From Polarity to Unity: Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon

By Len Wallick

I believe in living / I believe in birth / I believe in the sweat of love / and in the fire of truth.”
–Assata Shakur

The Moon calls us. It calls us to stay in touch with our values as foundation for re-creating our public and political identities. This involves what seems to be an inward and outward sense of estrangement. It may not be true for you, but it appears to be the case for many. The diverse collection of elements which were harmonized at one point are getting out of tune. To resolve this means we go back to what we believe and find the place where those beliefs are consistent with each other.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

Again and again, as Luna moves from one extreme to another through its cycles, it acquaints us with the principles of harmony and balance. It shows us how to integrate opposition into unity and move from there to diversity and back. It also provides us with an example of how to conserve our beliefs and integrate our values into a re-created whole.

Moving through spiritual Sagittarius all day today and most of tomorrow, the luminary of the night is waning towards its last quarter on Saturday. That will be the halfway point between its monthly opposition to the Sun (Full Moon) and their subsequent conjunction (New Moon) — as if to retire from the public over-exposure of a gaudy and well-marketed Full Moon that some referred to as ‘super’. But this waning is not a withdrawal.

The Moon is still working — in this case as a mediator — to reconcile an inner polarity represented by Jupiter and Saturn, located in opposing cardinal signs. These two, bridging the innermost planets and the outer reaches of the solar system, are destined for an opposition next week on March 28. Some would see this as an expression of conflicting values. In the case of Jupiter in Aries, we have the expansive assertion of the self from within. From Saturn in Libra, we get limitations imposed by relationships from without. Today, Luna says there is another way. Conflict is not the necessary consequence of polarity. Negotiation is a viable alternative.

The Moon’s angular relationship to Jupiter is called a trine. This is an aspect which connects signs representing the same element, in this case fire. This reinforces the energy signature and enables an expansion of personal aspiration. At the same time, the lunar aspect to Saturn is a sextile. This connects signs representing elements that support each other, in this case fire and air.

Thus, the reality of limits is honored as a positive aspect of relationship. In other words, the Moon is acting today and tomorrow to adjust our attitude towards a major aspect that will happen next week. It is preparing us to see it in a different way. Leveraging its applying conjunction to the Galactic Core, Luna is asking us to move forward with a perspective that comes from a connection with something greater than ourselves.

Working through a process from the full phase to the new, our silver satellite is encouraging us to step back and consider the big picture of our own cycles. The polarities we feel are but a necessary prelude to a renewal of harmony, converting the applying opposition into something more like a conjunction. Merging the energies of Jupiter and Saturn, resolving their polarity from an angle of mutual mediation, allows us to consider the possibility that aspirations can find balance with reality’s constraints. Common ground and complementary values can overcome polarity. Compassion derived from the unifying principle that life is one with each other is the binding agent of humanity.

Offered In Service

13 thoughts on “From Polarity to Unity: Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon”

  1. Be,

    wow. (deadpan, struck speechless)


    Wow. (omg)


    WOW! (as in, ‘I’ll bet that explains a lot’ – and explains a lot of adventure yet to come)

    And Extra Wow; “when I grow up” I hope I can see a chart and transits as well as you do!

    Thank you for your sight, with all my heart. All that’s going on right now feels more like a rocket ship engaged in take-off with a long exciting journey ahead rather than simply needing to obtain some old car that will get me from point A to point B.

    Thanks, Be. Really great of you.

    PS “something near home and family is a challenge; perhaps children…” Here’s a literal translation of that thought — my son’s been non-communicative the past couple of weeks and riding his moods out is hard at best for me, but that one’s got too much scorpio to mess with, I’ve learned all he needs is space…..I THINK (what’s going on is that he’s found a girlfriend…;)……and is struggling to interleave that new experience with being a teenager of a single mom and no “healthy male example” in his life. I’m as tickled as I can be, btw!

  2. I have been in touch with “something greater than ourselves” for quite a well and I too am very tired, tired of the bloodshed, tired of species dying, tired of the madness that government represents.

    I watched Rachel Maddow this evening and have learned that the government has issued permits to 5 companies for offshore drilling!

    Did you know there is a huge plankton death in the gulf which looks like a spill – it is a spill of death, not of oil. If creatures go into this area they will die also.

    I am tired of how most humans are totally disrespectful of life. What’s it going to take for everyone to wake up? After you’re dead is not a good option…

  3. “The diverse collection of elements which were harmonized at one point are getting out of tune. To resolve this means we go back to what we believe and find the place where those beliefs are consistent with each other.”

    —Buddha, Aristotle, Confuccius, Osho? No! —Len Wallick

    And the follow-up comments, what harmonizing we are doing. Thanks all!

  4. aword,

    A series of aspects to your chart from March 28-30 might be an opportunity. On the 28th, as the Moon enters Aquarius and conjuncts your Venus, the trans. Sun will square trans. Pluto and later trans. Jupiter will oppose trans. Saturn. Later that evening the transiting Sun (still under the Pluto influence) will conjunct your Moon at the same time it is being sextiled by transiting Moon . Moments later the Moon will oppose your Uranus. These aspects trigger the symbols for your needs (Moon) the ruler of the 3rd house (Venus), partners, behind the scenes transactions, money and values. The transiting Moon will also square your Jupiter and north node and Neptune, so something near home and family is a challenge; perhaps children or shared resources.

    Then there is transiting Mercury stationing retrograde in the degree that sextiles your own Mercury on the 28th through the 30th and stays in that degree for another day and 1/2. It is also trine your Saturn during that time. Your 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th and 11th houses will be affected in some way by Mercury’s transit and powerful stationing.

    These are significant aspects for us all, and with your own chart strongly aspected, especially the Mercury station, this could be the time. Good luck and keep your eyes open.

    Jere, looks like you are caught in the middle so hang loose and it will all work out.

  5. thanks for that poem, Susy. I too would love to find peace among the tortoises. Strange and beautiful how they so easily represent something so great, so beyond our human scope….

  6. “Luna is asking us to move forward with a perspective that comes from a connection with something greater than ourselves.” Love you mentioning a power greater than myself today, Len, because over the past couple of weeks I have been overwhelmed with intensity of feeling re: what is going on in the world, staying aware of developments to the point of obsession, and then falling into a lonely desert with a feeling of separateness from the loving spirit of the universe. This morning I wrote a letter to my higher power about all my concerns and fears and this was the reply:

    Dear Susy, All will be well and all manner of thing shall be well, as one of your favorite mystics likes to say. I know things are hard and you feel overwhelmed. But I also know you know how blessed you are. I love you. I love how you always err on the side of generosity and lending an ear. But it is important for you to take time for yourself for refueling, self-nurture and quiet time. What an apropos poem! But don’t lose track of me. Make time for me. That’s what you need above all. I am with you always. I love you always. These lessons my children are learning seem harsh, but they are the lessons of their own choice. Like you, they have every opportunity to change their own minds. And ultimately I number every hair on their heads and I love everything I have made. My love encompasses all things. Take care of yourself my beloved.

    Here’s the poem.

    Tortoise Highway
    By Teresa Williams

    In the darkness
    of this winter morning
    I think of those
    on Santa Cruz island,
    their invisible pace
    up from the grassy plains
    thousands of feet
    to the high meadows
    and forests,
    their ritual escape
    from the dry heat

    They have traveled
    these well worn paths
    each season,
    for centuries and
    this pilgrimage, imperceptibly
    slower than the speed
    of any dawn
    they may wait for.
    When you pass them by
    these ancient living stones
    from the sea,
    You can almost hear
    laughing at you
    and your rush
    to arrive
    at the top of a hill.
    Once there, however;
    you will believe
    in miracles,
    when you see
    those tortoises
    in small pools
    of water.

    And there is a sense
    of deep satisfaction
    those giant beings
    as they rest in water,
    as if everyone
    has found
    what they were
    looking for.

    It is still dark
    and winter here;
    I do not find
    a well worn path
    in front of me
    nor a place of return
    each year
    I can find
    a second home
    high above the sea.
    No, from this place
    only a tangle
    of paths
    these animals
    called humans
    are moving
    in all directions
    at once.
    in this frenzy
    of movement
    is thirst,
    looking moving looking
    for higher ground
    for a quiet place
    to relax
    and drink in
    something clear
    true, an element
    of coolness.

    So, for the moment
    while the darkness
    and the thirst
    I will crawl away
    from the tangle,
    go deeper
    inside this haven
    I have found
    of hexagons and
    and here, I will wait
    for a light
    for a path
    for the place this
    shell of waiting
    may take me.

  7. Just as Uranus entered Aries and more closely alligned with natal Moon along with all those other lovely planets that are now in Aries – my 9th house – I got an envelope in the mail from Federal Court.

    Ah how quickly total freak-out showed its face what with the history of the “X” constantly harassing me via the legal system.

    And LOL — it’s a request for Jury Duty. “Special” jury duty, mind you meaning Loooong Time unless I am excused.

    But indeed I will take this as personal “intervention” whether the Moon or Jupiter upon my Moon or Venus or All the Goddess above. I am grateful for the opportunity to continue breathing in a somewhat regulated and normal fashion.

    And on side notes to Be – no car yet – LOL!

    Len, thank you – you keep my eye on the stars and my heart calibrated.

  8. Aspirations within reality’s constraints…Sun at 14 Capricorn is a nut about to crack. Ah well, at least you know where you stand with squares.

  9. Len, it’s almost as if you’re speaking a foreign language today, for me. A language I’ve been studying and trying to learn. My natal Jupiter is at 15 Aries opposite my 16 Libran Venus, so this is active.. and of course my sun is Sag..

    ..I’m tryin’ man.. but yeah, it’s gonna take a couple of days to get back to work.. Be.

    Love ya,


  10. Hey Len, what would we do without the mediators, huh? You have put it all into a perspective that keeps it (me) from getting too lop-sided. I’m telling you, this mass of energy coming from the Aries window is wonderful in one way, but at some point it has to get practical; life can’t go on like this forever!

    But it’s Spring and the jubilation has a few more days before Mother Nature and I (and everybody else too) reign it in for the sake of ourselves and this whole business of time. I mean, if it was beautiful spring all the time, what would we look forward too? Saturn is a good thing and won’t really get heavy-handed until June when he goes direct, so I’m ready to negotiate. Well, next week I will be ready, but can’t we play for a few more days? Then we can be grown ups and get back to work. Thanks for your thoughtful words today.

  11. Over the years I’ve been reading and relying on Planet Waves, its been both a part of my journey and a parallel to it; component and mirror. Absorbing the oracles, essays, tarot readings and podcasts in that span, there were times when I felt the material was speaking to me, and times it didn’t resonate. But in the past few months those seeming gaps in personal relevance have disappeared. Now all of it seems to speak to me directly in real time, in a way personal and universal at the same time. And that emerging gestalt is still mysterious and humbling to me, even though I’ve know for a long time its conceptual truth.

    So it is with your increasingly insightful and deft renderings Len. I’ve watched you grow and evolve as a writer and interpreter here, take the reins, find a deeper voice and trust it. Your thoughts today are among the clearest and most relevant yet, and I thank you for them.

    “The diverse collection of elements which were harmonized at one point are getting out of tune. To resolve this means we go back to what we believe and find the place where those beliefs are consistent with each other.”

    That speaks not only to the individual, but the national, global, and species level. Resonance at all levels, all cylinders firing like a lean machine bent on the new green, everywhere. Amen brother, and keep up the great work. Peace.

  12. Hear! Hear! Absolutely amazing Len. You describe so exactly what I’m battling with right now – had a glimpse today of how external circumstances that have been going on for the past couple of years (lousy boss, lousy pay, continuous conflict etc), have to be met in a different way, namely, through my inner experience and strength – that it is the letting go and giving space that allows the new to come in – rather than the eternal unproductive fight. And your words say it all and help me SO much. Thank you dear.
    Liz xx

  13. Lenster! You could knock me over with a feather today! What a quote! What an article! Dude, you’re on fire! 🙂

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