Sun enters Scorpio, Transforms.

Dear Friend and Reader,

AS I WAS DRIVING HOME Tuesday night, I saw the stars shining like little diamonds between the branches of the barren trees, and I thought to myself that it was autumn. It’s in full swing here, the trees are shedding their flesh and becoming skeletons to line the sky. The greens are turning to ambers and the scent of pollen is fermenting into the scent of rot.

Tarot Card for Death by Robin Wood.
Tarot Card by Robin Wood.

Yes, the nights are growing colder and leaving a trace of frost on my plants, my tomatoes are drooping, my cats come bounding in with the cold captured in their fur. Halloween is on its way, and with it, that unmistakeable sense that Death walks behind us, no matter how swell the summer had been. It’s all a memory now and it’s time to buckle down; the season of Transformation has begun.

It’s strange that the world is facing this economic metamorphosis as the Sun moves into Scorpio. Scorpio is one of those signs that gets summed up so badly that most of the complexity inherent in it is totally lost.

One reason for this is Scorpio energy (and notice how I am not saying Scorpio natives) is the sign of Death. Death is a hard one for the living and therefore symbols of Death are given a very wide berth when it comes to interpretation.

However, in Scorpio’s domain, Death and Regeneration go hand in hand. Scorpio is the traditional ruler of the eighth house, which is the house of transactions, sex, and…death. What do sex, death and taxes have in common? Well, for one thing, they are pretty hard to ignore, or escape (at least the taxes one is anyways), secondly, all three of them have to do with something energetic moving from one place to another. In sex, it is genetic fluids; in death, it is energy and matter; in taxes, it is money.

I’ve noticed alot of people feel the need to make some kind of weird hand gestures when they talk about Scorpio, or bug their eyes, or do anything else that implies Scorpio is a terrifying sign that incurs wrath upon all those who earn the said wrath. I find this to be indicative of a certain unwillingness to meet change and metamorphosis head on.

In reality, Scorpio energy is unflinching in its courage towards death and sexuality. It is intense and it is warrior-like. This is because its traditional ruler is Mars and its secondary ruler is Pluto. It can be jealous, for Scorpio’s sense of self comes from what it has, just like a warrior’s sense of skill is derived from the strength of their sword arm and the hardness of their shield.

The Scorpio Sun heralds in a time of stripping away to get to the bones of something. It might be an idea, it might be a goal, or it might be a way of life. It is the sign of transformation, where all that was thought of as permanent is lost in order to make ready the ground for something new. This is not an automatic process. In fact, in this hemisphere, after the plants die, there has to be a layer of snow and ice before we get new flowers: a trying time indeed, but one that can be incredibly fortuitous if patience and temperance are observed.

This is a useful way to look at what is going on in the world right now: there is a process of relocating values, of transformation and of courage. Hopefully there will be more sex going on too, since many of us won’t be able to go the mall anymore and go shopping. While the Sun is in Scorpio, we will be asked to take charge of our lives in a way unfamiliar to us.

This is a great time to experiment with things that may be considered a little out of character. Think of Halloween, the Scorpio holiday, as a meditation for getting in touch with sides of our being that are often times left in the dark. Especially in the next few weeks, the idea of attraction and beauty will take on new, very interesting dimensions.

Finding out just how complex you are might be as uncomfortable as a school girl costume in a sleet storm, but Scorpio is the sign of the warrior. The intensity inherent in Scorpio energy can provide you with the strength you need to reshape sections of your life that seem to be falling away. A little courage might be what we all need as the season changes.

Merry Met,

Genevieve Sophia

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