Saturn and Uranus: The excitement is not just Obamania

Hey there.

So what I’m thinking and feeling all day is that this sense of excitement is not just that we’re having a real election where many, many people are aware and participating. That part is fun: the sense that people care, that we’re excited, that we’re embracing change. Listening to Sarah Palin stump this morning in Ohio with her whiney “he’s gonna spread the wealth around and John McCain is gonna make new wealth” sounded like tin pot capitalism. This election is about more than money. But the voltage in the air is about more than the election.

The rings of Uranus are thin, narrow, and dark compared to other planetary ring systems. Image from Erich Karkoschka (University of Arizona Lunar & Planetary Lab) and NASA.
The rings of Uranus are thin, narrow, and dark compared to other planetary ring systems. Image from E. Karkoschka and NASA.

When Saturn opposes an outer planet, something happens — and it’s not always good news. The three outer planets (I’m referring to the pre-Eris, traditional outer planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are fairly close together now. Pluto is in late Sagg, on the brink of Capricorn; Neptune is in mid-Aquarius; Uranus is in mid-to-late Pisces. Saturn moves through a sign in about two years and three to six months. So every few years, it’s been opposing an outer planet.

Saturn opposite Pluto was between the summer of 2001 and the spring of 2002. We all know that story.

Saturn opposite Neptune happened in the summer of 2006, and the first half of 2007, coinciding directly with hurricanes Rita and Katrina. But it has an extremely wide orb — all Neptune aspects do — and I count it back to the tsunami on Dec. 26, 2004 (just weeks after Bush was re-selected).

Now we are in a new phase, Saturn opposite Uranus. This is interesting (to say the very least) because Saturn and Uranus represent such distinct energies. True, the same could be said for Saturn vs. Pluto or Neptune; there are many ways to describe contrast in astrology. The contrast of Saturn-Uranus is like a revolution. It is an invention that makes sure we leave the past behind.

Incredibly, this aspect is exact for the first time in 40 years tomorrow, and then it repeats four additional times, as it moves across the Virgo-Pisces axis, then into Aries-Libra…where it makes friends with Pluto in early Capricorn. This is the developing Cardinal T-square that I mentioned in Friday’s subscriber edition, called “Abandon Hope. Start the Revolution.”

I mean it: the astrology we’re experiencing now is the closest thing to the Sixties since the Sixties, and it’s just starting — this phase lasts for about five years.

I’ll offer different details from the current astrology through the day and evening.

For now, enjoy the illumination. The sky is going off like fireworks and, no matter what happens the next 48 hours you can be sure it’s going to be interesting.

Eric Francis

3 thoughts on “Saturn and Uranus: The excitement is not just Obamania”

  1. Linda – Yes! I am having similar sensations. I’ve been blogging all day trying not to go crazy. I have been having vivid, mini-series like dreams every night for the past few weeks. I can feel the earth shifting, the wind blowing a little harder and i am anxious as hell in anticipation for what will happen by evening tomorrow . . .

  2. This post was so helpful to me since for the past few weeks I have been experiencing some rather powerful and uncomfortable physical sensations. I am a sensitive Scorpio person, (poor dear!) and so when the Earth and humanity are going through big changes, I �feel’ many strange things. In particular and of late, something like �short-circuiting’ in my nervous system! It is very uncomfortable and accompanied with something like mini panic-attacks, hot flashes, restlessness, sleeplessness and a loss of interest in my usual interests. This Saturn /Uranus opposition is a real doosy!

    I often have very symbolic and prophetic images or short dreams in the morning just before awakening. I give them names. If I may, I would like to share this morning’s dream because of its seeming relevance to what is happening now in our midst. Part of it seems to be related to Uranus and the Internet, so please indulge.

    1)“Results” was an image of John McCain’s face as he was crying profusely in great sadness.
    2)“High Weirdness” was very unusual and bizarre. It showed me that the alphabet was taken away from mankind! No way to communicate in the old way…no more letters, words, sentences etc. The emphasis was on the spaces between the words, or the �negative’ space therein. Like starting all over again and having to learn a much simpler but more divisive method of communicating.

    There is definitely something to this �electricity’ you speak of! I wonder if others are having similar sensations?

  3. Oh Eric, you are so right! And i have been walking around for the last few days feeling like the top of my brain was blown out by this movie i saw called
    Zeitgeist: Addendum
    Here is the link:

    Have you ever considered that the reason things are going hay-wire is because the whole concept of a monetary based system of government is inherently flawed?

    Is anyone out there aware that a train has been invented that can go 4000 miles per hour, utilizing solar and geo-thermal energy–can get you from NY to Bejing in 4 hours?
    That cars have been invented that will not crash because they are equipped with a sonar/radar detection system that senses when another car is too close and will actually move the car out of harms way?
    That the energy that can be harnessed from 1 hour of the sun’s energy is equal to the amount of energy 1 person uses in an entire year???!!
    Everything is about to change! Please watch this movie!

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