Reality Check: The Reviews are Coming In

Hello from Switzerland — For any subscribers of 2012 Annual Edition who had not subscribed to previous years (that would be me), consider doing so. For $19.95 you can access Eric’s work from 2009-2011 (3-in-one, as one package). And WOW! How illuminating, clarifying, perceptive, helpful it is!! I’ve been reading and listening to my 2011 sun sign – and it is popping with exquisite bits of priceless information. Thank you PW for making these previous years’ yearly horoscopes available. Huge hugs from Siberian-cold wintertime in Europe. — Frances

Gemini Astrology to Go! From Planet Waves.
Gemini Astrology to Go! From Planet Waves.

It’s never too late to start living your life fully, but why wait any longer? After months of hard work, Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. — the 2012 annual edition by Eric Francis — is ready. Each of the 12 signs gets a three-part audio report and a substantial written exploration of the forces that will be shaping your life this year. You can check out the RRR Diary and certain features here, but the written and audio sign reports are a premium service you can access via purchase here.

Below is some of the early feedback we’ve received from people since we released the annual. If you have further questions about all that the 2012 annual by Eric Francis entails, you can post them below, or email Chelsea at or give her a ring at (877)453-8265. Please keep in mind she’s pretty swamped since the RRR release, but rest assured she will get back to you.

53 thoughts on “Reality Check: The Reviews are Coming In”

  1. Hello PWA,

    I’m enjoying reading comments about RRR2012, thanks to everyone who has contributed.

    I have intercepted houses in my chart which makes it challenging to read solar interpretations.

    I’m a Leo Sun, Cancer Moon and Ascendant, with Scorpio intercepted in house 5 and
    Taurus in house 11. I believe my chart was cast using the Placidus system however
    I’m not familiar with the different house systems so can’t be sure.

    In a solar Leo chart, 10 and 4 houses would be ruled by Ares/Scorpio.
    In my chart, Pisces rules house 10 and Virgo house 4.
    Aquarius rules my 8 and 9 houses and Leo 2 and 3 houses.

    For solar readings, as in Light Bridge last year, and in 2010, I tend to read Cancer as it will fit my own chart better than the Leo interpretation, and of course, there is the Cancer Moon/Ascendant component.

    However, I have a hunger for the true interpretation for a Leo Sun, particularly with 2012’s Venus/Uranus conjunction in Ares and Pluto/Capricorn.

    I’m sure there are others of us with intercepted houses who are huge fans of PWA.
    I, for one, would be most grateful if PWA could advise on the best way to apply solar readings.

    Thank you!

  2. Just want to add: what prompted me to look back to PW’s previous Annual Editions was Eric’s reference to the planet Eris (in Taurus’ 2012 horoscope). There’s a goldmine of info. in 2011 Annual Ed. “Light Bridge” (haven’t yet plumbed the other years). What a trip!!”

    — Frances

  3. I’m an artist, and designer and I have a children’s design business
    in a home studio west of Lake Harriet in Minneapolis.
    I’m also a writer with a book I’ve been working on for four years
    that just needs some more editing and a proposal made.
    By me, naturally.

    So the Reality Check, I must say,
    your recordings were really so caring and lovely.
    All of the signs I have found written in this deliberate
    way that seems to try to allow the heart and mind to
    proceed with the words in tandem and begin to infuse with
    what’s coming. It’s nice. Thank you.

  4. I’ve just listened to Eric’s annual on my sun sign Leo. So far just parts 1 and 2…I have to sleep before I hear 3. These are truly fantastic, insightful words by Eric. I’m soon to be 90 y.o. and they are going to be so helpful even at my age. My heart just over-flows with love for what he is doing for all of us. I haven’t even gone to my rising sign yet, hrs. and hrs. of listening to my favorite astrologer. Give him a big hug for me, please.


  5. granma — i don’t have the stats at my fingertips, but i assure you you’re not the only PW reader over 60! in fact, i’m pretty sure we have more “mature” readers than 20-somethings, despite being an internet publication.


  6. Hello to @ellen soon to be 90 y.o.!!
    Thank you for taking the time to comment!
    I’m soon to be 66 y.o. and also feel energized, psyched, full of hope after reading and listening to Eric’s inspired, visionary work! (I was also feeling like I was the only one at the PW party over 60)
    As James Hillman wrote in The Force of Character: “We may imagine elderly ladies void of ova but [they are] packed with memes.” (I’m putting that on a t-shirt)
    If we inhabit our role as grandparents, as elders, we can dig down deep into our rich lives and share with the younger ones our stories, our wonders, the lessons so hard to learn. And we can be present to the little ones – listen – really listen – to their dreams and longings – and cherish the sweetness of their beautiful souls.
    I love being granma! (and my mother, who turned 95 y.o. Jan.15, is great-grandmother and still “tripping” – like the tough old goat she is!)

  7. The 2012 readings for my uber-mutable self (Virgo Sun,Sag moon and Pisces
    rising) were so meaningful, I can’t really put it into to words.Words escape
    me… You tapped into what I feel on an essential level.

    Validation. Inspiration. Activation—those are a few keywords that describe what I felt
    upon reading and listening. I really like the 3 part audio…Excellent!

  8. Many thanks in advance (and kudos to Eric and the whole team for the 2012 Annual Report.  It is a true gem!)

    – Ann

  9. I am enjoying Eric’s new 2012 edition of Planet Waves. They are “awesome” (to use an American word) and must have taken so much work. A very big Thank You to him.
    -Cynthia, U.K.

  10. These recordings were so helpful and validating. I experience my Aquarius Moon as an individual person in my inner world, and this gave her a little extra leverage to negotiate more time for art, creation, and dreamwork.

    – Sally

  11. Wow, this is so right on, Eric…you have no idea. Right down to the details. I have Aquarius rising and just this morning finished redoing my office into a creative a new table for creative pursuits, and my office is a library too! So I am with you brother, even in the details. Am preparing to begin creative writing pursuits this year in a really big way. I could go on but for now, thanks so much for this affirming, enlightening and invigorating reading. Thanks for sharing your gift!

    – Jan D.

  12. When I read or hear something that is true to me I feel it in my heart. My heart actually opens and sometimes aches. That is what happened when I read the Capricorn astrology. I look forward to reading and listening to the rest. Thank you for your insights and all your work in putting this together.

    – Anonymous

  13. This roadmap of a horoscope is phenomenal. You nailed it!

    I have become aware of the power I possess to change my world and use it on the daily. We are all powerful beings, we must acknowledge this power. And thanks to Eric’s prediction, I just might save the world (or at least my little corner of it – with lots of love to boot)!

    – Kat

  14. Dear Eric,

    I don’t know where to begin in saying thank you. Such a careful and thoughtful package of insights put together with love and craft and care. I am very grateful for this.

    Very warmly,
    Hugging Scorpio

  15. Cousins, readers —

    Your response re R R R is so much fun to read. That you for telling us, and everyone else.

    There is a language we all understand.


  16. I know where I am going now. You delivered what you promised. Thanks for your loving guidance via “Revolution, Revelation, Reality Check”.

  17. i turn to my (western) horoscope as a means by which i may come to better understand myself.
    i find that i consistently turn to planet waves horoscopes because of their insight, accuracy, and the pure honesty and truth of them.
    eric’s approach to astrology makes it accessible to everyone.

    eric often puts our personal horoscopes into the context of the wider world which makes them even more valuable as sources of information that are true and useful.

    what is amazing is that you don’t have to ‘believe’ in astrology, the evidence is empirical. i have found that i am very often living exactly what eric describes in his podcasts, especially this annual capricorn 2012.

    as a capricorn with lots going on i can assure you that planet waves is consistently a resource which i can rely on as a tool which i can use to better understand all of the things that i am perceiving right now. it’s magic and science and love all wrapped into a nice orderly bundle and presented to us as a gift.

    thank you eric and thank you everyone at planet waves.

  18. Hi Chelsea,

    Please congratulate Eric for an absolutely outstanding written and audio
    masterpiece he has created called ‘Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check.’

    Every word resonated with me and I am getting a clearer picture of what
    is unfolding before me. Thank you.

    The reason for my email is to ask how much it is to get Eric to do my
    astrology chart?

    Thank you again and keep up the outstanding work! LOVE IT.

  19. I ride with great glee on the positive, hopeful, visionary challenge you present in your readings. You pour crystal-clear light into the chalice. Thank you. I have been so thirsty.

    (comment posted to the RRR Diary)

  20. Eric, I have to hand it to you, you go into so much depth and see the astrology from so many different angles, you are truly unique. It is a real pleasure to be able to read the astrology (especially being 2012) from a psychological and spiritual stance.

    In fact, it is a real gift to be able to communicate in such a diverse and intangible manner. I am very grateful for all of this and I look forward to every article and comment. Thank you for everything you create and send forth, it is really appreciated.

    (originally posted to the RRR Diary)

  21. I am Leo rising but my sun sign is Libra…and it’s like having a piece of popcorn stuck between my teeth that i cannot get out but i cannot ignore….there’s always a subtle conflict….Leo feeling some urges to stand out and be more vocal, while Libra is more demure and wondering if we are taking up more than our balanced fair share of space, while also double-checking and fact-checking on Leo’s behalf to prevent having to put our foot in our mouth.

    So my inner Leo Rising feels so validated, appreciated, and uplifted by these recordings, although the bit about assets and finances is rough. I’ve been taking huge risks with my creative works (i.e. spending lot of time and resources on my creative process that doesn’t generate immediate money, but is absolutely essential for my growth and integration within) and that’s put a lot of stress on me in terms of feeling financially secure.

    However, feeling this validation of my Leo smarts is really helpful! Cause the Leo in me is really smart and she’s really bold and brave and I am very proud of her! She’s able to stand unwavering in the truth and the Libra in me really admires that.

    (comment originally posted to the RRR site)

  22. I feel on fire! Eric, this is amazing. I am in the midst of a huge project, and this gives me so much excitement and inspiration. Thank you for this. I am excited for all Leos!

    (comment originally posted to the RRR site)

  23. Hey Eric,

    It’s Altea. Just reading the 2012 reports.I have my sun in Leo, my moon in Aries and my ascendant is Capricorn. I am absolutely amazed and grateful at how deep you went and how accurately you managed to describe or tap into the essential Leo SELF. Some of which I have kept hidden from all except those closest to me. I haven’t finished Capricorn yet and I am yet to even start Aries. But you have definitely outdone yourself! I guess that is also a reflection of what is happening this year!!! Much Gratitude, Appreciation and Love to you Eric. Altea.

  24. Having had the privilege of finding Eric Francis and Planet Waves some years ago, I can safely say that my life has been enriched ever since. I have been nourished by the sheer range and deep levels of information provided, be it personal, political, cultural, astrological, environmental, ‘spiritual’ and more, nurtured with the togetherness that is forever growing and developing and most importantly, I’ve been constantly reminded of my place here on Planet Terra.

    Eric’s astrology always offers enough of the past to pin meaning together, along with plenty of the present in which to utilise it and truely tangible notions of the future to really have the motivation to activate it.

    It amazes me each day how someone that I’ve never even spoken to let alone met in person can know me so well, in fact it seems better than I know myself at times. The uncanny timing and insights thus given by Eric and his team send shivers throughout my being and keep me awake at night for not being able to stop reading and listening to the endless streams of guidance and grounding that are so creatively interpreted for any and all to take on board.

    I am an artist and an eternal optimist. I have an innate faith in creation and I wholeheartedly trust that the future is better than good, however, this doesn’t stop the negativity of the here and now weighing down on me at times.

    So I thank goodness that not only is Eric a master of ideas, concepts, creativity and reality, he is also a complete craftsman when it comes to his use of words. Never have I found anything (other than through the work of Jonathon Cainer!!!) with such importance and magnificance to be then shared in such a generous, down to-earth, approachable and understandable manner.

    Revelation, Revolution, Reality Check is an absolute must-have for the months and years to come. Let yourself be catapulted to the place of your true and upmost potential; be the most of who you can be. Let your tears be turned to laughter, your frustration converted to determined energy, and your fears something you confront in order to grow stronger.

    Check it out and if it does anything less than satisfy your curiousity, I’ll eat my hat…and I’ve got a fairly large collection of headwear to munch through but my instincts tell me there’ll be no need.”

    Blessings, bring on the Dragon!


  25. Hi Chelsea —

    I just wanted to let Eric know how much I appreciate his work in general, but in particular his work around the 2012 forecasts. I finally just finished listening to the Pisces audio & have read the Pisces essay a few times (as well as some other signs) and I think it is a phenomenal piece of astrology work. There is so much there and I love the thought that was put into it. Eric has a way of expressing these ethereal and elusive concepts that is both inspiring and so useful. Thank you- or rather please forward this to thank him!

    Thanks very much,

  26. Eric,
    I logged in this morning to take a quick peek as I’m heading out the door for early meetings with a client. I skimmed down to the bottom and for now I can say – bulls eye.

    Pulling from my personal experiences over the last 10 years and in particular since January 2010 – my work is to take FULL responsibility for my life by owning everything that’s showing up in my personal and professional worlds. Since both have blown up over the last few years, I’m one of the many who are reconstructing my life from scratch these days.

    How to support myself and how to be in relationship from a core of TRUTH and the COURAGE to be real every where in my life. And a key part of that is to TRUST myself first.

    And then there is GRATITUDE for everything. And that means EVERY thing and EVERY one that has had an impact on and in my life.

    So with that, Eric and team – I am grateful for your commitment to the quality of this work and to the kind of impact you have on the people who draw from your work. Thank you all.

    – Mary

  27. Just reading the 2012 reports.I have my sun in Leo, my moon in Aries and my ascendant is Capricorn. I am absolutely amazed and grateful at how deep you went and how accurately you managed to describe or tap into the essential Leo SELF. Some of which I have kept hidden from all except those closest to me.

    I haven’t finished Capricorn yet and I am yet to even start Aries. But you have definitely outdone yourself! I guess that is also a reflection of what is happening this year!!! Much Gratitude, Appreciation and Love to you Eric.

  28. This new annual edition is nothing short of BRILLIANT! I have read my sun and rising and a couple friends sun signs,, I am stunned by the clarity, humaor, positivityy and wisdom and gentle nudging we get to help us live our best life in a challenging and confusing time, i am much more hopeful now that i have read his guidance, i am so grateful for the hard work, and reasonable price, this puts the knowlege in our hands at an affordable price, I have wasted money on things more costly that have not helped as much as Eric’s generous reports ! thank you Eric!!! you will not be sorry to buy this report, do something GOOD for yourself . you will brag later on how smart you were! 😉

  29. I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to Eric’s “Taurus” predictions for 2012. It looks like the June time frame is BIG for me along with the Pluto-Uranus square formation etc. Can’t wait for May and June as I have been thinking all along. Eric is GOOD!!

  30. Wow. i just wrote that this was like having questions I’ve been asking myself lately, posted up for everyone to see. Why, when I get something, do I no longer want it? What do I really want? How do I feel – not think, how do I feel about things? How can I get grounded again? This is like you took a page from my soul and wrote it out for me to look at and remember, when I get lost, that there are breadcrumbs to knowing again. This is my first impression, that this is beautiful and accurate and poignant for us Tauruses this year. Thank you, Eric!

    – Susan

  31. We’ve all been on and on about the 2012 readings/audios, Eric, but the artist you chose for the signs is incredible. Thanks for linking the art to the artist P. C. Turczyn–just glorious, loved the Jungian inspired pieces, and the titles she gave her pieces…, just wow. Hope to be able to afford a print or three someday.

    – Susy

  32. I just listened to part one of Libra, and I tell you, Eric is truly phenomenal (you’re pretty special too by the way)!  I considered going to a Steven Forest Evolutionary Astrology workshop in Zurich in April, but remembered I had to work, and with Uranus manning my 7th house, I figured I’d get flack for cancelling my classes for a week to go.  So, I’ll hear Steve on the topic of reincarnation (talk about pluto in my 4th house)  in July, in Lily Dale, NY. 
    Anywho, it occurred to me that I really long to hear Eric in a workshop format.  Encourage him to find a space, even if we have to go that mountain where he tended fire while doing the Libra annual, I’m sure the reponse would be amazing.  Pluto is about to conjunct my natal Saturn (in the 9th house) and I’m scared to death (it’s already opposing my natal Mars, so I’d be the first to register and volunteer to tend fire the entire time … LOL

  33. Eric, the 2012 audio is a huge gift – thank you so much!

    – Vicky

    I agree, am overwhelmed by the amount of information! can’t stop listening to it!

    – Laura

  34. Yes. I got round to listening my Cancer audio this weekend. And was simply blown away by it. No stone is left unturned. And once again – it has fired me up, and got things moving on both a conscious and unconscious level, turned up the heat under the cooking pot, as it were. Was astounded when you spoke about the Venus in Gemini transit coming up this June- how it goes back to June 2004, when a journey of awareness began for many Cancerians. Spring\summer 2004 was exactly when my ‘journey of awareness’ began! I just can’t thank you enough dear Eric (and the PW team) for this precious and wonderful gift.
    Liz xxx

  35. I just listened to Eric’s 2012 Taurus horoscope and it was AMAZING! I learned some crucial new information about myself that is really vital to my self healing. I am just constantly blown away not just by Eric’s ability, but also his compassion and sensitivity.

  36. Just listened to all three audios for Aries with my Aries bestie girlfriend. She’s just started tapping into the spiritual powers that speak through her to benefit others and your message of trusting her gift was huge for her to hear tonight. Thank you Eric!

    – Susy

  37. You’ve done some truly fantastic work with your 2012 annual. I’m still making my way through it all.

    Here’s the thing I’m struggling with personally. I realize your interpretations reflect a solar-house-system interpretation, and obviously that makes a great deal of sense given the constraints of writing a horoscope column that applies to everyone. However, in my own chart, I have absolutely MASSIVE 1st and 7th houses — such that the Uranus-Pluto square is actually only making a “sextile” in my natal house system. Pluto is in early in my 11th House, but Uranus is actually just over 2/3rds of the way through my 1st house and won’t move to my 2nd house until summer 2013. At that point, presumably your interpretation for the sign of Pisces will work just fine, since it would be equally applicable to my house system.

    What I’m asking is: can you give me a brief interpretation of Uranus in the 1st house square Pluto in the 11th house? I have my own thoughts about what this means, but I want to see what you think. I’ll promise to tell you what I think it is after you respond because I don’t want my ideas to influence yours.



    Hi David,

    I will post a blog post on how to address this next week.


  38. Ok were you a plant in my house when I was growing up? The Virgo audio and written parts (so far, I still have yet to listen to part 3) are EXACTLY what I have experienced. The section about sex is so true it is as though you have been privy to my inner most thoughts! How can you know these details and articulate them so well? Thank you SO much for doing what you do so perfectly. Like an intense and beautiful light in a dark room, your insights are a wonder and an inspiration.

  39. Thanks so much for what you offer to the world. I recommend your site to everyone in my path and send out links regularly. The combination of investigative journalism and astrology is so rare and so right-on. It’s such a gift to be able to turn to your commentary in times of global upheaval — it’s a huge level-set. Thank you.


  40. Just listened to the Scorpio (Sun) audios… Oy and vey! Paying attention to my Mars at 27 Virgo, Saturn at 11 Libra (sliding down the slippery slope of the Second Saturn Return – I think I paid attention, at least I tried to!!) conjunct Venus at 10 Libra, Jupiter at 4 Aries, Chiron at 1 Capricorn…

    Need to listen to the audios again, but I still need to do Sag (Sun at the cusp), Virgo rising and my Leo Moon. So glad Monday is a legal holiday so I have an excuse to not answer the phone and continue on my immersion into PW 2012.

    So many light bulbs flashing in my head as I listened to Scorpio. I assume by the time I get through the other four my head will be glowing.

    All I can say is what everyone else is saying: stunning, profound, illuminating, insightful, enlightening, and of much importance: the eloquent manner in which Eric weaves it all together into a coherent, cohesive and comprehensive (w)holistic guide that brings a great gift of understanding (not to mention lessons in basic astrology).

    Very simply: thank you. Now you can get up from the desk/table.


  41. Scorpio with Capricorn rising. I need all the help I can get in 2012! I spent a long time pouring over my written report yesterday and am so grateful for the insights on past, present and future trends. So much fell into place as I was reading. Looking forward to diving into the audio today. I recommend to everyone that they read their rising sign as well – the added dimension to your unfolding story can be really helpful. Blessings to all at PW for another job well done.

  42. Let me join the chorus. Eric, you are a galaxy unto yourself. Fortunately, you enfold us all in your brilliance. I can only encourage EVERYONE to sign up, sign on, and get ready for the ride of your life! How much better to be in the boat and paddling than holding on to the hull, and Eric’s brilliant, personal revelations will definitely keep you in the boat.
    Many, many thanks and blessings Eric and to all the PW community and dedicated team.
    Here’s to 2012!

  43. Eric,

    I logged in this morning to take a quick peek as I’m heading out the door for early meetings with a client. I skimmed down to the bottom and for now I can say – bulls eye.

    Pulling from my personal experiences over the last 10 years and in particular since January 2010 – my work is to take FULL responsibility for my life by owning everything that’s showing up in my personal and professional worlds. Since both have blown up over the last few years, I’m one of the many who are reconstructing my life from scratch these days.

    How to support myself and how to be in relationship from a core of TRUTH and the COURAGE to be real every where in my life. And a key part of that is to TRUST myself first.

    And then there is GRATITUDE for everything. And that means EVERY thing and EVERY one that has had an impact on and in my life.

    So with that, Eric and team – I am grateful for your commitment to the quality of this work and to the kind of impact you have on the people who draw from your work. Thank you all.


  44. ‎2012 Libran astrology – utterly, utterly delicious. Thank you Eric for grasping the essence of who I am. Blessings to all the Planet Waves team for their creative efforts.

    – Carolyn x 🙂

  45. Awesome 2012 Cancer reading!! Just read the hard copy; plan to listen to the audios tomorrow!!! It’s already happening!!!!!

    – Susy

  46. Thanks once again Eric for your insightful readings – just made it through Pisces, now onto my Cancer moon and rising! 😉

    – Susan

  47. You have been a part of my personal evolution for quite some time now. My Leo connections to your readings almost always go like this…..”Oh, good, I am working on that” to “OK, I can see that, I will watch for it” to the intriguing surprises which I have inevitably seen play out later and put them together faster because of your intepretation of the energy. Seeing my “secrets” in print always gives me a warm-hearted giggle, too. So, my friend, keep it up….you have a special gift. But, I know you know that. Just add my gratitude, with many others, to your magic carpet.

    – Diane

  48. I am 2/3 through the Pisces audio and I am stunned,, it is so profound, I could cry! what a gift!! thank you,,, blessings on you for your talent, and your giving so much , and making it affordable , The value is priceless! again, thank you, ,,,,,,

    – Laura

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