17 thoughts on “The Bomb: Nuclear detonation time lapse”

  1. The difference isn’t only herbs and diet. In Chinese medicine there is no concept for cancer other than blocked qi. The widespread practice of qigong in China does a lot for removing qi blockages and preventing them from forming.

  2. That explains the high propensity toward cancer, especially the upsurge of breast cancer in women where the tissue is softer. Diet is a help, the Chinese seem to have a great relationship with herbal medicine. For every 29 women with breast cancer in the western world the ratio is to 1 for China (stats were done a few years ago)

  3. I am really glad the Planet Waves team posted this… I wasn’t sure if it would get up there… It is quite shocking and extrememly disturbing. Luckily I don’t feel angry, but I feel gutted and rather frustrated by it all. I just don’t understand how this was allowed to happen?!

    I used to live with a nuclear safety scientist a couple of years ago. I used to call him ‘Homer Simpson’ which vexed him greatly 😛 He took a huge amount of pride in his work. He frequently boasted to me that he was a genius. I am a botanist… I have no time for destruction.

    I used to look after our back garden, and one day I had been potting for about 3 hours and he came out and said: ‘I wouldn’t be gardening if I were you – I have sprayed the entire space with a very toxic herbicide’… No warning sign on the back door, and it didn’t need doing anyway. I just don’t understand it – it is beyond my comprehension.

    Anyway… back to splitting atoms… has anyone here read the works of the naturalist and scientist Dr. Schuberger? Highly recommended – he worked with energy.

  4. Here is an effort in that direction:

    The National Conference for Media Reform 2011
    April 8.2011 – April 10.2011
    Boston, MA
    The National Conference for Media Reform is the largest and highest-profile gathering of media reform advocates in the nation. The conference brings together thousands of activists, media makers, educators, journalists, scholars, policymakers and engaged citizens to meet, tell their stories, share tactics, listen to great speakers and build the movement for better media in America. Sign up for updates or visit http://www.freepress.net/conference for information as it becomes available

  5. Thanks for posting this, Eric. I wish everyone could see it. And may the people rise up and demand a say in what is going on in our country.

  6. yes, aword —
    as i was watching the 1950s kick in, i thought, “man, i’m glad i wasn’t born then,” only to watch the pace keep up — quicken, even — right through the 70s & 80s.


  7. I am having a huge dejavu moment that goes back as much as a decade and has to do with Clinton (H).

    Read a quick blurb this morning wherein she pointed the finger and said US needs to use this moment to re-assess “need” for nuclear power.

    I was stunned, actually (that she spoke against status quo)

    Took a bit for this sense of past/future-in-the-present to manifest and now I can’t find the article……

  8. Amanda – ya. (“Holy Shit”)

    Did you notice how much had already happened before your (many of our) birthday/s even few by? We were born into Radiation Hell.

    I was watching the years….in 1984 the number of detonated nukes quickly surpassed the calendar year….

    Yep – sheds light on why this little disaster in Japan is relatively meaningless re: radiation re: what the US government has already perpetrated on unsuspecting citizens.

    Amazing video. Thanks for posting, Eric.

  9. Chilling and depressing.

    We have one beautiful, awe inspiring planet and look at us continue to screw up our relation to it. We’re an amazing miracle yet sadly, pathetically, we have placed ourselves at the mercy of a greedy few who seem intent on hating our miracle.

    What are we to do? They can no longer have the upper hand, surely. Our leaders seem heart-dead, brain-dead, soul-dead.

    I am gutted. I no longer wonder why so many of us are dying of cancer.

  10. Speaking of drinking and shit. Today is St Patrick’s day. Even so it is not a good time to get drunk. Today’s near-miss conjunction of Pholus and Ixion, followed by their nearly simultaneous retrograde stations tomorrow are an indication that this is no time to get hammered. Please be careful with the alcohol.

  11. HOLY SHIT.

    this should be requires viewing for every history class every year from 6th or 7th grade through college.

    i mean, we pummeled the *shit* out of our own southwest. i’d heard about it, but really had no idea how bad it was till i watched this. i mean, did we really not have enough data after the first couple dozen? the UK managed to stop at 40-something, i think.

    i’m floored.

    makes me want to move to south america; i think that may have been the only area with absolutely no nuclear testing…. maybe canada, too.

    i noticed it all slowed considerably during the 90s, thank god. but really… we were on a real tear there for a while.


  12. Rather puts things into perspective. To think that open-air tests were common for a while there. All the while we were told to drink our milk.

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