Today is Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2011. The Moon makes its final square from Capricorn to the Libra planets in the wee hours. It then moves to Aquarius today at 11:18 am EDT. But Libra still has the spotlight, asking us to consider what is ‘fair’ and what is ‘justice’.
This week has seen at least three important court decisions. One is the acquittal of Amanda Knox in a high-profile murder case in Italy. In another in Texas, new DNA evidence shows a man named Michael Morton, who had been convicted with circumstantial evidence in 1987 of murdering his wife, to be innocent. And three Democracy Now! Journalists arrested while covering the 2008 RNC have just received a federal settlement in the suit they brought against several police departments and the Secret Service for their wrongful arrest.
Now, court cases large and small are decided every week. So what feels special now? For one thing, anyone tuned in to the alt-media has heard about a movement called Occupy Wall Street, a very loose but determined gathering of people who have decided it’s finally time to get vocal and visible in a call for equity between modern-day corporate robber barons and the rest of us. It has already spawned offshoots across the country. While nobody knows for sure how things will progress – after all, it is easy for the U.S. to support uprisings over there – there is this little thing called the Uranus-Pluto square lending some heft and long-term energy to any kind of upheaval.
That slow aspect is the cosmic tech crew, painting the backdrop of the world theater the color of revolution; the chorus has been milling about in Libra, rehearsing songs about justice and balance and relationships of all stripes; the Moon sashays on stage periodically to sing an aria about how it all feels, changing costumes and duet partners like a true diva. And this week’s scenes are leading up to a meeting between two main characters many of us are sensing but perhaps having trouble sorting through: Mercury’s conjunction to Saturn tomorrow.
The Monday installment of the Daily Astrology feature called the tune in a major key: “This looks like a productive meeting, goal or development of some kind, but the vibe is clarity and focus. Prepare well for what you have to do this week. Don’t rush your long-term goals.” But it’s possible you’ve found yourself singing a bit out of tune. Despite the creative potential of this week, have you been feeling blocked, frustrated or heavy of mind? Depending on where transiting Mercury and Saturn engage your natal chart, this may be the case – and it may not feel fair. But that doesn’t mean your ennui needs to conduct the pit orchestra for the opera of your life this week.
Step back and try seeing things from a different perspective, which leads to thinking differently. It can be hard to take in the whole scene from front and center; there are blind spots on the edges when you’re close. Try getting a look at what you’re experiencing from the balcony – peering down into the action – and see what comes into view.
To leave the theater metaphor for a moment, check in on how what you’re up against now emotionally relates to the pursuit of a long-term vision for your life. It may be that something seeming ‘unfair’ today is an opportunity to look inward rather than at those around you. Once you gain some perspective on your own mind, the next steps may be clearer. Justice isn’t always immediate, but it is built on the choices we make now – and Saturn is here to help you build something solid.
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back to the theme of justice:
friday is the deadline to send comment to the state dept hearings on the keystone tar sands pipeline:
kristina, you have no idea — it was double-sided! i’ll probably post another photo at some point that shows how – ahem – well endowed it was. 😉 it even had some buxom cleavage. gotta love mother nature…
You know, that eggplant is kind of seriously sexy. Long noses have their place in the world…
funny. i just watched “soundtrack for a revolution” today.
It’s Baba Ghanoush!
let’s start some tunes with talking…
the 99% Occupants aren’t whispering anymore
On Countdown/Keith Olbermann last evening, Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) indicated that she is exploring “retroactive recusal” of at least Justice Clarence Thomas, specifically in the Citizens United case because of the source of his wife’s income.
As a lawyer, I don’t recall having heard of that legal principle previously but did a little searching on it today. It does exist. Slaughter’s comment was that if Thomas’ vote could be retroactively recused the Citizens United case (decided 5 to 4), it would affect its precedence. There was some discussion about Scalia as well as Thomas regarding their appearances at Koch Brothers’ events.
There also has been some movement to introduce a bill that would impose eithical standards on the Supremes, which apparently don’t have a code of conduct or ethics, even though there is one for the rest of the Federal judiciary. And, both Scalia and Thomas are appearing as “guests” before Congress today to answer questions on the functioning of the Supreme Court. Slaughter wants to make sure that they get asked about the Koch Brothers and other actions.
Interesting. Don’t know if any of this will grow wings and fly, but all are curtins being pulled back and shedding more of the needed light on the murky doings of SCOTUS. I have wondered since the Citizens United decision what could be done about the Supremes, and these two seem to be a good start. Keep grinding Uranus and Pluto.
oooh — and now the musicians’ union is showing their support! gotta have a soundtrack for the revolution. i’m not sure if they’ll be there for the long haul — it sounds like they’re just joining in today with a parade of sorts. so i guess broadway won’t go dark. but wouldn’t that get new yorkers’ attention if it did?
that said, i’ve known a lot of musicians — they gotta eat too. 🙂
“Local 802 Executive Board members voted unanimously on October 4th to support and participate in the Occupy Wall Street Community-Labor March on Wednesday October 5th. The vote came in the wake of mounting demonstrations taking place nationwide condemning business practices on Wall Street that adversely affect working families.
“Tino Gagliardi, President of Local 802, said “This protest is a direct indication that Americans are fed up with reckless business practices on Wall Street that enrich the wealthiest 1% of Americans while dragging down middle- and working-class families,” adding that “this is a perfect opportunity for the labor movement to collectively address the concerns of the 99% of Americans who have been victims of Wall Street’s deceit, fraud and market manipulation.”
“The Community-Labor March is scheduled to take place tomorrow, Wednesday October 5th at 4:30 pm. Protesters will march from City Hall to Zuccotti Park, the staging ground for protesters over the last 18 days.
“Local 802 members will attend the march in solidarity with other labor unions participating in the march. Live music will be provided by Local 802 AFM members attending the demonstration.”
Cyrano du Aubergine?
One last notice from anonnewsdotorg:
“Citizens of the world
We are Anonymous! Recently something very disturbing has come to our attention. You must take all notices and information claiming to be ‘Anonymous’ with a grain of salt. Consider EVERYTHING.
Operation Invade Wall Street is bullshit! It is a fake planted operation by law enforcement and cyber crime agencies in order to get you to undermine the Occupy Wall Street movement. It proposes you use depreciated tools that have known flaws such as LOIC.
Anonymous would never tell you to use LOIC – Not after the arrests and failures of Operation Payback.
Anonymous wouldn’t attack NYSE on a HOLIDAY – It is debatable if Anonymous would ever even attack NYSE.
Be wary friends!
We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not Forgive
We do not Forget
Expect Us
Be wary of imitations!”
Only one more because the Anonymous website also posted the following discouraging the cyber event:
These are crazy times.
Speaking of Occupy Wall Street, justice, and (from a previous PW article) Anonymous, here’s a really interesting, planned, cyber event anyone can join:
There’s a Youtube about it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsLuYnEyFLw&feature=share