Speaking of the ‘Net and freedom:

According to an Op-Ed piece by Megan Tady at the Huffington Post:

Tomorrow, the FCC stops taking meetings and accepting official comments on its proposed Net Neutrality rules. But until then, we’re using every minute we have to remind the FCC that the public overwhelmingly wants real Net Neutrality, not a fake compromise with the phone and cable companies that will effectively kill free speech and innovation online.

Not to be alarmist or anything, but given how critical open access to the internet is turning out to be these days, it might be worth a couple minutes of your time to register a comment with the FCC. You can do that via email here at freepress.net.

As Tady writes, “real Net Neutrality means there is one Internet with one set of rules, whether you get online at home or using a mobile phone; it means no special toll roads or fast lanes reserved for a few powerful corporations; it means no giant loopholes that would undermine the Internet’s level playing field.”

Folks, I shudder to think how anything less than real Net Neutrality could effect future whistle-blowers and truth-seekers. We have some powerful astrology still in play, and only a few hours left to register comments on this issue. Assuming retrograde Mercury doesn’t play any tricks with the freepress.net petition, I think we should use the wind that’s blowing in our sails to make sure we’re all still moving forward on the Internet after the FCC votes.

Oh, and in case you were wondering: that vote will occur Dec. 21 — the day of the solstice with a lunar eclipse thrown in. Let’s do what we can now to be sure some favorable patterns are being set that day.

3 thoughts on “Speaking of the ‘Net and freedom:”

  1. Ah thank you, Eric, for posting this. Signed and forwarded to about 60 folks, hope this one can be halted in its tracks…… but, heck, who knows?

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