Head First: Mercury and Uranus, from Pisces to Aries

By Len Wallick

It’s an Aries Monday for the Moon. The Moon is there all day today, after a conjunction with Jupiter on Sunday. The big news of the week is that Uranus makes its move into Aries on Friday, where it will be the next seven years. Before I get to that, let’s cover some of the basics.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

We are in the first days of the lunar month; the thin crescent of the Moon is now visible in the early evening sky. The Moon ingresses Taurus at 12:51 pm EST (9:51 pm on the West Coast and 5:51 pm in London). These early days of the Sun-Moon cycle are the time to align and focus your intentions. This is particularly true with the Sun in the last days of the solar year — in less than two weeks it enters Aries, and these final weeks of the solar year are a time to sow the seeds for what you want to be doing for the next four seasons.

When the Sun is in a mutable sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) it’s always at the end of a season. You can feel the energy give way from one quality to the next. it’s beneficial to go through this transition consciously and actually feel and experience the change. There is a gradual dissolving of the old season and then the sudden surge of strength with the new one. Every cell in your body is experiencing this, and your mind can too, if you pay attention. This sense of seasonal change is emphasized by Uranus, which will be in the first degree of Aries waiting for the Sun when it arrives.

This theme of planets transitioning from Pisces to Aries is a keynote of our moment. Right before Uranus makes its transition into Aries, there is a conjunction of Mercury and Uranus in the very last degree of Pisces. It’s like Mercury is escorting Uranus into Aries. The conjunction of these two planets in the very last degree of the zodiac is worth a close look.

We find a theme to this degree in a system called the Sabian symbols — which present us with an image for each degree of the zodiac. There are 360 of these degrees, and as you can imagine the very last of the series is interesting. The image comes from a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The story is called “The Great Stone Face,” and it’s about a boy who sees a profile in the side of the mountain and takes it as the ideal he wishes to become. As he grows older he begins to look like the person he sees in the mountainside.

In this degree we have the theme of visualizing your ideal and growing into that ideal. There is a conscious process involved, and the planets that are involved emphasize this point: Mercury and Uranus are both associated with ideas. Mercury is more on the level of normal waking consciousness, though added to Uranus we have something of a revelation of self-discovery. Pay attention for messages from yourself this week about who you want to be, what you want to become, and how you envision your life.

They may not come in a gift-wrapped box. They are more likely to come through a moment of awareness, a dream or an event that wakes you up. Remember that we’re trained not to notice these things, or to ignore them for the sake of stability, convenience and seeming normal. It’s now time for something better.

Offered in Service

13 thoughts on “Head First: Mercury and Uranus, from Pisces to Aries”

  1. A Word, I am excited for you as you discover more about yourself from your birth chart! I *know* that feeling and just as Be has said here, it gets better and better. Once I felt saturated from the overload of trying to absorb the new language of astrology but now I seem to have crossed a rubicon and gained the ability to suss out a variety of energies both loud and subtle. I do study my chart as often as possible to see what it is revealing to me, then remember to take that step away to ponder and reflect and see what’s a true fit.

    Good luck with everything and thank you for sharing your experiences and insights. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. yes. be. Thank you. Interesting re: your take on Pisces and birthtime because as soon as I knew there was a “discrepancy” at all, I knew that I would forever more be shuffling around not entirely certain of that Moment as Exact (especially as it leaves Sun floating between 7th and 8th houses and Mars floating between 5th and 6th — all of the above is “good” and meaningful.)

    And yes too — these years I’ve been roaming around my chart looking for The Conversation in the Room and finding a game of catch here or there or a little trite bit of gossip there – but never found the Conversation. And here it is. Double Yod action – what an exciting layer of deeper conversation to uncover!

    And discovering these things in my own chart naturally helps me see other charts differently and the world differently.

    But you know all of this. Thank you for teaching me.

  3. aword,

    We are all happy your luck has taken a turn for the better. If we only knew when the “misfortunes”happen, it is probably the beginning of a fortunate experience.

    As for birthtime, well it’s almost a given with Pisces Sun and Pisces rising people that the time of birth will need to be corrected, or even remain “unknown”. (Personally, I suspect Gaddafi has a Pisces Moon!!) I also think that Pisces people (Sun, or Moon, rising, or stellium, or Neptune prominent) profit and appreciate astrology more than most others because we appreciate the logic of the picture it gives us of any entity, and also the timing of things, such as on Friday Uranus will enter Aries. Anything that helps us see things clearly in this “real” world gives us a leg up!

    Yes, I do think that when astrology actually seems logical for the first time or puts the puzzle together it is a joyful experience. Thing is, it keeps on doing that. . proving itself over and over again. For the most part, I know it’s the way to understanding and “truth”, and it just takes time and practice to find and be able to read the answers. I even think the answers are purposely disguised, or hidden sometimes, and that it is a “timing” thing; that we aren’t always supposed to know a chart right away. But that could just be me. But it is still a thrill when, all of a sudden, it all makes sense. I feel pretty sure that the reasons or purpose for your car’s death will make even more sense as time goes by, but for now it’s a relief just to see a light at the end of the tunnel I’m sure.

  4. ohhhh……wow. ok…i see it there, that little upside down critter. ok…this Venus, Pluto Moon yod is another day’s Map Making….heh-heh…..wow….so cool; this interleaving of all this information — everything is finally beginning to “make sense”….so much more yet to learn!

    Thanks again Be for your guidance. And BTW, I’ve fixed discrepancy in birthtime has me now at 4:19pm. Only a few minutes, but involves a couple of significant shifts. From my barely-understanding-houses perspective, those shifts make a Whole World of Sense.

    But then, maybe making Sense of Everything is something it’s time to let go of…..

    And (sheepishly) to everyone here – thanks for putting up with my jumping up and down today/yesterdaywhenever (hey! Jere! I think you helped energetically with that Jump for Joy, yes? ;-x LOL!! Thank you too, for that!)

    Does EveryOne get this excited when they start to “get” astrology? Or maybe it’s just something in the stars…….


  5. be, yes oh yes! and oh my – isn’t this FUN?!! Whoever said Saturn in the 5th made life un-fun or un-playlful wasn’t me….haha.

    anyway – two days ago I realized that there was a “pattern” to my getting and “losing” transportation over the years….probably including all my traveling days as well……I tried to chart it out, and was only vaguely successful, but KNEW there was a pattern to it – and that it’s got connection to Help From Other People as well – but I couldn’t sort out the astrology on that. You’ve hit the nail on the head here – or got the bull by the horns – or the car by the wheels — and in fact, a good friend has already revealed that he was about to sell his old car…..we will “make a deal” I am certain.

    AND yes, what this does is open the door for me to accomplish more of my current objectives – I will have a more reliable mode of transportation and one that can haul my paintings, and other “projects that create income streams” from place to place – unlike the vehicle that has died (was in actuality holding me back).

    ALSO, I have just spent a couple of hours drawing pictures, plotting this yod-thing-y and it is fascinating how the entities intertwine ((such as Pluto rules Scorpio but Mars also rules both Scorpio and Aries – so there’s community in the tension…(for now I’ve named the area between Pluto and Jupiter “Pluto-ville”. Maybe this’ll turn into an entire New World Map.)

    I am so excited…yes, the pony is in here — and also, this momentn is much much bigger than the pony, the pony is “only” the Ride…ok……lots to do – beginning with checking out what you’ve said re: Venus! ๐Ÿ™‚ and knock on wood ol’ Hades (conjunct Pallas) won’t muck up the works!

    (Am I really starting to “get” this astro stuff? It’s kind of making sense. Thank you SO MUCH for your insights! I feel like a kid. Do I sound like a kid? LOL!)

  6. aword,

    I lost my a/c a few weeks ago, so I know the position you are in and as to the feeling in the air. . . might just be Spring or it might be freedom. The kind where you don’t have to wait for the other shoe to drop anymore.

    Actually, you have 2 yods and always have. The one we talked about on your birthday was Pluto sextile Jupiter/Neptune and they all quincunx the Moon. That one started with trans. Chiron to your Sun which opposes Pluto, which brings in Jupiter Neptune and Moon as I stated then. The second one also involves the Moon and Pluto but includes Venus. Since Venus rules your 3rd house of transportation, maybe we should look at what’s happening to her.

    On Wednesday, Mercury will enter Aries and will sextile your Venus and they will both quincunx your natal Pluto. Is it possible that your old car could be brought back to life? Could it mean a used car could be given “new life”? Someone could make you a loan if needed to buy a car? If nothing happens on Wednesday, Uranus will make it to Aries on Friday and sextile your Venus and they will both quincunx your Pluto. Pallas Athena, the strategic planner will also conjunct your Venus that day. Surely something good will come of it. If not, the Sun enters Aries on the 20th and will perform the same pattern, perhaps tying it all together.

    The thing is, there is a pattern here that ties two patterns together since both patterns include Pluto and the Moon. I think the energy making it happen is being sparked by your Venus square your Jupiter, and so also the north node and Neptune, and these 3 guys trine your happy little Sun being transited by Chiron. Or maybe it’s the other way around; ie. Chiron to your Sun trining your Jupiter/Neptune/NN which squares your Venus which rules your transportation house! It’s just all too complicated for me, but I know there’s a pony in there somewhere. It could just be Chiron attempting to make you conscious of something.

    One more observation is that Mercury sextiles your Saturn and the transiting north node will be in the same degree as your Saturn late next month (April) which will surely provide some opportunity for you to get reliable transportation at that time if you haven’t already done so. Keep us posted!

  7. “….In this degree we have the theme of visualizing your ideal and growing into that ideal. There is a conscious process involved, and the planets that are involved emphasize this point….”

    Tibetan Buddhist teacher Sogyal Rinpoche is in Australia and holding a 5 day practice intensive for world peace and stability starting on Thursday. I have the good fortune to get the time off work to go and after reading the above, realise once again how perfectly the world fits together.

    In addition, after waiting for the past 5 years for my familial obligations to settle down, today I booked a one (+) year personal retreat at Rinpoche’s main monastery in the south of France (http://www.lerabling.org). I leave the end of June, returning in late 2012.

    This moment in my personal (aries) history feels the most ‘chosen’ ever. As Judith Gayle once said “The way to predict the future is to create it.”

    Gratitude from sunny Sydney,


  8. omg i just “got” it. That yod-thing-y IS my chart…..well – appears to be a rather dominant factor. oh. guess i need to review all your yod lessons now prof. len….

    does this qualify as an event that wakes me up?

  9. My car finally put me out of it’s misery – back to hoofin’ it 24/7 until I can figure that one out. I’m relating that to your condo story, Be. Ends and Beginnings. I have been encumbered by the un-reliability of my car, now I will have a new set of problems – add a lol to that thought.

    But what I wanted to say was…..I’m experiencing a very intersting phenomenon in that I Feel, the world around me Feels like I Felt as a child.

    In some way that is so hard to put into words……it’s like the Air is Different than a couple of days ago and it is Fresh and Clear like it was when I was very young…..it’s like I’m awake to the adventure that is Life like I have not been privy to experience since I was very young….it’s like my childhood dreams have finally taken root and are ready to sprout but in some Beanstalk sort of Magical way.

    Ha, Jere – I was meditating on the alcohol thing; remembered a story from when I was young…I call it The Whiskey on the Counter….near the beginning of my parents cold war…dad took a trip and a sip on an airplane trip, left the bottle on the kitchen counter when he got home I remember the pretty tiny bottle stlil half full of amber liquiud – and mom wouldn’t touch it even to throw it away…..hhahaha….no, no alcohol problems in that home..hahaha. yes, addiction manifests in interesting ways. And even the void – the emptiness of what is considered “addiction” – feeds the fire doesn’t it?

    Ah. New Beginnings and Head First into Aries straight on to my moon (haha be’n’len and that yod “thing-y”) What an interesting ride. Heck, who needs a car?! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Thanks Len, I do miss the header quote but..

    ..This is damned serious business,.. the changing of the seasons..

    I’ve got a couple of weeks (maybe) to figure out if I’m heading to the Humboldt Woods, or Hawaii. Totally different experiences. Figured it out last night, after I almost beat my brother to a pulp.

    ..On one hand, I’ve got society right all over me, but it’s entrapment. ..On the other, I’m free to be??? dead?

    I don’t know. What you say weighs heavy on me, in the right way.. thank you.

    ..Got some ways to think..

    ..Please continue your chats. I bow to your incite. (Now that’s humbleness!!)

    Still Love you man,



  11. Hey!

    I think it’s supposed to read “out of Pisces.” But Len, my moment of revelation came when I read “these final weeks of the solar year are the time to sow the seeds for what you want to be doing for the next four seasons.” For some time I’ve wondered when I would finally move out of my little condo where I’ve lived for the last 25 years. For various reasons, I knew this would happen, climbing all these stairs, for one thing, gets old when you are carrying tons of groceries on senior day at the grocery. Now you come along and that whole seed sowing thing just fliipped the switch for me.

    Looks like I’ll be selling this place at the end of 2017. . prices should be up to par by then and I will have completed all my renovations. Not too soon and not too late for this old girl!

  12. Good morning !
    I have a question… Len, you stated this, “Right before Uranus makes its transition into Aries, there is a conjunction of Mercury and Uranus in the very last degree of Pisces. Itโ€™s like Mercury is escorting Uranus into Pisces. The conjunction of these two planets in the very last degree of the zodiac is worth a close look.”

    Do you mean to say,
    It’s like Mercury is escorting Uranus into Aries, not Pisces ?

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