Space-Time Connection — Venus and the Aries Full Moon

You and me, we’re both the same, and that’s a fact.
Jimi Hendrix

The Aries Full Moon at 11:19 pm EDT Saturday will initiate a sequence of symbolic connections linking your person to our galaxy. The intimate will be portrayed by the luminaries (Libra Sun and Aries Moon) visibly opposed in space from either side of the Earth.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The opposing luminaries in geometric aspect to the current zodiac will, in turn, represent how your personal life emulates that of others. Finally, a connection through time and timing will make Venus and how it works in your life not only a vital component of the Aries Full Moon, but a place to begin describing where and when you are in the cosmic order of things.

So far as we can ascertain, the order of things in the cosmos is a gravity project still in progress. We have not determined the project’s result, but we do know what gravity does. The expression of Venus in your life is similar to gravity. You can see how gravity works at our size scale by simply throwing a stone towards the sky. The Earth, from which you gathered the rock, does not act to retrieve it. Rather, the ground attracts and receives without doing.

Venus, as an actual component of your life, works in very much the same way. In the words of Robert Hand, Venus usually “draws things to you.” The function of Venus, like gravity, is similar for all of us. We differ in how consciously we participate in what we attract and receive. Your consciousness has a special place in astrology, and its two major components, waking and sleeping, are represented by the luminaries.

When you see it is day, you know the actual Sun is in the sky because daylight could come from nothing else. That is a simple truth. Just as simple and true is how your waking consciousness distinguishes you among others in the world. What shines forth from your being, for all to see and know you by, is the symbolic Sun at work. Working with the Sun means being alert to what is going on around you, and intentional in how you respond, a process facilitated by sunlight. Being awake and being consciousness is thus synonymous and one with the Sun. The Moon is a whole different ball game.

It is not necessary for the Moon to be in the sky in order for it to be night. The lunar truths are not as simple or straightforward as those of the Sun. But neglecting the Moon is as if to ignore the ocean. By the same token, lunar consciousness is not as apparent as its waking counterpart. To equate sleep to unconsciousness, as though you in slumber are a machine turned off, is to neglect years of your life. So it is that, with any Full Moon, the part of your life not being attended to usually rises like a spring tide to get the attention of your waking consciousness one way or another. Place the luminary opposition in the early degrees of cardinal signs and the rising tide becomes an experience in common.

When the Sun is early into a cardinal sign, we all have the same experience of its simple truth. Just being alert to what is going on around you reveals that truth, and allows all of us together to acknowledge a new season at the same time.

Placing the Moon in opposition to an early cardinal Sun reveals a deeper and less obvious connection between your emotional, intuitive and intimate life and that of everybody else. Because most of us go to some length to conceal our intimate existence, it’s easy to avoid acknowledging that you have anything in common with others on the lunar level of consciousness.

The position of Uranus and Pluto in relation to the Aries New Moon will, one way or another, get our attention if we do not address those deeper connections.

By hanging around early Aries, Uranus is emulating the Sun at the Aries Equinox, consciously asserting equality as an imperative. As Pluto loiters through early Capricorn, it is emulating the Sun’s turn North at the Capricorn Solstice, indicating that history is irrevocably at a turning point.

In a long, continuous cardinal square to each other Uranus and Pluto are begging each and all of us at once to act and resolve the tension that is holding our inevitable common evolution hostage. What could that act entail? In opposition to Uranus and square to Pluto, the Libra Sun is saying it’s as simple as being aware. In conjunction with Uranus, the Aries Full Moon is saying that it is as difficult as everybody dropping their drawers to acknowledge a common blemish so we can get un-stuck and move on together.

That’s what the Uranus-Pluto square is like. It is as if everybody in the world has an identical blemish on their backside. Nothing that requires medical attention, but nonetheless annoying, it is not the blemish that is holding us back, it is the level of consciousness we have relegated it to. Because of its intimate location, each of us conceals the discomfort. Because of the concealment each of us feels alone and at odds with everyone else.

What a revelation it would be if word got around that everybody has the same boo boo on their bum. What a difference it could make, giving Venus a chance to do its work and bring us together with exquisite timing.

When the luminaries oppose to force the issue of the Uranus-Pluto square this weekend, Venus will be part of an emulation to a different end, so to speak. Precisely in time with the Aries Full Moon, Venus from late Leo will be precisely square (or ‘at the bending’) of the eternally opposed lunar nodes, newly on the back porch of fixed Scorpio and Taurus. With Mars closely conjoined the node in Scorpio, the yin and yang planets will combine with the nodes to emulate the shape of the Full Moon’s cardinal configuration and direct us to where we could be going were we to each reveal ourselves as part of an integrated consciousness. That’s because Venus will be in a flowing fire trine connection to the center of our galaxy.

From the South Bending of the lunar nodes, the attractive, receptive nature of Venus is, to paraphrase Mary Plumb, in service to the collective. In a square to Mars at the North Node’s futuristic frontier, Venus is likewise aroused to resolve the creation of what Robert Hand describes as “something spiritually higher.” Recent astronomical observations indicate that the symbolic frontier from which an elevated spiritual manifestation may be received is currently at the galactic level.

Observations by astronomer Morag Scrimgeour at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research have revealed that gravity acts to organize matter in the same way from our human scale up to the galactic scale. Beyond the scale of galaxies, the  process Venus symbolically serves does not continue because “there hasn’t been enough time since the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago” for gravity to generate larger structures with the same characteristic patterns of organization, such as an axis of rotation, that connect you to the Sun, Moon, solar system or galaxy.

Since you are in the same boat with the rest of us at the edge of our galaxy, that means you are, together and at the same time with the rest of us, literally on the edge of creation in progress. Our position in time and space, no less than the positions of the luminaries this weekend, is meaningful. We are quite literally at the right place at the right time to participate in the evolution of the cosmos, but we are never going to be an active part of it so long as we are stuck covering our butts when we have outgrown the need to do so.

The Aries Full Moon this weekend does not mean that you should drop your drawers and get yourself arrested. It does mean that you should acknowledge the secret that the astrology of the Full Moon reveals and do your part to spread the word that space and time are connecting us to a greater collective purpose than any of us could attain alone. All it will take is doing together what each of us do separately every day under the light of the Sun and every night beneath the Moon.

Offered In Service  

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

21 thoughts on “Space-Time Connection — Venus and the Aries Full Moon”

  1. P. Sophia,

    I was delighted to read that something I said struck a chord in you. I was unfamiliar with the Dane Rudhyar description of Pluto in relation to the Judgement card. I believe we could apply that same thought to the conscious vs. unconscious, or Sun vs. Moon, and even Uranus square Pluto in that the shaking up of “material” is how the energies of the Moon, unconscious, and Uranus would affect our “daylight” consciousness represented by the Sun and, since Pluto resides in Capricorn now, we could also include the “status quo”. That the “material” is of the “mind”, and the mind represents conscious “thinking” as opposed to the ‘knowing’ or feeling/intuitive intellegence of the Moon we label as unconsciousness, it would support what Len is telling us here.

    As for babies in starring roles, either “climbing up” or hidden and in development, it seems your own personal unconscious is cluing (sp?) you into the ‘coming attractions’ that will be evolutionary in nature (climbing up) and take on a brand new form, perhaps in the (further) study of occult systems such as Tarot and astrology.

    I was recently reading a wise astrologer’s words on the important role Jupiter in Gemini plays as he stations retrograde in October. The timing of that event is just before Gemini’s ruler Mercury leaves the sign of Libra and enters Scorpio, side by side with Saturn. Saturn is the co-symbol with Jupiter of societies; he contains and forms while Jupiter expands that form. Think what it could mean for all of us as Jupiter reviews his past 3 months; the ruler of his present sign (Gemini) will be changing the relationship between them due to his (Mercury’s) conjunction to Saturn as well as his move to Scorpio. Jupiter will be getting new signals which will affect his two times re-tracing of the degrees he’s covered since mid July. When our society changes we change too. The Full Moon (unconscious) conjunct Uranus (shock) will shake-up our consciousness (Sun opposite FM) which is challenged by the intractable status-quo (Pluto in Cap). “Space and Time are connecting us to a greater COLLECTIVE purpose.” Spread the word.

  2. With the Full Moon exact on Natal Moon/Eris conjunction, I presume that my drawer’s are fully dropped.

    And with Venus approaching my 2nd house and exactly opposing natal Merc in AQ while trining natal Saturn (Sagg), while Mars tends to the square aspect/s, perhaps I’ll have something valuable to say about it while re-structuring life with gusto. 🙂

    Thank you.

  3. be:  just read your reflection and comments to Len’s article and the current aspect. 

    ” If Venus draws a Saturn vibe then moves on to draw from Neptune, that’s something like going from consciousness, or reality, to unconsciousness or non-reality isn’t it? Maybe it is an attempt to get that integrated consciousness jump started…”

    Reminded me of the Pluto description by Dane R, that came up for me in connection to Judgement card, re: Sarah’s Tarot last Sunday, that seems to fit:

    “Pluto, in some cases at least, shakes up and reorganizes the materials of our mind in response to collective or cosmic impulses, etc”.

    Understanding let alone interpreting, is new for me but in taking the influences from the little bit i have learned, I recognize your observations and on a spiritual level they are insightful for me.  Thank you be!  I definitely think you’re onto something here….

    “In fact, haven’t both the Moon and Venus, in their not-so-simple or straightforward ways, been trying to show us their truth this whole year? We should sleep on that.”

    Speaking of sleeping on…this week I had two visual dreams of babies in ‘staring’ role.  One was staged in big planetarium I was holding baby, as he was climbing up in my arms reaching for the stars.  Other was of pregnancy…with such feeling of desire.
    Does anyone know and can offer the exact time of full moon tonight?  I’d like to be there to offer (something) up.  

    Thx all, and may the full moon fill you!

  4. All right, Len, you’ve finally convinced me. I’ve finally become a proper subscriber to PW. Really feels like I’m missing something right now, and from everything I’m reading, it’s big.
    Here’s to finding the right things at the right time.

  5. So good to have you back, dear Len. I laughed out loud at the dropping of drawers. Thank you. Loved all the comments too, and Be’s great addition.

  6. I must be in my sleeping consciousness, Len, I never realized you left. I saw your publication schedule changed, but did I miss something more?

    Full moon frolic at the hot springs while exploring the chakra system, and with good fortune ridding ourselves of bum scabs.

  7. Yeah, Patty, started gettin’ the willies last night. It was tied to a specific scene: I had given a friend too much esoteric info too fast without sufficient preparation for the energetics; and got some pretty hot splashback in the process. It was *GREAT* – I always learn muchmuchmuch more from my errors than my successes. And this one was PhD level.

    No really. There are some big changes coming around as a result of that very situation. But not to get ahead of myself. CountUp still in progress. So far, this round has not disappointed. 49 hours to go.

    People! Remember your Rescue Remedy!!

    (I always forget mine until the day after the MegaFun. )

    Back to contemplating my ass over there on that plate.


  8. You are such a good teacher Len, always finding interesting ways to stretch our minds; to look at things from various perspectives, but never did I dream you would ask us to drop our drawers. However, in the spirit of acknowledging the secret this Full Moon reveals, and all that connecting stuff, I have a thought to share.

    This past January, on Friday the 13th, Venus made a trine to Saturn and then made a conjunction to Neptune within just a few hours. At that time, it was the Moon who was in the south bending to the nodes, her very own nodes. Shortly after this Full Moon on Saturday night, Venus will sextile Saturn – on Tuesday – and then the next day, will oppose Neptune. Saturn was in almost the exact same spot on that Friday the 13th in January as he will be on Tuesday after the Full Moon, because in February he went retrograde and is now returning to that same spot where he trined Venus.

    Now that’s at least 3 gentle aspects in one year between Venus and Saturn, and maybe that’s pretty routine. But it’s the connection to and the timing of the follow-up of her Saturn aspect with an aspect to Neptune, both times in a major aspect, that has me wondering about whether that in itself is something to be conscious of.

    Venus will participate in a T-square with the Moon’s nodes + Mars, just as the Sun will participate in a T-square with Pluto and Uranus + Moon this Saturday night. Venus will also square Sphinx conjunct the South Node and Sphinx might have some secrets to reveal too, maybe something to let go of. It’s also possible it may have something to do with the relationship between Saturn and Neptune. If Venus draws a Saturn vibe then moves on to draw from Neptune, that’s something like going from consciousness, or reality, to unconsciousness or non-reality isn’t it? Maybe it is an attempt to get that integrated consciousness jump started, afterall, Saturn too is in a receptive sextile to the Galactic Center. Neptune is still in orb of his sextile to the GC too.

    In fact, haven’t both the Moon and Venus, in their not-so-simple or straightforward ways, been trying to show us their truth this whole year? We should sleep on that.

  9. Good to be back, folks. Many thanks to Eric, Chelsea, Amanda, Fe, Jude, Sarah (all), Susan, and everyone else in the Planet Waves community of writers and readers.

    Mystes: Thank you for the welcome. Yes, the Full Moon time will actually be at night for you.
    Up for the count indeed.

    Sarah: Thank you for being so kind.

    susyc: What Mystes said. Thank you.

    P.Sophia: Yes, you have it utterly. Thank you.

    Patty: She’s good?

    zk: That is so very appreciated. Thank you.

    Paolo: Thank you for your question. Most consider the Moon to have a wide orb (one day’s orbital travel or one Nakshatra), so yes, the Moon does trine Venus without too much of a reach.

  10. many thanks Len, and welcome back!

    Could the trine from Venus in Leo to the Moon in Aries, after the full moon aspect be considered part of this package?

  11. Thank you Len
    It’s amazing how much rhetoric and
    Hype there is to read regarding this full moon.

    But this here is a breath of fresh air!

    Thank you.

  12. Yes, collectively we have ‘blocked’ ourselves from the higher, by holding onto outworn patterns of fear and insecurities. This is what has caused our boo boos- I feel this influence personally concious/aware of, inletting it go. But also know I am affected by it collectively.

    It is due time for ‘release’, to allow the opening to/for new seed, for re-creation to unfold. BTW…as it is meant to, effortlessly- be.

    Len: So glad you’re back and hope this finds you in peace. It’s amazing how this giving community sticks, you (all) it carries with me. See, case in point – collectively we’re all in this together, please let’s hurry up and accept the change…

  13. “What a revelation it would be if word got around that everybody has the same boo boo on their bum. ” So what is that boo boo? Collectively, whether we can admit it or not, we have climate change and environmental threats from nuclear, coal, oil, ad infinitum, as well as pollution. We have the knowledge that ‘war don’t work no more,’ not that it ever did. We know that greed and profit driven capitalism don’t work no more. Our food is manipulated and poisoned by Monsanto, and even Russia won’t accept our cancer causing corn. In the USA, we know that our own government isn’t above attacking us and killing us to justify wars against other countries for their resources. We know that civil rights and human rights have been eroded in some cases to a pre-Magna Carta era, what with the dismantling of Habeus Corpus and other humanistic legal protections, and that we can be surveilled, arrested and disappeared, without restriction by our own government. We feel a tiny reflection of what people in Pakistan who live under US drones must feel everyday. Denial, ain’t just a river in Egypt anymore. Double, double, toil and trouble, these things have been roiling around in the collective pot of our subconscious as a species for awhile now. For those of us who have the personality strength to allow them to pop up to the surface, life has been a lonely business, waiting for our fellows to wake up and bestir themselves. The prophets used to warn, threaten, and worry humanity with predictions regarding these sorts of things and were very unpopular and often stoned to death for it. Our prophets are still killed for speaking out occasionally, although our methods may be a bit less obvious these days. What kept those guys and gals going? A concept of some kind of ultimate safety even if all their prophecies were ignored and the worst did happen. A concept that strengthened and enabled even as they were imprisoned, tortured and ground into the red earth.

  14. Yaaaaay! Len’s back! Thank you for publishing the Lunar plenary time; after the big runway from the Neue, this last little bit to the Full is glowin’ and blowin… It’s down to hours now, some 60 from here, and each one of them seems to have a different demand built in. Woot.

    Here’s to our Mooning the square and fast-healing booboos.

    Up for the Count,


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