Those of you on the West Coast of the U.S. are more likely to catch this Daily Astrology in time for your New Year’s Eve revelry than others are, but it’s still useful for New Year’s Day, especially if you have any gatherings to attend. This is a holiday traditionally marked by excess, and we have a pair of planets spurring that on, another pair warning us why that could spell trouble, and one fleet messenger offering a solution.

The potential for excess is represented by Venus conjunct centaur planet Pholus in Sagittarius. That is exact at 4:40 am EST today, which means it is absolutely coloring the New Year’s Eve festivities and the ‘morning after’.
In one light, it rather perfectly describes a celebratory, inebriated hook-up with long-lasting consequences. It could also describe some very cosmic, loving healing taking flight — but that possibility takes a lot more awareness than many people bring to their New Year’s parties. Can you be that person?
One reason to be extra mindful (not timid, just grounded) is that Mars in Aquarius is applying to a square with Saturn in Scorpio. That is not exact until Jan. 7, but Mars aspects tend to be especially palpable as they build. Mars is the planet of desire and drive; it wants to go. Now. Saturn is the planet of structure (which can include limitations, or things like your skeleton).
Eric recently described Mars square Saturn as:
[looking like] some kind of group consensus building where, if emotional and erotic energy is involved, there is only so far stuffing things down can go; eventually the container fills up. Group opinion, described by Mars in Aquarius, is saying that it’s time to break free against the constraints of Saturn in Scorpio. Beware of emotional frustration, or conforming without careful thought, to what you think others want.
Holidays can be particularly volatile situations for this kind of energy. Whether you’re dealing with family dynamics at dinner, peer pressure while out dancing or a work environment with tight deadlines, it’s important to keep a pulse on your emotions and find constructive ways to discharge any static that builds. There may be ways to honor your need for freedom without breaking anything irreparably.
This actually comes back to Venus conjunct Pholus. The message is: if you’re going to release pressure, do it in a sane way that doesn’t hurt others. Can you find ways to indulge your senses and urges that do not involve driving drunk, having unprotected sex, or getting into a fistfight over a parking spot? Chances are you can. More and more I’m seeing New Year’s options (both Eve and Day) that include things like ecstatic dance parties, sledding parties and rolling meditations or chanting.
Which is not to say those are the only options, or that you have to get all ‘New Age-y’, or that ‘traditional’ revelry is ‘dangerous’. Just that sometimes when life presents us with a box, thinking outside of it is preferable to knocking it down. That box may very well provide a solid foundation for stepping above whatever group-think is crowding you.
Speaking of thinking outside the box, Mercury just entered Capricorn yesterday — the sign Saturn rules. The sky is asking us to use our heads and stay grounded as we release 2012 and welcome 2013. Mars square Saturn really can feel angry; if you can articulate your needs without being a jerk about it, you’ll be ahead of the game and feel a lot better about yourself the next day.
One last thought: Venus in Sagittarius tends to be openly affectionate and intuitive. If you want, you can let Pholus’ “small cause, big effect” mantra help you spread a feeling of love and acceptance in ways that could actually carry far into this new year ahead of us.
divacarla — sounds like you got things just right for where you were & wanted to be, cryptically or not!
chief niwot’s son: thank you, and happy gregorian to you & everyone else!
to all:
thank you for journeying with planet waves this year. this has become quite an amazing little piece of internet.
I pick the last one, Amanda, and I believe/hope that the energy I put out last night and today amplifies this year in a very good way for all concerned. I may have missed an opportunity to take it a step farther, but there will be others, and if I wasn’t ready to go THERE yet, well, that’s part of the big effect I’m building to. (apologies for this cryptic confessional)
I am liking Pholus this year. I am taking him on as an ally in my endeavors. So glad he was Venus’s date for my New Year’s Party!
Thank you for these balanced words of wisdom Amanda.
Happy New Gregorian Calendar Year, friends.