A Word About Neptune

Dear Friend and Reader,

WE’VE BEGUN WORK on Next World Stories, the 2008 annual edition of Planet Waves. You will be hearing more about that soon; I think it’s safe to say that its in full swing — I find myself beginning to obsess over the aspects we’ll be talking about during the awesome special edition of the horoscopes that comes out on January 3.

At a glance, these circles appear to slither, however, upon further study, it becomes apparent that they are stationary. An optical illusion reveals perception to be a mutable force in our lives.
At a glance, these circles appear to slither, however, upon further study, it becomes apparent that they are stationary. An optical illusion reveals perception to be a mutable force in our lives.

As usual, there are some excellent correspondences happening in the heavens to go right along with the happenings here on Earth. There are a few outer planets pushing heavy energy out into our consciousness. I would hardly recommend sleeping late at this stage of the game, especially with Neptune having stationed direct last week (November 2 to be exact). Jupiter and Chiron are planning a little get-together with old Neptune soon and I can tell you, it’s going to be a lively gig. This occurs in late May 2009, but it has been building for years.

There are two kinds of people in the world today: those who are psychic and those who are more psychic. Okay, there are a few lizard brains who are totally, utterly shut down; the idea of communication happening “without the body” is too much for some to bear.

One way to describe psychism is a different state of awareness in which a person experiences reality as a thin film over a multitude of possibilities. It is like walking through a forest, and seeing the tracks of an animal that was once walking before you with the corners of your vision. In states such as this, it is easy to see that the future is always on its way. It is the decisions we make in the present sense that bring us to the future.

The past has its role to play as well: it is through former experiences, past lives, past personas, and memory that we become the people we are. Yet isn’t it strange to think that even those things are mutable? Reality’s flexibility extends through all sections of time and space. It took me a few doses of various hallucinogenics to understand this, but after seeing reality uncoil and waver before my eyes for the fifth time, I could honestly say, “I got it.”

That’s one vision of the upcoming conjunction: reality as dictated by group perception; and the individual struggle to find one’s own perception. With Chiron in there, it’s very much NOT going to be about what everyone else around you thinks. Rather, Jupiter and Neptune will be working together to melt, dissolve or explode many barriers that have kept us under the spell of the shy, shade-drawing, online-petition-signing activists many of us have gotten comfortable becoming.

I woke up in the middle of the night last night with a feeling like I was ready to run a marathon. My body, my thighs in particular, were tingling as though there was all this electrical energy in there, waiting to be released. I don’t know if I want to understand exactly where the wellspring is coming from. It is a welcome burst of optimism in the brisk morning air that I smell. I haven’t been listening to the news as much because I sense a time to withdraw my energy before the triathlon/migration/gala begins.

Life often feels like an illusion, and reveals itself as such, and this is where Neptune becomes the most apparent. At its best, Neptune is about love and peace and the compassion that dissolves the barriers between villain and hero, right and wrong. And it is also about the power of the imagination, which is a real thing. It might not have the same power as a slap in the face, but it has the same power as the truth when you hear it, or grief when you let it descend. We are in that rare space of time where we can imagine something, and it can come true. What a wonderful time indeed.

Merry Met,


8 thoughts on “A Word About Neptune”

  1. :). G — that was a very helpful thing you just said. Loaded image, check. I can handle that.

    And…yes. Yes, you can grow asparagus on mars because it has a pH of between 8 and 9. Perfect for asparagus. If we could warm the place up a little it might turn out to be the next Australia.

    You never know, though, that might be where they’re keeping Kenneth Lay.

    Mystes, do I sound that bad? No fever, just a cough that won’t leave, and a layer of weirdness all over everything.


  2. JanesDefense,

    I love Le Guin’s books and I’ve never heard of the Lathe of Heaven. That makes me really happy because it means there is another book of hers out there for me to find.

    It sounds to me as though you’ve been through a tremendous internal change. The world is loaded with metaphors to illustrate and narrate your personal life. I suppose one of the essences of Neptune is to provide us with the ability to see beyond the ice of Greenland so that it becomes more than that. I would say it’s akin to the feeling of seeing the President and getting teary eyed. Sometimes everything is a loaded image.

    Can you really grow asparagus on Mars? And does it matter??


  3. Genevieve:

    My favorite author in the world is Ursula K LeGuin. She used to say that the reason people felt her books were dark was because they were very uncomfortable with the idea of change. So — she writes about gender and race and suns burning out and at a certain point in all of her novels you’re sucking down one big old frozen latte of disorientation.

    In the Lathe of Heaven, my very favorite, our hero George Orr realizes that he has been given the ability to dream things into existence — in other words his dreams really do come true. So he wakes up one morning he’s thirty pounds heavier because he dreamed there had been no World War involving his country and he woke up to find out it was true. He’d keep waking up to the most profound warping of the reality he went to sleep in.

    That’s how I feel. I feel like big chunks of cultural data are being erased. I pulled a book about writing poetry off my bookshelf today and realized that it was dated. No one would write that book now. No one would read that book now. I can’t relate to the world in the same way because the world is not the same world — really literally this is a fact.

    After I had a moment of synchonicity with the Post Secret blog post, I went to the Post Secret site because I hadn’t seen it for a while. Apparently Post Secret’s myspace account had its photos and comments removed by myspace and then the account was set to private without permission. I’m reading this and at the same time I was remembering that Barack Obama’s website was taken down and revised so that none of his policies are published anymore. And then I read that the Fed won’t divulge who it’s giving its money to. And then I came back here and read that Barack Obama plans to change the court system.

    Did you know that you can grow asparagus on Mars?

    Have you noticed more of a tendency for American citizens to go out into the streets, peacefully or not?

    They say all of reality is a hologram.

    People cry tears of joy when they see the President.

    I haven’t been to work in a week. I have the worst headcold I have ever had in my life. In the beginning of the thing I couldn’t even figure out what day it was. Thursday? Friday?

    I seem to regard everything I am and everything I’ve done differently than I did before. I feel older, and poorer even though I’m not much more of either than I was seven days ago. Pluto was in my 12th house for the past…I don’t know, however long and it’s like landing in a spaceship, oh, so this is what happened to Earth. Back to the Future. Oh, so that’s how I turned out. Not all that great, I see.

    Did you know that in 1968 an air force plane crashed and they lost a nuke in Greenland? It’s still there somewhere. There’s a nuke under the ice out there somewhere and we never knew.

    I wish I felt like you did. I feel a deep unease, like when your dead father walks through the door and smiles at you and you think I must be dreaming, and you are.


  4. ooo. good question. we’re cooking things up here at the House o’ PW. definite all beef/seitan with extra special sauce. that’s what’s happening with the collective. but with mars and merc churning through my 12th house for the last bit of ’08, i’m personally more inclined to do deep background work for the mo’. more thoughts, soon…soon.

  5. G. Like Neptune itself, there is a dissolving, clearing energy to this post. Real work!

    And serendipitous. This quote came to me from a new friend this morning:

    “We die to each other daily. What we know of other people is only our memory of the moments during which we knew them. And they have changed since then. To pretend that they and we are the same is a useful and convenient social convention which must sometimes be broken. We must also remember that at every meeting we are meeting a stranger.”
    -T.S. Eliot-
    From “The Cocktail Party”

    (Of course one would hope that some are stranger than others.)

    Howdy, stranger…


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