When Mars enters Aquarius at 7:48 pm EST today, two significant events will combine in a rare simultaneous occurrence. From long observation, we know that it is significant for Mars to change sign, because your experience of its energy changes with it. Also, no matter what you feel or think about Christmas, it is now a widely pervasive experience, and thus significant as well.
Mars does not return to the same place on the zodiac every Dec. 25, however — which suggests that Christmas Day 2012 holds exceptional meaning.
Christmas Day is an event created by humans. Even those who do not observe the holiday consciously encounter at least some of what goes with it. Hence, it is both an experience in common with others and also a very personal day with meaning unique to you.
Mars was not created by people. It is a planet orbiting the Sun. Mars also reflects some of the Sun’s light in our direction, enough so that it has been visible to us for as long as we have walked the Earth.
Earth is part of the same system of matter, motion, energy and gravity that Mars is. Because you are an inseparable part of Earth, so are you. Any part of any system reveals something about any other part. As indifferently as Mars goes about its business, its movements have information about yours. Observing and correlating the role of Mars and other objects to human events is what astrologers do.
Robert Hand has observed a correlation between Mars and energy, “Specifically it rules the energy an individual uses to maintain himself in the face of pressures from the environment.” Since late August, Mars has been moving through fields that have been supportive to its nature and expression.
From Aug. 23 to Oct. 7, Mars toured Scorpio, where it is the traditional ruler (the modern ruler being Pluto), and the esoteric ruler as well. From Oct. 7 to Nov. 17 the red planet traversed Sagittarius, where it is the hierarchical ruler. Since Nov. 17, Martian travels have been through Capricorn, where it is exalted. That’s a long time for one planet to be at the top of its game. Any other time, one would expect Aquarius to cool Mars down, but these are not ordinary times.
In last week’s subscriber edition, Eric noted a pan-cultural confluence of astrology’s cyclical indicators. The implication of those models is that we went “off the map” of human history with the recent Capricorn solstice, or some other time earlier this year.
Since astrology and Christmas are both part of human history and experience, we would be wise to consider whether and how their unlikely confluence continues, elaborates or manifests a trend into uncharted waters.
The “whether” part will probably be determined by posterity. How Mars’ tenure in Aquarius might be observed to correlate with your experience is open to examination now. Since Aquarius, with its 11th-house vibe, is emblematic of how an individual relates to a group or collective, there are at least two scenarios.
The more traditional, “on the map” scenario would indicate an uncomfortable mix. If old interpretations are correct, Mars will probably push back against its Aquarius environment, energetically prioritizing autonomy. That does not bode well for a cooperative clean up after Christmas dinner. Nor is the old model suited to being off the map.
Uncertain terrain and unknown waters are where communities, not individuals, are most likely to survive. If the energy of Mars can be translated to support collaboration instead of conflict, it would be one of the most important advances in human history. If we are indeed now off the map of previous experience, this year’s Martian ingress into the realm of fixed air could be the best Christmas present we ever gave ourselves, rather than a red flag for family fights and struggle against authority.
Like most Christmas presents, we have some idea, but don’t know for sure what Mars moving through Aquarius — where it will be until the first day of February — will hold until we open it. Unlike any Christmas gift ever before, those who open it consciously will participate in manifesting the contents. This is not Pandora’s Box or any other form of fate. This is in our own hands to the extent that “our” prevails and the hands are many.
Offered In Service
Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.
be: Thank you for a fantastic, pitch-perfect and powerfully evocative elaboration. What a gift you are to everybody here at Planet Waves. Long may you “wave” as you have. Thank you, unequalled teacher.
Lunesoleil: Thank you for your erudite contribution as well. Your temporal comparison of Mars to Saturn is well done and your analysis of the Martian position at this time last year is very insightful.
Burning River: You are very welcome.
Chief Niwots Son: Thank you as well for an eloquent explanation of the Sun’s progress North from the solstice station, ultimately overcoming the ephemeral impressions of later dawns.
Good stuff Len, you are obviously one of the Wise Men who followed a Star.
The Christmas holiday, especially in it’s current form, is indeed a human creation. But I recall that there is an astronomical significance to the date. Back in the day when we told time with the local Stonehenge, or similar Earth based observational platform (Chaco Canyon has a bunch in the ancient dwellings), careful observation around the time of the Winter Solstice reveals that the Sun rises at the same point of the horizon for a number of consecutive days. December 25th is the day that such observations will reveal a shift in the position of the sunrise along the Eastern horizon, with the Sun having moved further North, indicating that the days are indeed lengthening. Hence the 25th is the (re)birth of the Sun. Happily there is good cause to celebrate on the 25th, a date overlaid with later mythologies.
I will also note that even though our days North of the equator are growing longer, the sun rises later in the morning for a few weeks, due to the elliptical orbit of the Earth around the local star.
Beautiful. Len. And, be.WOW girl. Thanks for NAILING IT. Hear! Hear!
Very interesting to note the position of March, Len which is also located in conjunction to the asteroid Eros
March it is the star of the materiality as Saturn, but not with the same operation at the time. One is quick and the other takes time and why they are not really boyfriend. But one can bring to the other and vice versa. March is on my MC in home solar revolution 5. It will get better when March will be a Trine to my Venus, at least I could bounce on something else less aggressive and more oriented to collaboration.
I did the research of Mars in signs in the previous Christmas day, 2011 March was in Virgo, less free will than in Capricorn, most chained on psychological problems of the moment. It is true with a March that chained on Aquarius, one will quickly pass on something else to more easily make this Christmas day to the trash…
Great night of Christmas to you all
Hi Len!
Good to “see” you this Christmas day and bearing gifts even! I’d say you are on to something what with this Mars-into-Aquarius event; how Mars reacts to that shift might be determined by the company he keeps. So when you mentioned Pandora’s box, I naturally had to check serennu.com to see if that was a secret code you were hinting toward. Sure ‘nuf there she was at 0 degrees of Sagittarius just waiting to sextile the unsuspecting Mars tonight.
That’s all well and good and I’m sure they, both being in forward-looking signs, will contribute their combined energies into something worthwhile for the future of mankind. In a few days – NOT today – retrograde Hades, now at 1+ Cancer retrograde, will fall right into those two instigators bulls-eye range to form a yod. I see this as a GOOD thing. Mars will stir up the collective 11th house vibe and Pandora will do her thing; making known throughout the land (and beyond) all of the evils that prevail and prey on mankind. Who better to point their combined energy toward than Hades, that symbol of unbearable loathsome wrongness. He lurkes at the cardinal point area of Cancer, the sign of the family, home and above all, mom and the USA. He must be eliminated.
And who better to do that – to lead the charge into battle against evil? Our President Barack Obama, whose Jupiter at 0 Aquarius is just waiting for a nudge to activate several righteous causes. Down with weapons of mass destruction! Down with politics holding the country hostage! Down with the 1% getting away without paying taxes! Citizens unite! We must rise and break the back of tyranny against the middle class and the poor! Prepare to do battle for the sake of our fellow countrymen and women; for the sake of justice!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night,