Eyes on the Road — Sun enters Sagittarius

The Sun enters Sagittarius at 4:50 pm EST tomorrow, with a reminder to keep your eyes on the road. A road is a shared pathway between many points of departure and many destinations. Every road comes with its rules of passage. Foremost among those rules is to leave the point of departure behind and allow the destination to appear in its own time while being mindful of where you are and what you are doing now.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The astrology has us all together at once on a pathway between eclipses. Scorpio’s retrograde Mercury is your rear view mirror. An impending Capricorn solstice is your odometer about to roll over. Both merit your attention. Neither is more important than the road.

After tomorrow, the road to keep your eyes on is Sagittarius. It is where the Sun will come out on the other side of the November 13 Scorpio solar eclipse, in opposition to the Gemini Full Moon for the lunar eclipse of November 28. It is where Mercury will return, in direct motion on December 10. Most of all, it is not the smooth, wide, straight road it used to be.

Like nearly every other object entering Sagittarius this year, the Sun will tomorrow find itself in an immediate square aspect to Neptune, which is on the doorstep of Pisces for the first time since the 19th century. Squares denote an inner tension that can easily be misconstrued to have its origin on the outside. When Neptune is involved, errant perception is almost a given. Hence, the first day of solar Sagittarius this year will require a measure of self control that this particular stretch of the zodiac has not demanded within living memory, and that’s just so you can negotiate the foggy on-ramp.

Once the solar representation of consciousness is fully underway on the Sagittarius turnpike, you will be heading for some curves and bumps that have only recently appeared to awareness. Because any driver has responsibility for awareness, you should plan your trip now.

Two virtually fixed landmarks of Sagittarius are the core of our galaxy and a largely unknown quality known as the Great Attractor. What they have in common is gravity, a lot of it, which makes them a mixed blessing to encounter. Gravity’s influence keeps you in contact with the road only as long as you are steering mindfully and competently. Go off the road, and gravity is no longer your friend. 

Therefore, be extra sure that your eyes and hands are where they should be when the Sun conjoins first the Great Attractor on December 5, then the Galactic Core on December 18. Before, during and after those gravitational phenomena, you may also expect to encounter some symbolic centaur bumps.

Of the known objects classified as centaurs, more than one third of them are currently traveling through the one-twelfth of the zodiac known as Sagittarius. That’s a lot of bumps in a short stretch of road. What they have in common is the concept of shadow material.

All of us have some shadow material we have picked up from bumps in the road of life. None of us are in any way less divine, sacred or worthy of love for having that baggage, but sometimes it feels heavy. The annual solar tour of Sagittarius gives us a chance to learn about how to take the bumps as well as how to carry the baggage. Because Sagittarius will be a largely unprecedented and yet shared path this year, it will be possible to take the learning a step further.

This year, the solar tour of Sagittarius is a special road. It is a pathway which all of us together will travel all at once, coming from many points of departure, on the way to many destinations. At eclipse crossings and retrograde intersections, as gravity adds to your climbs and subtracts from your descents, and most of all, going over the bumps, you will encounter not only others, but yourself in others. It will be the chance of a lifetime to be one with others, and to realize that state is, in fact, the only path. It will be the ultimate expression of journey as destination. That will happen, let there be no doubt, but only for those who keep their eyes on the road.

Offered In Service               

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

15 thoughts on “Eyes on the Road — Sun enters Sagittarius”

  1. yes, kelly — i think last year around this time i actually posted a Daily Astrology post about jim morrison-as-centaur a la sun in sagittarius. i think we even illustrated it with a video.

  2. Thank you Len! I’m also thinking of the square to Chiron, which maybe part of the same aspect in effect now. And how Chiron focuses the process of healing. I think he also relates to “Father” material if I read correctly. Well, there’s my shadow material. But I’ve been doing some Shadow meditation, my own and Sarah’s Tarot article last week. The tension is inside for sure, and I’ve seen some of that tension release in my dreams lately. They’ve been full of incredible symbols. So, I’m working on that, but even today, I feel a bit scared – and of what really? An illusion. Old fears pulling at me asking for a reaction. No way. Karma is made by such treatment. Karma in this case is asking for life, to continue, to be kept alive. No reaction. Peace. All falls away in time. If I am called to act in a constructive way though, and in authority over my life – watch out.

  3. Amanda,
    I was googling Jim Morrison yesterday;he had a Sun in Sagittarius (8th Dec) conjunct the Great Attractor and Venus in Scorpio

  4. Mia: Thank you. i also hope you can see your challenges through in good form.

    be: Thank you so very much, you always say it best (with the most fun).

    Amanda: Thank you for adding another door of perception.

    aword: Good point, thank you, solar Scorpio did seem to go fast (we must have had a good time). Thank you also for sharing the instructive transits to your chart once again.

    Chief Niwots Son: You are very welcome.

    DivaCarla: Yes, there is something very right about the current scene for all of us in spite of customary contra indications. It’s almost like all earthlings are forming a fellowship in spite of ourselves.

  5. Len, my first thought was Oh shit! especially since I am leaving on my first road trip in several years (I usually fly away).

    Then, It’s perfect came flooding in. I am at my best in these kinds of times. I have been preparing for this one for years!

    Thank you for the clarity. all your advice is needed and heeded.


  6. Len- good stuff, thank you for the metaphor of The Road.

    Amanda- thank you for reading my mind long before I read this article.

  7. My! -did the Sun’s transit of Scorpio go as quickly for anyone else??

    This is a lovely and oh-so-useful description, Len. I’m plotting my course on an old-fashioned paper road map in my head….2-lane highways where I can smell the fresh-cut crops and stop for newly harvested produce – instead of freeways where we cannot get a sense of where we are at all.

    Indeed I am tracking now with your gift-map and Be’s additions…the solstice always takes place in my 5th house of creation (and on my Vertex), sextile my birth sun and sextile my IC/jupiter/NN/neptune. I hadn’t ever even thought it out like this before. So glad for the new perspective, including heads-up to watch for the bumps, and be aware of the shadows.

    Thank you.

  8. Wow! Len, you inspire me and I aspire to be myself when reading your posts. I found this poem this morning….’On The Road Home’, Wallace Stevens

    It was when I said
    “There is no such thing as the truth,”
    That the grapes seemed fatter.
    The fox ran out of his hole.

    This is just the first few lines. Thank you, Kazimira

  9. Oops. . .I thought THIS was the foggy on-ramp. . today! Okay, okay, I understand now, that’s just the Pisces Moon trying to throw me off course. Good thing you clarified this map Len, I’d be a lost ball in the high weeds right now. This is the 31st day before the Winter Solstice you know; I’m marking a calendar every day so’s to stay focused, but this map of yours really helps a lot. Seems appropriate that the centaurs will be in this final stretch of the road in order to bump the last of the shadow stuff out of the ashtrays and trunk; God love’em.

    Okay good buddy, thanks for the update and keep us posted. Roger, over and out. . . .

  10. Great advice, Len.

    For some reason it reminds me of “The Stand” by Stephen King. We are all headed through our own particular peril to our own ultimate destination. Some of us will travel together and some of us will meet up at the end of the road. I hope to be up to the challenge.


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