Go Figure — Mars Enters Capricorn

Mars enters Capricorn at 9:37 pm EST tomorrow, possibly perplexing us in the bargain. One reason this particular Martian ingress to its exaltation may correspond with confusion is an immediate sextile to Neptune in Pisces, where Neptune rules. Another reason is the fact that retrograde Mercury re-entered Scorpio yesterday, where Mars is the original ruler. Finally, there is the question of how Mars came to Capricorn exaltation in the first place.

Astrology by Len Wallick

With the exception of Mercury’s relation to Virgo, exaltation and rulership are two different things. Every sign has a ruling planet which, like human rulers, are the boss and representative of the realm. Exalted planets are more like honored guests.

The dignity of exaltation, like some human guests, has been around so long nobody can remember who extended the invitation. There is no unambiguous written record. Ancient astrologer Porphyry of Tyros tried to explain it as a sextile from Mars’ rulership in Scorpio. What Porphyry conveniently left out is how that sextile should not be from Aries (where Mars also rules) or why the sextile is in one direction from the sign Scorpio and not the other. The most exalted of modern astrologers, Robert Hand, examined the problem afresh in his book Horoscope Symbols only to conclude that there is no systematic consistency to exaltations, especially regarding steamy, hot Mars in stony, cold Capricorn.

Yet, there it is. After centuries of observation and correlation, we must conclude that the energy and desire emblematic of Mars expresses very strongly when the red planet travels through Capricorn. What has not happened for more than a century is tomorrow’s sextile from Mars to Neptune.

The last time Mars entered Capricorn to immediately sextile Neptune in Pisces was 1849. In other words, neither you, nor your parents, nor (in all probability) your grandparents have had any experience with the energetic signature of that that particular aspect. What we do know is that Neptune’s contribution to any aspect is something less than clarifying. Throw in Mercury retrograde through Porphyry’s arbitrary Scorpio baseline and we are off on a new adventure for which only legend could provide precedent.

Mercury in apparent reversal has become all but legend among the many who know only a little bit about astrology. Unfortunately, it is an apocryphal story, heavily tilted in favor of the negative as if to scare children. In fact, retrograde Mercury could be the compass that gets us through where we have not gone before when Mars enters Capricorn tomorrow.

Legendary astrologer Rockie (Rachelle) Gardiner always used to write of Mercury retrograde that “patience is the key to heaven.” By that she did not mean a literal key to the pearly gates. What she meant is that a backpedaling Mercury teaches us patience, counsels us to let things develop, and to avoid judgments or conclusions in the meantime. If Rockie were around to write about tomorrow’s Martian ingress, she would almost certainly reiterate her Mercury maxim, for which there is a corollary colloquialism: go figure.

Go figure is what humble, common people say when they realize that there is more going on than they can know. It is the figure of speech employed by those with enough experience to know the dangers of speculation, and enough wisdom to know their own limits. It is the patience of those who know that they can and will endure to wait and see without becoming attached to story. That is the counsel of the cosmos tomorrow when Mars takes us to where memory no longer serves.

Offered In Service         

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

16 thoughts on “Go Figure — Mars Enters Capricorn”

  1. michele: Thank you for your question. Mercury rules Virgo (and Gemini). Mercury is also exalted in Virgo. Mercury is the only planet to be exalted in the same sign it rules. Please, does that answer your question? If you are not satisfied with the answer, please reply.

    Jann: Thank you for the Pluto punch line.

    Lunesoleil: Thank you for your kind words.

  2. whataretheyods42,

    A fellow yod-watcher. . . nice to meet you! I will have to lay out these yods on paper, looking especially at the focal points and see if I get a “message”. When I do I’ll get back to you. In the meantime, I am wow’d by your linking of septiles and Area 51, which makes perfect sense, oddly enough. Especially considering the nature of Neptune and the length of time his septile to Pluto has been in effect. I’ve a lot to learn about septiles it seems. Thanks for your comment Bradley!

  3. And yes the sextile Neptune March inspires me a lot in writing on my blog, I have a conjunction in the natal and Mars in Scorpio, the sense of wonder, magic of the life I love
    Great article Len as always, you are a very talented and realistic astrologer

    Good Weekend to all PLanet Waves readers ))))) 🙂 (((((((((

  4. Will we rear-end Pluto trying to read the bumper sticker in the Neptune fog? 🙂

    Hmm. When will the stellium pile-up occur? A quick look suggests around January 20, 2013 when Mercury, Mars, Venus, Sun, plus Nessus and Juno, will all be crunched in the 10th and 11th houses. Is it time to get insurance or try to believe it is just bumper cars spinning in the fog?


  5. “Neptune’s contribution to any aspect is something less than clarifying.” Hah!!

    Okay, that’s going on the refrigerator, along with a quote from Stephanie Austin (TMA): “If Pluto had a bumper sticker it would read ‘You can let go now, or have it ripped out of your hands later.’”

    Go figure.


  6. “With the exception of Mercury’s relation to Virgo, exaltation and rulership are two different things.”

    Can you explain this or point me to more info. Please and thank you.

  7. mia: You are very welcome.

    be: Thank you for making that connection from the Mountain Astrologer archives. What a great grasp you have of the greater picture!

    aword: Thank you once again for providing the transit perspective.

    Bradley: Brilliant. Thank you for the “Yes, and…” commentary. Yes, thank you for pointing out the yods, which denote focus. And, thank you for expanding the picture to include the grand water trine, which is not so focused. As Yogi Barra might say “Go figure all over again.”

  8. Hello all,
    A couple of things to add to the current “go figure” configuration: fanning out from Pisces to Gemini, the Goddesses are forming fairly tight yods to both Venus and the Sun; and (if you’ll allow a loose sextile from Juno to Venus) Sedna is the focal point of another-pretty much spot on-in opposition to the Sun. But wait …..Juno’s trine Eris and Venus is trine Vesta, as well: mystic rectangles any one ? Put the Nodes and one of the Liliths in proximity and the mind boggles. I loose track after the bumerang yod…and all so close to the eclipse. Be, Len, anyone: any thoughts ?
    And Len, doesn’t Mars ingressing Capricorn trigger the water trine of Neptune, Saturn and Ceres, as well, when it hits the Aries Point ?
    Guess I’ll grab some popcorn and watch the show some more.
    P.S. Be- I aways get the image of ‘Area 51’ in my mind when I see septiles. Your thoughts ?

  9. As a part of the group called Common People and always efforting at humblessness, I shall take a look at Mars and “go figure”.

    (Transiting Mars is sandwiched equally between transiting Moon which is upon Natal Saturn and transiting Pluto which is on Natal Mars. Transiting Neptune on Natal Sun for the sextile with said transiting Mars.)

    Thanks, Len. Useful and lyrical always.

  10. Len,

    Maybe Mars will activate the septile aspect between Neptune and Pluto. Tem Tarriktar says in an article on this subject (Mt. Astrologer website has it archived, titled “The Neptune-Pluto Cycle & the next 7 years) that this septile creates intense polarization. Go figure.

    Actually, he wrote that in 2004 and it has been at least that long that we have been dealing with this duality problem here in the U.S. In fact, speaking of where memory no longer serves, the last conjunction between these two outer planets was in 1891-92, and was in the same degree as the U.S. natal (Sibly) Uranus is located, 8+ Gemini. That should add some interest to the upcoming yod between Jupiter (8 Gemini), Pluto (8 Capricorn) and Saturn (8 Scorpio). Ya think?

  11. It seems that after the eclipse two days ago, “go figure” is a great approach to take. Overhearing random conversations about the changes taking place in the world and at home in America, everyone seems to be part of the dialogue. It’s great to see. Citizens of all 50 states are petitioning to leave the Union, just one example. “Go Figure” is certainly an appropriate response.

    Thanks, Len! Great article.

  12. Len, thank you for your answer. I agree: sometimes we must simply do what we have to do, regardless to the astrology. Thanks for reminding me! But it was not totally regardless: the full Moon/eclipse/Sun were exactly square to my Sun.
    Yes, your answer replies totally. And I trust: if there are going to be future changes or readjustments, all will be in the process. All is perfect.
    Thank you!

  13. paola: Thank you for your question. The main thing to remember is that the planets are more indicator than influence, more guideline than rule. Sometimes, any of us, all of us must simply do what we have to do regardless of the astrology. The astrology simply tells us in what environment a decision is being made, or action is being taken. Therefore, the retrograde that you will change our mind again, the planets make no such determination. What it means is that there is a greater probability that you will have cause to re-think or review the decision or action than would otherwise be the case. The “interiorization” example you cited is one distinct possibility. It is also possible that only adjustment of some sort will be called for, like working the bugs out of software during beta testing.
    Please reply to let me know if my response does not answer your question in a manner satisfactory to you.

  14. Thank you Len.
    This makes me wonder.
    I took a decision a couple of days ago, a long long due decision. Finally found the courage. And, even if I still experience fear, I feel a huge sense of liberation. Breathing again. Now I have to keep acting on it.
    When I took this decision, Mercury was already retrograde. It was right before the full Moon.
    But – does the retrograde mean that I’ll *change my mind* again, or I’ll have to reverse the decision… or can I read the retrograde like ‘interiorization’? Doing something that I was denying for a long time (Amanda’s article…)?
    Well, I understand that it might depend also on personal astrology; Saturn, etc. Thank you!

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