Of Course

By Len Wallick

If you are reading this, congratulations. You made it to the first Monday in 2011.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

After a New Year’s weekend appropriately contained by a Sagittarius Moon, we awaken to Luna in Capricorn. That alone indicates that today will probably be real enough. With that in mind, we are going to depart from the usual protocol of focusing on one or two astrological events in depth. Rather we will touch on many things lightly with the objective of getting oriented.

The big news this week will be two conjunctions taking place overnight or some time tomorrow, depending on where you are. The first one is the New Moon, which is also a partial solar eclipse that will be visible from much of Europe, North Africa and central Asia. We will review that today. The other event will be the last of a series of three conjunctions between Jupiter and Uranus. This one is taking place in the 28th degree of Pisces. We will leave that for tomorrow’s blog. Before we scratch either surface, however, please kindly allow us to get perspective. First, an anchor to the departed year.

The subject of our blog last Thursday was Mercury’s direct station. Since that time, all the major planets have been in direct motion. We had a taste of that between December 5 and 11. Now we get the whole meal. The trend will continue until the end of January when it is Saturn’s turn to backpedal. Consider the possibility that this period of direct motion may have a certain quality of experience. The kind that goes along with the term “of course”, muttered to yourself when you realize something that should have been plain and clear all along.

Today has a little of that same quality. Besides the Moon changing signs, the two planets that will distinguish the astrology for the epoch we call 2012 each pass a couple milestones of their own today. Uranus forms a square aspect to the Galactic Center for the third time since last spring and the last time until the year 2064. Pluto, for its part, exacts a Capricorn conjunction with the asteroid Pallas Athene just hours before moving past the point where it stationed retrograde on April 7, 2010; thus ending the second echo phase and bringing closure to its 2010 retrograde cycle.

What to make of that? Once again, keeping it light. Uranus is currently in Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. Pluto is in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn. Because of what is going on in those signs as well as their current individual placements, both Jupiter and Saturn are very strong right now. Between them, the flux between their fundamental traits of expansion (Jupiter) and limitation (Saturn) are an important key to the current astrology. When Uranus moves to Aries for the long haul later this year that will change. The cardinal T-square of 2010 will enter a new rendition and the comparative influences of the planets will shift.

That new rendition will consist of seven cardinal square aspects between Uranus and Pluto that will last well into this new decade. The Galactic Core will be integral to the astrology during that time, especially the next few years. In one way or another, this period will see patterns being set that will last a very long time. Consider that, among other things, Pallas Athene has to do with patterns and their recognition and “of course” the first Monday of the new year would see elements that correspond with the astrology of the previous year coming to an end. At the same time the stage is being cleared for some new templates not yet defined but which are already being hinted at.

Which brings us back to the partial solar eclipse that, along with the New Moon will take place in mid-Capricorn 4 am EST tomorrow morning. This means that Luna will be longitudinally conjunct with the Sun. As it is with every New Moon, it is on the same spot of a two-dimensional zodiac chart. It also means that the Moon is close enough to the ecliptic plain of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun to be almost conjunct in latitude. Thus, in three-dimensional space, the Moon will be almost directly between the Sun and the Earth and will, for a short period, block out part but not all of the Sun.

This event follows and pairs with the Full Moon total lunar eclipse that took place just minutes before the Capricorn Solstice. As such, it is a conclusion. We are, as it were, coming out the other side of something. What that would be is the question.

The whole process started in the midst of so many other things. Let’s stick with the obvious. We are on the other side of a transition between calendar years. That is not a small or trivial thing. While earthly and celestial cycles may find other times more logical for beginnings and endings, the Gregorian protocol now in use is the practical means by which temporal things are measured. Whether budgets, plans or objectives — personal or public, business or political — nearly all events are arbitrarily confined and defined by the frameworks of 12 months, 52 weeks and/or 365 or so days.

We are also on the other side of a retrograde. The total lunar eclipse on the Capricorn Solstice took place while Mercury’s apparent motion was still in reverse. Now it is direct. Finally, we are on the other side of a solar transition because the Sun was, after all, in Sagittarius, albeit the last degree, when the exact opposition with the Moon took place. In sum, it would seem that what we are approaching the other side of what is, for want of a better word, perspective.

We’re nearing the other side of how things looked to us just before the season changed. We approach the other end of what we were going through when Mercury was in backward mode. We appreciate how it feels when the luminaries are conjoined rather than opposed.

That, in simple and general terms is what this solar eclipse will hold. A change of perspective encourages us to hear or play a different tune. So here we are, on the other side of the last blog of 2010, when we suggested that today would call for a modulation. A change of key, or tone, or tempo. Now we can see that from another perspective.

We can make a beginning by visualising it. Think of a wave form. Draw one on paper if you want to. A line that gradually curves up, then down, then up again and moves from one side to the other. It’s easy. You know what a wavy line looks like and drawing it comes natural. Now, pause and think about what distinguishes one wave form from another. It’s a combination of how far away from each other the wave crests are, and how high they go. Move the crest of each wave closer or farther apart and you have modulated the frequency. Increase or decrease the height of each wave and you have modulated the amplitude.

Now, think of yourself as a wave form. You do certain things on a regular basis, right? If you were to select a few of these things and do them more often, or less, whichever seems appropriate, you would be modulating your own frequency. For example, brushing your teeth three times a day instead of two. If one were on the other hand to increase or reduce the quantity or quality of whatever regular practices you select, that would mean you are modulating the amplitude. In other words, brushing for two minutes rather than one. One would propose that some sort of modulation would begin to present itself as appropriate by this time tomorrow.

In sum, be open. Open to a different perspective as well as a change of practice. Try some modulation experiments. Let your intuition guide you as to the subject matter. Sooner or later, it might come together and you may well consider it to be a matter of course.

Offered In Service

14 thoughts on “Of Course”

  1. hmmmm natal Siva is hovering there too – along with some other players such as Orpheus and Desdemona. Definitely not a string quartet….

    and Hazel – you go! Like braces on your teeth – good analogy. Just keep with it. A bit a day and you’re on your way!

  2. I’m thinkin’ more like “tsunami” than wave. Ya, with this sun/moon conjunction taking place on natal Mars (5th house a degree from 6th – does that count as cusp?) — I can’t remember when I’ve been so edgy – don’t suppose the astrology might have anything to do with it.

    And everything’s been out of sync – like I’m (un)intentionally missing every opp by a beat. Is that jazz? Or will I be sent to the doghouse to chill?

    Breathing deeply and stepping back, breathing deeply and stepping back……mantra all day. Looking for the rythmn. It’s gotta be here.

    See you all on the other side of this day/night!

  3. Len, I appreciate the subtlety of your expression and appreciation of the vibrational changes we can all be open to experiencing in this rare and beautiful astrology.

    Your mind is a beautifully faceted jewel we love to ponder.

  4. Patty,
    Good question. Of course, dead birds and fish are nothing new. Lest we forget last April in the Gulf or even Santa Barbara back when both of us were spring chickens. In this particular case you refer to there are some interesting details: (1) both incidents took place in Arkansas (2) in the case of the fish, it was apparently only one species that died (3) in the case of the birds the cause was apparently multiple blunt trauma damage to internal organs. Not sure if there is a causal through line to be found there. Probably synchronicity of some sort.

  5. Len, what’s up with the dead birds and fish? I’ve just been reading about genome projects to control populations. Could they be practicing on our wildlife?

  6. be:
    You are be-autiful. Excelllent connecting of the dots. Thank you for taking advantage of the open space in the most impressive way.

  7. Len,

    Perhaps I’ve just wathed History Channel’s Secret Codes too many times but your noting of Pluto’s passing his station point of April 7, 2010 was just too juicy. Then you said “What to make of that?” Uh oh.

    Previously you wrote that Mercury’s three retrogrades in 2010 were all in the earth signs so I checked those dates and found that:

    * On 4/6/10 Mercury in Taurus trined Pluto just hours before Pluto stationed retro at 5 Capricorn 25, then later in April, Mercury went retro too, encountering Pluto by trine in May at 5+ Taurus/Cap.

    *On Sept. 12 Mercury in his 2nd retro of 2010, this time in Virgo, was stationing direct at 5 Virgo 22 (The next day Pluto stationed direct too)

    * Finally Mercury’s last station retro was at 5 Cap 54 on 12/10/10 featuring two conjunctions to Pluto, with the third conjunction this month on the 18th.

    In each of Mercury’s retrogrades in earth he had a Plutonian encounter, and each retro emphasized the 5+ degree of earth, either by a station or by aspecting Pluto or both.

    Researching the three earth sign symbols found at 5+ degrees I learned:

    6 Taurus – Bridge across a deep gorge – demonstrates mans capacity to conquer obstacles

    6 Virgo – Merry Go Round – Opportunity to demonstrate some type of skill or mastery

    6 Capricorn – Ten logs under archway leading to dark woods – Revealing a new series of activities just ahead. Reaching a threshold.

    You noted that Jupiter and Saturn are very strong right now but that this will change when Uranus enters Aries. That will be in March. Also in March Jupiter will oppose Saturn for the final time before their next conjunction.

    Each of the 5+ degrees in earth signs will favor Saturn just because they are earth, but also the “building a bridge” and “demonstrating skills and mastery” are very Capicorn endeavors. But on July 7, 2011, before the 7 squares between Uranus and Pluto begin, Jupiter will trine Pluto retro at 5 Taurus/Cap 58, and on October 11, 2011, Jupiter retro will trine Pluto at 5 Taurus/Cap 19. The degree symbol for 5+ Taurus also says of the “bridge” that it demonstrates mans capacity to achieve evolutionary continuity and EXPANSION in space. A nod to Jupiter.

    So we must be closing the period of Saturnian transformation (modulation?) with the January 18 Mercury conjunct Pluto. Then in the Spring, after the Equinox (and its a doozy), Jupiter will oppose Saturn and then finally move forward. Uranus too will have moved forward to Aries and we will find we have yet another perspective, this time seen through the Jupiterian Transformation lens. I guess it’s just another riff, with modulation, in all this jazz.

    (I apologize people but with the Moon conjunct Pluto today and square my Jupiter, I find I’m unable to do anything lightly!)

  8. Wow, yeti, thank you so much. Please do not let the corporate thing steal your music. We do all really need that honest music. Doubt is sown as a disease. I am so glad to read that you are seeing through that crap. Bless you. And bless you also for finding the way to turn that doubt and mindfuck into the integration you are finding……. way cool.

  9. Hi Wandering_yeti, Your comments about creating music and the responses of others ring so true for me. It has only been in the last year that I have truly embraced my music and acknowledged that I DO have a voice. The astrology has helped me tremendously in supporting this re-emergence. Now I look to find new and uncharted ways to bring this into the world and I’m so excited! Shamanic musicians indeed!
    Len and Eric, your writing is beautiful and lyrical. I always look forward to reading your latest submissions.
    Thank you all so much for giving positive, creative and practical applications to all of this incredible energy. I count on it to keep me sane and on track.

  10. Yeti,
    Thank you for the moving insight into the shamanic state of mind. My heart goes out to you as you cohere to the authentic and substantial on your path to healing and knowledge.

  11. Sorry I’m writing so much about my own story these days, but the eclipse cycle is hitting me personal. The one tonight is in between my Sun and Mercury, the single degree between them, real cozy. You could consider my take as research into eclipses conjunct natal suns šŸ˜‰

    I’m realizing that I’m a musician in a way that’s deeper than a mere identity. I was born after an eclipse and the nodes are getting close to my natal nodes so I’m feeling something like a reboot to my imagination that’s telling me to take my musical craft seriously cause music is a powerful medicine the world deeply needs.

    Other people’s criticisms in my path through the mine field of America’s family karma set up waves of doubt and critique that guided me into a false belief that music is what corporate profiteering has made of it, mere entertainment, a mere distraction. I had a full set or two of my own and cover songs I could play on an acoustic guitar and voice in the mid to late 90’s. By the turn of the century, and then after deciding I needed to go to college and got involved in the addiction university culture still has to deconstruction for its own sake I got to the point where I couldn’t play a single song from beginning to end. The mental space of critique made it so I couldn’t play.

    The personal is political, yeah I know. With Luna sextile the Aries point, Saturn conjunct the Cancer point, Pallas conjunct the Capricorn point, Pluto conjunct the Libra point and my north node plugged into Galactic Center the concept of personal as political is really fucking personal. Like the dissing my musical skills received under the glare of my step dad when I was a teenager is the same thing as the culture’s dissing of astrology which is the same thing as the dissing of women’s sexual power. It’s all a dissing of things that can be cultivated by individuals that are powerful tools to program consciousness in accord with will. They’re also navigation tools that cultivate the power of listening to the world around us with reverence and respect instead of with condescending disdain that make rape, murder, ecocide and genocide seem like things to do.

    Another part of the reboot to my imagination is that I realize I had to go through an undoing cause the songs I had in the 90’s all existed in a high tower in my head while my guts were still churning to the tune of “fuck you stepdad.” If music is to be a healing force those making it need to be whole in themselves and not hiding out from pickled rage that either stinks up the music or renders it powerless to do anything but entertain zombies. That’s why the interface between musicianship, meditation, and internal martial arts is so important to me. Shamanic musicians need to care for more than just their voices or finger dexterity. Inner vibration, the quality of emotional waves, the quality of consciousness is of the utmost importance.

  12. I did this! I’m doing this! I felt old in December as I always do and I looked at my stationary bicycle in my room that I use a few times a week. I flipped on the television one night and sat on the bike and just started to pedal really gently, not a lot of tension, just a little bit, and I went for basically the whole evening of television (no, I’m not evolved enough to not watch television). I didn’t die. I didn’t get terribly sore the next day, just a little bit. And I wasn’t so hungry I ate everything in the house afterwards. I’ve been doing it every day now. I don’t feel old anymore, I don’t feel thin or tall or anything else, but I don’t feel old, which is nice. When you have braces on your teeth, they work gradually and gently to move the teeth, I’m using that idea on the rest of me.

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