Safe at Home — Venus Enters Libra

Venus slides safely home to Libra at 9:04 am EDT Sunday. If you are fortunate to have a home, try to be there at the time. If you can’t be home at the time, picture yourself there. It’s not a safety issue, there is no reason to fear Venus’ return to the cardinal air sign it rules. You will want to be at home in one way or another because of what you are more likely to find there: the heart of your identity.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Home, so the proverb goes, is where the heart is. There is truth in that saying. It is a truth deeply felt, beyond what the intellect can grasp or describe for others to understand. It is a truth that acquaints you with who and what you are — which are easy to lose track of.

Popular culture posits that you are incomplete as you are, encouraging you to purchase something or partner up to fill the hole. Too often, the solutions offered by popular culture only end up filling somebody else’s pocket, while you are left out of touch. It’s difficult to get back in touch with who and what you are. It takes time. Yet most of us live in a world where we are tempted to give away our precious time almost as much as we are coerced to give away our power.

In addition to time, it takes peace and quiet to find yourself again. Tranquility and silence, or at least access to them, are among the feelings that let you know what and where home is. Once you have found the feeling, there is another matter to consider before you are home free. It is the matter of comfort.

For too many of us, having time on our hands is uncomfortable. For so many of us, stillness and quiet can feel confrontational. It is perhaps among the greatest tragedies of our time that the very requisites for knowing your own heart are the same conditions that many of us are compelled to avoid.

Perhaps the avoidance of what makes a home feel like home is a fear that the popular culture is correct, that your heart is not whole, or even lost all together. Maybe that’s how so many homes are filled with electronic distraction. It could be the reason for home becoming the place where people feel free to lose control and indulge a level of behavior that would not be tolerated in public. Nobody who stops to think, however, can feel at home where external stimulation, anger and pain prevail.

When Venus enters Libra this weekend, stop and think about it as a first step. The conditions that support finding your heart will probably not appear by default. Events outside your home will almost certainly be frenetic, and stridently seeking to insinuate themselves into your private space. Relations inside your private space will possibly test the limits of self control. The potential for the time, peace and quiet you need to find your heart safe at home, however, will also be present if the symbolism of Venus entering Libra is valid at all.

The symbolism of astrology is a valid indication of what is available to those who act in concert with the Cosmos. Without action, your action, the potential simply passes by. This weekend is your chance to act on recognizing yourself again.

You must act with the faith that your heart is there inside, and as whole as you would have it be. You will need to summon the courage to make or take the time you need. Most of all, you will have to open up and allow peace and quiet to enter and make itself at home, safe with who and what you are.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

17 thoughts on “Safe at Home — Venus Enters Libra”

  1. recognizant: You have my compassion as regards to your situation with water, especially the part about the knees, which i could feel reading your words. Also, you are not alone. There seems to be more than one excellent person out there on the wrong side of water right now. Therefore, please do not take it personally. It is very probably not your karma as much as it is a matter of timing or location. When Venus enters Libra, it will be inconjunct Neptune’s placement in Pisces. That means the two planets will be “invisible” to each other, out of engagement for the time being. If (and that’s a big if) astrology can address your situation, remedy would appear to be a matter of elapsed time or change of location.

  2. Hoooooooww? “Me” is lost in the pragmatic shuffle ( slosh?) of water. Well was polluted by a flood 4 years ago………hard water eroded the fitting on the faucet till the Brita filter fell off. ……Now I get water from the town firehall in gallon jugs……The pump no longer shuts off I have to throw the circuit breaker off until I want to flush or wash dishes…….That’s 7 45% right turns through 3 rooms..hard on the old knees…………Today, drew a bath. With 2″ of water in the tub, the water stopped running even with the power turned on……….Plumber is too busy to fix it,,,,,told me to call someone else.. I thought this water trine would facilitate my water paintings to greater heights.WHat happened? N ♆ 20o r ♍, 4th H, T ♄ 2o ♏ 5th H, approaching ☊ 8o ♏, T♆ Chiron 10th H N Chiron 6o♋, 1st. Why the obstruction, because, of course, without reliable running water I can’t wash my paint brushes……..

  3. Yes for me Venus back in his home or it is at birth. Curious Len you associated Venus with the Home as a haven of peace and inner harmony. With Uranus in the opposite Home, Venus is distracted by his companion, that she forgets her own existence… A sacred seducer Uranus for the beautiful Venus who even change the Look 🙂

  4. My new computer has a mind of it’s own. As I was saying, the visit has come and gone and now you say that this weekend my home will be me. . again. Keeping the peace and providing a tranquil refuge for loved ones sort of goes with all Cancer-Pisces combo folks I imagine, but what we really appreciate is escape from it all. Chiron needs his cave to retreat to and so it is with me. Venus in Virgo has done her job well and she’s welcome to come home and stay a while. . . just keep the kitchen clean please.

  5. paola: It would be fair to say that both work.

    stormilarue and PansWood: You are most welcome.

    be: Thank you and best of luck with your visitors.

  6. So grateful for these words Len. For too long I’ve (by choice) devoted my energy and focus on what will make others most comfortable; by too long I mean weeks and weeks, not year and years, but family is family, to a Cancerian and now the semi-annual visit has

  7. Thank you Len- a heart-felt article for this Libra. Venus coming home. And with Neptune home in Pisces (my ascendent) this should be a soul-centered month. I will seek to make it so. Ahhh.

  8. venus in libra natal here too, definitely happiest being in heart at home. will look forward to recognizing my self there again. ♥☮♫

  9. Hi Len, thank you. So much appreciated and comforting, precisely in a time when ‘to be at home IN me’ is the subject of the period.

    When you say: ‘Once you have found the feeling, there is another matter to consider before you are home free’… what do you mean? Free-in-your-home or home-free?? Interesting.

  10. paolo: Thank you, yes, an ascendant in Libra makes Venus your natal chart ruler.

    Huffy: Thank you for picking up on that.

  11. Yes, thanks for this lovely piece, dear Len. It almost breathes…in out, in out – touch that stillness within.

  12. A lovely piece Len, thanks as always. I have Libra rising so does that make Venus my natal ruler? I’ve heard this reference to the rising sign and ruling planet.

  13. jinspace: You are very welcome.

    Lyd: Thank you, Lyd. Anyone with a natal Venus in Libra is a living validation.

    Rob: Thank you for the heads-up.

    Chiew Niwots Son: Thank you for the wonderful gift of immortal verse.

  14. “Wake now discover that you are the song
    that the morning brings,
    but the heart has it’s seasons,
    it’s evenings,
    and songs of it’s own…”

    Thank you Len for bringing our attention back to the heart of the matter.

  15. With an impending hurricane likely to impact the mid-Atlantic to Northeast US early next week, this scenario may prove all too literal. Hang on, Easties..

  16. Len, to echo jinspace, very beautiful indeed, and something I will bring to meditation today. Many thanks.

    An aside, I have natal Venus in Libra…so appreciate your validation of the heart’s place/space.

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