though I guess plenty of people living there feel the same way). So much slips through the cracks. Thanks for the followup on V-day.

    be/paola – thank you for the comments re 1415. 1412-1415 were very significant years in Spanish religious history in re the anti-pope Benedict and the shocking measures he implemented against the Jews of Spain (they were forced into ghettos & stripped of nearly all rights, including the right to earn a living, effectively pushed into penury and starvation 80 years before being expelled). I couldn’t help but link his stepping down today to those events and the anti-pope Benedict. So. very. interesting.

  6. Be and all,
    yes, maybe this is a good time for a black Pope… will I say an inappropriate thing if I say that maybe now is the time because there has been Obama in the meantime?

    Re 1415, I read that that sory was totally different… as Jinspace said, there was a pope and an anti-pope, and it seems that it took long years to find an agreement to both resign at the same time.

  7. FYI paola and all,

    In the year 1415, the unknown planet Uranus ran the gamut of degrees between 20 and 24 Aquarius. In other words, yesterday’s New Moon was conjunct the Uranus of the Pope Gregorio XII resignation. I guess they were all shocked back then too! (Maybe this one is the reincarnation of that one. hmmmm….)

  8. paola,

    Totally agree; I believe this pope has been “holding space” since April, 2005, if only because Uranus was then at 8-9 Pisces, where Mercury, Mars and Chiron are now. This announcement is primarily Uranian-driven; American Cardinals were informed about it by the TV news reports! I remember back then there was speculation of at least one black cardinal considered for nomination to be the new pope, but it was too soon. Maybe now is a better time?

    I thank you too for the Pope history lesson and will be checking out where the major planets were in 1415.

  9. i am glad to know this is ringing a bell for many, though i missed a few crucial details about the v-day foundation when i used One Billion Rising as an illustration.

    please see the blog post just published above this one, thanks!

  10. marymack – again, yes, yes, yes to one and all.

    paola – What a good, ironic observation about the pope’s thoroughly modern move. The announcement and your comment about Gregorio XII both startled me all the more because I’m in the middle of writing about yet another Benedict – the one who was anti-pope to the very Gregorio you mention!

    There are days when everything is so very synchronous in these pages!

  11. I can’t say enough how this is so bang on for me. How do I keep the momentum going now? I’ve been in “lock down” mode since the summer and fuck, I’m sick of it.

  12. Benedetto XVI is the 7th Pope who resigns. To find the previous one we have to go back to 1415: to Gregorio XII, who was Pope from 1406 to 1415, 598 years ago.

  13. Regarding the Pope, I’m totally amazed. Thank you for your comment, be.
    The only thing that comes to my mind is: a Pope who has been very criticized for his ‘old’ views just did an extremely ‘modern’ action. I never particularly liked this Pope, but this amazes me – positively.

  14. Me, too … Sarah and Amanda and Lizzy and P. Sofia and Be and Kathy and Daniel and jinspace. Me, too.

    I love the One Billion Rising dance on Thursday. I’m in.

  15. Amanda – I’m with Kathy C. You’ve nailed where I’m at, how I’m feeling, and what I’ve been doing about it.

    Thank you so much also for mentioning One Billion Rising.

  16. High-five Sarah! Please take care and rest though. As Len once advised me, when the Sun is opposite your natal Sun, we need to nourish ourselves. Have a good workout, just stay in the “nice zone” without going too hard.

    Thank you Amanda for this. I had some dreams last night and now I’m seeing the themes and threads more clearly! Intense weekend. Now I’m processing and integrating.

  17. On first blush it would seem the Pope’s resignation is an apt metaphor for this triple conjunction, for the Catholic church anyway, if not for the world. Thank you P. Sophia for the remarkable light-shedding Sabian Symbols you provide.

    So there it is, this triple conjunction, in the midst of all the power of the Uranus-square-Pluto, but look closer. In yesterday’s New Moon chart Uranus (surprise) was sextile Jupiter (church), as Neptune (spiritual) exacted it’s septile with Pluto (transformation). Septiles are 1/7th of a circle and they represent mystical forces and karmic destiny at work. They are hidden out of sight but they are powerful; this one mighty powerful.

    Recall the Scorpio solar eclipse on November 13th when Saturn (structure) in Scorpio trined Chiron (focus) in Pisces as it stationed direct, and they both were trine Ceres (the mother chuch) in Cancer. Remember that yesterday’s Aquarian New Moon was square the Moon’s nodes, paving the way for evolutionary change.

    Be aware that near the end of April we will start the next eclipse season with a lunar eclipse in Scorpio with Mars conjunct the Sun and Neptune trine the Moon, followed in May by a solar eclipse in the sign (and very near the degree) where Jupiter and Saturn began their new societal cycle in 2000. Taurus, the sign of values, will host this eclipse 10 days before the next exact Uranus square Pluto. It seems quite possible that the new Pope will be a departure from the status quo; perhaps one who represents an African nation and “a new level of consciousness.” Think big.

  18. Fear has an icy vice-grip around my heart right now. I am an infant who never bonded with her mother or father. I came to know love as being ‘not there’, and that’s played out time and time again in my life. It’s playing out now, and I’m fucking done with shutting down and running away. I am holding my child-self in my arms, breathing deeply, and feeling that pain and fear while keeping my heart open. And I am studying – hitting the books and following my bliss. Then this afternoon, I’m hitting the gym. Ground it all in!

  19. Thank you so much, Amanda, for this wonderful piece.”a Self finally aware of the light is simultaneously made aware of all the shadow by contrast. The openness needed to embrace new possibility also creates space for fears to rush in”, this is where I’m at right now – this is so helpful.

  20. Thank you Amanda. I just happened to be looking to my natal Venus and Mars for clues to these very timely questions you ask us and i found your chart and helpful article in answer, leading the way. In referring back to Dane Rhyder and the current planet placements, I found this, which seems to fit for us all.

    We now have Chiron and Mars in the second level, Emotional / Cultural – (PISCES 8°): A GIRL BLOWING A BUGLE.

    KEYNOTE: A call to participation in the service of the race, as an evolutionary crisis approaches.

    “The individual who envisions this evolutionary development “sounds the call.” He or she is both seer-herald and mutant. In that sense such a human being is both an individual true to his original nature and a dedicated person — dedicated to the future he or she holds in latency as does a seed in mutation.”

    And our Mercury sits in third level, Individual / Mental – (PISCES 11°): MEN TRAVELING A NARROW PATH, SEEKING ILLUMINATION.
    KEYNOTE: The capacity inherent in every individual to seek at whatever cost entrance to a transcendent realm of reality.

    “This refers to the ancient and eternal symbol of the Path of Discipleship. …a new level of consciousness. Man is always in the making and remaking. He can always go further, reach beyond. But he has to take the first step. Someone can show him the Path, but he alone can do the walking. Thus the Zen injunction: WALK ON.”

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