Scorpio New Moon of the Reborn

Dear Friend and Reader,

“ALL THAT YOU TOUCH and all that you see, are all you’re life will ever be.” Pink Floyd summed up the whole of existence with a string of 16 words. It’s all boiled down to that magnificent point that life is a celebration of the senses. It is about feelings and touchings, reachings and pain and also, if you’re lucky, great guitar solos.

Teresa in Nuremberg, Germany. Photo by Maria Henzler.
Teresa in Nuremberg. Photo by Maria Henzler.

I am writing this on the eve before the Scorpio New Moon, and I can tell you, I feel the darkness of the night is as rich and fertile as the dirt above a year-old grave. You can throw anything on dirt like that and it’ll grow. You can throw old potatoes with too many eyes there, and you’ll have enough to feed yourself for a few months.

This is the energy that is pushing up against us right now. It is brittle and creepy and full of doom and weirdness in the old senses of those words. Weird and doom were both words used to describe something that we do not have a perfect equivalent for in our language, but when we say “fate” it comes pretty close.

The feeling in the air is very, very loaded, and there is no wondering why: after this New Moon, we’ve got Neptune stationing direct, Halloween, Saturn opposing Uranus and Pluto switching signs.

In other words, what we’ve got in this lunation is the beginning of a new era that will stretch way beyond this Moon, way beyond this upcoming Halloween, and into the reaches of time. Saturn and Uranus and Pluto are going to be the overseers of some excellent potential erupting forth. So what would I do during such an auspicious occasion?

I would have a ritual.

Speaking from the perspective of a witch, the New Moon is the best time to perform rituals towards the intention of growing things. For example, when I want my philodendron cuttings to send forth good, strong roots, I cut them and put them in water during a New Moon. When I want my strength to wax in a month I surmise will be pretty demanding, I call upon it under the New Moon.

This way, as the lit face of the Moon gets bigger, the intention grows along with it. Now, this is a particularly special New Moon, in that it is in Scorpio, we had two Full Moons in Scorpio this year, and Halloween is just around the corner. The veils between the worlds will be very, very thin this round. Like gossamer thin. The Goddess isn’t wearing any flannel this time, regardless of the threat of snow in the mountains (at least here).

What does this mean for you? Think of it as a time for delving down into the deepest well you’ve got, knowing you’re going to find something creepy and half-formed, but going deeper than that because you know there’s bounty down there. Somewhere. No one digs a grave without putting something in it. This is especially true for the walls and boxes we lock up within ourselves in the name of posterity, guilt, or shame. There’s usually something important in there, just waiting.

As a matter of fact, I wonder if that isn’t why there is this craving to watch horror/slasher flicks. Think about it: the lurker in the forest, the shadowy voice on the end of the phone: who are they? What are they trying to say? On Halloween, Death is not the death we struggle to avoid, but rather the harbinger of transformation. If you were positive the only way to get to a higher understanding was through shaking hands with Leatherface, would your perspective of horror change? A monster is only a monster when you run away screaming.

Also of note, in mythology, the dead have the privaledge of being able to access all knowledge and wisdom throughout all of time. They are aware of the Truth. Put another way, it’s very possible that the pieces of you that are buried deep within will help you come closer to grasping your own personal truth.

So it’s time, as Shana said in her recent blog, to look up and out and the stars and the sky, and to clutch, feel, push, caress and forge a new destiny for yourself. The world is ready for it!

Merry Met,

Genevieve Sophia

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