Pisces Full Moon, Conjunct Chiron

Friday is the Pisces Full Moon; however we’re under its full effects now. The Moon is waxing fast, though in my interpretation the full phase takes hold when the Moon ingresses Pisces Thursday at 6:31 pm EDT.

Full Moon at the Parthenon. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis / Perseus.gr

It will be in Aquarius before then, making a conjunction to a centaur planet called Nessus. This is a caution to be mindful of group dynamics. Groups of any kind can be insidious. A collection of perfectly nice people can turn into a raging, judgmental asshole if enough of them give up their individuality.

This is happening under the influence of the Moon moving toward full polarity, so there is likely to be some extra emotional and psychic pressure on. The key to the Moon-Nessus conjunction is to know when your emotional reaction is being influenced, swayed or dictated by a group of people around you (including on the Internet, which is an Aquarius thing). Keep your individuality and don’t give away your power.

Friday’s Full Moon is potent, though subtle. Anytime the Moon is conjunct Chiron, there’s an alchemical process going on, as if the physical level merges with the energy level in an obvious way. Most people feel this as intensity (a nondescript term), including responding to others with Moon conjunct Chiron in their natal chart as if they’re too hot to handle. Now this effect is going to be broadcast all over the world.

Yet it’s happening Pisces style, which brings in the realm of the imagination. The Pisces piece comes from both the Moon itself plus its conjunctions to Chiron and also to Neptune. The effect is to provide a conduit for focused creative expression, which will be guided by intuition. True creativity always is; no matter what the discipline involved, the creative leap happens on the level of imagination.

Mars is also in the picture, which will invariably stoke the full-spectrum erotic tendencies of Pisces. The placement of Mars is suggesting that you allow the momentum to flow. Guide the energy rather than push it. Focus your desires and that will be much easier; know what you want and give yourself permission to want it.

You can trust that Chiron — and the Sun’s close opposition to Chiron, from Virgo — will provide the mental-level focus and some physical grounding. As long as you keep that intention in your thoughts, you can devote most of your energy to your creative adventure.

This lunar event comes with a strong pull to transcend consciousness. When there’s any such event, especially one with Neptune involved, I issue an alcohol warning. A little alcohol goes a long way; a little of any consciousness-altering substance goes a long way. There’s a time-honored human tradition of using these tools, though we tend to lose sight of the purpose, and the appropriate amount, in our culture of excess. This Full Moon is vibrating so powerfully you may not need (or want) to get anything between you and it, but if you do, experiment in homeopathic quantities.

I cover this Full Moon in detail for all 12 signs in Friday’s Planet Waves Weekly horoscope. You can subscribe to that here.

19 thoughts on “Pisces Full Moon, Conjunct Chiron”

  1. Well, Mr. Frawcis… this was the best advice I’ve ever ignored. Do not know *why,* but I somehow decided that the Full happened on Wednesday. So when my apartment was flooded with VOCs (ahem – Nessus? poison?) Wednesday night, I figured that was the culmination of this particular transit. I gathered up my teenagers and headed up the street to the nearest organic hotel (well, it’s the *only* organic hotel) in Austin. Safe!

    Hah! Not so fast, girlie, says Mama Moon. You gots some lluminatin’ to do.

    I went back and asked to be reimbursed for the night I was unable to stay in my apartment. They refused, saying that fumes were not toxic and then ~hahaha~ ordered me to desist from discussing the issue with my neighbors. Um. Wrong move.

    Evidently this company –which owns 15 equities here in Austin– has been using *seriously* toxic substances for their ‘renovations’ for many years. And they seem to be, as la Biblia says, “hardened in their iniquity.” So, you know… Mars/Uranus/8th H comes in right handy when it is time to blow things open. Lluminatin’

    But I do need moral support. This is going to take precious time (which is money), and I don’t expect much thanks on the ground for a while. Still, the lamp is on and heading for the tunnels. Wish me breath.

  2. Dawn, glad I could help in some small way! (I’ve always loved your name. I had a doll when I was little that I named Dawn. She had strawberry blonde hair that looked like a sunrise.) Thanks to you for the Light and Love that you bring to the world! You are an incredibly strong and insightful woman.

    Huffy, I hope your sister has a wonderful birthday. I’m sure she appreciated the time you spent with her prior to the day!

  3. Thank you, Huffy!

    Oh Katie, you spark of wonderfulness! That was exactly what I was seeking!

    My mother chose my name, for her reasons, which, of course, have nothing to do with why I love my name so much! It’s a constant reminder of who I am, at my highest level. Who we all are – sparks of Light and Love in this world. We can forget too easily, too often…

  4. Good luck, Dawn. I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for.
    Katie – you Virgo gals are so great. Just been hanging out with my sister these days, whose bday is tomorrow, and unfortunately I won’t be there, cos I’m flying back home today.

  5. Thanks, Eric for this post.

    I’ve never posted a question on any sites such as this before but here goes: this full moon will conjunct my natal chiron, oppose my natal pluto and conjunct my natal Jupiter. Any ideas how this will affect me?

    Thanks for any insights you can give.

  6. Dawn, I found this:

    Lula says:
    July 1, 2012 at 3:58 pm
    Dawn, I don’t want to take things off topic on this comment thread, but I may be able to point you in the direction of a healer. If you’re interested, email me (louisehope34 at gmail dot com)


    Not sure if that was what were looking for or not . . . You’ve got a hard first name to google. Keeps bringing me to first morning light! 😀

  7. Thank you Eric for your intuitive insight, which does not prevent this infatuation with the blue moon on the web I had ever seen.

    good weekend of full moon 🙂

  8. This goat fish learns to swim. Mars opposite Mars? Barely noticed. Bike, martial arts, rock and roll focus Mars so it doesn’t hit me like an unexpected train out of nowhere when a Mars transit happens. Other people’s fear of death illuminates the path of my own experience: fear of death is fear of life. The world is going crazy? Stand with trees more. In the center of the storm there is no wind. In the body of infinite space the center is everywhere so you can’t be far from it. Internal martial arts: human bodymind tuning. When you’re in tune there’s fewer waves and bumps. Your mileage may vary. Personal history dissolves on the waves of infinite space truly, but as I remember it took me a long time to get here. Many different hells- the same tricks don’t work across the spectrum. Many hells, many teachers. So many humans…this must be a peak, downhill coming up. Me? I love downhills; on bike it’s free energy, close enough to flying for me. This shining moment moves through the changes; learning to listen I can more easily make out the inner voices who are the buddhas and bodhisattvas directing me to the path out of hell. Eating more fresh veggies sure helps too.

  9. Thanks, Huffy! I have googled my local therapists and there are 2 nearby. The first, a woman is unavailable for awhile, the 2nd, a man, charges more, and I’m not sure I’d feel comfortable, but will give him a call as well.

    In Anita Moorjani’s NDE, she discovered the reason for her cancer and was healed within weeks of coming out of her coma, as if understanding the *reason* dispelled the illness. Not through decades of psychoanalysis, but instantly. As I wait for her book to come to the library, Dyer’s Mastering the Art of Manifesting has my attention. I am so far past desiring to put up with long, drawn out healing processes.

  10. Dawn, I seem to remember suggesting cranio sacral therapy to you, and then someone coming up with a therapist. Unfortunately I live in another country. Am sure the person will come up with a suggestion again, but start researching yourself as well. When the time is right, the right therapist usually appears, as if by magic.

  11. Thanks Eric, and everyone’s experiences. I’ve been sleeping fine, but I’ve noticed issues surrounding my father coming up. He was a creepy not good energy man who had his own issues. One, I’ve had dreams about how I unknowingly absorbed his energy as a child. Second, I’ve seen myself react to things that I KNOW are not normal for me but how he would handle things, and there has been self empowerment in knowing this differentiation. Third, I had a heated argument with my mom because I refused her characterization of me as my father. It is one thing to examine one’s character and fix one’s problems, and completely another to perpetuate the notion that his influence over me is alive. Instead I chose to verbalize the cut of that association, in effect taking ownership for my own imperfections and further dissolving the dependence on that story for my mother to throw at me anytime I disagree with her. That fuels my own independence, dissolves the need for my mother’s need to educate me, and releases this old story of pain. If through my own insights I find his influences in me, that is fine, but I am Paolo: a healthy independent beautiful creative man. That feels like a Chiron theme.

    As for the loverly Neptune vibes, well, I have to say that I’m not falling googoogaga in the fog. I have a chance to see things clearly and its up to me to back myself up and take that into the future. There’s a great quote from the movie Training Day:

  12. I am sorry to have to ask here. I have scrolled through many archived blog pages to find the data I seek, to no avail.

    Months ago, in response to one of my posts about either the cancer or adrenal fatigue, someone posted that they knew of a craniosacral therapist I should see and to email her.

    I had saved the info, but, naturally, my iMac went and died, taking the info with it.

    If you see this, please know I was not ignoring your kind suggestion – I just was not ready to go down any new alternative healing paths. And I don’t even know if the therapist lives near me, but I am wanting to find out. Dr. Wayne Dyer sees one, mentions it in his book, Wishes Fulfilled, which I’ve just begun, so this has opened my mind to the option. I so need something to help clear whatever is holding my healing back.

    Thanks to everyone for tolerating my interruption!

    As for weird dreams, Sarah, count me in. Sleep for the past week or more has brought nothing but disturbing dream after disturbing dream, so that I’m waking exhausted. Just what I need, when sleep is so hard to come by in the first place!

  13. paola – me too, me too. Strange, nightmarish dreams, and general weirdness of the I’ve-landed-on-Neptune variety. I’m not sure I’ve ever been here before. Not sure where to next either.

  14. That moon is currently sneaking up on my Chiron in my 6th house and will be conjunct my sun soon after. Both of those planets are opposite Pluto and Uranus in my 12th house where the sun is just past Pluto. I am getting sick with my usual annual respiratory virus but earlier than usual. That’s 6th house health stuff and 12th house hospitals and hidden things and subconscious stuff. Then there’s Neptune almost on my sun also in the 6th house.

    Yep; no alcohol or other mind altering substances sounds like excellent advice considering where these are in my chart.

    That Neptune next to my sun (which is the ruler of my 12th house) means a lot of stuff going on in my subconscious. The full moon coming will cross over Neptune too. Seems to me a lot of hidden and subconscious stuff and my health may be involved. As the moon opposes my Uranus and Pluto in that order, this also affects the houses they rule: 6th (Uranus rules it) and 3rd (Pluto rules that). And there it is, transiting Merc is sitting right between Uranus and Pluto in my 12th house.

    No wonder I am writing a lot about deep stuff that I am feeling lately.

    And did I mention that trans Chiron is just past my sun…also in my 6th house opposing my natal Pluto?

    Very heady goings on and all that.

  15. Hello everybody,
    I don’t know if this has to do with personal astrology, but after a ‘quiet’ period I am in a sort of bubble where everything seems wrong, the energy is twisted, there is anger, resentment, fear, and – yes – the enacting of a long due decision… But it feels really weird.

  16. Eric: Thank you, especially for the reminder to err on the side of sobriety. Rarely has there been a better time for clear head than now. In its long Pisces run, that may very well be Neptune’s greatest lesson.

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