The Daily Aspect: Monday, Oct. 27

Mars sextile Jupiter. Sun sesquiquintile Uranus. Venus sextile Nessus. Mars square Chiron.

Photo by Eric Francis.
Photo by Eric Francis.

When it comes to trail blazing through new territory, courage is as valuable a tool as a good machete. Think of today as though you are an explorer in the jungle, wielding that machete, on a search for a part of history that has been lost in the undergrowth. When you find it, you are unnerved by the fact that you recognize it: it is a part of you that has been grown over by the processes of life.

Because Nessus and Chiron play a part here, this process may have something to do with physical denial. Either you are doing the denying, or someone else is denying you. Think of the reasons why you are being made to wait for recognition. With Mars sextile Jupiter, action is the key to bridging the gaps of your consciousness. The Sun/Uranus aspect suggests a social situation. Perhaps you will witness someone’s bruskness, or you will have the chance to be assertive.

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