Be Yourself — Libra New Moon

The luminaries, Sun and Moon, conjoin in Libra at 8:03 am EDT Monday. Every New Moon, and all conjunctions, imply a beginning. The location and timing of the Libra New Moon will distinguish something more — you. You, that is, at once less and more than ever before. If you can be less of what is not yours, the Moon will support you. If you can be more what is yours, as unlikely as it may seem, the Sun will show what you are made of. If you can begin anew on Monday, the pathway of planets will be illuminated as your own.

Astrology by Len Wallick

In its new phase, the Moon does not reflect solar radiation in our direction. It is the only time when Luna gets to be itself for us. Not the reflection of a star, but a distinct object with an important, often unappreciated, role in the order of things.

The Moon stabilizes Earth’s rotation, sustaining conditions that support life. In addition, lunar gravity combines with that of the Sun to create a tidal pulse that circulates and exchanges the stuff of life, connecting all earthlings as one interdependent entity. Its function in support of life, not the cold light by which we see it, is Luna being itself. Yet, many ignore or take for granted what truly distinguishes the Moon, and identify it by what is not its own. The same is probably true for you.

You are likely identified by what is not your own. In the big picture, it is not a situation you made, so give yourself a break on that count. The vast portion of humanity has long been coerced to follow protocols created by few, to benefit few. On the day-to-day and in the moment-to-moment, however, your doing contributes one way or another. 

If your work only enriches others, or if you are known only as you reflect the light of some star, it is probable that you identify with, and are identified by, what is not you. That is no way to spend all of your human being. With the Libra New Moon, the Cosmos will be asking you to bring balance and be yourself by doing something different, as unlikely as it may seem.

On the night of the Libra New Moon, at its darkest hour, the Cosmos will be doing something very unlikely. In the eastern sky just before dawn, marked by the position of Venus, there will be a smear of faint light rising from the horizon. That light will be dust, the same of which you are made, reflecting the light of the Sun. Called the zodiacal light, the illuminated dust is what remains of the nebula from which the solar system formed. It is the pathway of the planets. Only twice a year are we in the position to see it, and this year, the Moon is being itself at just the right time so we can.

You can do the same thing. By being yourself, especially at your darkest hour, you can make an important contribution. You can demonstrate your true value and your real place in the order of things. You can be and distinguish yourself in the most unlikely way, by turning away from the means by which you have been conditioned to do so. By sending what is not yours back to where it came from, you can help all of us see where we all came from. Of course, that is a terrifying prospect for the powerful few.

The powerful few you can know by their fear. It is a fear more obvious and desperate with each passing day. It is the anxiety of a wealthy man who threatens to fire those who have enriched him if election results do not please him. It is the foolishness of bullies who prefer greater risk of exposure to tolerance. It is the terror of those who think the last word will keep them in first place. It is those who fear simply being whom you will have to deal with long after the Libra New Moon. On Monday, the Cosmos can get you started, but the zodiacal light will soon fade. Unlikely as it may seem, the Universe will be depending on you to take up where it left off by being yourself.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

20 thoughts on “Be Yourself — Libra New Moon”

  1. ((( ❤ ))) Thanks eco and Len 🙂 🙂
    We were a very nice family as it is more

    March to the North node in the Black Moon, last quarter phase contrast balance with Saturn in Scorpio. A funeral the day of the new moon will remain engraved in our hearts ((( ❤ )))

  2. Lune,
    Also from me, so sorry for your loss. Prayers.

    I know too well how the court systems can make us feel so victimized and beat up. When we are little, we are taught about fairness. In the courts, there is rarely fairness so much as Solomon’s Rule (things, not fairly, are often just cut down the middle and sometimes this is the BEST result possible in the venue). I too, –from divorce; custody battles; an unfair businessman with all the facts against him, but a supporter of the “judge” against me a person in a consumer complaint, where the chicken judge knew his decision was wrong, that I had too little money to hire my own attorney then and was equally unlikely to contest his decision, so he refused to let me speak, said he “got it” and declared he would write his decision and send it in the mail: (and, hint: it was not in my favor.)– have experienced how unprotecting the system can be at times. I used to shake and tremor in court rooms.

    But there ARE good people. There are GOOD principles. It is important in the face of injustice to find people who are “just.” I feel very fortunate to have had fairer experiences too.

    I am so grateful I have found these people that are just, so I have more perspective and a sense of protection against the system’s blinder eyes.

    I am hopeful for you, that in serving on a jury, you can, in your own way, bring truer justice by your passion for it.

    Sometimes a person seems so little, but one person at a time, we make this world a better place to live in. Eyes open, but there is also good to be found in the world too, I believe.

    I wish you transcendence in this experience.

  3. Len,

    You made me laugh out loud to be sure, at myself for the dragging around of chains-of-emotional-burden-from-the-past into my present. I shall embrace jury duty as an opportunity for my present Self to step forward free of that past burden into a future in which I can regain, no – better yet; re-design and re-create my personal freedoms.

    I look forward to Monday’s New Moon as a cathartic moment.

    Thank you.

  4. Len thank you for the aspiring writing and all the precious comments.  Your words bring greater awareness for me, always. 

    “For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return.” Genesis 3:19

    Interesting this New Moon is happening in Libra which is the only inanimate of signs…what of death? And of over coming of fear?

    Our Gift – Libra New Moon

    I am 


    Sense of beauty and proportion

    Seeking balance and harmony-

    Reflected light


    Yes, the timing is right on time to be myself!  Libra, is my first house, home to Moon and my AC.  This Monday morning I begin a new consulting post, in the Humanitarian service field, a new aspiring direction (5 years in asking, turning) is finally actualizing for me.

    I am coming out, illuminating what lies in the dark… the purpose is in play.

  5. mariapadhila: Thank you. You are not being picky at all. It is a very good question. First, we must ask if Moon voids really mean as much as they used to when the known solar system consisted of the luminaries and five planets. Way back in the 17th Century, William Lilly anticipated the Galactic Core when he noted voids did not work so well in the latter degrees of Sagittarius. Now, we are faced with a possible double standard if we use asteroids, for example, as meaningful in aspect except for the Moon. Better that we leave open the possibility of Moon Void by including it as a sub set of something broader – the phenomenon we are experiencing in recent months when a New Moon is shortly followed by the Sun changing signs. A New Moon is generally thought to have a lasting influence, some say until the Full Moon others say for the whole lunation. If the Sun changes sign before the Full Moon (as it is doing recently), what then? Does the influence of the New Moon attenuate or distort once both luminaries have moved on to other energy fields? That is a question into which you can fold the Void Question and consider (a) first, what minor planets or asteroids will Luna aspect after the New Moon, and; (2) What do the rulerships tell you. In this case, i would not go so far as to say that the New Moon will be tainted by a void, but i would say that the nature of what the New Moon begins will be transmuted as next week progresses and draws to a close. Hopefully this answer does make me sound like a politician. The old rules just can’t be so hard and fast if we are going to use new planets. Please, how does that work for you?

  6. “if the election results don’t please him.”–I was just running and thought about this guy and had almost a physical reaction of revulsion and outrage. Rrrrrrrr! Ok,yes, it’s his fear, but it sure is ugly!
    In other news…I know dust is magic 😉 and I’m still interested in how to work these aspects around void of course moon times. I hate it when it goes void right after a new moon–feels like it taints the new start factor. Or am I just being picky?

  7. Annabele Berrios: You are very welcome.

    stormilarue: Thank you for being so kind with your evaluation. To be mentioned along with the great John Trudell is more honor than i deserve. Thank you for the link to John Trudell in action.

    Mia: It is a joy to make your day.

    be: Thank you for building on the theme so well, and taking us deeper with Eris and for sharing your joy with the birds, squirrels and chipmunks. i’m not anywhere in the same class with Nostradamus. If were i would be making book on the World Series (Cubs in 13).

    eco11: My empathy is with you, and my thanks go out to you, along with my heart. You are correct, humility comes from the strangest sources.

    jinspace: It is a joy to know my service is useful to you.

    aword: Thank you for a great read on how the Libra New Moon will transit your chart. Yes, the “tricky” part is a very cogent observation, and you are not alone in that. Jury duty? Better than the other side of the bar.

    jinspace (again): Oh yes, Psyche (one of our greatest hits here at Planet Waves) is, at 18+ Libra, close enough for government work, and in a nice little sextile with Eros.

  8. Thank you, Len.

    The New Moon on Monday will take place in my natal 3rd house conjunct natal Ixion and of course opposing transiting Eris.

    This is an interesting point upon which to embark upon “new”, however my study of the 3rd house leads me to understand that what I am experiencing here is, well – what I’ve been experiencing here. To your point, Being Self. Purging that which is not. Learning at an elementary level. RE-learning. Etc.

    As I search for Self these days it seems to be a bit tricky and certainly I do not see mySelf in Ixion, but I can certainly find Others there – and therefore a perception of my Self in continuing jeapordy. Perhaps going back to Start then with this New Moon just prior to it’s ingress onto my IC and across my Jupiter/TN/Neptune where Merc and Saturn have just trod will be useful – even if I don’t collect $200 on the way. Plus transiting Chyron on natal Sun. Transiting Uranus on natal Moon/Eris. This is not a wild ride, but it is running deep.

    Jury Duty next week – just going near a courthouse has struck terror in my heart for some years post-divorceville. I have never been “beaten” so soundly by so many for so little reason other than “power trip”. Faith in our “system” Ha. Maybe Monday represents a release from my personal Fears.

    I have been focusing on clearing out/understanding old stuff visavis recurring dreams – I am tired of constantly (in nightdreams) being back in elementary school/high school/college and not knowing where my locker is, having missed class, not knowing what class I should be in, etc. Annoying dreams begging for reconciliation of some kind.

    I’m back in school again (figuratively speaking) and looking for way/s to re-structure both my past and my future.

    Thank you again for your generous offerings which are in and of the moment as always.

  9. Len, your words are beautiful as ever, and your message is EXACTLY what I needed right this very minute. Thank you very much.

  10. Thank you Len. Just what I needed. I have been focusing on a loved one whose own job is to focus on herself, not mine. And…it doesn’t work. And, I have been struggling with the meditation to shift my love of her from a place of love in pain to a place of love that is not in pain. Hard work when there is pain involved. But in that shift there is a stop-clause of the draining of energy out into another or a locked in horror stance and with it comes a simpler peace. The connection of the heart remains open. But acceptance -like the serenity prayer- is the task.
    And, as you pointed out in your article, we have so much of our own light / I have so much of my own light. Odd that this should be so humbling. I am, however, grateful again for the gentle and beautifully put reminder.

  11. And here I though dust was my enemy . . . not anymore though. Thanks to you Len I will now see dust as the stuff of stars. So often your offerings put me in mind of Nostradamus who could hide his messages within his words. One has to look deeply and repeatedly to find the reason for the message, and therein lies the reward.

    These days the birds and squirrels and chipmunks get their morning offering from me at about 8 AM, which takes me about 10 minutes to change the water bowls and fill the seed bowls and scatter the peanuts. For that I’m rewarded with at least 10 minutes of joy watching them have at it. Among them are always a few small-size bullies whom I had not though of as fearful until now. I hate fear. I hate the way it makes us feel inside when we experience it and I hate the divide it creates among us when it is rampant.

    I do love bravery though. How brave of the Moon to be herself in the most unlikely of signs. . Libra the sign of the “other”, the “not me”. Might we also include Eris as helping us to demonstrate our true value and our real place in the order of things? Would not her opposition to the Libra New Moon contribute a counter-balancing effect to all the people-pleasing of Libra and help one to all-the-more distinguish oneself in a most unlikely way?

    After all, we won’t have another new moon until after the elections here in the U.S., and what better way to distinguish oneself than by being yourself in the voting booth where no fearful bullies can coerce you? Take that you big bully!

    Thank you Len for this exquisite piece of writing today. Once again making me think.

  12. yes yes, resonates with this – “be yourself. everyone else is taken.”

    your wise words today also resonate with a talk by an amazing Human Being, John Trudell, that i had the absolute honor of attending a couple of weeks ago. somewhat central to his point then was to remember we are Human Beings, and that any negative thoughts we have about ourselves are not from the Creator, and ultimately not ours to keep. his emphasis was on liking yourself, being true to you.

    here is a clip of him at another talk, similar semantics.

    cheers! 🙂

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