Revealing Response — Venus Conjunct Pluto

Venus will reach the same degree of Capricorn occupied by Pluto at 8:29 pm EST tomorrow (Wednesday). The conjunction will probably correspond to strong emotions. That does not mean you should hide under the bed. All told, there could be a very good outcome to the aspect.  

Astrology by Len Wallick

That’s because the responses associated with a merger of Venus and Pluto reveal important information about yourself and others, information that will ultimately manifest in reality.

When once asked about his own natal Venus-Pluto conjunction in Cancer, Al H. Morrison reportedly replied “lust” in a salacious tone. His response revealed a provocative astrologer with wry humor, which is what he was.

Since we have the word of Al Morrison that lust could be one of the strong emotions provoking you and others tomorrow, it would make sense to consider what happened when another notable personage held forth on the subject shortly after a Libra conjunction of Venus and Pluto in 1976.

Late in his first campaign for president, Jimmy Carter disclosed that he had “looked on many women with lust.” The comment generated some flack from people who would not have voted for him anyway. Beyond that, it did not cost him the election to reveal what he had in common with nearly everybody else. There is a valuable lesson in that. When you respond to issues that surround Venus conjunct Pluto, tell the truth to and about yourself as the first order of business, so as to reveal your character and enhance your reputation.

Neither Al Morrison nor Jimmy Carter was out of character when confronting the issue of lust. If anything, both enhanced their reputation. Most people can recognize that sort of honesty even if the subject matter is sensitive, and that should be your guide when you encounter some touchy subjects tomorrow (and likely today, too). Each member in the conjunction will have something to say to you, as will the field of energy where it takes place. 

Venus will say, “be receptive.” Let reality lead. Dance with the music that is playing. Above all, accept yourself. Show yourself being honest with and about yourself. Do as you are. That will make you attractive to those who are willing to be honest with themselves. If you can further inspire others to relax and smile, hearts will open to receive you in turn.

Pluto will say, “fear only fear.” Fear of what others might think is speculative at best, crippling at worst, closing your heart. Inspiring fear in others as a way of dealing with your own only closes their hearts to you. Uncomfortable situations become less so when everybody in the situation faces the music together. All it takes is one person to take the risk of being vulnerable first, showing how it’s done. Being vulnerable is not giving away your power; refusing to be vulnerable is giving away your power. Those who abuse or ridicule your vulnerability do not harm your reputation, only their own.

Capricorn will say “make it real.” When Al Morrison spoke of his own Venus-Pluto conjunction in emotional Cancer, he was fearlessly revealing his own feelings, and provoking you to be aware to yours. When Jimmy Carter confessed to lust following a Venus-Pluto conjunction in idealistic Libra, he overcame trepidation, made himself vulnerable, and demonstrated self-acceptance of as the only attainable ideal. In return, he was accepted. 

The energy field of Capricorn is the field of manifestation. It is where ideals take lasting form. It is where emotions take lasting direction. What you reveal in response to Venus conjunct Pluto will, some way or another, contribute to posterity. Such are the times we live in, such is your responsibility. The example you set is what others will follow. 

We have had more than four years of Pluto’s powerhouse in the field of manifestation. That’s long enough to have either been acclimated or defeated. Please seize the day tomorrow and show that you are not among those who have lost heart, so that others may find their heart again in your own. Whether it be lust or some other powerful emotion you encounter, act as if your response will determine whether those not yet born will be happy or miserable with responses of their own. This is no time to hide. Reveal yourself, and reveal the future.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

25 thoughts on “Revealing Response — Venus Conjunct Pluto”

  1. I have mostly been disrupted by internal lightning 15 all day I felt inhabited by a force coming from outside of me. This appointment in my home 9 natal it is off on the anointed of my house 5 solar revolution. I let myself captured by this foreign force I rated very important by vibration
    I discovered later in the day the author of this disorder? or something else that beyond our comprehension… I practice very little Pluto that I put out, I could also identify this force by March square transit has my natal Mars uh. I have had as little time before Venus transit on my progressed Mars in my house 8 natal, it’s like Champagne bubbles… or so it has nothing do with the planets? I find it difficult to enter the magnetic power of Pluto. All I know that Venus arrives at the natal Mars sexile, thought will merge in a bath of irrational force… I think more that my growing conjunction of Venus March growing to plays many read the towers as this damned Pluto… It is located in the House of love in me in septile with my Sun whose mode of operation is of the order of the subconscious, star wars in the heart of the cells and why cosmic as mirroring of what is experienced on the planet… This is Len my participation, effect of the trio Venus, Junon and Pluto…

  2. …Inspiring fear in others as a way of dealing with your own only closes their hearts to you. Uncomfortable situations become less so when everybody in the situation faces the music together. All it takes is one person to take the risk of being vulnerable first, showing how it’s done. Being vulnerable is not giving away your power; refusing to be vulnerable is giving away your power…

    So, I found myself on Tuesday evening watching an oldish series called “In treatment” with my sixteen year old daughter. It’s about a therapist and his clients. The episode we watched looked at all sorts of strong emotional issues, jealousy, sexuality, cheating, desire, self image and big time l u s t! I feel like we opened a new door in communication.
    I’m glad I’ve listened to Eric’s Blue interviews, my own communication skills around sexuality are more confident and relaxed now thanks to them.
    Interesting, we had a major communication break down about 10 days ago…and now the break down has broken down and transformed into something deeper and more exciting. This could also be Venus Pluto.
    Thanks to the greater PW family for contributing to my mind opening these days and showing ways to live it!

  3. Susan: Thank you for being so kind and generous in your appraisal of my service. Welcome to Planet Waves. You got here just in time for the 2013 annual edition. You will also like Amanda, Fe, Jude, Maria, Sarah and Elisa. Most of all, you will like Eric – there is nobody in the fields of astrology or journalism anything like him.

    Green-Star-gazer: Many thanks to you as well. Not just for your comments, but especially for the valuable contribution your art made to the 2013 annual edition. Looking at your work stimulates awe and inspiration for me.

  4. Dear Len, this whole post is stunning… these words especially hit home:

    “…All it takes is one person to take the risk of being vulnerable first, showing how it’s done. Being vulnerable is not giving away your power; refusing to be vulnerable is giving away your power. Those who abuse or ridicule your vulnerability do not harm your reputation, only their own.”


    …” Please seize the day tomorrow and show that you are not among those who have lost heart, so that others may find their heart again in your own.”…

    Thanks to your beautiful post I felt very encouraged as I took a big professional leap tonight and planted a big, fat bulb of my own in anticipation of this conjunction which happens to also be conjoining my own freshly-Pluto-plowed earthy North Node in the 2nd house! Fingers crossed for a positive outcome and a deep bow of gratitude to you for such a lovely article on this powerful moment. Pluto sure has been having a lot of Goddesses visiting his man-cave lately!

  5. Kathy C: Thank you. Virgo is an earth sign, like Capricorn, but mutable instead of cardinal. So, it could bear resemblance to the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the 1960’s in Virgo. Planting a seed (or, perhaps better, a bulb). The thing to be on guard with regarding Virgo conjunctions is the critical (especially self-critical) nature of the energy field – in other words, don’t put too fine a point on it lest mutable become brittle. Please, does that work for you?

  6. that definition hits my venus pluto conjunction spot on,
    I would have to come up with the interpretation of being in the sign of virgo 😉

  7. Dear Len, I found your wonderful website and article through Google. I want to thank you for lifting me out of a deep sense of loneliness, almost despair, which made no sense until I realized what day it was. I have Venus/Pluto conjunct in first degrees of Virgo in 9. house, trine a wide conjunct Moon/Saturn in Capricorn in 2. house.

    Your encouraging guidance on how important it is to embrace my feelings with courage for coming generations worked as angelic guidance does, and I am very grateful.

    I look forward to exploring your gem of a website, articles and services.

    Blessings, Susan

  8. DivaCarla: You are very welcome. It is good to know my service did the job for you.

    eco11: As noted by others, please allow me to add my thanks for your beautiful and touching poetry.

    michele: Yes, The thought occurred to me as well. i thank all that is for the lust that produced you.

    Maeve: Thank you, and please share your poems in the future.

    Carrie: You are most welcome. Always.

    Amanda: A very big thanks to you, who, along with Eric, Susan and others have been devoting countless hours and reams of energy to the “LISTEN” annual edition, which is about to roll out any moment now. It will be the best thing from Planet Waves ever.

  9. My random thought for the day, which keeps popping up: I am the consequence of lust.

    Can really go into myriad different stories with that one.

  10. And when you have lost your heart, then perhaps that is your vulnerability too, your truth. You have bled and not wanted to, tried to stanch the wound.

    I laid on the ground, used my last energy up struggling to pull my body forward, and then, when I could not, came grace.

    What is the sound of water returning to the desert? It does not. It is empty. It is endless. And then it begins again and that first drop makes the desert sigh open once more.

  11. Please seize the day tomorrow and show that you are not among those who have lost heart, so that others may find their heart again in your own.

    All I need to hear, Len. Thank you.

  12. marymack: Thank you for the tie-in. Elisa’s contributions to Planet Waves have been an inspiration to me as well.

    Lizy: Thank you for being so kind as to share your own story of vulnerability rewarded.

    be: Thank you. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

    Eric: Thank you for the source material regarding Al Morrison.

  13. The Al Morrison story comes to us via Debbi Kempton-Smith, who is the one who asked Al about that aspect in his chart, and who told me the story personally over dinner one night.

  14. So interesting what you say, Len. Today I put my heart on the line with this guy I’m really attracted to – it just came out spontaneously, was really ‘vulnerable’ with him, surprised myself. Don’t know how much it will change the status quo of our relationship, but it felt so good and liberating to be brave with my vulnerability, and he responded with delight and kindness.

  15. I’ve got this “if you build it, they will come” on repeat in my head — as Pluto and Venus sit exactly on my natal Venus (& north node) in Cap … could it be that Elisa’s piece about energy turned me onto so much more than I’d been noticing lately, helping me feel what I’ve been offering the world … or is the universe telling me to watch an old kevin costner film.

  16. “Please seize the day tomorrow and show that you are not among those who have lost heart, so that others may find their heart again in your own.” Thank you for this compass to navigate tomorrow, my birthday.

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