From Here To An Epoch — Last Quarter Moon

The cardinal Aries Moon reaches its last quarter phase shortly before 10 pm EDT tomorrow night. That means half-lit Luna will be overhead when the cardinal Cancer Sun rises on Wednesday morning. Should you be awake at Wednesday’s dawn, what you may witness in the sky is what you would see on a zodiac chart for the same time: the luminaries closing in on each other from a separation of 90 degrees, which from our perspective is a square aspect. 

Astrology by Len Wallick

This particular square of the Moon to the Sun will be something more, evoking the big picture behind all current astrology and what the development of that picture means in your life and the lives of others. The big picture is a continuous square from the Aries lair of Uranus to Pluto’s Capricorn crag. More precisely, it’s a series of seven exact Uranus-Pluto squares that started on June 24, initiating a discernible epoch of astrology that will elapse over nearly three years.

How events of the next three years will correlate with the Uranus-Pluto epoch is the big question. Each corresponding aspect along the way functions to develop an answer. This week’s lunar last quarter corresponds in two ways, the nature of the aspect and the quality of sign.

The nature of a square is in how you feel it. Frequently, there will be a tension felt inwardly but construed as having a source outside of yourself. The first step in navigating the tension is to be present to it. It is easy to speak of awareness. It is not easy to practice being conscious of what you feel in the moment. Indeed, it is probably more difficult to be mindful now that it has ever been in human history.

Mindfulness begins with paying attention to where you are and what you are doing. Being present to the here and now is essential to survival in a natural setting. Most of us, however, now reside in conditions that are very unnatural. The one thing that most characterizes your unnatural environment is a huge amount of information coming at you through electronic devices. A good deal of the information overload directed your way is calculated to provoke anxiety, with a message that relief can be obtained by purchasing something. It is no wonder, then, that we have become conditioned to interpret every tension, and its resolution, as originating from without. Being seduced to infer that all anxiety has its source in the outer environment has serious consequences.

The more you attribute to the outside, the more you give away your power. The more you give away your power, the more helpless you feel. The more helpless you feel, the more you lash out at others. The more you lash out at others, the more isolated you become, and once you are isolated, the cycle starts over as a spiral. The spiral leads to nothing less than slavery, with every minute of your life and every ounce of your energy exploited to enrich a few at the expense of the many. The way to stop the spiral is to reclaim your power, but that has consequences too.

Reclaiming your power means taking responsibility for the tension you feel inside and for the action necessary to resolve it. It is a simple adjustment of attitude that requires an effort of you that is not so simple. It is difficult to release attachment to years of conditioning. It is easier if you realize you are not alone. Nearly all of us are in the same boat. If the purpose of your effort is to benefit the entire boat and its occupants, your motivation will be greater than yourself, and every bit of power you reclaim will be multiplied as your example inspires others who want a piece of the action.

Tuesday’s Last Quarter Moon is a good time to start reclaiming your power because it involves the luminaries, and because it is a cardinal square. Unlike Uranus and Pluto, the Sun and Moon are easily seen by anyone with the gift of vision. What you can observe is more easily correlated to your life than the unseen and far away. The luminaries also move faster than Uranus and Pluto, and it is much easier to practice awareness, adjustment and action for a day than for three continuous years. Finally, a cardinal square between the luminaries represents a point where your observations and the feelings that go with them can perceptibly intersect with what would otherwise be too distant and too big to take in all at once.

When the Sun enters cardinal signs, what you observe is what we all see at the same time. With the initiation of solar Aries and Libra, the experience is of equal light and darkness. The solar presence through Cancer and Capricorn, in turn, finds each and all present to a turning point in the Sun’s apparent motion. It is a simple adjustment of attitude to move from being mindful of those facts to realizing how that awareness connects you to everyone on the face of the Earth. It is another step to understand that the intersection is continuous and that other objects emulate the Sun during their cardinal tenure, expanding the continuity to all the things those objects symbolize, up to and including you.

The Aries Moon’s last quarter will thus be a small, accessible piece of something much larger, longer and more difficult to grasp. The degree to which you consciously feel your piece of the moment, in the moment, will give you a glimpse of the bigger picture, but that’s not the important part. The important part is what you do with that experience. Your actions, unlike your inner tensions, are visible to others. What others observe of you is more easily correlated to their life than your unseen feelings. If what others see of you is what they want to be, it’s possible they may want to emulate you. If your example inspires others to emulate you, it will be proof that you have reclaimed your power to shape not only your life but the course of events in the years to come. It’s not simple. It’s not easy, but it is possible.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

39 thoughts on “From Here To An Epoch — Last Quarter Moon”

  1. Hi Charle,

    I think it’s safe to say that your chart’s Grand Square in Cardinal signs would indicate some volitility in your life experiences. It is your Moon’s placement that makes your life events unique from most of the other people born that year of 1931. Unless they were also born with their Moon in Libra, they would only have to contend with the 3 outer planets forming a T-square, which would be tricky enough to handle for anyone. At least most of the people born about the same time as you would likely have an “open leg” to manuever around, whereas you have the 4th leg of the “cardinal cross” occupied by the very personal Moon. This is the symbol of family and home and roots and of course, mother. It made the astrology of your “time” more personally felt for you than say someone born at that time with their Moon in Aquarius or Scorpio for example. Since you didn’t say “no” to my suggestion, I looked up where the asteroids would have been on your birth date as you reported it here. A couple of them most surely have had an influence on your family and other aspects of your life.

    The asteroid Pallas Athene is conjunct your Moon. Pallas-Athene, if you are not familiar with her myth, was a goddess who was a warrior, unlike most other goddesses. It wasn’t that she wasn’t beautiful or caring, just that she wasn’t interested in marriage or having childen, but she was very interested in planning defensive strategies for her country and protecting her countrymen. Of all the planets she might have stood by it is curious that for your birthtime she would pick the Moon! Two feminine goddesses representing two entirely different ways to be a woman.

    But knowing that Pallas-Athene was a strategist, I believe it was because your Moon was opposite your Uranus and square your Pluto and Saturn that you were born when you were born. I believe she was protecting those Libra Moon qualities from being wiped out by the powerful (masculine) energies with their conflicting agendas. Let’s remember that your Moon rules the house in your chart that represents what you value most, and then let’s remember how you spoke of your two sons; they were your joy, how much you love them and how anyone new entering your life would have to love them too. Very protective! Your Moon is located in the 5th house of one’s children and also any other creativity activities as well as what is just plain fun for you. Pallas-Athene is there to protect, through you and your mothering qualities, what you hold most dear. Under “normal” circumstances, most mothers would do the same but with the likes of the powerful Pluto, Saturn and Uranus and what they represented (society, upheaval, ruthless destruction) at the time, the protection from Pallas was instinctively activated for you.

    There is another “family” relationship represented in your chart. Len wrote recently about the how the Centaurs (another group of planet-like objects) that symbolize Chiron’s wife and daughter were conjunct at the time; you may have read that. Okyrhoe, the daughter of Chiron, the healing and teaching Centaur, was on your ascendant when you were born. She symbolizes very Virgo-like skills such as organization and logic and discernment. I’m guessing these are qualities you can relate to. Chiron’s wife, Chariklo is exactly conjunct Pluto in your chart. She symbolizes the traits of wisdom and justness and sensitivity, not the first words that come to mind when speaking of Pluto. Pluto and Chariklo are in your second house of what is most important to you, and which is ruled by Moon. As Pluto is one of the 3 challengers to your Moon, this represents some of the upheaval you have experienced during certain times in your life. Because Chiron is a teacher and healer, and because his family members touch sensitive points in your chart I believe they are there to support you and have helped you deal with the difficulties shown through the cardinal cross. Remember that Chiron in your chart forms a grand trine with your Sun (+ Venus) and Saturn, so he’s been a strong figure in your life I’m sure. He is located in your 12 house of spirituality and more than likely guided you to the spiritual church you now “resonate” with.

    I hope you found these additional “attributes” represented by the minor planets interesting if not helpful. Their discoveries add subtle and defining perceptions to the makeup of an individual as it is expressed in their horoscope’s major planet descriptions. The world is changing, changing, always changing, but these present times are all about extraordinary change. Isn’t it nice to know that you have uncovered previously hidden strengths to help you navigate through whatever lies ahead? I know you will use them wisely as you have already proved your remarkable sustainability. You have taught us all a lesson and we thank you for it Charle.

  2. i love reading the posts here, and the notes on charle’s chart make for excellent reading as i’m a 9/11/61 4:55am…some similarities i think to be found. what great teamwork len, bk, et al! cheers

  3. Thank you once more, Be, for all your input on my chart, and a thank you to others and their caring comments.

    The 3 men I married were quite different and the marriages were volatile, to say the least.

    I had other liaisons, that were more fulfilling especially with younger men. but chose not to marry them.

    I understand about the North Node in Aries and the learning about independence, which I experienced as early as age 10…. and the South Node in Libra, being partnership, which I repeated 3 times and did not work for me.

    My two wonderful sons have been a joy to me. My first husband was a Libra – deceased – father of my 2 sons – the second a Cancerian – military – the third a Piscean.

    It is not easy for me to write about my personal life, but I would be willing to answer questions that might be helpful.

    Blessings to all……Charle

  4. aword,

    I think we all could learn a lot from Charle’s birthchart and I would like to thank her for sharing her story here. In fact, if you see this Charle, you might be interested to know how the newer more recently discovered “planets” (asteroids, trans-neptunian objects, etc.) will expand your understanding of your self and what motivates you. The things I’ve observed are based only on the 10 traditional planets plus Chiron. Because you give me the impression of a bit of a pioneer of your generation (a “maverick”) it would be most interesting, I believe, to see how the asteroid goddesses, specifically Juno, Ceres, Vesta and Athene aspect your natal (major) planets and each other. Since you were born during a period that has much in common with children being born now, both having the Uranus-Pluto square, your life experience could be enlightening for them and their parents and the rest of us as well. I understand if this feels like an invasion of your privacy and I only bring it up because you have shared so much here already. However, if you ARE interested in learning more about yoursef from what your chart holds, let us know and we will investigate further.

  5. Be, your notes to Charle are oh! so helpful in understanding charts/aspects; how the whole kit and kaboodle works. Thank you for taking this opportunity to teach.

    Charle, thank you for asking the questions and good luck God/dess bless on your journey!

  6. Charle,

    Your relationships would have been put to the test due to your cardinal square in that they consist of two oppositions, with you identifying primarily with only one side of the opposition and that would cause conflict. I can see that instinctively you have always been drawn to the comforts that marriage would provide since your Moon and south node, along with Mars are in Libra. Even your Sun is tightly conjunct Venus, however, the sign on your house of marriage (7th) has Sagittarius on the cusp, not a stay-at-home sign.

    You might have been attracted to marriage partners who had traveled the world and/or were very knowledgable, and since the ruler Jupiter is in Leo probably quite entertaining too. I think the lack of stability or possibly control issues would undermine any long term relationships based on your Uranus in Aries opposite your Moon, and also your Pluto opposite Saturn.

    There is an interesting point that has no doubt influenced some of your choices of marriage partners and it is found at the cusp of the 7th house and is called the Great Attractor. This point is literally drawing our galaxy and many, many others toward it through gravity. In human relationships that gravity will also irresistably draw you toward someone who expresses that quality. They will have knowledge of things you will want to know more about yourself. In fact, the Great Attractor is also moving away as it pulls our galaxy toward it, so individuals who express this quality are also unable to be pinned down to one place.

    These challenges look to be part of a design to get you to to explore the regions of individuality and independence as shown by your north node in Aries. These experiences would indeed cause emotional turmoil and unsatisfying relationships, but you have learned a lot from them. Because of that I believe you are ready to meet someone on an equal level who will provide you and your children the love you are seeking. Based on your chart’s 7th house, that person quite possibly will have a different background than you, say somebody from a different country (Sagittarius), and yet it could be someone living in your own community (ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter is in the 3rd house of neighborhoods). I wish you much happiness Charle.

  7. Charle,
    thank you for your words. I wish you to find that special loving partner in thse change times.
    Just one note: as far as I know, an astrologer can point you to the ‘right’ ascendant (and so, right birth time) analyzing the timing of major events in your life.

  8. Thank you BKoehler for responding again.

    I do not profess to understand all that you told me, but will pay attention to the areas you addressed. A couple of astrolgers who tried rectifying my chart ended up going back to the Gemini rising time.

    I was a breech birth, born in my grandmother’s house with a mid-wife who did not speak English, hence the possible explanation of wrong date and time!?

    In retrospect, my life has been very interesting, but with a lot of emotional turmoil, and unsatisfying relationships – three marriages. Would that confirm Neptune on the 7th house – that I could not see my partners for who they really are?

    You sound so posiive in your analysis and I am looking forward to receiving my heart’s desire that you mentioned. For me, this would be having a special loving partner in my life, who would also love and accept my 2 sons, whom I love very much.

    I have always been a spiritual, rather than religious person, and am happy to have found a small, spiritual church that I am very active in, and I resonate to, and with whom I feel very comfortable.

    Many blessings to you….Charle

  9. bkoehler – you are a gem.

    Charle – I think you know where you are and what’s happening; great to see you get assistance on just exactly what that means for you.


  10. I hate to add to the confusion about your birth Charle, but, based on the 9/13/31, 11 PM, Philadelphia information, you have Gemini rising. It is all computer generated so I doubt any miscalculations there. It seems to be a comfortable fit, as you have TWO birthtimes/dates, and since Mercury is the ruler of the Gemini rising chart, it isn’t surprising that natal Mercury is conjunct natal Neptune for that date and time. Transiting Pluto has been trine your natal Neptune (+ Mercury) recently and is coming back to trine it again in September when it stations to turn direct. Perhaps you will learn the truth about your birthtime then.

    Even more interesting, to me anyway, is the transiting Trans Neptunian Object (TNO) called Chaos is conjunct your ascendant. Further, after I submitted the information you requested, I ran a chart for the time I did it, which produced Neptune on the descendant, or 7th house cusp, the house that would represent you in this case. Last but certainly not least, your natal Sun is conjunct my natal Neptune. How ’bout them apples!

    However, with all that Neptune there must be something spiritual going on here. If you believe in miracles, then you have had a very special blessing because transiting Venus recently made a conjunction to the transiting Sun, but it was a special kind that is very rare and it happened right on your ascendant. It also is trine to your natal Moon in Libra, part of the cardinal square in your chart, and the only personal planet in that configuration. Since Moon rules your second house of things you value and love and since Venus rules the sign that your natal Moon is in, and because she also rules Taurus your spiritual 12th house, the house associated with Neptune, and lastly, because Venus is just all about Love anyway, my guess is that you will get what your heart desires soon.

    I’ve enjoyed exploring your interesting chart and hope you let us know how things go for you in the future. And by the way, most of us here are considered mavericks by our families. We all are feeling fearful at times too. You are not alone my dear.

  11. CaraS! I didn’t see your comment until today! I guess Dr. Atl was touching the Q ball. Atl was a pseudonym, he was a forerunner of the Mexican Muralists and one of the philosopher/artists of the Mexican Revolution. He and Vasconcelos – the first Secretary of Education after the Revolution – theorized the rise of a New Westerner who had all of the corporeal intelligence of native peoples and the intellectual acumen of Europe.

    We’re gettin’ there. Thanks for the link to Senor Brain Surgeon. Wowzah.


  12. A HUGE THANKS AND BLESSING TO ALL – HUGGING SCORPIO, LEN, AND BKOEHLER – I appreciate the time and effort you took to look at my chart and the planets. I do not profess to comprehend it all and how it will work but will study the information. At almost 81, I have been active and healthy most all of my life and take no meds. Lately, there have been many medical challenges for me and I have become somewhat fear-based, which is unlike me. I have always been a maverick in my family and amongst my peers, and basically a new age thinker, so I can feel isolated at times.

    Although I have tried to study astrology for a long time, it has always been most frustrating for me as I was told I was born September 12 at 6 a.m. in the morning by my family and then discovered my birth certificate and other official records said Sept 13, at 11 p.m. Many astrologers have done charts on me – no 2 ever have agreed on the timing because the differential is so wide between the times. Elsie Maynard, from England – Mike Munkasey, Eileen Minor and Eric and others. I have been told I have Scorpio, Saggitarius, Cancer rising???

    You have all been very kind to address my question and I appreciate the input and will do the best I can…..Thank you……Charle

  13. Len and Be, thanks for taking the time to go into this. It’s helpful for me too!

    For someone who thought they had it “all together”, I was shocked at how I was in fact ignoring myself for so many years, despite warning signs showing themselves in different ways. I can’t even say that all those years were wasted or that I should’ve done things differently. Looking back, it feels like a path that needed to run its course and expire fully in order for something entirely new to emerge. Its also called Karmic Propensities. To end a pattern requires deep non-action rooted in awareness. When Pluto made the shift in 2008, that was my wall, my lowest point. When I saw all the threads in my life reach the end of their tether. Now I had the choice and the inherent opportunity, but I had to walk through a mine field and a hysteric landscape of delusion as all my patterns were yelling back at me to stop. And yet I tried to balance non-participation with allowance. It’s a very still point, like massaging a muscle knot that releases on its own.

    I don’t write this to be self absorbed or off topic, or that I cry over my life or want anyone else to. I share it because I want to say I’m still here and much the better for it. The energy that we allow to flow through us is different from person to person, I feel. And that each of our paths is unique. So, I simply caution to not get worried about the future or how long it will last, etc. Every change is a step up the ladder that gives a person more stability and strength. I also think its important to have some trust that we are able to handle it.

    I have so much still to grow and learn. My problem is that I want it all to be finished and accomplished! And I forget that a tree grows not only slowly, but as much into the Earth as into the Heavens.

    Charle, if you are worried, please be at peace.

  14. charle: be is correct.My response is wrong because i did your chart based on a birth date of September 30, not September 13 (an error made because of lack of sleep).

    Alex: Thank you for your recommendation. i used the wrong birth date for Charle, however.

  15. charle,

    You were born at the time of the last Uranus-Pluto square, specifically at the time of the T-square of Uranus, Pluto and Saturn, so this is a “deja vu all over again” time for you. At the moment of your birth the Moon was in Libra forming a tight grand cross in cardinal signs with Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. As you are likely aware, Uranus and Pluto are the cardinal square components of today’s astrology, with Saturn having left the range of degrees to be officially considered the 3rd part of the pattern in 2010. Other planets, including the Sun will activate the 4th part (Cancer) of the Grand (Cardinal) Cross, as well as the Libra part where Saturn once was, for as long as the Uranus-Pluto square is in effect. Because you are a “Virgo” I thought you might like some more specific dates that affect your chart.

    We are in a period considered the last part of the Cardinal Cross which will begin to wind down in 2015 after the last exact square is made between Uranus and Pluto at 15+ degrees of Aries and Capricorn. They will stay close to a square through early 2016 and after that they will widen the spread between their corresponding degrees until their effectiveness as a square ceases to be relative.

    In your birthchart the Grand Cross degrees are between 16 and 22, so they will not be impacted directly until June 2014. As the last exact square between transiting Uranus and Pluto is in March 2015, just before the Spring Equinox, it means they will not act in tight unison after that when they aspect your chart or anyone else’s chart. However, Uranus will oppose your Moon during parts of April and May, 2015, and again in late 2015 and early 2016. After that Pluto will begin to conjunct your Saturn. Then Uranus will be exactly conjunct your natal Uranus, as Len told you, starting May 2015 and off and on through March 2016. Both Uranus and Pluto will either square or oppose your natal Pluto – off and on – from late April 2016 through mid December 2019. These are the planets that affect generations and manifest largely in societal changes, which do impact us personally. Because they are transiting in your 8th and 11th houses you could see the results of their squares in your shared finances and the groups you belong to, as well as with your personal friends.

    Because your natal Saturn (in Capricorn) rules the 8th and 9th houses, and because natal Uranus rules the 10th house, along with Saturn, any changes brought about from these aspects will be largely felt in your outer life and in your participation in society. As your Sun conjunct Venus in Virgo in the 5th house will be trine transiting Pluto (conjunct your natal Saturn) your own home (4th house ruled by natal Sun) could become more valuable due to this period of upheaval.

    In addition to your “cardinal cross” your birthchart holds a grand earth trine between your Sun-Venus in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn and Chiron in Taurus. The transiting north node (opportunities) has been trine your natal north node as it travels through your 7th house. I hope this means you have made some new friends (natal north node in your 11th house) and are enjoying your expanding relationships with partners. Might that include the study of astrology?

  16. charle, far be it from me to explain this to you. Perhaps you may be enlightened by Len Wallick’s response to your question addressed to Eric (found in comment beneath your last)!! 🙂

  17. would someone be kind enough to address the cardinal grand square that is coming and how long it will impact one who has the same cardinal square in her chart? thank you – blessings… Charle

  18. Hugging Scorpio: Good job, well said, thank you.

    Charle: i’m not Eric. Since you have posted under the blog i wrote, please accept the service of my response. Your natal ascendant is in mid-Cancer. Your chart ruler, your natal Moon, is in Taurus, 11th house, conjunct Chiron. Given that the Moon is exalted in Taurus and Chiron was discovered in Taurus, that’s a strong and sensitive placement for both. Sedna is currently transiting your natal Moon-Chiron conjunction, as is Mean Lunar Apogee (otherwise known as Black Moon Lilith). Once again, both strong and sensitive. Feel the strength and be sensitive to others and you will receive gratification.

    As to a cardinal cross. You have Pluto in Cancer (first house), currently being transited by the Sun. You have Sun, Venus, and Pallas in Libra (intercepted in the 4th house), Mars is about to transit all of them. You have Vesta and Saturn conjunct in mid-Capricorn, Pluto is applying to transit them in the next few years. Your nodal axis is from Aries to Libra, currently being transited by Uranus and Mars. Also in Aries (intercepted in the 10th house), you have Eris, Varuna, Black Moon Lilith, Sedna and Uranus. You are approaching your Uranus return in about 4 years – congratulations. Today (Monday) and tomorrow the Moon is transiting all that, as is Pallas for the next few weeks. As you can see, there is no simple answer to “how long will this last”, however, if you want to say until your Uranus return (“This transit confers the highest degree of wisdom and serves to prepare you for the next step in your evolution” – Robert Hand) that would be a pretty good answer. Please, how does that do for you?

  19. clarification: “Then I can look at some of the transits happening now, making aspects to my natal chart…..”

  20. Hey Charle,
    I just wanted to share something that may or may not be helpful. I haven’t looked up your chart nor am I an astrologer. But I do share a very prominent (if not quite totally exact) Cardinal Cross in my own natal chart. What I have learned along the way is that, regardless of what I like/dislike about it, there is a way my chart reflects not only who I am but my potential. I’ve thought about my chart a lot first without asking for a reading from anyone, partly because I want my own answers (no disrespect to Eric et al), and recently it has kinda lifted off the page in a way that speaks of my temperament and what lead to that. That means that I can learn more about my character flaws, how I tend to react or deal with problems, and also what I do really amazingly well. The future though is a little tricky.

    To have major planets in Cardinal signs will mean that we will always have aspects lighting them up, pushing us to greater awareness, pulling us inward to see a hidden view, balancing our needs with maturity and structure, and asking us to be assertive and creative in deeply positive and affirming ways.

    What I have done is learn about what each planet is doing in their sign and how that has influenced me. Then I look at the aspects. That feels like a blueprint. Then I look where I’m at in the present moment in my life and how I feel about it = What do I want? Then I can look at some of the transits and slowly glean how each one is telling a story about how to get where I want to go. But Len really describes this well in paragraphs 5 and 6.

    Hope that helps ya out a tad!
    Hugging Scorpio

  21. Eric

    Could you kindly address the Cardinal Grand Cross in my chart and the impact the Cardinal Grand Cross, that is happening, will have on my chart and how long this will last. thank you.

    Sept 13, 1931 – 11 p.m Philadelphia Pa. Thank you……….Charle

  22. Hi Len,

    No I didn’t think the moon entities would trouble you, but boy oh boy, they have scared the bejezus out many during previous centuries. I feel sure they are still active in their negative context; perhaps unconsciously, for otherwise we would not have had all the brouhaha over womens rights regarding their own bodies. Hopefully, as we evolve, so too will we gain a broader understanding of the goddess symbolism, no pun intended. (snort snort!)

  23. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh.


    Thank you, Be.


    (Got it, got the hierarchy. Uranus/Pluto.
    Another small and personal example for confirmation of I “got it” at the lower level; transiting Saturn just passed over natal Quaoar and transiting Quaoar is on natal Saturn. So — I can look for two “new beginnings” that relate to meshing the ideas of “from formlessness comes creativity” and “boundaries/structure” – which in turn is influenced by the signs/rulers and houses/rulers –and what it going on with them? Is that how it works? I know it’s basic, you just explained so much so wow doors just opened wide, feeling elementanry but just re-checking what I think I heard cause if I heard correctly something wonderful just snapped into place. Thank you!!)

  24. aword,

    I can appreciate that you must feel overwhelmed from a personal perspective when looking at the day to day astrology during these times. Somehow though, I believe that knowing at least some of the energies being fired hither and yon at least have symbols that can be understood, compared and translated into one’s personal situation as well as looking at situations for larger entities such as countries. I also believe that in order to be able to comprehend, it has to be done in layers with the base layer being Uranus square Pluto. All astrology lovers are trying to sift through the plethora of meanings of each symbol involved, and one way to start is with a simple basic, Aries (Uranus) is the individual and Capricorn (Pluto) is the institution comprised of individuals to make a whole. They are in conflict. This is the primary and basic layer against which all other layers will be applied. If those symbols affect your personal chart they will have even more influence, just as they will in the chart of a country (or business).

    If you were painting a picture or setting a stage for a play it might be the overall background. When we think of communities or countries, it is what we sense first about them. For example, the DC area where the long power outage recently took place; that was the “backdrop” of specific and individual situations. The same regarding the flooding in Russia. They were composed of many situations represented by the various planetary aspects but they were played out against the over-arching flooding or loss of electricity. It’s like that for individuals too, even if Uranus and Pluto don’t aspect planets in one’s chart, it will still be the background that sets the mood of the stage or painting that is our Zeitgeist.

    With that in mind, try looking at what the combined aspects might signify. If transiting Mars is conjunct natal Pluto, and transiting Pluto is conjunct natal Mars then there are 2 new cycles starting at once, both, for example, relate to a combination of personal expression and universal expression. Both planets are associated with 8th house matters. New cycles, 8th house matters. Double emphasis. Personal and trans personal. Then for the next layer look at the other aspects in your natal chart and think them through. Look at transits and see if they feed into the pattern in some way.

    When I thought about Quaoar I remembered how he personally lacked form but had the ability to create and how his being sextile Saturn (whose job it is to give form) could lead to substance contained. Quaoar in Sagittariuis might be “Law” and Saturn in the sign of the scales of justice could be equality. Both Quaoar and Saturn are influenced at this time by Venus in Gemini (among others) so maybe, for example, a law governing how grade school (Gemini) teachers are compensated (Venus) in a more fair and balanced way could be an outcome. However, this must be played out while Uranus in Aries is square Pluto in Capricorn, and also then, other layers represented by other planetary aspects complicate the outcome. Chaos can be productive if it can be harnessed.

    With the achievement of balance in mind, think about how symbols like Lilith, Hekate and Eris could represent forms of energy that might interact with others to bring about that outcome. We saw how Eris (discord) opposite Saturn (inflexible) manifested in the “news” bringing about the recall election in Wisconsin. Having a back drop of Pluto square Uranus at the time strongly affected the outcome. Yet, these squares will repeat a total of 7 times over 3 years, and Eris opposite Saturn will now affect the way those future squares will be handled. It is a process, for all of us, and it will take AT LEAST 3 years to complete it.

    As Len tells us, it is difficult to be mindful at this time in history. He explained how this difficulty can lead to a sense of isolation which makes us feel powerless. By remembering that we are in a process, a form of alchemy that is changing the world and us too, can make the difficult steps we will go through almost logical. Astrology is like a map but we all need guidance when trying to decipher it. Taking short steps makes it easier to comprehend, like tomorrow’s third quarter Moon in cardinal signs. It calls for an adjustment; part of the process, and this one with the Moon in Aries, the same sign as Uranus is in, is opposite the sign where Saturn is and square the signs where Pluto and the Sun are. It might pit you against the status quo of relationships, the establishment you are a part of, the tribe you belong to. or maybe all of them. Len tells us it’s all in our attitude but that it’s not easy to change years of conditioning. This is a small step toward a better future if you are willing to do what we all will have to do.

  25. mystes: Thank you for your kind words. Thank you even more for your gentle reminder that all time is present. Please let us know what the winds read and congratulations on that great desk.

    paola: Will re-double efforts to serve your vision. Thank you.

    Jude: You are so very kind to reference a profoundly wise man who once charged my heart with a spiritual task i have not yet fulfilled. Will strive to live up to both your praise and his charge.

    Thank you so very much for your valuable follow-up. Yes, it is still important. Thinggs are coming around to Quaoar in such a way as to clearly indicate that something is going around, something exciting and inspirational, and (yes) rhythmic. As the master of all things yod, your guidance is so very valuable for grasping the motion in progress. You are correct, it is complicated, but the Moon entities do not trouble me. What troubles me is my own difficulty in clearly apprehending the intriguing dynamic that you have done such a beautiful job of encircling. Reminds of of the Higgs Boson verification. Clearly, you are first in line for the Nobel.

    CaraSusanetta: Thank you for the information. If i ever locate that pesky brain of mine, i’ll send it of to Dr. Q.

    aword: Feelings, yes, that’s the ticket (on the lunar level, at least). Yes, there is value in the same sense that a penny saved is a penny earned (or compounded). Thank you for finding my presence here worth your while.

    Chief Niwots Son: You humble me as Jude did, setting my words next to those of a truly great man. Striving to earn your kindness.

    Carrie: Thank you, love it!

  26. “The spiral leads to nothing less than slavery, with every minute of your life and every ounce of your energy exploited to enrich a few at the expense of the many.”

    – Len Wallick

    “Emancipate your selves from mental slavery,
    none but ourselves can free our minds…”

    – Robert Nesta Marley

  27. ps looks like Hekate was discovered in AQ – on July 11th 1868. So we’re close to her discovery date if not degree.

    Google brings up some interesting myth stories, including that she carried a torch in the search for Persephone.

  28. Len, I suppose then, that I should be expecting some un expected transformational changes over the next few years? lol. Feeling beat-up and worn-out yet excited and anticipating new perspective, everything’s still wrapped up in a whole ball of wax, all melted all over itself and as yet undecipherable. (Well, not entirely.)

    Lairs and Crags, indeed. Lions and Bears, oh my! Beginning to accept that the Universe has opened space (for a decade now and not counting) for me to clear out the old and in with the new – the doors and windows are flung open to the new – but oh! what is it that is coming? Is is VALUABLE? This has permeated my mind, rolled me round like that ball of wax – now it is time to make the lost-wax form for a new sculpture, a new me – and thusly the world ’round (me).
    Mindfullness. Yes. Lesson on Power. Yes. Listening. So grateful you are here. Thank you.

  29. Be, ah just one more of the tit-for-tat aspects I’ve been experiencing (mars on pluto, pluto on mars etc etc).
    Hekat/sun are transiting natal Hekat/Ceres in cancer – opposing natal Mars and our transiting Pluto.
    Natal Quaoar lives at 16 Libra, where Saturns travels have placed him (as you note). Doing his dance forever in my chart in exact square to Hekat and Ceres and Mars – and for some time to come, Pluto.
    Then there’s the stuff that makes this whole thing feel “cross” haha; DML lives natally at 0 Aries next to natal moon/eris.

    Challenges and thensome? Methinks. No, make that “me feels”. This is about feeding consciousness with heart, yes? Thank you for your add-ons as always!

  30. Not astrological, but a bit of a riff. Mystes, you spoke of Mexicans as brain surgeons and touchgnosis. Have you heard of Dr. Q? He’s a Mexican-American brain surgeon here at Johns Hopkins, very innovative in surgical technique, who started off as an illegal immigrant (overstayed a student visa I believe) and more than made good on whatever amnesty was given. Oops, I guess my liberal is showing.

  31. Wait! Wait! There’s something you should know before the half-lit Luna (love that!) squares the Sun, or at least it was important back when Venus stationed retrograde. Some of us got all excited about the chart you provided here that was for the discovery of Quaoar, the creative dancing “god” who makes things happen. My calendar was marked for the next time Venus would be opposite where Quaoar was when he was discovered and that’s tomorrow, before the Moon’s last quarter.

    Quaoar has been in a longtime sextile to Saturn; Quaoar in Sagittarius and Saturn in Libra. This means he’s also been in a longtime trine to Eris in Aries who opposes Saturn. I’m sure something has been danced into being due to that “relationship”, but right now there’s something else being added the mix. Hekate in Cancer, the goddess that represents the dark moon and Black Moon Lilith in Taurus are sextile. They form quincunxes to each side of Quaoar, and he’s already dancing as fast as he can, never-the-less he is also the front “man” for the yod that the 3 of them create. I’m guessing this energy is quite unconscious in all of us, due to it being heavily Moon-charged, but also because Quaoar himself had no form of his own. He can dance and sing other things into being though.

    However, Saturn IS all about form and he’s in Libra and has been for quite a while. That’s where we will experience all this energy consciously. In our relationships. Now, these new energies are coming from the troublesome Moon entities, Hekate, who now T-squares Saturn and Eris, and Black Moon Lilith who is the front (wo)man for a NEW quincunx, this one powered by the sextile between Saturn and Quaoar. Just like relationships, it’s complicated.

    So what happens when Venus is opposite the degree where Quaoar was discovered? Venus who rules the sign that Saturn is in? My guess is that it will trigger the big “Q” and Saturn, both who will then push Black Moon Lilith’s buttons as front woman in the yod, and then they all will start a big-time dance.

    Meanwhile, the transiting Moon will oppose Ceres in the Quaoar chart tomorrow morning. In that chart Ceres was at 6 Aries 22, which is pretty darn close to where Uranus is now (8+ Aries), and he’s stationing to go retrograde on Friday. And he squares Pluto.

    This all precedes the last quarter square of the Moon to the Cancer Sun. What it means to us as individuals, I haven’t a clue, but I’m guessing that in the big picture of life, it will have something to do with corn and other food, something to do with restriction, something to do with women and/or the “masses”, something to do with newly created “things”, but most of all something that will cause us all to FEEL.

    Something to think about and watch for.

  32. Wisdom today, Len — a Ram Dass moment. And the last of it, “It’s not easy, but it is possible,” reminds me of a bit from somewhere in my mental files: I never said it was easy, I said it was worth it. Let’s think of this as a “get out of jail free” card/moment … and a hug of gratitude to you, dearheart, for making it so plain that if we miss it, it will be by choice.

  33. Sometimes reading an astrology article (of any author) seems like a giant effort of attention and discernment. I wish it could be condensed in just one image, like a single youtube screen, with shapes and colors, and I could get the content just looking at it. Maybe some day. Now I go back to reading the article… 😉

  34. Lovely piece, Len. I was thinking the other day about your awareness/adjustment/action triptych — it occurred to me that they tend to rise together in my world, not consecutively. Or if there is an appearance of ‘consecution’ -first one, then another- it is an illusion.

    It’s like the great Doctor Atl once said about Mexicans, they have consciencia digital* . A kind of touchgnosis. Which, he went on to say, made them excellent mechanics and brain surgeons.

    While I am neither of those, I *am* a huge fan of the ‘jump in now, assign meaning later’ method of propulsion. Ye old Cardinal sign in action, I suppose.

    As for this dress rehearsal of the upcoming squares, I am just glad I got the sappy, Pisces Moon weekend behind me. Might be just loose enough now to actually read the winds.

    (Oh, speaking of Lunar squares… I acquired a *moon-shaped* desk this weekend! Half-moon, black glass with a slightly more crescent base. Since that is my *favorite* lunar phase, I am thrilled… {{Thank you, universe}}…)

    (*this was in the 1910s, so before ‘digital’ had been handed over (hardyharhar) to electronics)

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