A Day, An Hour — The 1864 Election

Mercury reaches an apparent turning point today, as does the United States. As far as Mercury goes, we know the outcome. Its apparent motion through Sagittarius will turn from direct to retrograde. As far as the United States goes, the outcome is not clear. One thing that is clear as regards to both the astrology and the politics, is that the situation today has striking connections to the presidential election of 1864.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Abraham Lincoln was the incumbent in 1864. The nation was divided, at war with itself. Millions were suffering. There was a lot of unfinished business. The outcome was uncertain. It was a day of decision, an hour of destiny.

Today, Barack Obama is the incumbent chief executive. It is a position that President Obama wouldn’t have been able even to aspire to, had President Lincoln not been able to complete his single most important piece of business. That completion, as incomplete as it was, made this moment possible. Today, the United States is once again sharply divided, all but at war with itself.

As Jan Seward expressed so eloquently in her Planet Waves blog yesterday, millions of United States citizens are even now suffering as though from war. Once again, there is a lot of unfinished business. Once again, the United States faces a day of decision, and an hour of destiny. That destiny, as is always the case in the course of human events, will be determined by human beings as the heavens watch, not the other way around.

While people do determine the course of human events, the Cosmos does offer perspective. That perspective comes, as the late, great astrologer Robert Blaschke, observed, through “observation and correlation.” Mercury was not retrograde on November 8, 1864. Uranus, what some call the higher octave of Mercury, was. More to the point, retrograde Uranus occupied 28+ Gemini on the day Abraham Lincoln was re-elected.

As Eric has observed for us, 28+ Gemini is perhaps the most repeatedly auspicious point on the zodiac so far in this century. It is “the degree that shows up too often,” prominent in the charts of 9-11, Fukushima’s nuclear disaster and the Banda Aceh tsunami of 2004, among other recent events. When you consider that Uranus occupies this ‘Atlantis Degree’ only a few days every 84 years, the implied correlation is that the events surrounding Abraham Lincoln’s re-election are somehow flowing forward to our time, to be resolved in a way not immediately certain.

Evaluating today’s fire trine from Mercury to retrograde Uranus near the Aries Point, financial astrologer Raymond Merriman recently noted that “With Uranus involved, you can never be certain of the outcome.” Yesterday’s voter opinion polls support that observation. One thing we do know from experience, is that trine aspects mean flow. Uranus and Mercury are talking, and the connection is not garbled. It is a symbolic connection from one octave to the next, and by correlation, from one historic interval to the next.

So it is that the citizens of the United States are today testing whether their nation, as re-conceived by Abraham Lincoln, can long endure. Likewise, it is evident that those voting in today’s election are in fact attending to the unfinished work Lincoln left behind. What is being determined is nothing less than whether his dedication to freedom can be birthed anew, whether what made this moment possible shall ascend or perish. That is the message from the sky. We now await a message from the people.

Offered In Service Β  Β  Β 

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

15 thoughts on “A Day, An Hour — The 1864 Election”

  1. It it may as Len pointed out that Obama by this retro mercury , finish something and it will show when the Trine mercury / Uranus will be accurate.
    I had pointed out the connection of the Moon in the day of the 6 November with the Sun Obama in my Astrology on FB group and that the square mercury and Neptune my made hesitant to write an article before election day… We are far from knowing the truth that will erupt later maybe…
    The important thing is to improve the lives of the citizens, I wishes you all heart πŸ™‚

  2. Phew! Confess that I shed some tears of joy and relief on just seeing the news. Enjoy today, all you guys in the US!

  3. mia: Thank you. i agree. Jan Seward would be the best president the United States ever had.

    Chief Niwots Son: Thank you for your cogent observation. With the passage of time, the allies and the principles beneath the labels do change. Believe that it was Enrico Fermi who said that there should always be more questions than answers.

    Dr. Seward: It is for me to thank you. Your actions speak much louder than my poor words.

    CaraSusanetta: Thank you. That’s three votes for the good doctor! Maybe we can get a text-in campaign going.

    P.Sophia: Thank you for your question. In the period immediately following the Civil War, American political affiliations were a great deal different than they were following World War Two. Now, however, it seems that the two-party system is little more than hype.

    be: Thank you so very much. Your treatise on the Sibley solar returns is awe inspiring. You are among the best astrologers to ever bring your brilliance to Planet Waves. i bow to your profound erudition.

    aword: i bow to your profound heart. Thank you so very much for being so generous in your appraisal.

  4. “Hopefully they will have a chance to see how beautiful this country can be when it grows and evolves past it’s past. Maybe that begins today.”

    Thank you, Be. “Hope springs eternal”.

    “Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
    Man never Is, but always To be blest:
    The soul, uneasy and confin’d from home,
    Rests and expatiates in a life to come.”
    – Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man

  5. Thank you Len. I cried, actually. Your closing argument caused me to cry. Thank you.

    “We now await a message from the people.”

    As Uranus transits natal moon and Neptune transits natal Sun, this natal Mercury Seventh House child awaits her people’s/family’s/community’s/ tribe’s choice of how we march, walk or dance into our future.

  6. Every astrologer learns that a “message’ has to be repeated in a chart to be considered a useful guideline; one which serves as a beacon to some truth about the matter. It is up to the astrologer(s) to determine what that truth means and where it is leading. Even the Sabian Symbol for the Gemini 28+ degree is of a mockingbird who repeats the sounds he hears and turns it into a lovely song. So it is also with the United States’ solar return chart for this time in history.

    Every year people and places and events have an anniversary of their initiation into being, and in astrology that is represented by a natal Sun returning to the same degree and minute of its birth. For the USA that took place on July 4, 2012 at 6:30 PM.

    Repetition is a hallmark in the study of astrology, and so it is with the USA solar return chart for July 2012. This year’s SR chart set in Washington, DC repeats the rising degree as that found in the original Sibly birth chart of July 4, 1776 set in Philadelphia. Therefore, the Sun (always the exact repetition in the SR chart as in the birth chart) is also in the same house as the original chart of 1776, at the cusp of the 8th house. An 8th house denotes values shared with partners and connotes a fixed (not easily changed or moved) quality as well as deep feelings. This year’s solar return also has the same MH as the original birth chart, 1+ Libra, with Mars at 0 Libra 44. What is astrology pointing to by this repeating pattern? Most likely, that this is a year in the history of this country, much like the year it was first established. But different too.

    One of the features of this SR chart for the U.S.A. is that Venus is in the degree that repeats the degree where the natal USA (Sibly) chart’s Uranus is found. . . 8+ Gemini. Venus in the USA SR chart is sextile Uranus at 8+ Aries, and that Uranus is square the chart’s Pluto at 8+ Capricorn. Venus also sextiles Mercury at 8+ Leo, therefore Mercury is trine Uranus in the U.S.A. solar return chart for this year. Today’s astrology is a repeat of the fire trine between Mercury and Uranus in the solar return chart for the U.S.A. As you say Len, “it is a symbolic connection from one octive to the next, and by correlation, from one historic interval to the next.”

    When the Sun enters Sagittarius later this month, transiting Jupiter will have retrograded back to the USA’s birth chart AND solar return chart descending degree of 12+ Gemini, the cusp of the 7th house of partnership. He will continue his retrograde motion until in December he reaches the degree of the US natal Uranus and the US solar return Venus, therefore activating them. Transiting Jupiter will also be quincunx both transiting Saturn and transiting Pluto who are in a sextile (“flowing”) aspect, and when combined, will form a yod or finger of destiny or God as it is called by many astrologers. This is a powerful, powerful pattern of planet connectivity and Jupiter represents wisdom and understanding and increase. This applied to the U.S. SR Venus would equate to an increase of understanding through love. The SR Venus applying her powers of attraction to the U.S. natal Uranus representing a” breakthrough” and should result in a ‘breakthrough, facilitated by love and attraction, in understanding’, don’t you think?

    While this yod aspect is in effect, transiting Venus will oppose transiting Jupiter from her place in Sagittarius, which is opposite where she was on the U.S.A birthday and in its solar return chart. Pretty convenient, wouldn’t you agree? That will happen on the evening of December 22 through the early morning of December 23, just as the Sun at 0 Capricorn sextiles Neptune at 0 Pisces.

    The world sees the U.S. as a divided, bickering country (Mars in the solar return chart on the midheaven) but they will also see how we can come together and share (8th house Sun in natal and SR charts). Hopefully they will have a chance to see how beautiful this country can be when it grows and evolves past it’s past. Maybe that begins today.

    s solar return chart is set for Washington DC, it has the same rising sign and degree as the original birth chart recorded by Sibly on July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia.

  7. Regarding Polls and outcome. Hasn’t the N. East and the West, states more, or less been split 50% to the South for over a century now Chief NS you raise an interesting question. Was the republican party house more of a Democratic view in 1864, or did the people and their interests move?

  8. In 1864 Lincoln was the Republican candidate, it seems to me this symbolizes a 180 turn since then. The question though is what exactly has shifted, or has that shift been an illusion. More questions than answers today.

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