New Moon Marching

Note: This week we asked a few of our favorite Chiron specialists for their thoughts on the Aries New Moon with retrograde Mars opposite Chiron. We quoted Dale O’Brien in Thursday’s Daily Astrology; here is the reply from Melanie Reinhart. We are still in New Moon territory today. — amanda

By Melanie Reinhart

I’m a Gemini, so I love puns!  So here is one … the ‘march’ of time, the ‘march’ that soldiers do. So what kind of march is this Mars-Chiron Warrior doing? Read on … This is truly a piece of LIVE ASTROLOGY.

Thursday’s New Moon in early Aries is accompanied by an exact opposition of Mars in Virgo, still Retrograde, and Chiron in Pisces. When I opened Eric’s Email mentioning this, and inviting me to contribute some thoughts,  I was right in the midst of writing about this very aspect for Graeme Munro-Hall, whose chart is below. I took that as a sign, contacted Graeme and asked permission to use his chart and to share with you the very notes I was writing for him. He kindly agreed.

Firstly, a look at the New Moon chart. Mars rules the sign of Aries, and therefore also rules all four Aries planets which are closely conjunct at the forthcoming New Moon. In addition, Mars is in the sign of Virgo, ruled by Mercury, also in Aries. In other words, they are in each other’s signs. This is called ‘mutual reception’ and it functions as a very strong link between two planets, who behave as if joined by a rubber band, always connected and ramping up each other’s energy, but never stuck together. Here’s the New Moon chart, set for Bedford, the nearest town to where Graeme lives, in the UK. This New Moon occurs at 14.37 GMT here.

So Mars the Warrior, and Mercury the communicator are mutually receiving one other. And here I am, fired up (Mars) and writing (Mercury) …about matters affecting a healer (Chiron).

We can see the strong signature of Chiron, acting like an anchor for the powerful Mars energy. Vitality, will, intention, choice and energy used in the service of healing (Chiron in Pisces).

Mars turned Retrograde on January 24th, and will turn direct again on April 15th. That week will be one of enormous significance for Graeme. He is one of the very few truly holistic dental practitioners in the UK, whose work has included taking a stand against the use of amalgam fillings, and other commonly accepted dental practices which impact negatively on people’s health. He has also created an extremely effective de-tox routine to help people heal from Mercury which has leaked into their body from their fillings. You can see the signature of this in his chart below: the Uranus-Orcus-Sun conjunction – the innovator. Also his Chiron in Scorpio in the 4th house – many people who attend his clinic are given a new lease of life, after having given up hope of being well again.

The General Dental Council (GDC) are the professional body in the UK who represent dentists, and they will be presiding over a ‘case’ against Graeme, due to last from April 11th – 20th, right over the station of Mars. The GDC does not take kindly to anyone who challenges the very basis of what they do, and Graeme is not the only ‘alternative’ dentist who has been busted in this country. Any pretext will do, and previous hearings I attended were truly like the proverbial Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. Graeme recently published a daring and ground-breaking book called ‘Toxic Dentistry Exposed’, and we have all known that the GDC would find a ‘reason’ to try and nail him. And this is happening now.

However, the quiet, diligent and skilled Warrior (Mars Retrograde in Virgo) is currently sheltering with Chiron, whose energy protects and informs him. This is Mars the shaman, dedicated to the ways of the earth and its healing rhythms.

It is also a good description of Graeme himself, whose Mars is in earthy Taurus, in the house of profession. He is preparing for a battle which will take place in the week that Mars turns Direct. Note that the New Moon in Aries occurs in Graeme’s 9th house (of judicial matters), bringing this powerful energy into just the right place.

All this takes place with Chiron conjunt Neptune, in Pisces, so involving themes that are ‘bigger than personal’. It is not just Graeme’s professional life which is at stake. This conjunction is squaring his own Nodal Axis, so ‘Fate’ is at work, making him an important player in a collective drama. Chiron-Neptune signals that it is time to wake up from the illusions (Neptune) spun by the so-called ‘Health System’ which is run on the basis of commercial vested interests, and has very little to do with health in the deeper sense. It is perhaps the ‘Ill-Health System’. Chiron supports the holistic ways of healing, where body, mind and soul are seen as One, reflecting the Great Mystery of life itself.

Positively,Chiron-Neptune refers to the healing of illusions about health. Negatively in ‘the world’, what we also see is the current undermining (Neptune) of those who function as healers (Chiron) in the true sense.

There has been increasing persecution of alternative health practitioners in the UK, EU and USA; products which support health, like nutritional supplements, herbs and vitamins have also been targeted. The Codex Alimenatarius is becoming enshrined in law, while herbalists, chiropractors, homeopaths and others are being slowly strangled with red tape and other tactics.

This Warrior of Healing (Mars-Chiron) is perhaps saying that it is time to make a stand, wherever and however possible – a stand for that which supports our health, and the courage to turn away from that which doesn’t. No time to waste fighting AGAINST anything. Never mind what ‘they’ do or don’t do. Mars Retrograde helps us to go within, and discern what it is that is worth fighting FOR.

Here are the notes I was writing when Eric’s Email came through. I was looking to the astrology to help with a ‘strategy’ to give Graeme some celestial help for the April hearing. I had been explaining the meaning of Chiron-Neptune opposite Mars.

Implications of this configuration:

  • Neptune favours our appeal to the Higher Powers, so personal will and power (Mars) comes from this alignment. Pray, surrender, meditate. The GDC is not the ‘Higher Power’.
  • They (GDC council for the prosecution) will likely become confused (Mars opposite Neptune). So hold your ground inwardly (Mars in an earth sign), let them get confused, and pray that the adjudicator will notice.
  • Undermine the prosecution with your thorough and realistic grasp of scientific and logistical detail and your practical rationality (Mars in Virgo) wherever possible.
  • Humility is good (Virgo).
  • Subterfuge? (Neptune). Let’s speak about having someone as your own court stenographer, shorthand writer, recordist, etc. These ‘proceedings’ should go out far and wide to The People.
  • Anyone you know who practices healing, energy work, etc … ask them to ‘hold’ the situation in prayer for the entire duration of the hearing. (I am already working on this on your behalf, enlisting people, which I hope is OK.)

It was at this point that Eric’s Email came through. Truly. You couldn’t make this stuff up!

So, people, lovers of astrology, if this trail of connections moves you, do it. Meaning keep Graeme in the loving field of your concern for him and the challenges his destiny has brought to him. And pray for him especially during the GDC hearing, April 11th – 20th. And of course, any time. It’s not just about him. He is a Warrior working with and on behalf of Chiron, the Healer. This is for all of us.

May the powerful emerging energies of this New Moon bring all the strength and support that is needed, to all of us, and may the outcome be for the good of all.


To see Graeme and his wife Lilian being interviewed, click below for Pay Per View on Edge TV.

Scroll down to December 1st, 2011. (Includes phone-in questions.)

Or free on YouTube:

Graham speaking about his own healing journey

The Edge TV Interviews, as above, but chopped into smaller segments (7 parts):

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Website of the Munro-Hall Clinic:

4 thoughts on “New Moon Marching”

  1. PlanetWaves and Melanie R,

    This is an extremely important perspective of the New Moon and Equinox; this focus on Mars opposite Chiron and Neptune, and I thank you both for sharing it with your audience and fans. In addition to all the valuable observations in Melanie’s piece regarding the signs of Pisces and Virgo is their mode of mutability. In these times defined by the cardinal squares of the outer planets there needs to be a way to transition the huge changes in our societies, governments and their structures. With the Moon’s nodes forming a Mutable Cross with Mars and Chiron, and with Juno representing partnership and connectivity along side the north node, Melanie has personified this mythical goddess, not just for Graeme, but for the many widespread readers of PW who will support him through prayers, meditation and loving thoughts. What powerful tools we have at our hand (heh heh); computers, the Internet, and Astrology. We are all one and we will change the world.

  2. It’s possible that I have had excellent dentistry or an extraordinary physical system that has protected me against any bad dentistry inflicted upon me, knock on wood, as they say. But I know many people who have suffered from poisoning from bad dentistry. I will keep Graeme in my prayers from this day forward that he may emerge victorious from his trials and tribulations. I am glad he has you in his court, Melanie. Sending love to both of you!!!

  3. What a remarkable piece, about a remarkable man, dear Melanie. I will keep Graeme in my prayers. Let us know how it all goes. Liz

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