Mindful of the Past — Capricorn New Moon

The Moon will join the Sun in the same degree of Capricorn tomorrow at 2:44 pm EST. That will be a New Moon, when Luna is invisible between Earth and the Sun, adding its emotional component to solar consciousness, pulling us towards a new cycle. Conjoined with the luminaries (Sun and Moon), asteroid Requiem will symbolically remind us that beginnings are best undertaken while mindful and in acceptance of the past.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Tomorrow’s New Moon has a past. It has to do with four of the objects that will occupy Capricorn with the conjoined luminaries, and a planet that will this year auspiciously oppose one of those objects.

Capricorn is a busy slice of the zodiac right now. In addition to the Sun, Moon and Requiem, Mercury, Venus, Pluto, Juno and at least a dozen other members of the solar system currently inhabit cardinal earth. Slow Pluto has been there the longest. Interestingly, it is swift Mercury’s position that makes it appropriate to consider how Pluto’s conclusive entry to Capricorn in 2008 is the past event we should be minding now.

It was Nov. 26, 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn to begin about 15 unbroken years of residency. Venus was there waiting in the same degree Mercury will occupy for tomorrow’s New Moon. In other words, Mercury is about to transit Venus’ position on the natal chart for Pluto’s continuous journey through Capricorn. Upon occasion of that transit, Robert Hand has written that “You can see the patterns inherent in the universe and appreciate them aesthetically.” That gives special significance to where the Sun and Moon are about to converge.

When Pluto made its final entry to Capricorn over four years ago, Jupiter was also there. Jupiter was waiting in the same degree where the Capricorn New Moon is about to take place. When we combine Robert Hand’s observation that a lunar transit to Jupiter can “awaken your concern for the deeper aspects of life” with his evaluation of a solar transit to Jupiter as when “It will not be enough to stay in exactly the same place you have been,” the impending luminary conjunction raises the question of where Jupiter is now.

The answer is that the Jovian Gemini retrograde is coming to a close. That closure will, like a New Moon, represent a beginning mindful of the past, in this case the immediate past. After Jupiter resumes direct motion on Jan. 30, it will retrace not only its own steps, but also those of the 2012 Venus Gemini retrograde that shortly preceded Jupiter’s own — an immediate past distinguished by a Venusian transit of the Sun that none now living will ever see again. Jupiter’s final review of Gemini will thus tuck away one of the deepest astrological aspects of your life on its way to one of the deeper aspects of 2013, when it will oppose Pluto from Cancer on Aug. 7.

When opposed by Jupiter on Aug. 7, Pluto will have retrograded back to the same degree where it will be for the imminent Capricorn New Moon. That may not impress you, but another precise return to position surely will.

During tomorrow’s New Moon, Juno will have returned to precisely the same degree of Capricorn it held when Pluto entered that sign for the second and final time in November of 2008. It’s the same asteroid Juno that conjoined with the Sun during the Capricorn Solstice of 2012, and its position tomorrow has connective implications for the first New Moon since the solstice, which is also the first New Moon of 2013.

In his podcast yesterday, Eric averred that Juno is “all about the inability to express needs.” If you are wondering what part of the past you should be mindful of tomorrow, let that be a clue. Juno’s transit to conjoin the position it occupied when Pluto committed to Capricorn connects the New Moon to the new year, the new season, and you.

It is therefore an appropriate time for you to undertake a new beginning by actively seeking to be mindful of needs long unexpressed, adding their heretofore invisible emotional component to your own consciousness. What’s more, it is also an auspicious time for you to realize that it will be easier to breathe during Pluto’s rarefied traverse of Capricorn if you can find a way to get those needs off your chest in a way that enhances your connection with other people. Finding such acceptance begins with accepting yourself, needs and all.

Just like tomorrow’s New Moon, you have a past. It is something you have participated in creating, and it has contributed to what you are. To accept everything you have experienced is to accept yourself. Indeed, self-acceptance may be one unexpressed need we all have in common, pulling all of us at once into a new cycle for humanity.

Accepting yourself is the important first step. Unless you do so, you cannot move forward in a coherent manner. If you do so, others will recognize it, seeing their needs in yours, making it safer for you to express them, moving all of us forward together. This is not the stuff of fraud or fantasy. It is not speculation. It is real. It can be done. You can participate. Tomorrow’s New Moon will be an excellent time to begin.

Offered In Service  

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

15 thoughts on “Mindful of the Past — Capricorn New Moon”

  1. Thank you, Poet Astrologer Len. I am taking your words “beginnings are best undertaken while mindful and in acceptance of the past” to heart along with words from Amanda’s post on Monday: “Friday’s New Moon may actually be an opportunity to leave the past behind once we’ve said goodbye to it.” So, full mindfulness now and ahead, as the Capricorn Cluster moves at varying speeds through my third and fourth houses, all having recently transited natal Mercury and Juno in mid-Sagittarius, and Chiron at the very beginning of Capricorn.

    Yesterday I noted the thirty-fifth anniversary of my father’s death that happened at almost exactly the same time as the Capricorn New Moon. A past that is way past, and possibley I slammed the door on it years ago, but maybe I didn’t completely pack all that needed to go into that closet. (This coming week also marks the seventh anniversary since an anam cara in my life suddenly and abruptly ceased all communication with me.) And early yesterday afternoon, I spent time with a friend (and friend’s spouse) from high school. Very clearly, I acknowledged a niggling thought I have had for almost thirty years: just why do I cling to the idea that this person is a “friend” when it really isn’t true?

    Now I weave in Genevieve’s words from yesterday’s post: “Think of this New Moon as a threshold out of past habits, a door that we can close and lock, and then leave the contents within that room separate from the rest of our space. Letting go of the past clears us up mentally and emotionally to re-invent ourselves and build new patterns.”

    Today shall be a day of looking at those two chapters from my past and look toward a future that does not continue the emotional and other patterns that landed me in the here and now: relationships with people, money, work and just being. Communication of unmet needs, regarding deep needs and emotions, relationships, shining light on the past. . .indeed. Another thread from Len: “if you can find a way to get those needs off your chest in a way that enhances your connection with other people.” Much to ponder, noting that Pholus is bringing up the tail end of all of this from the last third of Sagittarius. No going back with the buck stopper.

    Thank you to Len, Amanda and Genevieve, and of course all of PW.


  2. This piece, beautiful, has been super-helpful in practical ways. As with the comments. Thank you.

    I also have found it interesting that I have experienced this New Moon much like I usually experience Full Moons. Perhaps because it’s damn close to my own Moon, and along with Juno/Pluto/Venus triggers a wild ride around my chart/life.

    I chose to spend it quietly, grounding myself into the only year-long resolution I’ve ever made. Work your ass off. That’s what I need. That’s who I am. Luckily, I have an unprecedented amount of work to accomplish in the next 12 months. This will suit me.

  3. I received a beautiful bouquet of roses from a Jupiter R admirer to the trigone of my Venus located in the progress to the MC Jupiter trigone today… It starts well this cycle of the moon… the magic of Juno and Venus and even Aphrodite, Isis and the sky goddesses Iris

    Good cycle of the Moon at all and good Weekend Len and thank you for your article…

  4. What a mental picture, Green Star-gazer! Thanks for putting a bit of “posh” in my day and illustrating the power of this “gathering.” And Len, we’ve come to depend on your skill in both analysis and communication. As usual: well done!

  5. ahha!! wonderful!! although because we are in Capricorn, I see more of a board meeting than a dinner table….and Pluto at the corporate helm plays his part as more of a Steve Jobs visavis Apple (more for all) than a Donald Trump (all for me).
    There are politics at play, but the end-game is all-for-one.

  6. Pam, Green Star-gazer,

    Isn’t it fun to play with the gods and goddesses of astrology? I love the way you have visualized a table laden with Pluto’s finest and all the royalty and influential are invited guests. There’s much to whet the appetite in this New Moon chart, for sure, and we are only at the beginning of trying to digest the meanings of these symbolic inter-actions. For starters, the Moon was occult Pluto last night starting the party on a personal note; her 11th in a series of 19, so only 8 more months to go in our observations of how the people (Moon) react to the nibbles of Pluto, or conversely, how Pluto is influenced by the people.

    Since Ceres is involved through the past (Pluto ingress to Capricorn), it should be noted that in today’s New Moon chart, she is sextile newly direct Eris and because they both quincunx Huya, a So. American rain god, they are participants in a Yod configuration. So if Ceres in the 2nd Pluto Ingress took Saturn’s place in the 1st Pluto Ingress (same degree in Virgo), we might conclude that a restriction (Saturn) in grain (Ceres) might be part of the Pluto in Capricorn influence. Today’s Ceres working with a powerful (just turned direct) Eris putting the pressure (they both quincunx) the rainmaker god Huya, this Plutonian feast might be short on biscuits and noodles, but long on political pressure. Think drought in middle America’s breadbasket. Huya is a male god and he is occupying the degree of last November’s Solar Eclipse at 21+ Scorpio. (This is the same degree of Hillary Clinton’s natal Mercury by the way.)

    More elbo nudging will occur from the still sextiled Saturn and Pluto who now form a Yod with Vesta at 10+ Gemini sitting next to Jupiter. The conversation might be light in Gemini but Vesta guarantees it will be meaningful. What is important to invest in she will want to know and with the prodding of Pluto and Saturn, she will be a force to be ‘rekon’d with.

    Today Juno is conjunct Pluto at the table. In Pluto’s 1st ingress into Capricorn, Jupiter (aka Zeus) was at 8 Capricorn but in Pluto’s 2nd ingress to Cap it was Juno at 8 Capricorn, also where she is today. Juno is partner to Zeus (aka Jupiter) and his equal, and they are king and queen. From Jupiter’s largesse (1st Pluto ingress) to Juno’s unexpressed needs (2nd Pluto ingress and today’s New Moon) it would seem that Pluto has seen fit to provide some balance at this feast. Today Jupiter in Gemini is square Chiron in Pisces and like it or not, he is forced to see his wife the queen in a new way (conjunct Sun in winter solstice and by Pluto’s side today). Soon he will station direct then leave airy Gemini for sensitive water Cancer where, as Len tells us he will oppose Pluto in August.

    Seems likely to me that these three stories might be connected; the Ceres-Saturn-Eris-Huya pattern and that of the Jupiter-Juno-Chiron, and the Pluto-Saturn-Vesta placements at today’s event. It is Pluto that has brought their stories “to light”, and it is Mercury the extraordinary communicator plus Jupiter the benefactor who will recall the past, but it is Pallas-Athene the weaver and strategist at 0 Aries who will make us conscious of how they all fit together. Let’s drink a toast to the gods and goddesses today and wish them a fair and balanced future.

  7. Green star gazer – Ceres is there too (see be’s post) and through her Saturn and Jupiter gate crash the party (sounds hopeful). (tho saturn came via pluto? (GH:)) Requiem slides in with the sun and moon and bienor and eris crash the party with them. Saturn brings in Mars and Poseidon.

    It has a good feeling of movement doesn’t it!

  8. Thank you Len (and Be) for teasing out this very complicated choreography. What I recall about the very intense emotions which were swirling around the collective and in me personally at the end of November 2008 were rooted in three things:
    – the incredible elation and pride I felt still ringing in our national psyche as we realized that Barak Obama had actually been elected to the Presidency. Heady days indeed. I can remember quite clearly the terror and uncertainty that had gripped our nation as the bottom fell out of the economy in September and October of that year. People seem to forget how monumentally catastrophic it all felt during those days as we watched one giant company after another teeter on the brink of collapse. Somehow, that Barak Obama was elected to be our President in these most turbulent of times filled us all with hope and pride. Perhaps the hopes were unrealistic…and there is a great lesson there for us all…but I can recall the sense of anticipation which was held in the collective at that time…the stakes were so huge. We knew that Pluto entering Capricorn was going to be a big shake down of our financial institutions, and that story is still ongoing. I was struck by the news about AIG yesterday…as they backed away from ultimate foolishness. Had they gone ahead with the lawsuit, we would have seen some real purging of old attitudes, but it would have been ugly…cathartic but ugly.
    – the second thing I recall about that time was the Mumbai attacks. The Lord of Death came marching into Capricorn in another dramatic fashion with this event. The idea that innocent travelers were no longer safe anywhere gripped our collective. The notion that Death could stalk us anywhere, any time came into focus again once more. I had a friend who was traveling in India at the time but thankfully she was not in that area when the attacks happened. But here again we had the extreme and twisted distortions of a few individuals who were willing to kill as many innocent people as they could and go to their own deaths in the process…all in the name of their god…. twisted Pluto impulses are in full evidence here as well.
    – the third thing I remember about that time is more personal… I had just had my first birthday without my father on this planet with me. He had passed away suddenly earlier that summer and I was still in shock and grief. I was and still am deeply connected to my dad and the first year after loosing a beloved family member one marks the milestones of the year with somber reflection. It was a time when I felt so hollow and empty inside…and for different reasons that hollowness is something that I still am struggling with and against today. This grinding/plowing passage that is the Pluto in Capricorn timeline feels so heavy and hard sometimes. I know we have a long way yet to go with this… what I appreciate about this New moon is the chance to stop for a moment and just appreciate how hard we are all working, both literally and figuratively, on the outer and the inner planes.

    As I imagine the New Moon of today, I can picture a formal dinner table with all the trimmings befitting the Lord of the Underworld giving a very fine feast. The gathering however in in his style, so the table, formal as it is, is set in a cavern, lit by great candelabras of beeswax candles. He is such a traditionalist right now and wants to impress his guests so he is putting his best foot forward. Seated at the table are three powerful and fabulous females: Queen of Heaven, Luna and the Goddess of Love. To fill out the dance card we have Sol, and that life-of-the-party Mercury in addition to his auspicious self. What an unforgettable gathering this will be! And…what will they all talk about?

  9. P.Sophia: Thank you for sharing how the astrology approaching the New Moon is manifesting for you. Also, thank you for the very appealing interpretation of the Cancer-Capricorn axis.

    paola: Thank you for your perspective as well. Please remember, the New Moon is a beginning. What was impossible in a previous cycle may be possible in a new one. Saturn in the 11th house is a chance to grow into big challenges and integrate with community in doing so. The trick is to find community, but it’s not impossible.

    be: Thank you for your detective work. Yes, there is something very Pluto in the New Moon, and it’s Pluto in its best possible sense, working so deliberately as to make Saturn look speedy.

    Genevieve: Thank you – you have very well in hand.

    Burning River: Thank you very much for your kind words. It is a joy to know that that you find my words useful and applicable to your life.

  10. All I can say, Len, is your bringing 2008 into tomorrow’s picture the way you have would be , to me, unbelievable, it is so accurate to the efents of my life, if it were not astrological. :>) Where I am today got it’s jumpstart at those exact times (thanks, be, yours also) and with those exact planets (yours included, be). And, tomorrow or shortly thereafter will occur the New Moon’s equivalent of the turning point that has been coming ever so laboriously for me since that time period, and it is SO about unexpressed needs and self acceptance.
    (((((Len, be, everyone at PW))))))

  11. Len – thanks for digging that up regarding Juno and the Pluto ingress. Very interesting! And seemingly very appropriate for the sign Capricorn which is so tied to the past.

  12. Well done Sherlock! The secrets of astrology are under a sure-lock and when one of them gets unlocked it is time to celebrate. Thank you for discovering this treasure trove Len. If Juno is about the ability to express needs, and Cancer is the sign of needs, and because Juno was the wife and partner of Jupiter (Zeus), then we must follow the breadcrumbs where they lead.

    Your discovery of Juno tomorrow re-enacting her role in the second Pluto ingress to Capricorn makes this New Moon (in Cap) very much about Pluto’s role in this Zeitgeist. At that time, November 26, 2008, Juno in Cap was trine Ceres is Virgo. Like the sign Cancer, Ceres does her part to fill needs, the physical needs especially. Intriguing too is the fact that in Pluto’s first ingress to Cappy (January 2008), Saturn was in the same degree that Ceres occupies in the second Pluto ingress chart (November 2008), 7+ Virgo, and Saturn was trine Jupiter in that chart. That would be 8+ Capricorn for Jupiter in January 2008, where Juno was at the 2nd ingress of Pluto (11/26/08) and where she will be in tomorrow’s New Moon. I see a connection here.

    It’s confusing if you move too fast so I will be spending some hours at the drawing board to suss this one out. Thanks again!
    Dr. Watson

  13. ‘Find a way to get those needs off your chest in a way that enhances your connection with other people’. I am struck by this sentence, which expresses exactly what seems impossible here right now. I feel like in a voluntary (and sometimes not so voluntary) isolation, frozen. Hmmm… Saturn in 11th?!

  14. Hi Len,

    Thank you for all this relevant, auspicious, astrological pattern information. I am finding all the connections interesting and yes,’ real’ in my life as you say.
    Which makes the areas that don’t ‘quite fit’ at this time, really standout to me. I have been feeling somewhat like a round peg trying to fit into a square hole at work these days, especially yesterday. Yet all the while, remaining, not shaken (as would in the past befall to these ingrained patterns of victimhood, and confident in my experience and contributions finally realizing and owning it is not due to something lacking in me. Accepting, and feeling the powerfulness of who I am and what I bring to the table. Not letting me, or others energy of judgment and jealousy exceed.
    Now it is down to figuring out my needs. I recognize what they are, but it is in finding a true ‘home’ for their expression. I am holding open space for this…
    “…if you can find a way to get those needs off your chest in a way that enhances your connection with other people. Finding such acceptance begins with accepting yourself, needs and all.
    I was just researching last night the Capricorn – Cancer aspect of = Self –Mastery. Understanding the challenges of personal integrity. By facing our doubts and fears in the mirror of the other, which would not be seen as less, if the hole were more complete.
    In Anticipation, when Jupiter opposes Pluto from Cancer on Aug. 7, maybe some very clear life resolutions will begin to meet my most intimate needs of truly feeling and finally finding personal security. Ahhhhhh… Home sweet home!

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