Open Up — Sun Opposite Jupiter

The Sagittarius Sun will oppose Jupiter, retrograde through Gemini, as Sunday transitions into Monday. This year’s opposition of the two largest objects in the solar system will encourage you to open up as never before. Opening your mind to include ideas and your heart to include others remains important, but a broader imperative now beckons. This year, the Sun’s opposition to Jupiter is asking you to open up and include yourself in an exchange beyond the material and the self. 

Astrology by Len Wallick

It is obvious that all beings exchange material. Every atom in your body was once in another body. It is less obvious that you can choose to include yourself in an intangible exchange on a wide scale.

Consciousness is intangible. Yet, without it, there would be no awareness of anything, tangible or otherwise. In astrology, the solar is consciousness. That’s because the Sun is the first principal without which the solar system could not exist. Also, the awareness implied by words such as ‘day’ and ‘light’ is inseparable from and has its ultimate source in the Sun. Finally, like the Sun, consciousness unites all earthly beings through mutual and simultaneous experience.

Among earthly beings, we humans have an extraordinary capacity to manipulate consciousness. That capacity can be useful to create distinctions, such as the lines on a map. Somewhere along the line, however, such partitions became our reality, separating us from each other and from the Earth. The trend has gone so far as to make us nearly unconscious of anything but self, almost incapable of opening up except to take in. The Sun-Jupiter opposition now developing is a symbolically opportune time for you to revive a conscious capacity to open up and be included.

Jupiter by itself is about opening up with the purpose of taking in. When you open your mouth to ingest nourishment, or your arms to embrace somebody, that’s Jupiter, manifesting in your life. Jupiter retrograde in Gemini symbolizes another side of it, a contemplation of how to practice that manifestation to a greater effect than simply taking things in to your self. That’s because intellectual Gemini is on the opposite side of the zodiac from Sagittarius, where Jupiter rules and Sun currently resides.  

Every annual tour of Sagittarius by the Sun represents a chance to contemplate greater things, and not just because of the Jovian rulership. Sagittarius contains the center of our galaxy and a distant source of incalculable gravity called the Great Attractor. The Galactic Core’s position relative to the Sun and the Great Attractor’s gravity relative to our galaxy correspond to the Sun’s central position and gravity in the solar system, but on a much greater scale.

As big and central as the Sun is to us, it reflects and is part of something much bigger and more widespread. The particulars of the Sun-Jupiter opposition this weekend ask you to open up and reflect on the possibility that the same is true of your consciousness.

While it is challenging to be conscious of being conscious, it is not impossible. It is very much like the Sun moving through Jupiter’s dominion only to see Jupiter looking back from the other side. If there is anything to astrology, this is the time and place for you look at yourself the same way, both as capable of greater manifestation, and as reflected on a wider scale. The question is whether you are willing to accept what it means.

This time around, the Sun opposed to Jupiter asks whether you can open up to include the fragile, mortal and material center of your consciousness in something bigger and more widespread, and whether you are open to exchange being yourself for being itself. The planets are in place, the choice is yours.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

9 thoughts on “Open Up — Sun Opposite Jupiter”

  1. Dear Len – thank you for this lyrical offering of yours that is subtle and lovely and like a poem I don’t quite understand yet – though I also suspect that it’s one of those paradoxical things where it’s the very reaching for that causes the missing of. And maybe that’s related to the dynamic you describe of shifting perspective from Including to always already Included? Anyway, the vastness of your offering is very beautiful and invigorating and just reading it has made me feel vast as well (and also just a wee bit dizzy).

  2. P. Sophia: You are very welcome.

    Lunesoleil: You are absolutely wonderful in the connections you have made. Thank you so very much! If you see this, please post a link to your blog for firegirl.

    be: Speaking of wondeful, you leave me full of wonder with your invocation of ancient Hellenistic rulerships. Thank you once again for your teachings.

    Monina: Thank you for your kind words.

    firegirl: Thanks to you as well.

  3. bkoehler: ‘Apollo the Sun god ruled Gemini and Artemis (Diana) ruled Sagittarius and they were twins.’ As someone whose sun in Sagittarius opposes ascendant in Gemini at 13 degrees (conjunct the great attractor) this goes farther in describing my personal experience than the modern rulership. Perhaps its a combination? But at the current time, transiting Sun is about to conjunct my natal sun, opposing Jupiter and my ascendant in Gemini, while transiting Pluto conjoins natal Jupiter. Complete rebirth. Or not! LOL.

    Lunesoleil – I would like to read your blog on the great attractor.

  4. Thank you, Len. A symphony of bells I hear as your words ring so true for what I am experiencing now. Everywhere I look these days, this awareness of opening up to something greater is present. Your words concisely and beautifully description this process!

  5. You know, the signs of the zodiac weren’t always ruled by the planets. In fact, during Plato’s time, the signs were ruled by the “12 Olympians” and Jupiter (Zeus) ruled Leo! Opposite him, ruling Aquarius was Juno (Hera) and they were the king and queen of heaven. All the signs ruled by male gods were opposite signs ruled by female goddesses and these pairs each had something in common. Aries was ruled by Pallas-Athene and Hephaestus ruled Libra. Both god and goddess were born with just “one” parent according to myth. Pallas-Athene was the daughter of Zeus and Hephaestus was the son of Hera. Apollo the Sun god ruled Gemini and Artemis (Diana) ruled Sagittarius and they were twins.

    You’ve got to wonder how they made that work. I mean Hephaestus ruling Libra? So when the Sun would be in Sagittarius back in Plato’s time, it would be under the influence of Artemis/Diana, and although she was good with a bow and arrow, I doubt she was associated with the far-reaching vision we associate with Jupiter ruling Sagittarius. Times change and people adapt. Or not.

    I do admire the equality and balance they gave the signs of the zodiac though, and human beings being able to manipulate consciousness, they probably just adapted the meanings of the signs, or the gods and goddesses, or both, to suit their purposes. Then too, they probably weren’t so big on far-reaching vision then; more about the seasons and nature in general. In the book Mythic Astrology (A. Guttman and K. Johnson) it notes that Sagittarius [in the northern hemisphere] falls during the shortest days of the year “when the collective element has broadened to include the cosmos, and when the individual can only immerse himself in the needs of a greater whole.”

    Well, there you go. It was too hard to go it alone in the cold weather; they needed each other to keep warm. We still do don’t we? I like to contemplate that someday astrology will re-visit the more balanced approach to designating rulerships of the signs. Even when the astro community went to using planets as rulers, they only had what they could see with their bare eyes, and not enough to give all 12 signs their own ruler . Now we have a Jupiterian abundance of invisible gods and goddesses represented in the sky, so why not share the rulership business equally between male and female; maybe two or three or even four rulers per sign. Why not? Open up and be included; works for me!

  6. Your article Len complete my last column on the great attractor and the Galactic center that I invite you to discover on my blog.
    Reading your article I realized something read deep in this global meeting between the Sun in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Gemini, which translated another phase full moon cycle Sun/Jupiter started (that I look in the ephemeris) may 13 to 23 ° in the bull to the semi-sexile Venus which is found on the axis of the Galactic Center opposition…
    No doubt as the transit of Venus in June in part has something more grand, a global collective work, including teaching in summer love on a large scale in the form of article on many blogs on the web…

    At this level the energy transported takes a much more noble and valuable meaning for humanity…

    Peace and light to all 🙂

  7. So much in the message today…! Yes I am open, willing and ready to reflect and receive the sun, infinite-ly inside of me.

    Thank you Len for describing and sharing our gift so beautifully.

  8. So much in this message today…! Yes I am open, willing and ready to reflect and receive the sun, infinite-ly inside of me.

    Thank you Len for describing and sharing our gift so beautifully.

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