Bending At The Crossroad – Sun & Elatus Square the Nodes

Standin’ at the crossroad, tried to flag a ride.
Robert Johnson

For the next several days, Pisces Sun, the perpetually opposed lunar nodes (currently in Sagittarius and Gemini), and centaur Elatus in Virgo will compose four points in the precise shape of a cross. To help you work with that pattern, we will examine the parts without losing sight of the whole. The whole is what the aspect looks like, a crossroad, where you are standing, with all of the potential that image implies.

Astrology by Len Wallick

This particular crossroad connects points in the four mutable signs; Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini and Virgo. When Sun occupies mutable territory, it means the season is literally about to change. For example, we are now less than a month from the Vernal Equinox and we know that because Sun is in Pisces. By extension, any aspect between objects in mutable signs symbolizes impending change in the seasons of your life. Just like a change in earthly seasons, it’s something you can feel. 

Planets in different signs which share the same quality (cardinal, fixed or mutable) connect not only through particular shapes but also to corresponding feelings. One sensation often associated with that sort of connection is tension, like the feeling of standing at a crossroad, trying to flag a ride before dark. The perceptible strain can originate from two places, inside and/or outside. Anxiety you bring to yourself from the inside corresponds to points on the cross pattern that are at right angles to each other, and that is called a square aspect. Resolving a square requires action. Suspense originating from outside relates to points opposing each other on the cross and that is logically called an opposition. Oppositions imply negotiation. Sometimes, as is the case this week, squares and oppositions occur together in a larger picture. Fortunately, the Sun is part of that picture.

In astrology, Sun is as simple and straightforward as it is in your life. It is, in the words of Robert Hand, “light, consciousness and day.” The solar component of an aspect, therefore, enlightens awareness. The solar opposition to Elatus in this week’s grand mutable cross illuminates the challenge of communicating that awareness from your position at the crossroad in order to negotiate a means to your destination. Tracey Delaney at Serennu avers that “the art of communication is a theme” for Elatus and that its test is in “struggling to express yourself, not making yourself understood, etc.” That’s something any hitchhiker can relate to, when, in the words of Robert Johnson, “everybody pass me by.”  Unlike the forlorn character in Johnson’s song, the Pisces Sun’s opposition to Elatus in Virgo does not stand alone, the axis of the lunar nodes both completes and transforms an opposition into a grand mutable cross.

The lunar nodes are not material objects like Sun and Elatus. The nodes are two hypothetical points where the separate paths of the luminaries (Sun and Moon) appear to intersect in our sky, regardless where Sol and Luna actually are. Those intersections are important because eclipses take place when the luminaries meet at or near those theoretical points, making them a very special form of crossroads in their own right. In the case of this week’s grand mutable cross, special comes in layers.

One node is where Moon’s orbit around our planet rises above the plane of Earth’s orbit around Sun, otherwise known as the ecliptic. That’s the North Node which has the cachet of dharma, acting as if what you do matters to the rest of the world. The South Node is where the lunar orbit plunges below the ecliptic to complete the other half of its journey and signifies karma, facing the consequences. Because Moon’s orbit wobbles in a gravitational tug-of-war between Earth and Sun, the location of either node usually has two values, mean (or averaged-out) and true (for any given moment), which can be degrees apart. Tomorrow, those two values will conjoin to the degree, essentially becoming one, which is rare — a second layer of special, as if to focus the nodes’ square to Sun and Elatus.

When any object is square to the axis that connects the lunar nodes, it’s more than just square with its internal tension. Such an object is said to be “at the bending” of the nodes, adding a third layer to the composition of our crossroads aspect. Just like there are a North and South Node, there is a North and South bending. If you start at the North Node position (in this case 9+ Sagittarius) and follow the zodiac clockwise, the first square you get to is the South Bending. That’s where Elatus is. The opposing point, which Sun will reach tomorrow, is the North Bending.

According to Mary Plumb, the South Bending is “a point of release — experiences are internal and have difficulty being expressed outwardly.” Gee, sounds like Tracy Delaney’s interpretation of Elatus. Ms. Plumb goes on to say that The North Bending “is a point where energy comes in; events and experiences will manifest in the outer world.” That in turn resonates with Robert Hand’s concise characterization of the Sun. In other words, the components of this week’s grand mutable cross aspect will assemble at precisely the right time in precisely the right places to create a crossroads where your consciousness confronts its expression, as the consequences of your past negotiate the potential of an impending season.

Somewhere, somehow, that symbolic crossroad in the sky will manifest in your life. It may be an opportunity offered to you, like a ride. It could be a revelation that opens up and unfolds like a road. It might be another person, reflecting your self back at you, or a chance to do the same for someone else. Whatever form it takes, your choice will be which way to go from there, and act you must. The crossroad is no place to stay forever, it’s a place where forever begins.

Offered In Service 

35 thoughts on “Bending At The Crossroad – Sun & Elatus Square the Nodes”

  1. Len
    That’s how it feels. I don’t know which way to point! Funnily enough to make matters more interesting, I have had several Sagittarius friends vie for my attention (one of which I haven’t seen for eons) and the same can be said about Gemini folk in my life. In their own way they are enticing me to communicate. I have taken hiatus due to a stomach condition == I believe my illness is telling me to stay low.
    Thanks so much for taking the time to reply

  2. Kelly,
    Thank you for the clarification. Please forgive the delay in reply (encountered a technical glitch). Much like my response to aword, your natal chart makes the current astrology especially personal for you, but in a different way. Having the current lunar north node apply to conjoin your natal south node (and vic-versa) seems to imply that their polarity could work either way for you. Therefore integrating your natal Elatus (acting to resolve the tension of the square) will require some experimentation on your part as to which Plumb Protocol you follow, either that for the North Bending or for the South Bending . That experimentation will entail you deciding what course of action will best achieve Tracy Delaney’s objective of improving your proficiency in communication. Will it be a matter of manifesting your inner tension so as to make it more visible, or will it be sublimating your inner tension to serve a greater good? That seems to be what (as you put it) the sky is trying to tell you.

  3. Yes Len .. the transiting current lunar north node now at 9+ degrees Sagittarius is moving to conjoin my natal south node is in Sagittarius. Thank you

  4. Kelly,
    Please accept my empathy and support as you recover from illness. In answer to your question, please allow me to start by rephrasing what you wrote. Your ascendant is at 10 degrees Sagittarius. i get that. The part i don’t understand is the “Nth node conjuncts my South node 4 deg Sagittarius” because the lunar north node and lunar south node are always and forever opposed by definition. May i please assume you mean that your natal south node is in Sagittarius and the transiting (or current) lunar north node (now at 9+ degrees Sagittarius) is moving to conjoin it? Just need to be clear to answer your question.

  5. Len
    I am struggling to follow your words today. The Lunar Nth node conjuncts my south node 4 deg Sagittarius and my Asc is 10 deg Sagittarius, and natal Elatus is at 4 degrees Virgo. Seems like the sky is trying to tell me something
    I may have needed time to assimilate the current astrology because a sudden viral stomach condition left me with vertigo these last 2 days – unable to speak.
    Ever grateful – just to understand – that it is an organic process

  6. Pam,
    Yes, thank you, it is a good thing to lighten up. It helps us to integrate what seem to be separate archetypes. That (i think) was Amanda’s point when she employed puns in last week’s Daily Astrology piece about Sun conjunct Chiron (thank you again, Amanda).

  7. Thank you, Len. Yes, thank you very much.

    Your words regarding the Bendings have a great deal of resonance, both North and South and I will spend more time now with the concepts and your examples so I can better assimilate the intent of all.

    I am smiling about Orcus, considering the New-Moon-on-my-Old-Sun-day was the day that I felt compelled to pull the Orca sculptures out to enjoy anew. They must have been calling!

    (Or maybe the calling was from natal Sedna who is being transited by not-natal-Venus and natally sextiles natal Elatus. All of them perhaps – along with the leaky plumbing – making reminder to pay that homage to King Neptune! ;))

    Indeed too, I shall now re-consider Mars and Elatus and re-read todays posts with more knowledgeable eyes.

    Looking forward to – and thirsty for more – about Orcus-the-debutante as you further your studies and see fit to translate them here for us.

  8. Jann: Try this, what if the Sun was at your back (as it could be in the motif you describe). That’s like resolving the tension by simply and consciously having your own back, right?

    Carrie: It gives me joy to know you take erudition from my service.

    Shebear: Thanks for the link. Another example of how water is asserting itself.

    Geoff: Good eye. Pisces Sun sextile Pluto, Elatus in an earth trine to Pluto. Not necessarily wicked. It could be saying we can achieve whatever evolution or transformation necessary if we can find a way to put it into words and hold it in our consciousness. Please, does that make sense to you?

    indranibe: You are welcome.

  9. aword: Again, thank you. There are some folks who would tell you that asking me about “correct” thinking is asking for trouble. Nevertheless, please allow me to work through this with you. To integrate a square is to act to resolve the inner tension (example: lubricating a squeaky hinge that’s getting on your nerves. No pressure from outside, just the tension you feel inside when you hear the squeak). Integrating a natal planet at the bending is much like that. Your natal Uranus is in Leo, 12th house, at the South Bending of your natal chart (if i read you correctly). Uranus in Leo would correlate with stimulating experience, either sought or incurred. Uranus in the 12th house indicates that those stimulating experiences might be unconsciously sought or incurred more often than not. Using the Plumb Protocol, integrating Uranus at the South Bending might mean some sort of conscious sublimation is in order to bring order. Please, does that make any sense or have any resonation for you? As to your natal Venus in natal 6th house on the natal North Bending, the word you are looking for might be phrase like “acting to serve a healthy balance in relationship to the collective”. Please, does that ring true for you? As regards to your “Further” question, yes, what is going on in Virgo with Mars and Elatus right now has personal significance to you and the “way to consider them” is to take what today’s Daily Astrology and my blog today as relevant to your personal life. Finally, Orcus opposed this most recent New Moon in Pisces and that was no small matter. It is almost as if Orcus was the debutante being presented at the New Moon. It is a matter i am studying further.
    Please, how does all that that do ya’?

  10. Interesting, too, that at the moment the Sun squares the nodes, Elatus exactly trines Pluto. If something wicked this way comes, hopefully we’ll be able to see it clearly for what it is in the glare of those headlights.

  11. Crossroads, indeed. With oncoming headlights in all directions.

    My natal chart has Scorpio Sun square North Node. Transiting Sun has been sitting on my North Node for days. Sigh. Anxiety? Hah! More like a deer in those headlights. Ah, well, with the Sun above the headlights won’t be so blinding now, will they?

    The synchronicity of this posting by Len and the Daily Astro posting is marvelous. Thank you all.


  12. I left out part of my thinking after “here’s the facts” — — so…..I find a word, so to speak, that discusses 6th house and another that describes Aquarius and spin them together with Venus — and get an idea of what energies/ideas I can aspire to integrate visavis The North Bending which per Ms. Plumb “is a point where energy comes in; events and experiences will manifest in the outer world.” -?

  13. Len,

    So …is this “correct” thinking:…

    First let me get my Facts:

    Natal True Node is on the IC and conjunct Jupiter and Neptune (Transiting Saturn is almost upon them). TN squares Natal Venus at 00AQ 6th House (North Bending) (2 degree Orb.)

    Natal Uranus has a bit of a wider Orb from the Square that it makes with that IC/Jupiter/TN/Neptune. Uranus lives at 8LE, 12th House – just above the horizon and my AC. (South Bending)

    Then to Further the original Question:

    Because Natal Elatus opposes Natal Saturn — Can I assume that the Squares formed by Transiting Elatus (and Mars) have significance too ? (Or maybe this is part of what you have said) –Because Transiting Saturn is upon the stellium that includes True Node on the IC — and Transiting Elatus/Mars Square Natal Elatus? That is, when Transiting planets and Natal planets are taking on aspects simultaneously in a moment like this, what is a way to consider them?

    I like the feeling of what Mary Plumb has said about integrating the Bendings. Can you give me your interpretation of what “intregrating a planet” means? Honestly I feel stupid by the question because it seems as though it should be clear — but I am better at assimilating concepts when a story is told, rather than a generic description of the concept. How does one “integrate” a planet?

    Yes and thank you – I will ponder the upcoming Mars Rx/ Elatus opp Chiron. Thank you for seeing that !! -and any thoughts you have on this too, of course are beyond welcome. Perhaps you will honor us all with this as part of one of your upcoming articles?

    On a side note, this discussion caused me to notice that Transiting Orcus is on my natal Pluto and opposing natal Sun (in early Virgo not far from Elatus and soon Mars).

    That is, Transiting Orcus is 2 Virgo and so is involved in opposing the current transits of Neptune, Pallas, Chiron, Sun.

    I find it Interesting that I recently got out the black stone carvings of Orcas that I purchased in Vancouver while working in the archaeological arena in the Pacific Northwest long ago — which reminded me of another experience — can you believe this? Once upon a time I seized the opportunity to “pet” and feed Shamu (at Sea World when my kids were young). Amazing to commune but also had a Sort of Sad feeling as it’s certainly not a “natural” interaction.

    Anyway, Phil Sedgwick suggests that Orcus can symbolize “a person of one’s word (who) challenges broken promises, is aligned with a spiritual creed (and is) accountable for personal thought, word and deed” (From Eric’s essay “Waterworlds”. That was the “good” stuff 🙂

    All good. So great. Thanks, Len.

  14. Amanda: Thank you for bringing the logo back. You are appreciated for all that you do.

    Rob44, KathyC, MandyM: You are most welcome.

  15. Oy vey, this is so profound I can hardly take it in – most likely having to do with Elatus conjunct my Pluto. I will have to read it a few times for it to sink in as I know it’s important – much appreciation Len.
    Love, Love the ‘furry-bottomed’ image be, makes me want to shake my bootie all of a sudden!

  16. Huffy: Thank you for your beautiful description. In myth and legend, the crossroad is a place where choices are made, character defined and fate is self-determined. Approach your own version of a crossroad mindfully so you will be clear what road to take from there.

  17. Lokta: Thank you for being so generous and for mentioning Phil Sedgwick. He is one of the best astrologers ever, especially for recently discovered objects. That’s because he goes beyond the often-serendipitous mythological names of recently discovered objects to analyze the discovery chart and orbital characteristics that distinguish the object itself, regardless of its name.

    xtica: Thank you. It is as an expression of love and service that i recommend checking with a doctor to verify that chest pains and discomfort are not of physical origin. As regards to any connection with your natal or progressed charts, please allow me to reiterate that it would be worth your time to check the transits.

  18. Lovely. Thanks dearest Len. Have been stumbling about in a dark wood for some days – but I think I can see the crossroad emerging, not too far off in the distance. xx

  19. aword: Thank you for your kind words. Please allow me to begin answering your questions about natal planets at the bending by referring to other astrologers. Mary Plumb, quoted in my blog today, echoes today’s Daily Astrology blog (which serendipitously covers the same subject) in her Mountain Astrologer article from February 8, 2010. Ms Plumb writes “it is critical to integrate a planet at the bending to keep life on track.” That integration begins with acting to resolve the tension of the square. In order to do so you must take into account not only the planet but the sign and house it is in. So, what sign and house are your natal Venus and Uranus located in on your natal chart? As regards to transiting Elatus squaring your natal Elatus, please remember to take transiting Chiron and Mars into account because transiting Elatus is in the last quarter of a 12-year opposition to transiting Chiron and because transiting Mars is doing its retrograde thing in Virgo, applying to conjoin the current position of Elatus and oppose the current position of Chiron. In other words, it sounds like the transiting grand cross i describe today is personally auspicious for you.

    be: Thank you for your kindness and personal perspective. Please remember that the real crooks are not the people you can get on the phone. i love your characterization of furry bottoms. Not sure what happened to the logo today, but as long as i’m not being characterized by a photo of a furry bottom, i will with gratitude accept the honor of being in service here at Planet Waves with or without the accompaniment of a logo.

    granma: Thank you for your comments. My prayers go out to your family as they make their way through the Alps. As regards to your question (“how does a person know?”). The answer is probably in the transits (or current planet positions) overlaying your natal and/or progressed charts like a transparency on an overhead projector. You may have some activity connected to natal or progressed eighth or 12 houses.

  20. i feel so much better after reading this post….my life is again in material and emotional upheaval and i awoke to a crushing and paralyzing sensation on my chest, squeezing the life out of me, despite my head/intellect knowing that i must move forward while i feel like cocooning! this is giving me the jolt to pick myself up and keep going despite the “emotional heaviness” of the moment. blessing len and blessing pwaves!

  21. Len, the weaving of your creative expression pretty much blows my socks off! Ah, the crossroads, don’t ya’ just love it when this happens…my thanks indeed.

    As an aside, last year sometime I had bookmarked Elatus, according to our friend Phil
    Sedgewick, which I include here:

    Elatus: “Expression of self and ego through word and writing. Orbital Period: 42.16 yr.
    Positive – Excellent communication, articulate, precise.
    Negative – Verbose, boastful, shallow in conversation.
    Mundane – creative writing, affirmations, self improvement courses, poetry
    Ceremonial – reciting affirmations, chanting, writing spiritual treatises, ceremonial magic.”

  22. Be’s ” furry-bottomed centaurs that are so good at pointing out our less-evolved parts to us” is wonderful. Just the image of that makes me smile. Thanks, Be

  23. Len – I will read your entire article – later. Right now, not sure if my north and south nodes are re-running some deep stuff I’ve failed to deal with – or if it’s my Pluto square Mercury kickin’ up – or maybe it’s because my daughter and my 2 grandsons are trying to get home through the Swiss Alps where they are in danger of avalanches (after my son-in-law yesterday broke his leg sledding with them – he’s still in hospital) – sheesh
    All I know is, this day has been physically and emotionally full of heaviness – and I’ve been on brink of tears.
    How does a person know what is activating what?!?
    I know it matters -because one can understand some out-of-the ordinary events IF one can see the *why* (isn’t that the point of astrology?)

  24. Len, you are a wizard! See, I just got a notice from my car insurance co. saying they were going to cancel my coverage due to “nonpayment of premium”, which really torqued my jaws. Fact is, I never got the bill they say I didn’t pay. I was having a delightful and calm day until I opened that letter. You should have heard what I was going to tell these crooks. Maybe not. Anyway, after reading your offering today I realize this hostility I’m feeling is based on already being angry at this company, and probably a lot of old karma I need to release. I can’t believe the symmetry of astrology sometimes; it is just beautiful. I’m so grateful that you caught it, and you know Len, Elatus was one of those furry-bottomed centaurs that are so good at pointing out our less-evolved parts to us. Not that I don’t love many furry-bottomed critters, but I don’t necessarily want to be one of them.

    So I ditto what aword told you and have learned so much from your writing here. I forgive you for not being here on Monday, but what about your “Astrology by..” sign? Is that gone with the wind too?

  25. Oh, I LIKE that, Len: “…it’s a place where Forever begins” ! Again I have learned so much from your precise, descriptive and poetic discussion of current aspects. “The Bendings” are a lovely new astro item – I see I’ve Venus positioned at my personal North Bending and Uranus is a close-call to my South. I assume that I may apply what you have discussed here to my personal chart? In doing so, a new perspective of my personal world opens up.
    Transiting Elatus is closing in on a square to Natal Elatus (Natal Elatus opposes Natal Saturn with an orb of 4) Lovely to gain awareness of Elatus, and also to receive your succinct description of the Square. As my natal chart holds many tense aspects, it’s wonderful to get them down to a word.

    Thank you Len. So very much.

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