Implications of a Threshold (or three)

By Len Wallick

Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world. What you see reflects your thinking. And thinking but reflects your choice of what you want to see”
— from “A Course In Miracles”

Overnight tomorrow, for most of those reading this, the luminaries conjoin to exact the Aquarius New Moon. Almost exactly 24 hours later, the Sun reaches the mid-point of Aquarius. Conjunct both these events to the degree will be the planet Mars. That will be the subject of our blog today.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

Here it is the first day of the second month of our year 2011. The initialization of any month has taken on the implication of a new beginning or threshold. Rent and bills are due at about this time and many the budget or deadline takes this date into account. This year, as if to once again emphasize the theme of transition and continuum, astrology is synchronizing as well and more than usual.

The Gregorian calendar commonly in use during our era does not often correspond to astrological events. The notable exception would be the cardinal points of tropical astrology, the solstices and equinoxes which fall on more or less the same day every year. Indeed it was the intent of Pope Gregory XIII to keep the secular calendar and religious events synchronized with the seasons, using the power of his office to reform the Julian method of tracking the passage of time used for over fifteen hundred years.

It thus stands to reason that another threshold event would correspond very closely with the first week of February every year. That would be the halfway point between the Capricorn solstice and the Vernal Equinox.

This is one of the four cross quarter points, so called because they serve to further divide the tropical year from four seasons into eight parts. The day of each cross quarter always corresponds to the mid-point of a fixed sign. This makes sense because of how the signs are arranged by quality. We start with the definition at the basis of tropical astrology. When the Sun is directly positioned over either the equator or one of the two tropics, you are likely to find the first day of a season and the first day of the corresponding cardinal sign. Every cardinal sign is then followed by a fixed sign and preceded by a mutable sign.

It is a vantage point and a turning point. Even the gross corruption and co-option of the occasion into the temporally and spiritually misplaced Groundhog Day retains some of the vital meaning. Just as a subterranean rodent is an augur of the future by serving as some sort of sundial upon emerging from its burrow, so does old Sol reach the peak of the current season. As with most peaks, one can see a long way and it’s downhill on either side.

What is not your usual everyday thing is a New Moon taking place so close to a cross quarter point. Even though both are events rather than objects, there is no reason the principles and properties of a conjunction cannot be applied. Of these, we will consider two. The merging of energies and the possibilities of there being a form of blind spot. Let us start with the former, bring in Mars and then consider the latter.

The Earth and the luminaries have their own thing going on in a lot of different ways. The monthly lunar cycle is a big part of it. Most in the field of astrology consider the conjunction of Sol and Luna to be the beginning of each recurring circuit. At this time we do not see the Moon not only because it is so longitudinally close to the Sun but also because the side illuminated in this phase is the part that is perpetually turned away from us. From this merger the lesser luminary is interpreted to carry forward the solar expression of the sign in which their conjunction takes place.

As such, the New Moon is a rather one-sided merger and not typical of most conjunctions. Such is the dominance of the Sun. Make that merger concurrent with Sol’s occupation of a cross quarter point and it is not only the solar expression of the sign but also the season that Luna carries forward. When one considers that the coming opposition of the luminaries, like the previous four, will take place in the same sign as their conjunction, that is very far forward indeed. There is thus the sense that this moment will be extended and the peak sustained providing not so much a threshold but a passage of sorts, something akin to an eclipse without the drama.

For those who would miss the drama, not to worry, we have Mars to take care of that. Okay, perhaps that is unfair to the red planet, but one would find most astrologers in agreement that whatever else it may be, Martian energy is intense. That pronounced amplitude can be useful. It can be present in synchronization with the need for fortitude, especially the need to overcome trepidation or even outright fear. If one accepts that this particular merger of the lunar and solar is more like an unusual hallway and less of a typical doorway we would do well to avail ourselves of a little courage.

This is because astrology is not so much about the objects in the sky having an effect on us. Rather it is what is going in inside of each of us, individually and collectively, as it synchronizes with celestial cycles. But the collective is not always unified and that’s where the phenomenon of conjunction as blind spot can come in. This is especially true as it pertains to the role of Mars in the middle of Aquarius, a sign ruled by Saturn with a Saturnine take on the collective.

Saturn, currently retrograde in Libra where it is exalted is, among other things, about limits. In a social context, limits can serve to regulate behavior and define role. That’s not entirely a bad thing. There are worse things than knowing one’s place. It is also useful to know one’s limits as a means of knowing oneself. Add Mars to that mix, however, and the tendency could quickly degrade towards an imperative for dominance as a means of assuring social order at the expense of the greater good.

In order to allay any possible blind spot towards the Martian influence on the compounded luminary conjunction, one would propose that we widen the orb a bit and ask for come perspective from one of the goddess planets we referred to yesterday. Among other things, the asteroid Ceres corresponds to the subject of food and nutrition. For this object to be in the middle third of Aquarius at this particular time is a thoroughly resonant synchronicity.

One of the issues contributing to the spreading unrest in North Africa is the increasing price and relative scarcity of food. Corrupt and authoritarian regimes of long standing might reasonably be expected to be informed by the Martian ethic under the influence of retrograde Saturn. In other words, short on compassion and prioritizing dominance above all things with the possible exception of opportunism. From that way of thinking comes a way of seeing that would tolerate suffering so long as it is the suffering of others and the established order is maintained. But as despots throughout history history have found, when people get hungry they just might get an idea of their own — that they have nothing to lose and everything to gain by challenging the established order.

That is where this extended threshold idea comes in. First it links to the theme of the next rendition of the cardinal square phenomenon that will feature Uranus in Aries at odds with Pluto in Capricorn. Second, and perhaps most important for now, governments are not the only part of the established order using food to leverage their intemperate Martian ambitions. There are also corporations large and powerful, extending past national borders and with no respect for human life or law. Have we already forgotten the example of British Petroleum?

The current global crisis regarding the rising cost of wheat, corn, rice and other basic sources of nutrition has been attributed to a combination of natural disasters reducing harvest and increasing demand by growing populations. That sounds reasonable but it also seems to have a blind spot in its perspective.

We know for a fact that a relatively small number of mega-corporations control a large portion of the production, processing and distribution of food. Do we really think that they would inhibit their motivation to increase profit and maintain dominance just because non-shareholders are starving? Do we think that they would hesitate to tinker with the genetic code of plants and animals if it would further their aims to eliminate competition and control life itself?

And what do they think, these corporations that make North African dictators look like pikers? Do these large and impersonal organizations with personal rights (at least in the United States) think they are above such a fate? Well, perhaps they have have another thing coming.

While the resumption of cardinal squares between Uranus and Pluto is still about a year away, it is important to remember that what takes place in the middle of fixed signs resonates with the Aries Point as if it were the thing itself. So perhaps that is what we should take from this unusual conjunction of events and objects. Perhaps we should emulate the people of North Africa and take the extended threshold and the inertia it implies for ourselves.

You know what happened when Pluto messed with Ceres. Even in his dark and insular realm he could not escape the consequences of his selfish act. So let us avail ourselves of the Martian energy, but let us also align ourselves with the ethic of the goddess for the greater good. If current events are any indication, that’s the way to prevail in the history we are co-creating at this very time, individually and collectively.

Offered In Service

23 thoughts on “Implications of a Threshold (or three)”

  1. Well, so far, so good. My FB page is busy and when I got in to work this morning, they surprised me with two cakes. Our work friend took me out to lunch with a little champagne, and looks like a Friday night in North Beach is in the offing. Pretty damn good birthday so far.

  2. Fe, oh yes please! Keep us in touch as Birthday Woman makes her way through Her Day! — or later on share summary assuming you will be too busy enjoying Your Self to twitter’n’toot all day long! 🙂

    Patty, really good info; such a hopeful feeling comes from it. Thank you.

  3. Fe, Happy Birthday!!

    Kyla, I wrote a newsletter article with university links. I’ll dig it out for you. Most of the farm extension services have detailed instructions too. In fact, it is doubtful that many people utilize the valuable services they provide, and some are probably in danger of becoming budget cuts. The extension agents are like most business people – have to teach what is based in science but in personal practice tend to use the organics/sustainable route.
    I talked to someone at length about this about a month ago, to use on the reservations in the Dakotas. The results could be life altering.

  4. There is a particular home I need to purchase in order to positively transform the lives of 9 people who are most dearest to me. This house is currently for sale by forclosure from a government housing scheme. They want a certain $$ based on market value at time of repossesion. The house although very large, is in a ‘undesirable’ location, & requires a lot of expensive maitanence & repairs. I live in a small coastal town, & the $$ the ‘bank’ percieves the property to be worth, has a stark contrast to those of the potential home owner. Indeed there are splendid 4×2 homes with ocean views at a lesser cost. My original offer of sale was made 26 Nov, all this time we have negotiated back & forth. Today they wrote “FINAL” on their latest counter offer. I responded by crossing this out, & I wrote “FINAL” next to the offer I last made. When I made my original offer my mortgage broker didn’t like my chances, she said, “The bank always wins.” I have a quiet confidence that as an individual, this time, this person ‘Beat the Bank.”

  5. thanks, aword.

    I am enjoying this solar return immensely. Like the man said – “Be Who You Are”.

    I’ve just crawled out of bed, fluffed up, put my face on, had my coffee, and going in to work late. I will find some comrades well met soon and maybe some kind of something will happen. Don’t have the complete picture yet. Will keep yus informed.

  6. Patty, would you be willing to email me some links to info about online instructions for protecting crops from gene flow? I am not at all sure how to google for that. You can email me if you would be so kind at kylaluaz at yahoo dot com.

    thank you so much.

  7. Jeez Hazel, same name huh?
    Let’s sincerely hope the essence of the *cool* Brigid gets channelled into your *not-so-cool* director Brigid in some way, shape or form. Yays to you and your co-workers for mounting the mutiny and all the very best for a full turnaround in how that shelter is run.

    Patty, absolutely, Monsanto can not be allowed to $%^& with our food. As you say, failure is *not* an option. Thanks for the info. you shared here. Much appreciated.

    Greetings also to Len, A Word, Be this first day of February 😉
    Toot toot again Fe, queen of zumba!

  8. shebear: Thank you for the timely reflections and, yes, today is Fe’s birthday.

    Patty: Thank you for the valuable information on plant recovery and the example of bio-hazard that some large corporations represent.

    Hazel: best of luck. Being in the right really does make a difference.

    be: thank you for your support.

  9. “it is important to remember that what takes place in the middle of fixed signs resonates with the Aries Point as if it were the thing itself.”

    “Do these large and impersonal organizations with personal rights (at least in the United States)

    There is some important connection between these two ideas isn’t there? Or am I just slow. Something about the political being the personal and the personal being the political.

    Thank you Len. I wholeheartedly second Be’s ‘Bravo!’ (2u2 Hazel!:)

    Tremendous applause to you for your work and thank you thank you for sharing it with us.

  10. On a kind of weird note, the director of the shelter and the woman primarily against whom we are rallying is named, yes, Bridget. We shall see.

  11. I just sent off a letter this morning bouncing off a few ideas with the guy who leads our meditation group. One was the notion that we meet more often than every two weeks, that we plan some potlucks to facilitate more intimate conversations, and that we work more collaboratively on the group dynamic.

    There’s was more to the “group dynamic” notion I was able to kept out of the letter as I felt it had already been addressed — synchronistically it seemed! About a week ago I was strongly resistant to returning to the Thursday gatherings , becoming wary that it was too leader/guru centered. However, without me actually physically talking over my misgivings with the *leader*, I ended up going to the meeting anyway. However, when I came away from it I actually thought to myself, “Wow that was a lot more group oriented, exactly like I was hoping it would be”. It was as if he and I had *had* the chat discussing making a shift, but it all came about in some telepathic manner anyway. I used to wonder a lot while growing up, about how it was that people got to be on the same page/wave-link without no interaction or communication, so now that I have a handle on the wonders of astrology, that wonderment has been balanced with knowledge, and it feels great to be in the astrological *know*.

    This are definitely momentous times we are in. To think that a new moon is happening on the night of Imbolc, a feast celebrating birthing and shifting of energies! It seems so wondrous and fitting. The celtic goddess Brigid has much in common with the sisterhood of Juno and Ceres and Vesta, and to be celebrating her birthday tomorrow amidst such a powerful planetary alignment is surely auspicious. One of the rituals of the feast-day is to light and place candles on all available windowsills on the evening before. That is something I intend to do tonight while thinking of the new moon and how our world is at a crossroads and how so many of us are being stirred and are rising to the occasion.

    Here is part of what one might recite when lighting the candles.

    “Today is Imbolc, the day of midwinter.
    The cold has begun to fade away,
    and the days grow longer.
    This is a time in which the earth is quickening,
    like the womb of Brighid,
    birthing the fire after the darkness.”

    ***Am I right in thinking that a certain Fe Bongolan is celebrating her solar return today (or tomorrow perhaps?) Congrats Fe, thinking of you and your wonderful spirit that you bring to PW. Enjoy your celebrating! 😉

  12. If any readers are interested in the hybrid process, this is quite an educational and easy to read website with visuals.

    A tomato hybrid can be returned to 99 percent pure heirloom in 8 years, and near 100 percent (though never perfect) in 14 years.

    Low tunnel gardening is becoming a popular way to protect plants from gene flow, but there is no way to grow hay under a cover. Monsanto has to be stopped.

  13. next mutiny is against Monsanto. The conjunctions in aquarius are close to my own Ceres, and conjunct my amor and eros. I think my first love is in danger and I have to do something about it.

    There are a lot of instructions on line for protecting plants from gene flow. My son said a long time ago that we would end up growing crops in greenhouses, and that is what it has come to. There are even instructions for helping hybrids return to their normal state – 8 generations of seed harvesting, or 8 years, is how long it takes. We can’t fear the future, and we can’t change the past. Thinking in the present is near impossible, but it is required for the moment we are in, which is endless and forever, and too big to fail. Failure is simply not an option.

  14. Thank you, Len, the past couple of days we have started a bit of a mutiny of employees against the director and board of the animal shelter I work for. It’s so weird but we employees really don’t feel that the shelter is doing what it’s supposed to do and the animals are not being well served. Just a couple of people in power (well, THEY seem to think they’re in power, but it’s the public that they serve that actually has the power, they just kinda forgot that part) seem to be trying to raid the rainy day fund for the animals, it’s quite sordid. The director seems to be on a downhill slide and things are happening pretty darn fast. Our little shelter seems to reflect the big world quite accurately.

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