Monthly horoscope for February 2011

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope, written every month since May 1996, has been sent to subscribers

This week’s subscriber issue of Planet Waves features a simplified explanation of the “your sign is wrong hoax” — hint: the solution lies in the seasons, not the constellations — just in time for Imbolc. Imbolc is the Midwinter holiday in the Pagan/Celtic calendar which, as you may know, is based on the cycle of solstices, equinoxes and the midpoints between the two. This current seasonal turning point is being reinforced on more than one level, as planets change signs in these weeks on their way to 2012 configuration and the Uranus-Pluto square begins to manifest unadulterated in the form of protests, protests and more protests.

Today’s issue includes the February monthly horoscopes, which bring these cosmic and global forces into the language of the personal. You can read it all as a single-issue purchase here. Or sign up for six months of weekly issues here. We’re the only website that sells its horoscopes. There must be a reason.

2 thoughts on “Monthly horoscope for February 2011”

  1. Hear, hear indranibe! đŸ˜€

    Took me a while to get to a place where I can FEEL and appreciate the ‘flow’ and it was a rough ride but WOW! đŸ™‚ Planetwaves is such a wonderful friend to have!

    February monthly horoscopes are fantastic so if you’re out there wondering whether or not to subscribe – do it and share the ‘stuff of life’


  2. Superb article Eric! Hear Hear! This is the new ‘war’ – to neutralise fear, to self-actualise, and encourage self-actualisation on others, to look around and recognise potential and ability, and to do this in a spirit of respect and sustainability; to not accept second best, to not accept ‘dumbing down’, to not accept that goods things are not possible; to strive for harmony and balance, and to LIVE in the world in creativity, beauty, and courage. I stand with you my brother, shoulder to shoulder. Stand tall people, stand proud, and hold position. Time itself will carry us forward.

    It is a beautiful time – pregnant and ripe with possibility. Six months of Jupiter and Saturn pushing and pulling – six months of the planets of learning and consciousness expanding our minds while keeping it ‘real’, Chiron doing its thing, Saturn retro in Libra (what have we learned about relationships?), there’s no time like the present, and what a ‘present’ it is!

    Thank you Eric, for all your wonderful work, and for creating this space, and bringing people into it – this space where inclusivity, creativity, and thinking are nurtured, appreciated, and allowed to flourish. This blog of yours is what the ‘academy’ once was – this is the sort of ‘university’ that Socrates engaged with. Planet Waves is what the universities used to be – places where one could think, and contemplate, and share knowledge and experience, and learn and give, and ENGAGE, to adopt these things in one’s daily life, and go out into the world, and live one’s learning. This is the spirit of the ‘academy’, brought back to life, what it used to be about before someone discovered that education could be ‘packaged’, that degrees could be bought and sold, that education could be chopped up and measured, and weighed, that money mattered more than teaching and learning, and most importantly, learning how to learn. These days, it’s all about who can publish more (whether it’s relevant or irrelevant), and pull in the most lucrative students.

    For twelve years, here in Australia, we have watched as the Howard government systematically dismantled the university system, branded sholars, intellectuals and thinkers as ‘heretics’, sought to rewrite history in an attempt to wipe out the wrongs done in the name of colonialism and ‘progress’. Great scholars, great minds – great creativity – were quashed, and the great reaching that a disciplined, yet open mind could achieve was warped, and the way was blocked.

    No wonder Saturn was the most feared of all the planets – because Time itself is the greatest enemy of evil. Our history don’t celebrate the narrowness of the Pope who persecuted Galileo, they celebrate Galileo; they don’t celebrate apartheid, they celebrate Mandela; they don’t celebrate Hitler, they celebrate the great resistance. If Saturn rules Time, Space, Resistance, Structures and Learning, then of course, he is the greatest enemy of evil. The human spirit is by nature expansive – we have always looked to the stars in wonderment, and to nature for inspiration. Any regime that seeks to twist or contain the human spirit is anti-nature, and therefore attempts to go beyond the boundaries of what is ‘natural’. And Saturn will take care of it. Look around: beauty is natural. Even after the most horrific disasters, Mother Nature takes over, and new life comes to the fore. For humanity to put itself ‘above’ nature is a conceit that will not be tolerated by Saturn, and the very force of Nature itself. As Bob Dylan wrote: “As great as you are Man, you’ll never be greater than yourself”.

    It’s a beautiful time indeed – a time where we can actually feel the ebb and flow of the life source – what an amazing thing! This is the war: a battle of consciousness over fear. Shoulder to shoulder we stand Friends, the day has come, the hour is nigh. It’s Time.

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