Far Removed — Gemini Lunar Eclipse

The Gemini Moon opposes the Sagittarius Sun at 9:46 am EDT tomorrow, a Full Moon. This particular Full Moon will also be a lunar eclipse. The Gemini lunar eclipse will close a two-week cycle that opened with the Scorpio New Moon and solar eclipse of November 13. When the eclipse cycle closes tomorrow, you will, on some level of meaning, find yourself someplace far removed from where it started. That place will be nothing less than where you intersect with the universe right now.  

Astrology by Len Wallick

The end of an eclipse cycle often finds you figuratively, and sometimes literally, farther traveled through events or space than would normally happen in two weeks. That’s because eclipses take place when two-week cycles intersect with cycles of six months and 19 years.

A Full Moon takes place about two weeks after every New Moon. Luna looks full when Earth is positioned like an audience seated in a movie theater, with the Sun as projector and the Moon as screen. Most Full Moons are not lunar eclipses. When a lunar eclipse takes place, it is because Earth is positioned like somebody standing up in front of a movie projector, casting a shadow on the Moon.

A lunar eclipse is typically paired with a solar eclipse either two weeks before or two weeks after. A solar eclipse finds the Moon in front of the Sun, casting its shadow on the Earth at the time of a New Moon, but not every New Moon. In order to block the Sun’s light from each other, the Moon and Earth have to be in the same two-dimensional plane at just the right time. That’s where the lunar nodes come in.

Lunar nodes are the two spots in three dimensional space where the Moon can be in the same two-dimensional plane as Earth’s orbit around the Sun. That also happens about every two weeks. Every six months or so, the Moon and Earth are in the same two-dimensional plane while at the same time being aligned with the Sun in the movie theater motif. That is when eclipses happen. The phenomenon does not end there.

The perpetually opposed lunar nodes have a cycle of their own. They return to the same degree of the same sign every 19 years. The six month period between eclipse cycles often matches up quite closely with the 19-year nodal cycle. At 1:25 am EST on November 29, 1993, for example, there was a Gemini lunar eclipse within one degree of tomorrow’s event. When you consider that the Moon moves between 11 and 15 degrees a day, that’s very precise timing. You are an integral part of the system that displays such timing.

You live on Earth. You are integrated with and part of everything that happens on this planet. Earth is, along with the Sun and Moon, a part of the solar system. Hence, you are also integrated with and part of everything that happens in the sky. It is therefore not surprising, mysterious or incomprehensible that the cycles of your life should be synchronized with the greater cycles of which you are a part. Indeed, the only surprise is that everybody does not acknowledge and work with that simple fact.

Working with tomorrow’s lunar eclipse begins with looking at your life and asking yourself what has gone through more than two weeks of change since the November 13 solar eclipse. For a few of you, the answer may be obvious. For example, you may be living many miles away from where you were two weeks ago. For most of us, a relocation does not happen so often. If it has happened for you, that is your personal point of intersection with the larger, cosmic cycles and the events that correspond with them. For most of us, however, the answer will be more subtle.

However subtly it has played out for you, there is bound to be some way that you are farther removed than two elapsed weeks would normally dictate. In order to participate fully in the larger, greater things of which which you are unavoidably a part, you can start by looking back.

If looking back two weeks does not do the trick, try recalling late May and early June of this year when an eclipse cycle segued into a Venus transit across the face of the Sun the very next day, neatly meshing with a Venus cycle that will not resolve until the next century. If, somehow, nothing has changed for you since June 5, think about where you were and what you were doing at this time of year in 1993. Whatever connects those dates in the past to events of the last two weeks is where you connect with the Cosmos, and you won’t need a spaceship to explore it. You need only choose to see the plain truth of it. For many, that choice alone will be very far removed indeed.

Offered In Service        

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

18 thoughts on “Far Removed — Gemini Lunar Eclipse”

  1. paola –

    The wound is deep and a mile wide (I’m currently writing a book about it). Here’s a country whose subjects were for centuries aggressively encouraged to hate and rout out their families, friends and neighbors in order to save themselves, all the while knowing they were just as ‘guilty’ and could just as easily be next. Net result? A society well aware that it is fundamentally built on hypocrisy, ergo filled with fear and self-loathing. And a lot of free-flowing racism.

    Anyway – that’s a discussion for another forum. I thought the timing and the emphasis on healing were fascinating, given the current astrology, and that’s why I mentioned it here. I’ll send you a link to a page where you can follow developments.
    Love to you 🙂

  2. Jinspace,
    I am so grateful to you. I got this news from a person who lives in Spain (you) through a website about planets written in the US. Weird, eh? I spoke to a couple of people here, and the news didn’t make it here (yet).
    I can only start to tell the deep sense of remote healing that I felt this afternoon. Quite unexpected, because I ignored the previous act of 1988, and this is the last thing I could ever imagine.
    Also, Spain is ‘two steps back’, country-wise, for me, so when I thought of lost homeland I never thought of Spain, but of the other place.
    I agree with all the things you say. And I didn’t know that Spain has a wound as a country regarding this.
    (The comments on the Spanish article are amazingly awful, one openly racist… well, this is another story. Let’s keep it on a symbolic plane).
    I’ll look for future developements. If you get something: paolamaya[at]virgilio.it, if you want. Thank you again and love.

  3. paola –

    Here’s an article from The Jerusalem Post: http://www.jpost.com/JewishWorld/JewishNews/Article.aspx?id=293702

    Here’s one in Spanish: http://www.abc.es/espana/20121121/abci-gobierno-nacionalidad-sefardies-201211211853.html

    The news has to be taken with a grain of salt (okay, maybe a whole salt mine). It is a reactivation of a program that was enacted in 1982, and then suspended by Jose Zapatero in 2009. But this reactivation has far more lenient rules; before, a person needed two years of residency plus substantial genealogical evidence of links to Spain – possible to do, but at great expense (and a pretty outrageous demand, after five hundred years).

    Personally, I’m not remotely interested in claiming Spanish citizenship, and I’m certain the majority of Sephardim will feel the same way. Restitution would be a more honest and honorable path, but that sure ain’t gonna happen. The cynics are already suggesting Spain’s hoping to attract Jewish money to help with their fiscal nightmare, and it’s not far-fetched to think so.

    The easy naturalization move suggests Madrid believes – quite mistakenly – we’re all clamoring to get in. Hardly. *However,* I do feel it’s important symbolically, and would like to think that it can help move forward the psychic healing this country desperately (desperately!) needs. Although the move will doubtless stir up major resentment, too.

  4. Jinspace,
    Could you please give a link to an article reporting this? Any official communication?

  5. Figuring in my own journey was a major announcement that will go a long way toward global psychic healing.

    For hundreds of thousands of people around the globe, the personal became political (or vice versa?) in a watershed moment: last week -on Thanksgiving Day, no less – Spain announced that any person of Judeo-Spanish descent will be able to apply for *instant* citizenship regardless of where they live, and by following a fairly simple protocol (though we’ll see how that actually plays out). This is pretty huge – psychically, socially, politically. The measure comes 520 years after the Jews were kicked out of Spain, which itself happened only after a century of endless persecution, the systematic stripping of civil rights and property, and the brutal murder of thousands and thousands of people (the Nazis learned a lot from the Spanish). It impacts people in countries all over the world.

    More than the easing of naturalization rules for Sephardim (Spanish Jews), Spain’s official acknowledgement – at long last! – that they must honestly, openly, and as a nation, confront their history, right centuries of wrongs, and begin to heal, is what is truly astonishing. This is not a warm and fuzzy country, and yet the announcement acknowledged the importance of the “nostalgia and longing” of Spanish Jews for their ancestral home.

    I’ve lived here for seven years and was stunned to discover early on how deeply I carried the psychic wound of my ancestors. In my own small way and out side of the system – though not out of sight – I have worked relentlessly to bring this conversation into the open here. And now, here it is. When I read the news, it took a while for it to sink in. Yesterday, in the hours approaching the eclipse, I felt so wiped out I went to bed early. Small cause, big effect? I’ll have to look for this event in my own chart.

    Timing? The measure was announced on November 22 and was reported in the mainstream media this week, on the 26th and 27th.

  6. Paola – the dream feels very healthy to me…it is an aspect of animus that you are separating from that no longer serves you..an inner shift mirroring the outer house move

  7. Thank you Len for this rich, abundant piece and belated thanks for the Moon/Merc piece too which was similarly enriching. ( With a natal Moon/Merc opposition it spoke to me. )

    Today at the time of the eclipse I was having an acupuncture treatment ( the timing was not consciously planned ) I have been using this miraculous system for 20 years in part to clear old pain/memories locked away in my body for life times. Emotionally I have been releasing intense sadness of just not wanting to be here…incarnation is just too painful…but after clearing this very vulnerable stuff over the past few weeks, today I had needles placed in a meridian point called The Gate of Hope. my body reacting strongly to it.

    Dear Paola your dream touched me. Was this a man that you know in the world…or an ‘inner’ man…it certainly felt like the dream was telling you to live in your truth…regardless of the pain….have courage!

  8. Thanks Len, an Eclipse / full moon very strong, this is what I wrote in my article never no the moon on the scenarios of the Moon = > day of the full moon:

    Fifteenth day of the moon [full moon opposition 180 °]

    This is the day of the full moon that arrived, it already feels much better. The sun illuminates the Moon in all its glory.This day is especially vulnerable to individuals having no goal to reach, for the loneliness that should not remain only this full moon day. There is a possibility that day to identify an affective dependence and to detach once for all. This day weapon the mind be more objectivity in the designs to accomplish. It is a mistake to think that the day of the full moon is responsible for negativity, which is that the mirror of what one does. On the contrary this day of full moon should be intended for the celebration of an event or the unconditional love would be the engine. Something that comes from the depths of itself is distributed in the form of collective blessing

    And thank you for all of your instructions on alignment Sun, Moon + Earth and the Lunar nodes.I’m not a very good teacher when it comes to dealing the astronomical technique

    Great day of moon at all 🙂

  9. Yesterday night I had a very sad dream: I was in love with a man, and he was in love with me, everything was sweet and wonderful. Then something changed and he stopped being tender and became cold. He didn’t love me anymore. I felt a strong sense of abandonement but then, in the dream, I realized that I had stopped loving him also, just a moment before he stopped.
    This realization didn’t make the feeling of sadness less strong, and I thought that if he hadn’t stopped being sweet I’d have pretended to still love him. Pretended.

    I now realize that this has happened some times in my life: the realization of just not loving someone or something anymore – without a ‘reason’ – has been puzzling me.

    It’s not a man I am detaching myself right now: it’s a house. And a way of living. And I am sad, yes, and in fear.
    But I can’t pretend anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. be: Thank you so very much for one of your most awesome contributions ever. The events of 1959 that you related were unknown to me before now, and quite astonishing to contemplate. Also, yes, i agree that Venus is the prime butt saver right now. Your teachings are deeply appreciated.

    Lizzy: It humbles me to know that you have found in my work the inspiration you describe. May you continue to transcend.

    Mia: Thank you for your affirmation.

    KathyC: You are very welcome.

  11. Dear Len,

    Your article so acurately describes the events in my life over the past two weeks it gives me a sense of deja vu. On November 13th I found the house I moved into two days ago, many miles from where I lived for three and a half years. The day before Thanksgiving, my extraordinary 13 1/2 year old dog Jasper was put to sleep before the truly bad aspects of his transitioning his physical body took effect. Another one of my animals is also having health issues. I feel very much a part of all that is happening in the world at the moment and look forward to seeing what happens as a result of the lunar eclipse tomorrow.

    Thank you for this beautiful article.


  12. Yes, thank you for another beautiful piece, Len. These words sent me into a mini trance, took me to another dimension: “You live on Earth. You are integrated with and part of everything that happens on this planet. Earth is, along with the Sun and Moon, a part of the solar system. Hence, you are also integrated with and part of everything that happens in the sky”.

  13. U.S. plans to blow up the Moon in 1959 were cancelled. Thank goddess we even survived that decade what with idiots in charge coming up with ideas like that. Would we even be here with a topic like this; talking about an eclipsed full moon? Boy, when those dudes said eclipsed moon they really meant eclipsed moon. Thank goodness for Carl Sagan’s big mouth spoiling the surprise. I’m glad we find ourselves far removed from that time!

    There WAS an eclipse of the Moon around the March solstice that year when transiting Mars was conjunct natal U.S. Sibly Mars, the transiting north node was conjunct the U.S. natal Saturn, and transiting Mercury (retrograde) was conjunct the south node (release) trine transiting (retro) Uranus in Leo. A Big Bang possibility was certainly there. Saturn was about where Pluto is right now and Neptune was about where Saturn is right now.

    Tomorrow’s eclipsed Moon forms a yod with that ’59 sextile of Saturn and Neptune.

    Jupiter stationing retro was square retro Pluto in March, 1959, but by divine intervention, little Venus in Taurus was trine Pluto. The U.S. natal Venus was square the transiting Sun and eclipsed Moon. We’ve come a long way baby, but we’ve still got a long way to go. Or maybe not. Maybe Venus is still pulling our butts out of the fire just in the nick of time.

    On December 21, 2012, at the Winter Solstice, little Venus will be at 6 Sagittarius, just opposite where Wednesday’s eclipsed moon will be. She will be at the degree where the Sun is going to be in the chart for Wednesday’s full-but-partially-eclipsed moon, 6 Sagittarius. Hindsight can be helpful in understanding why things happened, but foresight is worth its weight in gold. When you can take the pieces of info you get from a lunar eclipse and patch it in with past events, like the Venus occult Sun transits, or other eclipses, the combination of pieces can reveal threads of continuity. This can help in decision making, reducing anxiety and confusion, and even in convincing yourself that you really are an intregal part of the system.

    Thanks Len, and thanks for your last offering too where you talked about the transit of Moon opposite stationing Mercury and both of them t-squared by Damocles. I might have missed that very important and revealing moment. Keep on keepin’ on, okay?

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