Occupying the center ground

Peaks Island, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Today is Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2012.. The waxing Taurus Moon is making its way toward full phase on Monday. As happens every year, the first Full Moon of the year is in the Moon’s home sign: Cancer.

Obviously this is a comfortable sign for the Moon, but since it is being opposed by that big bright thing holding our solar system together (the Sun, currently in Capricorn), expect that your urge toward comfy nesting and effusive emoting may be at odds with the other things – and people – asking for your time and attention. Keep an eye on rising emotions as the rest of this week progresses, as well as when others start reacting rather than responding. The most aware person may not end up with the most toys, but rather has the ability to defuse volatility. You can offer the box of tissues instead of a rebuttal. It’s okay to have your feelings and express them, just remain in ownership of them.

Oppositions in general tend to locate the presumed source of any tension we feel outside ourselves, and you’ve likely noticed the way Full Moons instigate ‘acting out’ – especially if you work for a hospital or in law enforcement. Of course, that does not account for the lunacy we’re witnessing in the Republican primaries. That’s a longer story. Though it is interesting to notice that yesterday’s Iowa caucus – the first in the process – kicked off while Mercury is conjunct the Galactic Center in late Sagittarius (exact tomorrow).

We look to the GC as the bearer of a higher cosmic truth, representative of our connection to Source. But Sagittarius, depending on the planet and aspect involved, has its shadow side just like everything else. With Mercury conjunct the GC, we get a little of Mercury’s trickster side coming out. It’s almost as though its mental properties, bolstered by the sense of universal truth and righteousness of Sadge, overreach themselves. Put simply, watch out for moments of ‘if I believe it, it must be true’ – especially in yourself.

Luckily Mercury and the GC are sextile Saturn in late Libra, which is slowing down to station retrograde soon. With both minds and emotions over the top this week, it’s good to have something saying ‘slow down, be cool’. And if anything can send that message with authority, it’s Saturn. The degree of the Full Moon is not quite close enough to put it into a strong aspect with Saturn (it will be about 10 degrees away from an exact square), but it is close enough for us to see the suggestion of balance in the configuration. And Libra, of course, is the sign of balance – and relationships. So if you get fired up, don’t leap to conclusions and flame your loved ones and coworkers about that thing you just know is true. Stop, drop and Google the facts of your argument. There is a center ground you can occupy, in between your intellectual inferno and emotional tsunami. Just remember not to look to the Republican presidential candidates for an example to follow.

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15 thoughts on “Occupying the center ground”

  1. aword – I think I was thinking that the Four of Wands is a response to the astrology for the day, as opposed to being reflective of it.

    Then again, I don’t know what I’m thinking half the time recently. Nothing much makes sense unless I just STFU and stop analysing. 🙂

  2. In the spirit of looking to balance the need to nurture with what is practical (and what “works”) with what is good for the collective, I found this little 6 minute TED talk to be spot ON.

    The speaker is Marcin Jakubowski and he is developing open-source HARDware, not software which may be critically important in the future. I love the practical “Occupy change” feeling this has…working collectively to create working plans and prototypes of essential hardware that could really help people change their lives for the better. Talk about empowering!

    I suspect that the latte addicted, iPad toting urbanites might not “get” how important this young man’s vision is for the rural and under-developed parts of the world, but to me, this is stunningly brilliant in its simplicity and scope, much like the water bottle light-bulb concept that is literally “enlightening” the poorest and darkest corners of the developing world. Marcin’s project however, may be something to really be a viable work-around to those who want to build self-sustaining community without the banks and literally from what is already at hand. Brilliant.



    [ted id=1122]

  3. I have already stopped, dropped and googled more than once, seem/ed as though people around me were reverting to past behaviours – had to remember the steps forward then back theory of ebb and flow; the tides of human behaviour — especially my own.
    Great reminder this: S/D/G!

  4. Amanda, your photo is indeed a tarot card! “Two subdued figures gaze over the distant waters toward a barely visible island on the horizon…..they are framed by earthly wood representing Heaven Earth and Human….the wood fragile yet timeless…”

    Thanks for sharing your gift.

  5. schools!!! of course, brendan! i knew as i was writing there was a third thing my mind was reaching for, but my brain was a bit tired. thank you for the reminder/addition.

  6. A small addition: “you’ve likely noticed the way Full Moons instigate ‘acting out’ – especially if you work for a hospital, in law enforcement, or in a school.”

    Young minds are especially vulnerable to the planets without knowing why. Since I started teaching in ’04, I found that kids can really get extra anxious during Full Moons and other astrologically active times. They are also skeptics (and truth be told, publicly ascribing to astrology as a teacher would not be the wisest choice), so any attempt at an explanation for their behavior is not likely to go very far. It would turn into an excuse quickly enough: “Mister, there’s a Full Moon and it ate my homework!” Which, in a way, actually makes sense… 😉

    The pic: a portal as it were, to both understanding and lands beyond the horizon. Very nice, Amanda.

  7. Amanda,
    this photo is very beautiful and meaningful. The instant I saw it I had the feeling it pictures the chinese philosophical concept , Tian, Di, Ren (Heaven, Earth, Human).

  8. Thanks, Amanda for the reminder.

    The photo could be one of Tarot cards. It’s beautiful and relevant.


  9. Thank you for the perspective on the coming Full Moon along a very sensitive relationship axis. Thank you also for the contrast between a sensible protocol (Stop, drop and Google) and the “don’t confuse me with facts” ethic of the first Republican caucus.

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