Correction: At about 22 minutes I reference Eris as representing service — I mean VESTA. The Sun is currently conjunct both, in Aries. Note 2, Pholus was indeed square Neptune for 20 years. Here is an aspectarian.–efc
Today’s extravagant edition of Planet Waves FM covers Mars stationing direct and the Sun’s current conjunction to Eris. These events are related, they’re exciting and they are interesting.

Mars is changing directions square the lunar nodes, so this is a bigger moment than it may seem — a moment of consciously directing your will.
Mars will move on from Virgo charged up with all the impeccable Virgo vibes you can imagine — a great thing for Mars.
In the second half of the program, I cover Ozzie Guillen’s run-in with the anti-Castro forces. I look at the controversy the way it’s been cast on TV, and then go below the story and explain what Guillen meant when he said he respected Castro not because he’s so nice but rather because he’s survived six decades of assassination attempts. Finally, I go over the natal chart of Keith Olbermann.
Here is your program in the old player, where you’ll find the full archives and a downloadable zip file.
Thanks for tuning in.
PS, here’s a crazy little thing by my friend Lars…
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Keith’s chart is below…

“the best thing I can say about Keith is that I never felt lied to by him.”
Dave and I feel the same way about him. I keep saying OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) ought to pick him up; his following would inject just the needed viewership that network needs and we could watch him again. Our TV lineup didn’t include Current TV (digital does but we can’t afford that extra cost) so we have missed him since he left MSNBC.
Thanks for sharing Keith’s chart, Eric. I’ve been curious about his chart for a while.
It’s interesting that right now into Keith’s Nessus-Mars conjunction comes Sedna, slowly moving through Taurus, tapping even further into his deeply rooted anger and pain. And soon Jupiter will join in, making it’s way over those points too, expanding that energy and bringing greater competitiveness and overestimation of his abilities.
There could a lot of volatile pain here for Olbermann and it’s got to go somewhere. With the rest of his chart and so far how he has handled himself, it seems that this pain may blow out as anger instead of being channeled into healing.
And I wonder if he’s a little too cocky or sure of himself thinking he can take on Al Gore and his news network, especially coming from the place he is, which seems a place of anger and outrage.
Tom just emailed me —
Hi Eric,
As someone who listens to more sports talk radio than your average astrology geek, I was glad to
hear you address the Ozzie Guillen issue. Everyone in the sports world seems to start with the assumption that he fucked up badly.
Before I listened to your podcast I wrote a small message to Grantland, a comparatively progressive sports website, urging them to
write an article about the insanity of his media crucifixion. I received an immediate reply that I would ” probably be pleased if I logged onto their
website in the morning”
Also, I heard someone call into a sports radio station and say that most of the “Cuban refugees ” in Miami are actually Cubans of the right wing
variety. I don’t know if this is true, but he was the only person I heard put up some kind of resistance.
Personally , I think the whole thing is economics and amounts to a grand form of customer service, i.e. the new stadium you mentioned needs continued
revenue through attendance, and any boycott, however small , needs to be avoided.
Ozzie Guillen is normally a breath of fresh air in a sports world of athletes and coaches who have learned to say “the right thing” as boring and
un-controversial as they can be.
I think that the observation of sports ethics in America, and specifically baseball, tells a lot about unconcious core American values.
And, as Rosanne Rosanna Dana might say, ” Why are we getting so worked up about Ozzy Osbournes comments that he likes the Castro district
of San Francisco?
Thanks for your pocket of sanity,
@ Eric…”We are in Kingston, home of…um…all the castaways swept up from the not so posh side of the river.”
LOL….So does that make Kingston the city of brotherly sludge? (Just kidding!) I actually googled images of Rhinebeck and Chelsea Clinton’s wedding picture came up all over the place….I guess that’s a bragging point of sorts for your neighbours across the river eh? Both places look nice, actually….very quaint and serene.
he bumped his head in 1908?
is that a silly joke on your part, or should it be 2008?
======= I mean 1980 -efc
As in: Rhinebeck. That was, well, it’s not really an insult, at Rhinebeck.
We are in Kingston, home of…um…all the castaways swept up from the not so posh side of the river.
….Did I hear him right?…..”the posh side of the river”….LOL!
I always had this sense about Keith that he was on some kind of messianic trajectory — dramatic, sometimes bombastic. I loved his blogs at Daily Kos, and hopes he comes a little off the pedestal because his observations and opinions do carry impact. They move the dialogue FORWARD, not muddle in the middle.
As for Mars stationing direct Friday, we are back again, close to, if not exactly along my ASC-DES axis. I’m already feeling itchy now. Looking forward to the ride.
Eric, thank you for the additional insight regarding Keith. I hope I didn’t sound dismissive of him. Rather, for me, it was very uncomfortable to see him implode while I was watching. I have always been amazed at his very astute grasp of legal issues, far better than most lawyers I know (and I know way too many). So, like you, I await his next appearance. We do need those voices that keep reminding us about naked emperors.
Again, thanks.
Speaking as a brother journalist, the best thing I can say about Keith is that I never felt lied to by him. His willingness to walk away from an extremely lucrative gig reinforced that point for me. The one thing you need to know about a journalist is whether they can be swayed by money.
Keith has a chart that calls on him to do a lot of personal work; nobody who has centaurs conjunct Venus, Mars and the Sun can avoid that. Mars conjunct Nessus in Taurus? Venus conjunct Chiron in Aquarius? At the same time it’s screaming “work on yourself,” this kind of astrology is calling on him to indulge in excess and to live an extremely intense life.
Most people don’t know this, but in 1980 Keith hit his head on a subway car ‘leaping’ for the train. His depth perspective was disabled and that is why he did not drive (if you’ve ever experienced this kind of loss of depth perspective, it’s extremely frightening to combine with not knowing how close that car in front of you is). I think that this “loss of perspective” influenced him other ways, and there are obviously potential neurological problems that can arise from brain trauma.
To know that, we would need to look at his Psyche and study his Mars more carefully.
I credit his increasing frustrations as involving his struggle to come to terms with the deception, greed and bonfire of the vanities he had to report on every night. In his special comment on Citizens’ United (still available), I could feel he had reached a limit, when he ended the comment: I JUST HAVE ONE QUESTION FOR YOU. WHO IS GOING TO STOP THEM?
If you don’t have a much wider spiritual perspective, that can drive you insane. Investigative reporting nearly drove me insane, which is why I stopped doing it as a career. Yet for most ardent intellectuals, it’s difficult for them to connect with the sense of a wider purpose. As an Aquarian he’s likely to be a kind of Humanist, and this is a rough time to have faith in humanity. That faith would need a deep source to survive in the world at this time.
Yet I never doubted what he said. I don’t care how opinionated or bombastic he was. To me he was telling the truth as he knew it — one of the kindest things I can say about a person.
We disagreed on one point, however. He once advised his viewers to “never, ever, ever photograph yourself having sex.” He was not kidding and he said it live on MSNBC. That makes perfect sense — coming from him. Keith likes it hot and it follows that he would not want pictures getting in the way of his reputation.
I am very curious to see where he goes from here. He is a rare soul — a beautiful soul, with a mission. We shall see.
What’s getting all the ha-ha’s here in Canada is Castro’s jab at Stephen Harper. Apparently he finds Harper’s blase attitude a point of contention and is hoping to coax a stance out of him by calling out his wimpyness in “Granma” – Castro’s newspaper in which he contributes a column:
So far it’s Castro: 1 / Harper: 0
But Harper’s sense of humor has a weird way of coming out of hiding with just the right complexion to fit the situation…we’ll see if he takes the bait!
Here’s a nice article fleshing out the Guillen situation and assault on free speech from The Progressive:
Eric, thank you again for a great podcast. Definitely will warrant a second listen through.
I’ve been waiting for your comments on Keith Olbermann. I had been watching him faithfully last fall until near Christmas, but became disenchanted and even disgusted with his bombastic rants on some topics, and his stooping to “name calling” that seemed to be so unnecessary to deliver the point. He was becoming that which he had once so neatly exposed and critiqued. Without taking sides, Al Gore’s parting words regarding Olbermann and civility were quite understandable. Perhaps some time out and a “civil settelement” will restore a modicum of sensibility to Mr. Olbermann. It is interesting and informative to view all this through your finely focused astrological lens. Thank you.
And playing to that Cuban ex-pat mentality, with complete intellectual disconnect, is Romney’s attack on Obama for his “hot mic” error — that he would (OF COURSE!) have more latitude to deal with any issues of weaponry AFTER an election year — to try to make him into some white-hot, irrational commie implant ready to give the nation away to the Ruskies = Cold War Consciousness.
Today, Florida Rep. Allen West is quoted as saying “he’d heard” that as many as 80 of the 190 House Democrats were commies. Absurd, for starters and, fer Gawd’s sake, do these people not know we’re in China’s pocket? Dusty old bullshit, from another time.
Cuban Exile Community is like the American Mafia calling itself the Sicilian Exile Community. Which is how I will now refer to myself, with permission of my Godfather of course.
I was in Miami almost to the day during the time that Elian Gonzolez was there. That alone was strange — I arrived right before he did, and left right after he was sent back. Seeing all these well-shod “Cuban exiles” holding press conferences was like something out of an Onion video.
They were always saying the same thing: He deserves to be here because he’ll have MORE STUFF.
apparently Guillen has been suspended for 5 games for the comment about Castro…
haven’t had a chance to hear all of the podcast to know if that bit of news broke early enough to make it in. but very fascinating to see what Democracy Now described as “Miami’s right-wing Cuban exile community” rise up for such a comment. also, i realized i’ve never thought about whether cuban exiles tended to be “right wing” or “left wing,” since my understanding was that latino populations tend to fall more on the liberal side. i guess cuban exiles more likely fled b/c they had wealth, not b/c they lacked it, right?
So interesting to compare the charts of Olbermann, whose sentiments I appreciate (if not always his delivery,) and Mike Wallace, who made me uncomfortable with his confrontational style. With Wallace, I always felt as if he was preparing to strip his interview subject buck-ass naked not just for the revelations he could offer a waiting public but for the sheer fun of it. I abhor the idea of humiliating others and Wallace crossed that line so often, I quit watching him, preferring to read about his exploits and discoveries.
As I have an intercepted first house, his chart interests me. That makes for a complex personality. Mike has that beguiling Pisces ascendant that served him so well, immediately followed by the stellium of both Aries and Taurus placement, including Moon, Sun and Merc: aggressive and then unyielding. Ouch!
Meanwhile, Olbermann’s Mars so close to his ascendant mounts more than a bit of personal fury in the projection of his personality and, again, here’s Taurus. We’re not treated too often to Keith’s “sweet side,” but we certainly get a full dose of his stubbornness and fixity.
Fascinating, these two. Both dealing in controversy, both tapping the hot-air balloon ride of their controversial personalities and both providing the public with information it may … or may not … want to hear.
In a tribute to Wallace last night, reporters who worked with him for decades, guests of Charlie Rose, discussed both his brilliance and his profound insecurity. It would be interesting to hear what Olbermann’s contemporaries have to say about him, but … that usually doesn’t occur without the obit to go with.
First of all, my thanks to your friend Lars for pointing out that sacrosanct traffic circle just in time for me to avoid hitting it while texting, and for his tribute to the Unitarians which served in a very interesting way as a segue into your podcast.
As a fan of post modernism, please let me thank you for what appears to be a great description of the phenomenon, and not only in connection to Eris. One thing the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the 60’s (transited by a previous Mars retrograde in Virgo) reminds us of is that it’s difficult for most of us to see something while immersed, involved and in the middle of it. The more intense the experience, it seems, the harder it is to detach and have perspective. One of the greatest things about you, Eric, is that you are an exception to that tendency. You can see the naked emperor because you don’t refuse to see the naked emperor. That’s a gift you have earned through your own effort, a gift you generously share with the rest of us (along with the inspiration to be like that too).
As for Ozzie Guillen and, to some extent, Keith Olberman. The 20th century newspaper comic character, Pogo, used to be fond of saying “we have met the enemy, and it is us”. Even more to the point (especially in Chironic terms) our greatest enemy, especially when it comes to healing, is the phenomenon of grudge cherished and held as a cause that lasts long after the original cause has faded into insignificance. Thank you for your healing perspective.
it was just this quest you describe so beautifully, Eric, that got me digging deeper into astrology and finding planet waves. I had zero activity in 4th and 10th houses and I meant to get myself a job that suited me, that fit the real me … rather than the me I actually loathed in a box. Planet Waves turned me onto my 4th house Vesta exactly opposite Pallas Athene in 10th … and the quest continues as the present day sun is conjunct Eris on my natal mars. It is a new day and I’m fanning the flames with the pages of your writings.