New issue, new series!

New edition of Planet Waves has ben sent to subscribers.

Welcome to Revolution|Revelation, a new Tuesday series for subscribers to our weekly magazine and the annual edition. In part, it’s a weekly diary chronicling our astrological and cultural approach to 2012 and the Uranus-Pluto square. In this issue, Eric takes a good look at how the revolutionary spirit reared its head between the Sixties and now — and how each wave differed in its energy and astrology.

You’re invited to subscribe for three months, which will carry you into the first days of 2012 with horoscopes and twice-weekly mailings — including this new series — by clicking here.

11 thoughts on “New issue, new series!”

  1. “thinking about and wondering about the women’s suffrage,”

    Lately (in the past several years) I have come to think of the Women’s Movement as the “movement to let women be the male default.” The Women’s Movements did nothing to elevate women as equals; it instead played into the “male as default superior” ideology and undermined female roles (such as wife, mother, caregiver to family and the elderly, nurturer) to the point that working in the “developing human capital” roles or “caring for the elderly” roles are paid the lowest wages; lower than waste removal workers. We value removing waste more than we value caring for the youngest and oldest and most vulnerable human beings in our society. Traditional female roles are devalued which in turn devalues children because children don’t vote or pay taxes.

    Reclaiming the feminine means acknowledging the value (in human capital development and human care) of traditional women’s roles in our society.

    This all makes me wonder if this time, with the Uranus-Pluto going on, will we get it right?

  2. Reading Eric’s wonderful summary (a bit of instant gratification for my recent subscription) and Richard Tarnas’ comments about something in the air brought this to mind:

    “For What It’s Worth/Something’s Happening Here” by Buffalo Springfield (1967):

    There’s something happening here
    What it is ain’t exactly clear
    There’s a man with a gun over there
    Telling me I got to beware

    I think it’s time we stop, children, what’s that sound
    Everybody look what’s going down

    There’s battle lines being drawn
    Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong
    Young people speaking their minds
    Getting so much resistance from behind

    I think it’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound
    Everybody look what’s going down

    What a field-day for the heat
    A thousand people in the street
    Singing songs and carrying signs
    Mostly say, hooray for our side

    It’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound
    Everybody look what’s going down

    Paranoia strikes deep
    Into your life it will creep
    It starts when you’re always afraid
    You step out of line, the man come and take you away

    We better stop, hey, what’s that sound
    Everybody look what’s going down
    Stop, hey, what’s that sound
    Everybody look what’s going down
    Stop, now, what’s that sound
    Everybody look what’s going down
    Stop, children, what’s that sound
    Everybody look what’s going down

  3. When I made my comment I was aware of the 50 year time line Eric was covering and I was also thinking about and wondering about the women’s suffrage, labor, and civil rights movements which were not covered (But I don’t expect you to do EVERYTHING, Eric). So i am happy these questions are out there and maybe a blogger has some insights.

    Those movements are huge and were composed mainly of “adults” (“mature citizens”? what can I call them? the grey panthers? :>) )
    which might be what mainly sets the 60’s and beyond apart from the predecessor movements?

    I was mainly curious about how the Uranus-Pluto astroloigy affected the women’s suffrage, labor, and civil rights movements. What were their angles during those moments of social unrest?

    Love this community. (((((ALL)))))

  4. I’ve had two requests — one to look at the astrology of the true civil rights movement of the 1950s (for that I will do the chart of Brown vs Board of Education) and then Dani Voirin wrote in and said, check out the labor movements of the 1930s. I will look for appropriate moments to cover those but any astrologer on board here is welcome to do those charts (you need an epicenter for the 30s, there were some big strikes that can be charted).

    Here is some coverage of Brown v Board of Education

  5. kristal – no one actually bought them an advertising campaign.

    eric is describing the mass arrests by the cops on the brooklyn bridge saturday. any time the police do something like that to protesters, it gets lots of media attention in a way that is likely to fuel sympathetic reactions abroad.

    make sense?

  6. Kristal, thank you for the running commentary.

    “someone bought them a national advertising campaign?”

    You didn’t even read the sentence, did you? It read: “showing their [police] power, they purchased OWS an international PR campaign as a gift.”

    It was a *figure*of*speech*.

    I recognize the pattern, since I talk to conservatives in their homes four or five times a week. The thing about thinking is that you have actually *do* it yourself. But when there is a pre-thought already chewed up and ready to deposit in your eyes, esp. served with a spicy little pissed-off dressing, why bother to cook anything yourself?

    There’s nothing to do be done about it; just note and avoid attempting to engage in adult conversation. When I’m attending this phenomenon in person, I note that there’s always life which is so much bigger than any diatribe with which I am being serenaded. Presence makes perfect, as it were.

    For these clients, I sometimes carry around a book written in 1979, called “What’s Wrong with America.” It has exactly the same fear-mongering, social-program hating, New-Deal blistering polemic that has been touted by Limbaugh and co for the last 20 years. But it is 33 years old. None of its dire, dire, dire predictions have true. Not one.

    It’s weird. One ideology has been scaring the pants off of itself for 30 years; and they still think the mirror is a window.


  7. Did i read that right………someone bought them a national advertising campaign? And they accepted? Three weeks in and the things they are protesting (media, buying votes/governments/big business)they have already sold out to……………..No courage of their convictions. The good old USA, where everyone wants their five minutes of fame. No commitment to change, commitment to being seen, the result of reality TV, where anyone can be a star……
    Feel free to delete this post too if that feels good……….xoxoxoxox

  8. Eric, I have not just read this article, I have studied it. Once again I thank you deeply for riding and writing on the cusp of change.

  9. “There is potential for wide-scale cultural change, but it starts from the inside-out. That approach, if we follow it, will help us avoid many of the really huge mistakes that were made during the protests of the Sixties”. Thanks Eric for this fascinating and informative piece. Has answered some longstanding questions I didn’t even know I had about now and then…

  10. I really appreciate your run-down on the activist movements of the past 50 years. A great re-cap of history in the light of astrological influence. Compelling. Thank you.
    A personal aside about the “fist in the air” activism that was truly a hot element in the 60’s. My personal take of that time was that I clearly was anti-war–my high school friends were being sent where? to do what? to whom? and may not come home? WTH? (WTF is today’s way to sAY WTH)
    But I more personally (most likely my natal astrological influences)was pulled in more by John Lennon’s Give Peace A Chance. At that time I was also questioning the lack of peace in my own soul and relationships as I was so involved in the global striving for peace.
    I wonder if those of us who are still alive and active politically today are even more excited (I know I am) because that aspect of our involvement in the 60’s is clearly now a great part of the energy focusing the Occupy Wall Street groups today.
    None of my friends were being led by anything nor anyone but the obvious. End the F***g war now and when is the next demonstration? Kent state and the assasination of Bobby Kennedy were also reasons we were on the streets.I guess our going to the streets was our way of saying WTF! Word of mouth and radio announcements were how myself and my friends stayed involved.
    I stopped going to rallies and demonstrations in the early 70’s when I had my baby in a back pack and violence among the crowd members at a Sly and the Family Stone concert broke out in Grant Park, Chicago. I was clearly putting my baby and myself in danger. To me that was the day the music died. These were not my people.
    Hurricane Katrina and an anti-big business nurse’s union re awakened the spark in me, and here I am now surrounded by many people of all ages who resonate with the energy John Lennon and I believe in.
    I just spent part of this afternoon making calls to alert my friends and nurse’s in my union that: some young people in our town, at noon, this Thursday will begin our own version of Occupy Wall Street. A group of college students–rather un-organized (they were described to me)– but definite about what they want to do, are planning a 2-month occupation of Public Square.
    I was informed today that union leaders are engrossed in SB5 and not interested in supporting this. This doesn’t need leaders, thank God. They are obviously too busy.

  11. Eric,
    Thank you. A well-timed and cogent revelation indeed. The last four paragraphs alone are worth a subscription. Once again you are raising the bar from the front of the wave.

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