Living on It: Jupiter Squares Pluto, Chiron meets Karma

By Len Wallick

“…for SHE that is least among you all, the same shall be great.”
— About Time

Tomorrow Jupiter exacts its cardinal point square to Pluto. The two planets are early enough in their respective signs – Aries and Capricorn — for this square to count as an Aries Point event. As you’ve read many times at Planet Waves, the Aries Point comes with the message ‘the personal is political’, and we have been watching this theme play out in the world and our own lives as the pressure of this square has built over recent weeks. Along with that we have a full house in Pisces, and it’s all connected.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

In this corner, we have Jupiter, warming up early Aries for Uranus, which will arrive there next month. The 2012 square between Uranus and Pluto is already contributing its revolutionary undercurrent to world events now.

In that corner, we have Pluto. Deliberate and irresistible, it owns the domain of early Capricorn, where it will still be next year when Uranus completes its square.

Both Jupiter and Pluto exist inside of you just as surely as they exist in the sky. Their location makes sure of that. When the Sun is where Jupiter or Pluto are now, at the beginning of a cardinal sign, you can feel it because the season has just changed and Sol’s direction and duration have altered with it. It’s the same for you and everybody else who is paying attention, anywhere on Earth; all of us together, all at the same time. Your personal experience becomes a political event. That’s the sheer power expressed when the Sun is in the first days of a cardinal sign.

It’s the same thing with a planet in one of those places. Make it two planets in two of those places, 90 degrees apart and you feel it as tension inside. The only way to resolve that tension is to do something on the outside. Action will release youthful ideals within you, expanding them to reality before they bust you wide open. Action will move the old ideas you were given but did not ask for, saying, ‘gotta go’. And what you are feeling inside is a new season all over the world.

If you’ve been wondering what the individuals in Wisconsin, Egypt or Libya have driving them, this is it. In Madison, WI, huge passions are being vented in response to the governor stepping on the neck of labor. Unbearable pressure has found a release. Most of us are not involved in a popular revolt right now, but we may have our own personal, internal versions brewing. The winds of change are blowing all through the coming seasons.

Of course, the old season has its momentum, its inertia. A single day of wind will not change its course. It takes one after the other with a certainty, creativity and focus; a passionate gale that has nothing left to fear, nothing left to lose. A desperate hurricane is forming that has reached the end of its pain, and is sickened of sickness, willing forth a transition even unto its last breath. It must do this in order to breathe anew. That’s the collection of energy pushing through the final house of the cycle,dissolved into the rising tide of the deep, It is focused on the now, birthing the future.

Over in Pisces, the combined energies of Chiron, the Sun, Mercury and Mars are gathering in the final house and are being rendered coherent and directed like a laser. This combined energy is fusing with Jupiter in the first house, Aries. In the sheer accumulation of their direct motion is the birth. They are building the hydraulic pressure, pushing Uranus across the Aries point one more time to a new life on the other side. Uranus is preceded by Mercury breaking the water of Pisces into the Arian fire, followed by the afterbirth of the Sun’s new season at the Vernal Equinox and concluded by Mars coming home at last in April.

Only Chiron will remain behind having touched them all, tending to its business in Pisces until they return to be touched again, serving to encourage awareness of what matters most when most of us don’t know what is happening. Chiron has a to-do list that includes everything and the one thing, healing and reforming the womb until the new decade nears its end. That’s a long row to hoe. Later this weekend, after Jupiter and Pluto have climaxed, will come the least among them to lend a hand to Chiron, the very planet whose name means hand: An asteroid named Karma.

Karma is a little rock, orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter, in the vast chasm between the personal planets and the trans-personal. Karma will touch Chiron with a message to heal the healer and keep us conscious of our inner life so as to own a responsibility for our outer existence. It is a simple story that says we’re all humans living in the world — the only world any human has ever known. In this world, what we do is what we get. And all we have is each other.

Offered In Service

16 thoughts on “Living on It: Jupiter Squares Pluto, Chiron meets Karma”

  1. You’re among friends Len,

    (and nice for the fishes to lose Mars a month early – bound to be too many bubbles and froth from being stirred up otherwise)

    Loved the last karma paragraph loads especially: beautifully written, really spoke to me heartwise

  2. “…a passionate gale that has nothing left to fear, nothing left to lose. A desperate hurricane is forming that has reached the end of its pain, and is sickened of sickness, willing forth a transition even unto its last breath…”

    Inspired, Mr Wallick, inspired. Don’t worry about the error – it’s been corrected.


  3. Be, you’re even More Stellar than ever. (You’ve been studying,.. like crazy. Righteous.) Really fine to hear your input, precision analytics. Sag. HAS got that lonnggg perspective on time, this too shall pass, and we’ll be stronger for it.

    Len (in all respect), ‘humble service’ is one thing.. You my friend,.. are a God. Accept it.

    I’ve worded an analogy I thought was apropos for the current cosmic climate, “I feel like I’m at the end of my line. I’m either going to pull this fish in, or the line’s gonna snap.”

    Take care All


  4. ….and around said moment when Gaddafi falls, said Venus will be give or take on natal Venus at 00 Aquarius 6th……’ll be a heck of a goooood day (having been through a couple of births, I can do this one too haha.)

    Thanks Len and Be and SheBear and All — you you make my day/s.

  5. Ah thank you Be for setting me straight. Obviously I did miss the change in sign for dear ‘ole Venus. I”m learning, I’m learning 😉 What a pity you’re not in my neighbourhood for me to drop in for what I know would be awesome astrology tutorials! And the Moon just squared the Sun, not trined? Jeez another dingbat moment at my end!

    I’ll certainly take the fire sign trine Moon with Jupiter and really hope for big shifts asap in this gruesome scenario. Thanks for throwing out that positive aspect to help bolster the spirits.

  6. ok len and shebear,

    The Moon isn’t in Scorpio anymore! It’s is in Sagittarius, so show me some spirit. Len, you have written a truly insightful piece for today’s blog and nobody. . NOBODY. . can compare with you in that respect.

    shebear, you have great empathy and compassion and you do us the honor of leading us in a passionate call for support for our brothers and sisters who are suffering. But you have Venus in the wrong sign now. She’s moved on to Capricorn so if you are looking at an ephemeris, she started the page in Sag but is ending in Cap., and will soon sextile Uranus and be part of the birthing that will stop Gaddafi in his tracks. God bless her!

    I know, I know, the Sun is in Pisces and Mercury is in Pisces and Mars is in Pisces and Chiron is in Pisces AND conjunct Mars. But c’mon folks, we got the Moon trine Jupiter, and they’re both in fire and on fire, and that’s almost as good as conjunct the GC. Wipe those tears off those pretty faces and give us a cheer for all the brave folks who get up every day and do their damnedest to make it better in whatever way they can. Just like you and me. Godbless.

  7. I hope I’m right in saying that the Moon is trine the Sun right now (?) so as I break my heart listening to the horrendous news from Libya, now seems a very good a time to sit and close my eyes and send heaps of courage to the Libyan people fighting for their lives at this very moment and to the big players of the world and the UN, take decisive action and show some chutzpah. We’ve only heard Gaddafi rant and rave about killing everyone in sight for days now, so WTF world leaders? What is taking so long to get in there and shut this man down?

    And over Saturday night — early Sunday in Libya — Venus conjoins the GC, and I’m hoping there’ll be a complete stop to the bloodshed by then, but hopefully before then.

  8. be: Thank you for being so kind. It is you that deserves the credit for being such a great astrologer. For taking my poor offering and rendering the service that i failed miserably to deliver, please accept my thanks.

  9. Hi Len and all,

    I’m so glad your message finally got through because it gave me a whole different perspective (remember how important that is?) on this transition thing. The changing of the guard and all. I almost giggled when I pictured the Sun and the little inner planets + Chiron putting the pressure on Uranus to get out of Pisces and on to the Aries Point. Time’s a wastin’. But then that started to really make sense to me, so thanks good buddy.

    Specifically, I have been exploring the unknown realm of Libya’s Gaddafi, his birth – day – year – time, and had put all my cards on the June 7 1942 date, which is the most popular of the possibilities. When birthing takes place out in the middle of a desert, nobody bothers to check their watch. If they even have one. On that day, at noon, in that desert, the Moon would have been in Aries at 4+ degrees.

    However, somebody suggested an earlier Pisces Moon for historical reasons, and I’ve come round to that position, although an Aries Moon would have been transited over by Jupiter recently, and squared by the transit of Pluto. But that pushing out. . . Uranus would have been (and still is) opposing the Neptune in Virgo of 6/7/42, and squaring the Jupiter in Gemini of 6/7/42, but if born on this date, in the early morning, Gaddafi’s Moon would have been conjoined for some time now by transiting Uranus still in Pisces. Pushing out. Unbearable pressure is finally being released, and land sakes, listen to the screams . . .

    Not to put too fine a point on it (I’m getting a little queasy picturing all this) if we, thanks to you, think of Jupiter as the mid-wife, and last-to-leave Mars as the primary pusher (work with me on this), then how appropriate that they are in mutual reception! What a “grand” entry this new birth is . . what promise. . . .and we can just leave that after-birth business to Pluto, okay? OH-KAY!

  10. “all of us together, all at the same time.” Sure as heck feels like it, Len. What’s with PW today, making shebear all weepy and goosebumpy with these inspirational postings!

    A big birthing is upon us. Some will unfortunately find it much more painful than others, depending on one’s support and sense of security etc; (good one Indranibe for that thought provoking comment earlier in the *Mars in Pisces* post earlier in the week. I heartily agreed with you). Time to quit feeling like little kitty in one of today’s video — albeit an absolutely hilarious scene — and time step off our own treadmills, back up around and climb those stairs, one laborious step at a time. I intend to ride that slide down and out to who knows where — with all of us on board of course!

  11. As far as I’m concerned Len, although differant cloths may be woven from differant materials, this does not conclude they are more or less precious, as long as they are pure. xx

  12. Will everyone please join me in acknowledging and thanking Amanda, Fe, Anatoly and (of course) Eric. We of the Planet Waves community owe them all so much. Me most of all.

    It appears that your inept servant is not cut of the same cloth.

  13. well, both fe and i thought the other was putting the new draft into wordpress, so anatoly published the unedited version this morning. oops! it took us a few minutes to get the new version on the page.

    i’ll make the fix from may to april….

  14. ERRATUM alert:

    i must, of course, assume 100% responsibility for what appears under my name, regardless. Hence this alert.

    Mars will be “coming home at last” to Aries in April, not May.

    Please forgive your servant. It appears as though he is not so worthy today.

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