Open Your Heart – Venus Trine Chiron

“And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.”
-The Beatles

Venus will turn a tide with a water trine to Chiron as Wednesday ebbs into Thursday. It will be nothing less than a cosmic call to open your heart. During its swift cruise through the currents of Cancer this week, the brightest planet will cross the cardinal square from Pluto’s Capricorn landing to Uranus on Aries shore. In the midst of that turbulent strait, Venus will receive from Chiron’s Pisces port a flowing trine to fortify its highest manifestation, and by implication, your own.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Robert Hand avers that “In its highest manifestation, Venus is love, the emotion that brings people together without force or compulsion.” In the days to come, it will be important to remember that you are the means by which planets are expressed on Earth. That is especially so for highest manifestation of Venus.

As the living expression of Venus, you have it in your hands to manifest love, both for yourself and others. First, however, the astrology indicates that you must navigate the stormy straits of your own inner tension as represented by the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square. The strain of compulsory transition coupled with the shadow of uncertainty expressed by Pluto can scuttle any trust that forms the bulwark of affection. Trust, however is bound only by expectation. Allowing some slack in your expectations can reduce your tensions and have a transformative effect, enhancing your capacity to love and be loved prior to engagement. Transformation however, implies vulnerability, and vulnerability is a manifestation of Chiron.

Any being in the process of transformation risks being vulnerable, yet that is the indispensable risk. Vulnerability is at once the greatest inhibition and the most powerful invitation to love, and it is the opening you look for. The opening is the place where love and healing can be received and reliably enough, where it is most needed. Recognizing the Chironian opening begins with examining yourself.

Through self examination you expose yourself to the risk of finding and addressing what you have been loathe to embrace, or even recognize, and developing your capacity to love others. That means both offering and accepting your own love for yourself, and somewhere along the line, that becomes a revolutionary act. Revolutionary acts have Uranus written all over them, and also require a fearless demeanor.

It is not unusual to live in fear, as a matter of fact, some consider it a virtue. Entire industries and nations have accumulated vast wealth from those willing to exchange their earnings for a pill to alleviate or a promise to protect us from what we fear. Yet it is more than wealth that is surrendered to the pill and promise makers. It is power that is given up as well. The surrender of power leaves an inner vacuum that even more fear hastens to fill, creating a depth of separation from which no revolution can emerge. That’s no accident, but the separation can be healed by service to love, which brings us back to Venus.

The Venusian love of which Robert Hand speaks is not the kind of love that is for sale. It is the love which makes a virtue of vulnerability and banishes only fear. It is the natural power of attraction that repels only tension. It is the source of creativity that mindfully welcomes the sudden and unexpected as a door to transformation. It is the mysterious opening through which a recognizable whole can emerge. That’s how Venus comes to voyage this week through the waters of Cancer, braving the strait from Pluto to Uranus, finding completion by accepting itself. It is not a coincidence, it is time, and now that you are aware of it, it is your time and your journey to have and to share as love is meant to be. Receive the flow of vulnerability, open your heart, and turn the tide.

Offered In Service

22 thoughts on “Open Your Heart – Venus Trine Chiron”

  1. susyc, Jann, CaraSusanetta, waterjewell and Carie: Humble thanks to all of you as well. Your comments and community are a blessing to all.

  2. BK,

    I had to give my previous cat those same injections. They had me do it in the scruff of the neck, just under the skin behind the head. They said NOT to put it in the muscle. I used a 29 gauge needle; it was so fine he didn’t even flinch. I always gave him a lot of love after so he associated the shot with getting a lot of love and was not skittish about it at all. I hope I have helped.

  3. How brilliantly written:

    “Any being in the process of transformation risks being vulnerable, yet that is the indispensable risk. Vulnerability is at once the greatest inhibition and the most powerful invitation to love, and it is the opening you look for. The opening is the place where love and healing can be received and reliably enough, where it is most needed. Recognizing the Chironian opening begins with examining yourself. Through self examination you expose yourself to the risk of finding and addressing what you have been loathe to embrace, or even recognize, and develops your capacity to love others. That means both offering and accepting your own love for yourself, and somewhere along the line, that becomes a revolutionary act. Revolutionary acts have Uranus written all over them, and also require a fearless demeanor”.

    It is truly an outrageously rebellious act to go against all conditioning and break free to LOVE. And only those that are willing to risk everything for it will make it. Very touching to read your beautiful expression of LOVE. Thank you, Len.

  4. Yeah, what Jann sez. As one who has in the past struggled with comprehending your posts, now every week they are more and more clear without losing any of the poetry and depth. Kudos.

  5. Len, simply eloquent and sage. Your “writing chops” are being honed most excellently. It is such an extraordinary blessing twice weekly to read your posts, each time your ideas and concepts expressed in such an open and inviting manner that weaves the astrology with an urging to explore life and live better. Thank you for the guidance as I continue on the journey, the “means by which the planets are expressed on Earth.”


  6. Thanks Huffy for your reassurance. I am often reminded that one is never too old to learn! Something in susyc’s story helps me understand the astrology here; the message of Venus trine Chiron as she opposes Pluto and squares Uranus.

    When we are young the world or even more so the universe, can feel threatening. We must find footholds in order to keep moving forward. We can’t just stand still (stay children) forever. We must evolve. Maybe this “time” is providing several footholds. Since Venus rules the sign that Mars and Saturn occupy, they sort of “owe her”, and Mars rules the sign Uranus occupies so Uranus “owes” Mars, and Saturn rules the sign Pluto occupies therefore he “owes” Saturn. I think of it as Venus/Love is getting a safe passage; a hold-your-fire moment from the “evil men of ill content”, thanks to Mars and Saturn.

    Then Chiron holds out his hand to Venus/Love for support in order to make the leap that might otherwise have been to great to attempt on her own. We are all getting to move forward through a difficult passage thanks to the cooperative effort of the ancient gods who have a stake in keeping love alive. Personally, I’m very grateful.

  7. And thank you for this ,Be, and your other wise words: “aren’t we afraid of things largely because we haven’t fully grown up in the areas where we harbor life-long fears?”

  8. Be – I join the beautiful chorus of love and advice here. It shows such trust on the part of your friends, that they are able to go away and know that their kitty is in excellent hands. Seems like you’ve been set a real challenge here. Bear in mind that the kitty is used to these shots, and to you – the only creature who isn’t used to it is you! And trust that you will make an excellent nurse and do a splendid job.

  9. A Song in Two Parts

    Because of this love
    I open my eyelids
    because of this love
    the darkness is warm

    yo me perdi de noche
    yo me perdi en la flornoche de ti

    por esto amor
    I quiver like trout
    por esto amor
    I speak softly

    when I was young
    I often thought I would die
    that the galaxy of life
    spun too fast
    to hold me

    unanchored as I was
    and far from the center
    dancing on its
    outer arms

    the place also populated
    by evil men of ill intent
    I passed more unnoticed than some

    but not altogether

    which taught me to watch
    which taught me to search
    for secure footholds
    most few and far between

    some I missed
    but enough I leapt for
    I never stopped trying
    despite the distance

    I could have forgotten
    to try, so far apart
    they could be

    the journey starts again
    outward from center, this time,
    but the footholds
    will appear
    and the soul
    will catch the sunlight.

    Susy Crandall

  10. Anaellapmc, paola, Burning River,

    I so appreciate your support and advice, and thanks to Len too for showing me just how it is./be

  11. Huffy, be, Astarte, anaellapmc, paola, Burning River, KathyC, Lunesoleil, PansWood: Thank you all so very much for your kind and generous words. Also, many thanks to those who expressed support for be, who is acting from, for and through love in caring for the kitten and her neighbors.

  12. Lovely article Len– and a bold challenge to allow love its rightful place in the midst of confusion and fear. Love seen thru the grace filled Pisces portal of Chiron. Sigh. Thanks for the reminder, and blessings to you Len.

  13. Who can surpass you and your words, Len. So I say “yes”, and “thank you” and feel so fortunate for you to be (obliquely, but, nonetheless) in my life.
    be:dear–you will even love yourself If you “hurt” the kitty. That is the self-love I have been brought to–to love my imperfect self that is really trying to do my best. Practice makes easier and better, there is always a fist patient for every doctor and nurse, and it is the love in your heart for your friends that is such a triumph of Venus in your life and all of our lives. To go beyond ourselves into discomfort for the love of friends and animals–and ourselves. And anaya’s suggestions are totally couched in superb wisdom, which is also an expression of love, I believe.
    Hugs to all
    ((((((all))))) plus (((((kitty)))))

  14. Hello Be,
    yes you can make it. Insuline needles are much thinner than usual ones, and this makes it a little easier. Plus, I imagine it must be a really peaceful kitty, if this can be done every morning…
    I couldn’t give a shot to anything, not even an orange maybe, but when my kitty was at the end of her life I had to do drips to her. My God, I’ll never forget it. But I *had* to, and I made it.
    Concentrate, and act.
    Think that you are saving her life.
    My thoughts are with you – and with the kitty.

  15. Yes, many thanks again dear Len, for your ever turning of the Wheel ~ via words with Love, and insight with heart that shows your love and beauty in a most transformed artful manner…Blessed Be. with love, Anaya

    be, m’dear…
    …all you’ve written is true and possible. After once more practicing for courage, on an orange (out of view of kitty) and place medicine near where you’ll sit ~ Take this dear kitty in your lap and talk to her /him before you administer the diabetes shot. Now the most important part:
    …explain what you’re about to do, with your love to her/him… that you will do your best for him/her from a place of ‘heart love’. Kitty will purr to you with her/him understanding…and love you back for this. Now, then take a deep breath and reach for the medicine, release your breath (fear) and do your duty. Be prepared to soothe kitty, with a yummy ‘treat’ after…even if only in words from afar. She/he will later return and forgive you all. Blessings of the Cancer moon, from one her kitty loving moon-children…Anaya

  16. “It is the mysterious opening through which a recognizable whole can emerge”. This is really beautiful and I feel ever so close….. Fear is fear and it is real but, vulnerability is something so beautiful that its almost indescrible. Oh, the places it can take you……

    Thank you Len!

  17. What Huffy said Len; really beautiful. At first, one might not equate love with strength, or maturity, but there it is. I mean, aren’t we afraid of things largely because we haven’t fully grown up in the areas where we harbor life-long fears? Example. .

    I babysit a kitty for some neighbor-friends when they take little trips together, never more than 4 days, except for two times when the husband was in the hospital and the wife stayed with him for several weeks. The kitty has been diagnosed with diabetes and has to get a shot every morning now. I fear the very thought of giving a shot to anything except maybe an orange. Yet, I know deep down that if given time and patient training, I could overcome that fear for the love of my friends, although the kitty would probably never get in my lap again. It requires not just love for my friends + kitty, but love for myself in order to overcome something so repugnant. What if I really hurt her? Fear, if you let it, can spoil everything. Love heals ~ I must remember that.

    It looks like, once again, Venus comes to the rescue, along with Chiron, pushing us even further past the fearsome Uranus square Pluto. Doesn’t the Aries planet shun the maturity of the Capricorn planet as much as he breaks the bonds that solidify and imprison? Isn’t this just more of the dichotomous density we must climb out from in order to evolve to the next level of being? Yes, I may have to sacrifice a few oranges, but in the end I will love myself for overcoming another fear. Mom and Dad can take a break now and then and kitty, well kitty will just have to get over it.

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