Electors to re-enact Civil War

WASHINGTON, DC. – Members of the Electoral College vowed to re-enact the Civil War on the Pentagon lawn next month when they meet to officially choose the next president.

The nation’s top Civil War reenactors have been contacted to provide special training missions beginning this weekend.

“The South appears to have seceded,” said elector Richard Moss of the Trilateral Commission.

3 thoughts on “Electors to re-enact Civil War”

  1. What is the purpose of this exercise? Naked would be good. That would be a purpose. Maybe another group could intersperse some kind of art piece in the midst of the re-enactment turning it into a tasty juxtaposition? That would be too much fun though.

    Speaking of the civil war, Wi Public Radio, was discussing Gone With The Wind the other day and Scarlet’s famous last words of tomorrow is another day (I think those are the words). Supposedly the movie was banned in Nazi Germany because they didn’t want people to be inspired to rise up from the ashes.

  2. The South may have seceded, but the North seems to have succeeded.

    Darn, sayeth The South, if only we hadn’t freed the slaves?

    Deja vou?

  3. If they do so re-enact, we need them to stage it at RFK Stadium, and we get to watch.

    And I want them all to do it naked, so it won’t draw things out any longer than they have to.

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