After hours from Dominick’s Cafe at Dreamweavers

Dear Friend and Reader:

Hello from Kingston…from Dominick’s Cafe at Dreamweaver’s, where I sometimes get to sit and work on my writing as the guys clean up and lock up and leave me the place. I’m here all day most days…the closed restaurant is a great environment. I’ve yet to raid the egg salad.

Eric FrancisI spent the day (as I do most Thursdays) doing astrology readings, and it was an odd one for sure.

There are those days when people come in fired up and ready for change — and times when I feel like a dental hygienist. For most of the day, anyway, I felt like I needed to trade my mouse for a scrub brush.

I’ve learned not to expend too much effort: help, guidance and reflection are one thing; we must do the work of life ourselves. Asking for help, offering help and receiving help are all part of the real economy, the actual human process of making home.

During a break between two of the sessions, I finally — finally — stumbled into the collection of my pictures from 2005 and 2006, including the originals from Auschwitz. They were on a disk drive I’ve been toting around in my camera bag literally for years. Stuff I assumed was long gone or only kept in the obscure corners of disk drives in Europe suddenly was looking right at me. The second thing that happened was that I clicked on CNN after my last session and noticed the Tao had fallen to 8,579 points, another massive drop. This, after the trillion dollar bailout and the decision to start buying banks and all of that.

Everyone is wondering the same thing — when is this going to end? Is it going to end? I can’t tell you that, but I can tell you that we are in for an interesting week. After a brief lull in activity over the weekend, we had the Sun-Mercury conjunction Monday, indicating the peak of the retrograde…and now we are headed for Mercury stationing direct and the Full Moon conjunct Eris, nearly simultaneously. This happens Tuesday to Wednesday, and right in the mix is the third presidential debate.

We will keep a close eye on that astrology as it develops. In ascribing responsibility for these things, we need to ask ourselves one question — who benefits? We need to ask something else: where is Dick Cheney right now, and what is he doing?

We’ve just posted the latest installment in the Auschwitz series. I received a letter from a reader yesterday asking why we are talking about what happened in Germany between1933 and 1945 when there are holocausts happening in the world today. I have a reason, and it’s simple — it is the similarity of German society in the 1930s to our society today: a technologically advanced, wealthy, industrial nation.

That’s what I’m thinking.

Eric Francis

5 thoughts on “After hours from Dominick’s Cafe at Dreamweavers”

  1. Dear Eric,

    For weeks now you have been so spot on to my struggle that I have to stop and say something. This free fall I’m experiencing leaves me with little that I know and nowhere that feels like home … it is such a comfort to read your words to Aquarians. I used to have such fun decoding the week’s horoscopes … now I’ve not a clue what you’re talking about; I’m just trying to hang on.

    bless you and that gift of yours.

  2. Eric,

    You might be interested to know that James Kunstler also spoke about Nazi Germany in his weekly blog on Monday. He comes to a different conclusion about whether this could happen here today, however.

    Scroll down to the Clusterfuck Nation Chronicles on this page:


  3. Tonight I went and stood on the bridge over the creek near my house and watched the flying winged insects that quite filled the air above the flowing water, all illuminated by the sun going down. I had just checked (again) my stock market holdings and felt quite confused and depressed with the tremendous loss I have incurred since the beginning of the year. How to be in the world now, I asked, with no answer forthcoming. I just stood there in the midst of those pale, flying things, seeking solace in the randomness of their movement and their inherent comfort with their world as it is. They glowed in the light like fireflies.


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