Astrology Today: Oracle for Friday, Dec. 21, 2012

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Libra weekly for May 30, 2008

Astrology Blog: The Oracle, Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes.

One of the things that fuels your Libra sense of weighing the opposites is that you tend to have two opposing sets of beliefs. You may feel like an atheist one day and a devout catholic the next day. I suggest that you use the next few weeks to see how frail beliefs are, and how influential they are at the same time. It appears to be time to take a big step beyond believing in anything and experiencing things, and people, for who and what they really are. It’s rarely easy to penetrate to that depth, particularly where perceptions are concerned, but the place we go when we do is faith. What is the difference between faith and belief? Faith comes with no rationalizations. It has this peculiar sense of standing on its own, and showing up with its own unique form of strength.

Note, The Oracle is a random selection from the Eric Francis horoscope archives. Each day we publish one entry from among the 10,000 in our database. It’s a little slice of horoscope history — but chosen by our Oracle program, which always speaks to the present moment. New horoscopes are published each Friday plus twice a month in Planet Waves subscriber edition and Planet Waves Light. And for your 2012 annual reading, you’ll find Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check.

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