Ancient Intimations — Venus Enters Sagittarius

Venus enters Sagittarius at 11:38 pm EDT Saturday night with two immediate and paradoxical aspects. The first, a fire trine to asteroid Magdalena on the Aries Point, indicates an emergence. The second connection, a square to Neptune on Pisces’ doorstep, suggests an immersion. Because Venus is advancing through the zodiac faster than the Sun, neither relationship will last for long. Yet both aspects, separately and in combination, initiate the Venusian tour of Sagittarius with symbolic intimations of the long ago and far away.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The last time Venus entered Sagittarius to square Neptune in the first degree of Pisces, 1685 was just getting underway. That’s a long time ago. It goes back much further, to a time uncertain, to have Magdalena in the first degree of Aries on the same day.

Magdalena is named after Mary Magdalene, whose legend is rife with uncertainty. She is reputed to have been an exceptional woman of independent means. Her extraordinary nature probably accounted for how she came to play a key role for one of Western Civilization’s seminal figures. The seminal experience of asteroid astrology has likewise been that the name of an asteroid plays a key role in its interpretation.

The interpretation of Magdalena is thus straightforward. It represents how the divine and the feminine are inseparable. A flowing fire trine from Venus at the very beginning of its time in Sagittarius anchors that interpretation to the beginning of all things, long before civilization, Western or otherwise.

The mythical Venus came first in a new order. She emerged from a vast ocean immediately after the Earth and sky severed their relations. She was the first attraction, holding everything together as the rest of the pantheon assembled. Were there to have been a condominium on Mount Olympus, her card would have borne the number one. 

The planet Venus, entering Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, is a symbolic return to that primeval peak. Through its trine to Magdalena, the ancient origin of the Divine Feminine manifests as through a flow of spiritual fire. It is the source of spirit seeking to arise anew in a manifestation of balance not yet fulfilled at the beginning of the zodiac, the Aries Point.

When the Sun enters Aries, the astrological year begins anew in balance and equality for all earthlings at the Vernal Equinox. Magdalena will not only emulate the Sun when Venus enters Sagittarius, it will also revisit how its origins in our consciousness connect with that of Neptune’s discovery.

Both Magdalena and Neptune were first observed on the Libra Equinox. Specifically, it was September 24 1846 in Neptune’s case, and September 24, 1891 for the the emergent asteroid. That is to say they both have the same birthday, the day when the Sun enters Libra to oppose the Aries Point in conversant balance from the other side of the astrological year. That fact will convey a poignant counterpoint when Venus enters Sagittarius to square Neptune even as it simultaneously trines Magdalena.

There is no living memory of how it felt the last time Venus entered Sagittarius to square Neptune at the gateway to Pisces. Neptune the planet was not yet part of human awareness. The experience of living in 1685 has been largely submerged into history. 

We know that baroque composers Bach and Handel were both born in 1685 (Bach on the first day of solar Aries). Their music gives us some idea of their origins. On the whole, however, Venus square Neptune this weekend will likely plunge you into unfamiliar passions, immersing you in unprecedented reveries. That scenario has the paradoxical prospect of finding yourself as vulnerable and exposed as you have ever been, even as you are exhilarated and refreshed as never before.

The key is to act boldly on your own behalf while gently holding space for others to dive in. It will more necessary than ever for you to create the experience of your life, and it will be good practice for what is to come.

It will take more than three weeks for Venus to traverse Sagittarius. That time will include a Capricorn Solstice anticipated like none other in living memory, a cornerstone cultural holiday (or two, or three) long overdue for re-booting, and the paradoxical sense that we are all coming out and falling in together at the same time. This weekend is a good time to get the feel for both acting and flowing to new ground that will be as safe and solid as you make it.

Offered In Service                           

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

12 thoughts on “Ancient Intimations — Venus Enters Sagittarius”

  1. P. Sophia: Thank you for your questions. For most purposes, less than five degrees is “within orb”. So, yes, your natal points along the “horizon line” are within orb of conjunction to the first degrees of Aries and Libra. If you ask about Uranus anytime for the next three years (and going back two years) you are also asking about Pluto. The continuous Uranus-Pluto square is the canvas upon which the astrology of our era is painted. Therefore, Uranus and Pluto are playing a role in everything, not so much as an embellishment, but as the ever present background and/or root of the rest. Chiron, it must be said, cannot, must not, be underestimated either. Neptune is absolutely dominant right now as well. But the big picture is the Uranus-Pluto square.

  2. Immersion and emergence, beautiful. I will just peacefully sit with this…breathing in and out.

    Here on the SF, west coast we are experiencing ‘King’ Tides, while I also just read Amanda’s post about the meteor ‘rock’ showers of tonight and tomorrow. Seems a perfect example of the feminine, divine, is here -our Mother Earth sits in explicit receptivity.

    Len, my DC is Aries 4:05 is this considered close to the Aries point (assuming is 1Aries?). (My AC is Libra 4:05). And the Uranus transit is currently right there now at Aries 4:36 too.

    I’ve always felt drawn to, and would say my favorite era would be the 1600’s, baroque period for all things, especially philosophy and the arts. Does Uranus play any role to/ in embellishing this Venus, Neptune aspect we have currently underway?

  3. Lizzy: Thank you. It is a joy to know that my service is resonant with and applicable to your life.

    be: Thank you once again for your generous erudition and wonderful humor. Turns out that September 24 is a very popular discovery date for asteroids – there are scads of them. We should make sure to have plenty of cake for the party you propose.

    paola: Thank you.

    dawnbrocco: Thank you for the numerology – that does help to fill out the story in a very important way. Your contribution today is very valuable and deeply appreciated.

    beleclaire: Thank you for your kind words and your cogent observations. Your birthday puts you in heavenly company.

    Lunesoleil: Thank you for your generous appraisal. It is a joy to receive your comment.

  4. Len,
    I’ve been reading you for the time you’ve been writing for Planet Waves, in the greatest awe of your talent, with so much admiration. Today I’ve been compelled to register to comment! your brilliant (as always) post and following comments from planetwaves community, (I have great admiration for all who contribute here) led me to check todays oracle which also seems synchronous, is on the aries point and an excerpt “A new astrological year begins as the Sun appears to cross the first degree of the zodiac, which is symbolized by the image of a woman emerging from the sea, and a seal waiting on the beach to embrace her”…on so many levels, in so many ways, synchronicity for me!
    With my Venus sun, sag moon and GC rising degree I am feeling this so powerfully.
    Thank you for connecting the dots with your language and interpretation which I find to be not less than poetry <3

  5. Excellent Len 🙂 , very nice article with Magdalena that I have not yet adopted, but each these references, these myths
    Nice work, congratulations and thank you

  6. Brilliant! Len thank you for this piece that had me transported on a expanding wave of heartfelt joy.

    I think we are at last reaching a time when collectively it is safe to truly integrate and manifest the sacred feminine.

    My birthday is September 24 !

  7. “Specifically, it was September 24 1846 in Neptune’s case, and September 24, 1891 for the the emergent asteroid. That is to say they both have the same birthday,”

    It gets better than that! Both dates are numerologically the same – 7.

    The #7 vibrates to the planet Neptune, representing spirituality, sensitivity, sympathy and mystery, healing and miracles, faith and dreams which come true.

  8. Lizzy’s right Len, you’ve given us a treasure trove of goodies to anticipate. And she’s right about your uncanny synchronicity too. . Magdalena’s representation (the divine and the feminine inseperable? 🙂 ) for one thing. No kidding? She and Neptune share the same birthday? Now that IS divine!

    Fair warning, a Venus square Neptune can leave you terribly disappointed if your feet aren’t on the ground. Best keep those unfamiliar passions on the order of a spiritual nature, you know what I mean? So, why not plan a birthday party for Neptune and Magdalena next Spring? Venus will be in Pisces herself and square Ceres in Gemini who will be opposite the Galactic Core/Center in Sagittarius.

    There will be a grand trine too, between Chiron/Mercury/Neptune also in Pisces, trine Saturn in Scorpio and Moon in Cancer. With Ceres and the Moon playing such important roles you can bet there will be plenty of food to mark the occasion. And talking about holding space for others to dive in to, how ’bout that condo on Mt. Olympus, you know, the one with the great view?

    Hey, thanks for providing us with a good feeling Len and happy new moon to you!

  9. “even as you are exhilarated and refreshed as never before”. Uncanny that I’d just used the word ‘exhilarated’ in another comment here (knew that I’d got the spelling wrong!). But there’s often uncanny synchronicity with you, dear Len. Thank you for this wonderful, exhilarating piece!

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