Astrology Today: Oracle for Wednesday, Feb. 29, 2012

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aquarius weekly for Oct. 1, 1999.

Astrology Blog: The Oracle, Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes.

You are faced with both necessities and opportunities to think in more global ways. I don’t quite mean bigger or grander, or dare I suggest grandiose. Rather, the necessity is that you learn to think of reality in concepts that embrace more levels of the information you possess, and that consider the effects of your actions on yourself and those who trust your counsel. Though you could hardly be called narrow-minded, your tendency to think in crystallized patterns and limit yourself to specific reality constructions has a tendency shrink your possibilities. Indeed, *thought itself* appears to be the problem, and it is, I would propose, feeling that will save you at this point because there are some things you can’t think about with your mind. Emotion is energy in motion. Crystals are fixed patterns that resonate very predicable ways. So what is called for is motion, and giving up what seems to be stability, but is really predictability, in exchange for something new: a new idea, a new possibility, a new place, a new view of your inner nature, or, more likely, some combination of all of them. This will not hurt you, it will help you grow in ways you’ll soon greatly appreciate.

Note, The Oracle is a random selection from the Eric Francis horoscope archives. Each day we publish one entry from among the 10,000 in our database. It’s a little slice of horoscope history — but chosen by our Oracle program, which always speaks to the present moment. New horoscopes are published each Friday plus twice a month in Planet Waves subscriber edition and Planet Waves Light. And for your 2012 annual reading, you’ll find Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check.

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