Today is Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2011. The theme for the first half of the week is the emotional backdrop set by the Moon in Capricorn as it squares the cluster of planets in Libra. There can be a slightly chilly feeling to a Capricorn Moon. But since the main lunar aspects at hand are squares, detachment is not likely the answer. Squares are an internally felt tension and generally call for some sort of action. The Capricorn Moon may suggest approaching experiences today carefully, as though from the edge, but ultimately the answer is in fact to actually feel and experience what comes your way.
The Moon made its square to the Sun yesterday (known as the quarter Moon), so today it first engages Mercury at about 7:47 am EDT and next Saturn at 2:52 pm EDT. These two may be a little tricky to navigate. Moon-Mercury is often felt as a struggle between mind and emotions. Since we already know that the Capricorn Moon is not the most effusive emotionally, we can look to Mercury’s placement for a little help. In communicating your emotions – whether to yourself or another – keep an eye to balance. That is, if you feel yourself veering toward the unnecessarily negative, check your perceptions. Are you responding to something you know is absolutely true?
I ask this because the Moon squaring Saturn later in the day may also bring out any tendencies you have toward negative, irrational fears, and these are more likely to be subconscious. This makes them harder to identify and work with, but not impossible. It may be a good day to revisit The Work of Byron Katie; her four questions are ideal for gaining perspective on perceptions, unexpected reactions and runaway trains of thought. With Libra we’re dealing with the realm of relationships, but remember that your relationship to yourself comes first with these squares. By all means ask a friend or partner for help if you need a sounding board today, but watch out for any tendencies to project internal struggles onto them.
Despite the lag time between the Moon’s aspects to Mercury and Saturn, those two planets are basically conjunct, with Mercury moving closer. While this could certainly be felt as a sense of impending authority, there are some truly creative alternatives to how we can experience this aspect, thanks in part to its location in Libra. Len Wallick gave some sound counsel on this matter yesterday, writing, “read your own mind. Know your values and listen for others who share them. Figure out what inspires your trust and show it to others. Once you have sorted the gold from the dross, cultivate those relationships by comparing notes and sharing a loving counsel.”
Lastly, Saturn in Libra is involved in another aspect right now. Ceres in Pisces is backing into a quincunx with it, and it’s up to us to integrate the energies of these two. The planets and signs involved are asking us to observe the food/nourishment/emotional need/relationship nexus. Put that way, it sounds rather obvious. But the intersection between food and relationships can be abstract, taken for granted, obscured, and in extreme cases, become toxic.
The quincunx calls for constant adjustment. It is an angle of 150 degrees, or five signs around the zodiac. It tends to be a rather awkward aspect; it’s not quite an opposition. Oppositions ask us to negotiate separately with each side. Quincunxes ask the same, but we are more likely to resort to compartmentalization of the two energies involved, rather than balancing back and forth between the two as we would with an opposition.
Are you seeking creative sources of nourishment within yourself right now? Are you able to balance that with the need for more literal, straightforward exchanges in your relationships with others, or the urge to move an idea forward even if you’re not sure you’re ready? The balance between the creative and the literal is crucial for expression, which requires some tension and dialogue. But expression needs an outlet, and this awkward aspect is looking for a way to integrate rather than compartmentalize.
We find the key in the form of Venus, which has dignity in both Libra and Pisces. Venus has just been involved in a multifaceted conversation involving the weird side of womanly nature, and is about to be squared by that Capricorn Moon. There is a certain emotional hunger here, which is different from desperation. A little hunger is a sign of life. Follow it and see where it leads — try eating something interesting, rather than just eating, and see how it fuels you both inwardly and outwardly. The beauty of that sensory experience may be impossible to convey, but this aspect may reward the attempt.
Looking for insights on how this week’s astrology affects your personal Sun and rising signs? Try out Planet Waves Light, our streamlined horoscope service. For deeper cultural context and astrological investigation, the premium Planet Waves subscription includes the same horoscopes, plus extensively-researched articles on Fridays.
Hi Caroline – Nice to hear from you, and you are welcome. Email me anytime. Kat
Hi katlyons,
Very gracious of you to offer to introduce the work. I have been doing the work for about four years now and it has opened me up to so many new possibilities, especially when I felt so sure and stuck. I awoke this morning to write out my three pages of uncensored stuff and in it I found three or four good places to start questioning. Then I come to PW and find the suggestion to do just that. So much we just assume without any validation in reality, especially the deep conditioning from early on with regards to how we view ourselves.
Peace, Caroline
For PW fans interested in The Work of Byron Katie, I would be happy to walk you through an inquiry into a stressful thought, as an introduction to this simple and profound technique. Just email me at katjlyons@gmail.com, and we can arrange a phone or Skype call.
Its use fits into the archetype of the time with Uranus in Aries and the coming square to Pluto in Capricorn. Doing the work reveals over time the nature of our relationship with the other, whether that other is a human being or an institution or the planet. It is a vehicle for coming into responsible relationship with “what is” in contrast to our beliefs. It is a meditation, and it is personal. It is a vehicle for finding our own way
Embedded in this process is a hidden joke. It is all me. Paradoxically, there is the outer me (that I call you) and the inner me. It isn’t that you as a conscious being don’t exist, it is that my experience of you is filtered (100%) by me. Katie says that two humans have never really met…at all…ever.
By the way, I met Katie. At a distance, she appears to have an ego, a self, a schtick, so to speak, but up close – next to her – I experienced her as an ego less empty state that felt like love. Anyway, I’d love to hear from any of you who would like to have an experience of doing The Work as an introduction. I am also learning to use it as a way to explore the beliefs associated with natal aspects – astrology, after all, describes an important, but, limited aspect of reality. Astrology describes the shape, color, markings of the eggshell, but not, to my mind, the egg itself.
Along with Len, I, too, appreciate the explanation of quincunx. Also – so wonderful to see the Bellini painting. Many years ago, upon first seeing a reproduction of this painting, it triggered a breathtaking transcendant experience – the kind that more often (though still rare) happens in response to actual works of art instead of reproductions, but no complaints here:) Love to all, Kat
Thank you dear ones! xxx
I’m taking my pet hermit crab to be blessed later today….
after I totally load the comments board, creating a Stellium of Stellium…..
(you knew that’s what I was doing when I did it before..riiight? )
ahhh. the Cap moon. such a beautiful placement. thank you for this reminder of Mastery over your Emotions. beautiful. just beautiful.
keep lookin’ up! Everyone!
LOVE~ Always & Forever ; ))
Thank you for the kind and generous affirmation. Thank you for bringing Ceres into the fold once again, it’s a crucial contributor to the astrology for sure. Thank you for the brilliant and sublime rendition of quincunx aspects – reading it was a visceral as well as intellectual pleasure. Finally, thank you so much for the portrayal of Venus as an anchoring reference point. Now that i’ve been inspired to eat something interesting, let’s see what i can do with some quinoa.