Intimations of a Goddess (or two)

By Len Wallick

This week’s astrological highlights are the Aquarius New Moon and the Sun reaching the halfway point between the Capricorn Solstice and the Vernal Equinox. Mercury and Venus will also be changing signs. All of that, however, will not come to pass for several more days. There are meaningful events in the meantime. We can start with a look back at over the last couple days.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

It appears to have been quite the weekend on both the personal and political levels of experience. Quickly-evolving events in Egypt and other parts of the Middle East have probably found some sort of parallel in private lives for many of us. On the one hand there is the phenomenon of what has been gradually building to become inevitable and on the other, the sudden release of what has been accumulating. The combination serves once again to make us mindful of where we are in a longer epoch. This year is a continuum connecting discreet events.

Last year, there was the cardinal T-square. That repeated tableau put us in touch with some of the longer, historical cycles corresponding to the movements of the outer planets. Access to those cycles was accomplished by the participation of the trans-personal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, in the same spatial patterns. We thus were given the opportunity to experience similar and concurrent episodes in personal and cultural history. The experience is still there for us to refer to.

2012 begins the other set of discreet events, the resumption of cardinal point squares between Uranus and Pluto — five more of them in fact over the several years to follow — with lingering inertia into the new decade. Historical precedent indicates that the residual momentum will gradually shape new paradigms that may endure anywhere from a century to as long as a millennium. We now are seeing the beginning of that next rendition of the cardinal square expressed in recent days.

The yielding of long-standing social structures to the gradual, irresistible accumulation of events speaks to Pluto in Capricorn. The sudden release of what has been built up hints at what Uranus in Aries will amount to. The fact that many did not see this coming attests to how we can easily become attached to and conditioned by what has gone on before. It is this all too human tendency of reluctance to release attachment to a given template that will represent our greatest challenge in this period of continuous transition.

Which brings us up to the present. It’s Monday and the weekly calendrical pattern of 2011 continues. Once again, the day named after the Moon finds that lesser luminary in a cardinal sign. It is fitting that the sign is Capricorn, ending the month where the weekly cycle started back on January 3. It also allows us to pick up where we left off last Thursday, when we anticipated the ingress of asteroid Vesta into Capricorn, followed by a conjunction with the Lunar North Node and Luna itself — all in the first degree. Yet another cardinal point event. That took place yesterday and it brings our attention to a subtle but discernible trend underlying the cardinal point theme.

That trend is the rise of the feminine as indicated in an accumulation of astrological events. We were first put on notice by our itinerant astrologer, Lisa Roberts in her blog back on October 9, 2010. Lisa adroitly noticed and eloquently reported on the phenomenon of the four major asteroid goddesses; Juno, Pallas, Vesta and Ceres all changing signs in the course of a week or so. Venus was involved, as was the Moon. Since that time each has gone on a separate path but all of them have continued to be powerfully placed at auspicious times. It would do us well to catch up with where these objects are today.

Less than two weeks ago, Juno stationed retrograde. As Ms. Roberts wrote, this is is the crucial event that will result in an unusually long tenure of ten months in Virgo, compared to her usual two-month occupation of a sign. When that event actually came to pass we became aware of a broader significance that was not as obvious last year. That being a double connection with the Full Moon. A connection in both space and time.

This most recent Full Moon was another in a long and unusual series of the Sun and Moon opposing each other in the final (or anaretic) degree of their respective signs. This pattern began last October, the same month Juno entered Virgo. This month the connection came to a sort of closure. Juno’s retrograde station took place within the hour of the Full Moon and in sympathetic aspect to both luminaries. Juno in Virgo’s trine to the Capricorn Sun and sextile to Luna in Cancer was exact to the degree.

As the combination of objects, their timing and position suggest, the synchronicity evident at the time had to do with the subject of relationships, particularly the tendency to keep score. You may recall there were an unusual number of both passionate and thoughtful responses to the blog at that time. Until this coming May Day, we can expect to do some review of what brought that about. Don’t be surprised if that includes the challenge of releasing attachment to what we have been conditioned to expect of one another.

Closely related to that and making a connection of its own is the progress of the largest asteroid, Ceres, since crossing the Capricorn cardinal point last October. Now in the middle third of Aquarius, the sign of the collective, Ceres is implying a sort of bridge between the theme of relationship and current events.

In the mythology, Ceres had a lot in common with Juno. Both had to endure painful estrangement in the relationships that meant the most to them. Both had their character irrevocably defined by how they dealt with their personal pain and its political ramifications. Finally, both were at odds with patrilinear values dominating the social structure they had to operate in.

Ceres also had a lot in common with Saturn. Their mythological roles included instructing the human race in the arts of agriculture as a means to secure food surplus. This allowed stores to be laid up to sustain the common food supply through seasons when there was little or nothing to be harvested. This simple protocol underlies one of the main issues of trust between the individual and the collective — cooperation in return for food.

Recent upheavals in the Middle East, starting in Tunisia and spreading outward are certainly more complex than one issue. As noted at the beginning of this blog, they are also longer in development. The current position of Ceres is worthy of note for its relevance, considering that the cost and availability of food seems to have been a precipitating factor to the unrest. Given that the price of wheat, corn, rice and other staples will probably continue to rise, the response of social and governmental authority will be become a crucial factor in either securing or losing the cooperation of the governed everywhere on Earth in the coming months.

This allows us to proceed to Pallas which today will conjoin with the Moon just past the mid-point of Capricorn — the sign most closely related to institutions of the established order. Pallas in turn, is associated with politics as it relates to the intellect, strategy and trade. Could it be that the placement of this asteroid would function to synchronize with a new way to promote social order through cooperation? Would it not be to the benefit of both the few and the many to find new levels of cooperation for the allocation of crucial resources? What, besides balancing the masculine reflex towards dominance would that require?.

That question brings us full circle back to Vesta, which is sharing the same sign with Pallas and still functionally conjoined with the Lunar North Node. This object seems to bring it all together. The association with the node speaks to where the subject of relationship and the future come together. The placement on a cardinal point addresses the matter of where our personal choices merge into our common political character. The specific sign and the proximity of Pluto let us know that this ephemeral aspect connects with lasting consequences.

Finally, there is the implied nature of Vesta itself. It is no coincidence that the duties of devotion and service to a sacred, symbolic and sustaining flame were assigned to a select and largely autonomous group of women. The Roman Empire was outwardly characterized by the male supremacist values of dominance, conquest, and sheer might as the maker of right. Ultimately such an imperative expands outward without limit, not only exhausting itself but also leaving a great void within. A void into which the unbalanced masculine will inevitably collapse. Vesta is telling us that need not be humanity’s fate at this time in history.

What that will require, however, is releasing attachment to the ambitions and values the established patrilinear order conditioned us to accept: Gain forcibly obtained at the expense of others. Comfort and security at the price of another’s suffering. Power as the imperative at the sacrifice of compassion. Vengance in place of justice. Vesta is asking us to make a leap of faith and recognize that there is a common flame that can sustain all of us, but only if all of us devote ourselves to the new paradigm of sustaining each other. On that point the rise of the feminine takes its stand.

Offered In Service

15 thoughts on “Intimations of a Goddess (or two)”

  1. In light of events that are occurring in Egypt, I would like to take a leaf from
    “The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs” by Freke and Gandy to honor the knowledge passed to us from this once great civilization.
    In Book XVI of the Corpus Hermeticum, Hermes writes:
    “My teachings will seem more obscure in times to come, when they are translated from our Egyptian mother tongue into that of the Greeks. Translation will distort much of their meaning. Expressed in our native language, the teachings are clear and simple, for the very sound of an Egyptian word resonates with the thing signified by it. All possible measures should be taken to prevent these holy secrets being corrupted by the translation into Greek..”

    Rightly or wrongly it was translated into Greek, and, thank goodness, for we are all beneficiaries.

  2. thank you divine MissM for reading me and sharing too. i fan the flames in hope his connection to the grrrl shines brighter and brighter. ox~s

  3. be – Thank you. Brilliant, instructive and mind-expanding as always. Your service to our community of astrologers is much appreciated. Tune in tomorrow. As Uranus in Pisces might say, there are bigger fish to fry.

  4. In less than 9 hours (6:47 AM EST, 3:47 AM PST) Uranus will parallel Juno. The next day 2/2/11, Mars will sesquiquadrate (agitate) Juno and then the Sun will sesquiquadrate Juno, and then Mercury will trine Juno, and then Venus will square Juno.

    Right before the Sun agitates Juno there will be a New Moon at 13 Aquarius 53. The Sun, Moon, Mars and Ceres will trine the Mubarak Regime chart’s Saturn at 13 Libra 50 at that time. The New Moon chart’s Uranus at 28 Pisces 05 will trine the Mubarak Regime chart’s Uranus at 28 Scorpio 04, and the New Moon’s Uranus will trine the Mubarak Regime chart’s north node at 27 Cancer 34.

    But the New Moon chart’s Uranus will also square the New Moon chart’s Venus at 28 Sagittarius 42 and oppose the New Moon chart’s Juno at 28 Virgo 57 rx.

    The New Moon Neptune (27 Aquarius 50) will square the Regime’s Uranus and trine the Regime’s Mercury (29 Libra 40 rx) as will the New Moon Chiron (29 Aquarius 36). The New Moon Neptune and Chiron will sextile the New Moon Venus. The New Moon Neptune and Chiron will oppose the Mubarak Regime’s Mars at 26 Leo 04.

    I don’t know how anyone could be surprised, but I’m betting they will be.

  5. mystes,
    Thank yu for the benefit of your scholarship. In the case of both Ceres and Orpheus it seemed to be a matter of access and influence. The old “who you know” thing.

    To all those who extended thanks today – please accept gratitude in turn.

  6. If I may, this has been such a long struggle for me (t-square, et al) and while I’m not out of the woods quite yet, I am feeling all kinds of gratification and validation – here @ planet waves and in my everday. My old life in Washington seems alien to me now and I really don’t know how I would have gotten here but for ya’ll. I guess it doesn’t really matter how I came to be here but I thank you, Len & Co, for helping me find this place.


  7. Um… “As Pat Paquette on Realastrologers notes in Serious about Ceres, Ceres was the only god or goddess in mythology that went up against Pluto and won, even if the prize was only a compromise.’

    I know this is nit-picky on one level, but the foregoing is not entirely accurate.

    There was Orpheus, who also rescued (then lost, due to his own impatience), Euridyke from the Lord of Deep.

    And the Orphic Mysteries stand right by the Eleusinian, though not as well known.

    The mystes in Eleusis had only to open her eyes and mouth. An Orphic mystes had to learn to control his autonomic neural array. A bit trickier.

  8. Yes, MsStormi, Len’s uptake of the emergent Femme is happening all over. In our little corner of the Mommyverse, I gave my son his sister’s wallet last night. It is a black leather foldover with chain and clip — just like his, but a better quality hide and heavier chain.

    She had a decal of a little red devil-girl on the front and a rainbow-sparkle butterfly inside. The boyo first saw them as “too feminine,” but as we talked, he settled on the idea that these images were a ‘hardcore’ connection to his incorporeal sister-self.

    Then he found her ‘Discordian Popess’ card inside. The Eris energy could not have been any clearer. Looks like the mantle (as well as the wallet) has been passed.


  9. Ceres/Pluto makes me think of The Grim Adventure’s of Billy and Mandy (Cartoon Network show wherein Mandy outwits the Grim Reaper visavis a bet involving a sick hamster and a game of limbo. She subsequently “owns” the Reaper. On the other hand getting back to Ceres, Mandy is NOT a ‘nice girl’ but in terms of having leverage and not being afraid to use it? Ya. That’s my girl. heh-heh Ah for Saturday Mornings.

    Mirgirl, great mention. Thanks!

  10. Worthy of mention and consideration:
    ‘As Pat Paquette on Realastrologers notes in Serious about Ceres, Ceres was the only god or goddess in mythology that went up against Pluto and won, even if the prize was only a compromise.’
    – The Radical Virgo

  11. Ok this one thought me rambling randomly … thank you.

    “The yielding of long-standing social structures to the gradual, irresistible accumulation of events speaks to Pluto in Capricorn. The sudden release of what has been built up hints at what Uranus in Aries will amount to. The fact that many did not see this coming attests to how we can easily become attached to and conditioned by what has gone on before. It is this all too human tendency of reluctance to release attachment to a given template that will represent our greatest challenge in this period of continuous transition.”

    Quote of the millennium dear Einstein, re; the problems of today will not be solved by the thinking that created them. A sad fact that many are living so complacently unaware, but that is the point perhaps, of the lesson. The Oracle today echoes this in the sense that it reminds me the world IS always changing (the only thing you CAN count on), and that the difference is in our awareness of staying in the flow, and not the box. We’ve been so-conditioned not too reflect and release, hence our human tendency of reluctance. Goal of a lifetime, what has been learned can be unlearned.

    “Don’t be surprised if that includes the challenge of releasing attachment to what we have been conditioned to expect of one another.”

    This is all it’s really about eh, our relationships to each other and most significantly to ourselves – releasing our patterns of unconscious co-dependence and expectations of another in process. Another quote from TS Eliot and an interpretation of the rune partnership (gebo) saying that true fellowship / union comes from whole / independent beings. I see this as spiritually anarchistic in the sense (of how I read Emma and) that as we/when we heal ourselves, (it’s an inside/out {r}evolution re-member), and we are each able to be fully conscious and accountable for our thoughts and actions (truly the ONLY thing any of us have power in/over) and how they inform/create each other, then may (it) be we can come together as like-minded people to create community for the highest good because then – we are each living and being FROM source. Part to whole and back and forth in balance = more harmonious exchange?

    “In the mythology, Ceres had a lot in common with Juno. Both had to endure painful estrangement in the relationships that meant the most to them. Both had their character irrevocably defined by how they dealt with their personal pain and its political ramifications. Finally, both were at odds with patrilinear values dominating the social structure they had to operate in.”

    But this one really, really spoke to me. Every female I know in relationship is experiencing these transitions of who we truly are (by deconditioning our socialized selves) and how we truly want to be (re/co-constructing the politic). The hegemony as reflected in the power/control over external sources necessary for life, food/shelter – next?

    “Finally, there is the implied nature of Vesta itself. It is no coincidence that the duties of devotion and service to a sacred, symbolic and sustaining flame were assigned to a select and largely autonomous group of women.”

    This was most symbolic to me, for its relation to the story today about a woman being granted her wish of a funeral pyre in Colorado. In service to the flame, we may return to the flame.

    “Vesta is asking us to make a leap of faith and recognize that there is a common flame that can sustain all of us, but only if all of us devote ourselves to the new paradigm of sustaining each other.”

    Sustain your Self, and reflect each other. As within, so without. In lak’ech.

  12. Amazing. I am blessed to be in the Here and Now as we trasit this point in time/space and blessed to be here and now reading what you, Len, have to teach. You have placed so many ‘random’ ideas into an order that gives me opportunity for greater understanding. There is little to question on this; Goddess is awakening.

    Thank you so much.

  13. ” Ultimately such an imperative expands outward without limit, not only exhausting itself but also leaving a great void within. A void into which the unbalanced masculine will inevitably collapse. Vesta is telling us that need not be humanity’s fate at this time in history.”

    Yeah, maybe that void is really something like the Galactic Core where Venus shines her super charged energy built up from traveling back and forth over the Via Combusta, and maybe the GC is a birthing channel and just maybe we all together enter into it by each of us finding the balance of our masculine and feminine, our hearts and our heads, yang to yin and in doing so we’re foisted into the great vast beyondness.

    You know, that place where we dismantle any military edifices and erect instead statues of mother’s feeding their offspring at their breasts, or statues where we climb up and nestle in the comforting arms of the Great Mama or, glories of glories, of copulating bodies!

    Thank you dear Len as always for your poetic inspiration. You are a star and your beautiful words, *offered in service*, never fail to twinkle and show the way.

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