Setting Out

The focus of today’s astrology is the Sun and Mercury and the signs they are in. The Moon and Pluto will be mentioned as well.

We are past the sequence of events that culminated with the lunar eclipse on the Capricorn solstice. It may seem as though we are due for things to wind down. That does not appear to be the case. Something is going on. One would have to be asleep not to see it. Rather than having arrived at some climax or destination, it feels like we are setting out on a new expedition. One could almost bet that the evolving relationship between Mercury and the Sun can provide us with a handle to grasp.

The apparent motion of the Sun is now back toward the equator and we will soon see it change its direction along the horizon with each day’s dawn and setting. Preceding and during Sol’s period of pivot and reversal, Mercury’s retrograde has served as both a bridge and an amplifying counterpoint. With both the lesser planet and the greater luminary doing their similar business in the same vicinity of the zodiac at the same time, there has been a concurrency and exchange of energy signatures that more than anything, distinguished the recent astrology up to this point.

That was then, this is different. The new solar season initiates a fresh cardinal paradigm punctuated by a daily series of Capricorn conjunctions that will carry us through the Christmas weekend. At the same time but now in a very different place, Mercury continues to backpedal for another full week, right up to the penultimate day of 2010. This new and distinguishing pattern of same time, separate activity and separating place and has not come about suddenly. It has simply, gradually become apparent.

Previously woven into the merged template of events, the synchronicities associated with a Mercury retrograde period are now in sharp relief. Among the good examples are the recent weather-related hardships of air travel in Europe and the more mysterious problems encountered by the users of Skype, a service which allows members to place inexpensive telephone calls over the Internet.

One of the defining qualities of all planetary retrogrades is that they are synchronized with an opportunity for review, which can in turn serve to reinforce, revise or simply provide perspective. Old Fleet Foot is, among other things, doing just that. The delays and hardships suffered by those using Heathrow Airport, for example, are reminiscent of a period earlier this year when both Iceland’s banks and volcanoes caused consternation and concern that frankly could have been a lot worse.

After three consecutive retrogrades confined entirely to the territory of one Earth sign after another, it is as if Mercury is finally taking us over the edge, to show that does not have to be such a bad thing. Matters are not only being revisited now, things are happening. Many of those things are encouraging, paradoxically representing forward movement. There are also reminders and perspective. And yes, there is that which is foreboding as well. There is a dynamic, the flow. For better or worse, things are busting loose.

That flux can possibly be explained by the rulers of Sagittarius and Capricorn (Jupiter and Saturn, respectively) and the polarity they portray. Jupiter is associated with, among other things, expansion. Saturn, in turn has a reputation for contraction. Get those two moving and manifestation ignites to fuel the creation of form. Mercury rubbing back and forth across a cardinal point between the two raised a static potential. The lunar eclipse precipitated the discharge of energy and the Sun now carries that energy towards the lunar north node. As if to create the world indeed.

Just look at the United States Congress. A setback for the Democrats in the mid-term elections followed by a lame-duck session portended gridlock and posturing. Instead we have an avalanche of legislation not seen in half a century. The rapid ratification of a nuclear arms treaty. The repeal of a protocol that prevented gay members of the armed forces from serving openly. The extension of unemployment benefits, albeit tied to the unbalanced continuation of tax relief. The long overdue extension of health benefits to those who first responded to the 9/11 disaster and paid for it with illness and disability. A landmark food safety bill. Heck, even a bill to help save threatened shark populations. On and on. It’s amazing. What’s gotten into these people? Imagine a senator or representative coming home to her spouse saying something like “I can’t believe it, we keep getting things done in spite of ourselves!”.

You could say that President Obama is in a zone, but if you look around, we all are one way or another. It’s just a matter of degree of awareness, direction of movement and level of participation. And that zone started almost precisely when Mercury entered the first echo phase of its retrograde period about five weeks ago. Sure, the President deserves some credit but this is not the work of one person any more than a lightning bolt is the work of one electron.

Of course, with so much energy working, things can go in any number of directions, not all of them productive or constructive. That’s where we come in, little ol’ you and me. Because we are each part of it we each can have an influence and “we” can add up. Figure there’s about a week more. For the Sun it has already started with a series of conjunctions that began with Pallas-Athena as the new gatekeeper to Capricorn, putting the justice in solstice. Then tomorrow, Christmas Eve no less, that dharmic conjunction with the lunar north node. Then Christmas Day, well….well…well.

Remember at the top of this blog we said we would mention the Moon? On Christmas Day, Luna achieves its closest approach to Earth, or perigee, for the month of December. It is a time when the Moon looks bigger, seems to be moving faster and is considered to have an elevated level of influence. It will be in the penultimate degree of Leo, closely trine the Galactic Center. There will also be several asteroids involved but the main thing is that this perihelion would appear to resonate with the recent lunar eclipse, as if to show us its direction into the future. Take the time to do something that will influence that direction. Call it your Christmas gift to the future — of our kind. Don’t think too much. Don’t be influenced by what others think. Go with your feelings on this one.

Then Sunday night or Monday morning, depending on where you are, there’s another chance to make a difference. That’s when when the Sun conjoins with Pluto. The exactitude of the conjunction will not be during office hours for most of us, but it will carry over into the next day. Prepare by imagining you as the best you that you can be. Standing in your highest potential. How you would like others to see you? Then do it, be it, hang onto it and get used to it. Your potential is within your reach. Take it, it’s yours. We will all have reason to thank you.

Offered In Service

17 thoughts on “Setting Out”

  1. Len! I got you! Very clever. That eclipse was pretty intense, no!? (This shit just keeps going on, eh!) We’re headed toward a new way of ‘being’ within this ‘reality’. Keep the flow my friend, .. I Love and Respect you.

    Jere πŸ™‚

  2. Patty:

    Thank you for your comment. Sixty is fine and nothing seems to have changed. I notice the outpouring of love of friends. Jupiter has given me a stray cat. She has been hanging around here for a long time and my husband thought she was in distress. We came home from a lovely birthday dinner and she was here, telling us she is hungry and cold. So we must feed her and make a box with a warm blanket for her on our breezeway.

    Natal Chiron is 25 Sag which maybe is conjunct and transiting Chiron looks to be in Aquarius at 27 degrees. There is A LOT happening in my chart. I’m trying to manifest the good.


  3. I am actually an amazingly cheerful and optimistic person, however, I long gave up the Estherham myth that simply takes old wisdom and adds religious conditioning and programming we are used to, to sheeple the people. Her black suit, myth that a vortex you can be in or out of, blame to those who aren’t getting their millions because they must be doing something wrong…is a spiritual form of religion is all with all the shame, blame and guilt religions use(d)…we know th astrology on a personal level tells a different story individually. This note may be of interest if accessible, I am unsure!/note.php?note_id=169194929778881
    One cannot deny the astrology, nor come to a realistic conclusion that LOA is foolproof and the only law of the universe…in my books the astrology trumps all and it is but in our choice of which side of the duality we want to choose that is our only control in this lifetime. Outer control is an illusion or belief if you will.
    We are evolving at a rapid pace and the undeniable truth (from my perspective and each varies from person to person) is that the old structures, myths and beliefs will need to fall before we can rebuild a more progressive world as we transition into the age of aquarius. The celebrate or give gratuitous accolades to moves that will surely, logically and undoubtedly make the debt larger and unconquerable…seems well…….sugar coating at best πŸ™‚ Misleading at worst~~
    I know that is hard for the americans to acknowledge because well, there is all that I pledge allegiance, we are the greatest, strongest and best of everything, soldiers are actually choosing to die to protect your freedom hence making war an honorable thing kind of conditioning that is so embedded it is sometimes hard to see past.
    But as always I could be wrong πŸ™‚ I suspect the next six months will show us one way or another and either way……..I am happy and prepared and that is all that matters. I simply feel (and it is a personal opinion) that anyone with such a readership should be first and foremost responsible just as CNN should and Assange…….
    The gulf was over played…….the economy is under played……….the truth will set everyone free in the end~~
    I look forward to the priviledge of witnessing the greatest story ever known in the history of mankind………and it all looks good from my view in the end~~

    Optimist = Aries sun, Leo asc, Sag moon πŸ™‚


  4. Be:

    Weather update in Berkeley, CA. Clear sunny skies all day today–just in time to do my Christmas Eve dinner shopping.

    The house is almost ready – each room spit shined to crystal. Everywhere there’s light.
    The kitchen is clean and bright, and the surfaces cleared–I like a clean palette when i cook. The champagne is chilling in the fridge and the seafood ready for prep. Got to pit the pomegranates for the salad and make sure the tablecloth is freshly ironed and ready.

    I love the ritual of preparing a special meal. There’s alchemy and wishcraft in it because of the love you have while making. Did I tell you I have Uranus and Jupiter in late degrees of Cancer in the 5th? My family is quite appreciative. Now, on to zumba class to really jingle the kundalini!!

  5. PS – since I was already soaked to the skin and my boots squishing every step from the rain and hail just prior, hanging out to try to get pix of the rainbow while the rain lingered was just frostin’ on the cake! or more water in the boots, as you prefer.

  6. speaking of the CA weather – we had a break in the rain down here in SoCal yesterday – the most amazing rainbow appeared – THE MOST amazing – and I’m including triple rainbows across the mountains in Santa Fe – yep, right here in SoCal a huge, stunning, full bloom rainbow with all the colors bright and discernable; a second arc above it not so potent – but a double rainbow here? unheard of. It held it’s place in the sky for at least 30-45 minutes. Also amazing duration.

    So there it is.

  7. be,

    Happy Birthday to Rob and thank you for your greetings! Jupiter has given me overflowing socks of loving family and friends. I hope you and yours have a bountiful holiday season, too.

    be, Fe, Patty, Kristal and Len: There is a lot to be gained by reading your words. Thank you.

  8. cmassy,
    If you create reality that conflicts with my reality, i do not have a problem with it. As a matter of fact i will be grateful for i because it could hold the key to my erudition or even cause me to correct an errant path.

    The main this is that you are being creative, constructive and productive rather than submitting to the initeria of victimhood or surrendering to dispair.

    So, please, cmassy – accept my thanks for your teachings (and for making my point).

  9. Len –

    “There is a lot of inertia to overcome.”

    I would disagree with this statement somewhat. At the risk of being overly pedantic, I would say that it’s not so much a lack of movement but recognizing and fighting off the wrong movement that confuses us and ultimately brings us down. I mean, I agree that “exercising our individual power to control our own perception and response” is important. But we have to take into account (meaning: acknowledge) outside forces of which we have no control. If the reality you create conflicts with my reality, then I’ve got a problem. True, if I can’t change that then how I deal with it is my only recourse.

  10. Fe,

    Glad to see you on line because I was a little worried the dreadful California weather might have affected you. Hope all is well. Patty, what a year is right! Merry Christmas to you too. And to kristal, thank you for your kind thoughts and wishes.


    Happy Birthday! My son Rob was also born on December 23rd. Capricorns carry a lot of the responsibilities of this world and thank goodness for your strengths. May Jupiter fill both your stockings; the birthday one and the Christmas one, with good times and loving family and friends, and most of all, appreciation for your presence.

  11. Thank you, Len for inspiring me on my 60th solar return. Your writing always puts me in a reflective state of mind, though I don’t know the astrology well. It resonates today as do the many thoughtful comments by a loving community.
    2 degrees Capricorn: Three stained glass windows in an old cathedral are seen, and the center one has been damaged by bombardment.

  12. Len:

    Couldn’t have said it better myself. Your point about being the best you can be is exactly laser pinpoint accurate.

    It does become a matter of perspective, particularly around the economy. One form is dying, another being reborn. Its up to us to hear the call and to follow it, and make what we can from it.

    Maybe the Merc Rx is also giving us a chance to move without fear? Let’s imagine that it is.

    Morning Bk – my love to you this season!!!

  13. kristal,
    Point well taken. Please consider this point. The focus of Daily Astrology is not on reality happening to us. It is on the reality we create. It’s a paramutual game. Where you put your bets is what you get. May we together create an outcome for our mutual support and nourishment by exercising our individual power to control our own perception and response. It’s a challenge. There is a lot of inertia to overcome. That’s why we need your help.

  14. One has to wonder though with an economy that has already collapsed but no one has been courageous enough to acknowledge yet………who will pay for all that is offered and promised and passed with a money that has no worth…….who will pay?
    How lovely to see this as progressive but how based in fact or reality can this really be, I suspect the truth and the consequences shall begin to show themselves when uranus makes its way into aries and begins its numerous dances with pluto……it will be interesting to watch.
    May the holiday season be filled with all that ever was or ever will be important…Love and Peace~~

  15. By George, I think you’ve got it Len! Really! I was thinking about that volcano in Iceland stopping traffic (air) in Europe earlier this year, just like this monster snow storm. But you hit the nail on the head, my friend. Mercury in earth signs! Tangible and easy to understand reality.

    And I think you are so right about the Jupiter/Sag, Saturn/Cap polarity and how Mercury was setting off the point/spot right between them. It’s action time, especially in the Capitol (and Capital!) and even though they are going home they will spread the energy that was created by all the above named legislation getting done. And “we” as you say catch that energy and what we do with it can be positive or negative, but if we just let the Moon guide our feelings we will take it in the right direction. . the NEW direction. . the FUTURE. Well, like I said yesterday, don’t you just love astrology?

    You have a wonder filled Christmas Len, and don’t forget. . we get to do this all over again in March with the Vernal equinox on 3/20/11, and the last Jupiter/Sag-Saturn/Cap opposition on 3/28. . . all in cardinal signs. . . . MID CARDINAL SIGNS. . . right where the U.S. Sun and Saturn are! Get some rest and recharge those batteries all you political junkies, the future is here.

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