The Real Power

By Len Wallick

The stellium of Mercury retrograde, Mars, Hermes and Pluto in Capricorn that we have been telling you about the last 72 hours is still functional all day today. The Moon, now in Aries, is sweeping through this arrangement in a cardinal square aspect.

Julian Assange is having his first extradition hearing in London. Unless the established order can invoke Hermes and magically come up with something substantial, the so-called charges promise to be absurd stretches that will offend the intelligence of anyone who can say “Magna Carta”.

We seem to be learning quickly, that power is its own justification. As of this writing, Mr. Assange is clearly and simply a political prisoner. Up until today, due process has been dispensed with as historic and distinguished legal systems on two continents have stooped to soil themselves publicly to placate that which those systems have truly come to serve.

What exactly is being served at the cost of all credibility is to be revealed, but it is a double-edged revelation. Even as the emperor’s clothes are coming off, so are the gloves. No institution, no matter how hallowed or sacred, is immune. The seat of power will stop at nothing — even tearing down its own facade — to get what it wants. Thus it is fitting that the the asteroid Hybrus (otherwise known as Hubris) is next in line to conjoin with the Galactic Center in Sagittarius, doing so even as you read this.

Its no surprise that its come to this. The Justice Department and Supreme Court of the United States have been rehearsing for years, preparing the ground work, testing the waters, sniffing the air and suffocating out the fire of freedom. But all is not lost.

To paraphrase Gandalf, there are higher forces at work here. Part of their work is to cause the responsible parties to reveal themselves and that accounts for Hybris following on the heels of Pallas Athene. Arrogance, recklessness, disrespect and over-confidence have led to the demise of heroes and villains alike. Even the greatest lessons, it seems, must be learned again from time to time.

Next we should note that it is more than good fortune that the Moon is proceeding from the first quarter and not the last. Growing in its reflected light, it will reveal more and more in the darkness of the night following each passing day. The conceited elements of abject corruption scarcely notice something like this — they are sure of their absolute political and economic hegemony. Be assured, the growing light will tell and allow all the opportunity to distinguish what would otherwise proceed unseen. The Sagittarius Sun is not without its role either. Out of aspect with both sides of the exacting cardinal opposition between Ceres and Varuna, it demonstrates that even the highest, most remote power is subject to having its reputation either nourished or depleted by the deeds it is known for. As lies and broken promises build up and become more obviously attributable, even the most exalted and feared can fall as they bring about their own seasons and reasons to do so.

In another twist of irony, Mercury retrograde actually has potential to be something positive so long as you are not the established order or attached to it by choice. As an invocation of mind and thought, the reverse trajectory in Capricorn encourages us to take it all in. We recover the proverbial “two” from the past and add it to the “two” coming of its own accord in the present. After that it is up to each of us to derive the obvious sum of events. To simply be aware and present of that for now is enough. The time to act will come in another season.

Mars with its passion and desire has already been acting on the entire Capricorn tableau. Moving at nearly full speed now, it is feeding on the fuel of cardinal Earth, so compatible in quality to its own disposition. Pluto in turn, is absorbing as much heat as Mars can offer, asserting its convincing usurpation over this piece of Saturn’s domicile. Saturn is not threatened. Time will always be on its side. But Capricorn and all that it represents is now undeniably subject to a lasting transformation promising to accelerate through the aegis of response and reaction.

In the midst of the big and tall, proceeding on their epic way, the most telling astrology today may come in the form of a very small package. What most distinguishes today from yesterday may be Eros, the dogged companion of Mars since its Scorpio days not so long ago. This representative of fervent, persistent and unconditional love is now occupying the catbird seat of a cardinal point, the first degree of Capricorn. To repeat once again — in astrology as in real estate, it’s location, location, location. Almost unnoticed, love has moved in to occupy the prime parcel on this of all days.

In the middle of cynical hubris and the raw display of sheer power, in the midst of a desperate battle, forcefully joined, love — brotherly, sisterly, faithful love — has appeared. Its counterpart Amor will conjoin with the Moon as it squares and sweeps the Capricorn stellium from Aries today. Yup, love has them out flanked and, as always, nobody saw it coming.

Here you were beginning to think there was no hope. If astrology has anything to say about it, there is nothing but hope, albeit not to subject to judging by size. How could that be possible? So much money talking and so many political arms being twisted to no avail because of love? There are unfortunately, some who think that as absurd as the attempted proceeding against Mr. Assange today. In the long run however, human experience tells us that those who discount love are left behind as dust.

So, keep your eyes open for signs of love today. Listen for its call. Let the inspiration clear your sinuses so that you detect its fragrance. Be prepared to gratefully accept its touch. Love is not in the center of our galaxy. It is here, and it is also our surest way to connect with the Divine. Maybe it’s the time of year. Maybe it’s the time of our kind. The not-so-hidden opportunity of today’s aspects is to find out who we are. Choose the cause of love. It’s a sure thing.

Offered In Service

16 thoughts on “The Real Power”

  1. Be,

    Interesting. Perhaps there is room in this situation beyond whatever the factual truth (what nationality were the ambushers etc.) to turn it into a Greater Truth as you suggest – that a majority of people, American and Mexican see that neither the ambush to rob vulnerable people, nor the circumstances of their vulnerability (“illegals”) is appropriate – and that it matters not who was what nationality – but that a major overhaul regarding who is welcome, safe, and protected where and why is needed.


  2. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed in a gunfight December 14 a few miles from Nogales, Arizona. The time was 11:15 PM. This was a Mars thing, not so much about love I guess, unless the love of another’s possessions counts. I think it was a Mars thing because Mars, at 11:15 PM, Nogales, Arizona, was at 5 Capricorn 31. Mars had just left the conjunction to Pluto, Mercury and the north node. The Nation of Mexico has its Sun at 5 Libra 32, which was exactly 1 arc minute from an exact square to the transiting Mars. The gunfight was between men who were waiting for illegal immigrants to rob them and the Border Patrol agents intervened apparently.

    A month ago I wondered about the possibility of the U.S. having increased problems with Mexico because the total lunar eclipse this Tuesday, 12/21 is at 29 Gemini 21, which opposes Mexico’s natal Uranus at 29 Sagittarius 19, where the transiting Sun will be at full moon. Conjunct the eclipsed full moon will be Hades at 29+ Gemini.

    Hades was discussed here before and I quoted Judi Vitale (TMA April/May 2010) in her article on the subject saying “we will be faced with the disgust and revulsion concerning evil, sinister or disagreeable influences” thanks to the Hades location on the Aries Point. However she goes on to say that “it (Hades) serves as a force to point out the things about our lives and society that are less than desirable so that we can fix them.” I personally find the Arizona government’s attitude toward Mexican immigrants to fit the above description.

    Mexico’s natal Uranus is square it’s natal Pluto at 28 Pisces 40 rx. Transiting Neptune and Chiron are moving forward and only 2 degrees away from a conjunction with Mexico’s Pluto. Mexico’s natal Mercury in its 7th house (ruler of its 3rd house of neighbors) is at 16 Libra 43 and the total lunar eclipse chart has Saturn at 16 Libra 05 and only 2 degrees beyond the U.S. Saturn at 14 Libra 48 (and square the U.S. natal Sibly Sun). The progressed Juno (partners) for the U.S. chart will be at 28-29 Sagittarius, conjunct Mexico’s Uranus and the total lunar eclipse chart Sun. As lunar eclipses are emotional in nature and in aspect to Uranus, it could be a totally unexpected event.

    At the time of the shoot-out when Agent Terry lost his life, Venus was at 9 Scorpio 02. The Mexico chart has natal Venus at 9 Scorpio 19 conjunct natal Moon at 5 Scorpio 19. These two planets widely square Mexico’s Mars at 0 Leo. Like Mercury, the 2 Scorpio planets are in the 7th house of the Mexico chart. Highly volitile in this sign, these planets might be expressed by the citizens of Mexico much differently than the way we in the U.S. might view the shoot-out. Coming before the eclipse as it has, it could possibly trigger an emotional and unexpected reaction on or after the eclipse. What if the Mexico citizens view this “ambush” of the illegals in order to rob them as the greater evil, rather than as we in the U.S. would see the death of Agent Terry as the greater evil? I’ve not been able to find out if the “robbers” were U.S. citizens or not, but presume they were. At the time of the shooting, Pandora was at 14+ Cancer, conjunct the U.S. Sun and square the U.S. Saturn.

    To see the chart of Mexico –

  3. When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it–always.
    Mahatma Gandhi

  4. Amanda – I’m surrounded by hormones daily: I teach at both a middle school and high school, where it oozes out of the very aether. It doesn’t mask my XY hormones though, but mine do get subsumed in the general melee.

    Yes, when I’m away from school, I’m feeling them. However, like you, the ‘annoyances’ are tending to drive them into submission, at least at work…

  5. Turn off the computer and make rosy my world? Sounds like the healthier plan Amanda. Thanks for keeping the invite from Len’s post alive — “Choose the cause of love. It’s a sure thing.”

    Aches, pains and headaches be gone, loving is in the air!

  6. well chutzpah & shebear, apparently the world is only rosy while i keep my hands to myself (or in my pants). once i’m at the computer that “annoyed” state seems to kick in. can’t seem to get any traction today.

  7. I’m kinda knackered and annoyed as well chutzpah, so my “hormomes” are lying low I’d have to say Amanda!

    Fantastic piece Len. Beautifully written.

  8. Dunno ;d … ive got Mars/Pluto in my chart, in fact my Mars it AT 4 degrees Cap and i just feel knackered and annoyed!

  9. random: anyone else feel like this mars-pluto stuff is making them horny or is it just me and my hormomes?

  10. I think it would be best for now at least to hold back on comments of a corruption of the Magna Carta.

    – i live in the UK and have been following this story like everyone else, as far as i can see this process with Assange is a stitch up revolving around the US and Swedish governments, Julian in response to the Swedish warrant handed himself in to the UK police, the UK have to follow due process and so that he can argue against being extradited, witholding bail is a unusual ( and i would say unfair) to be sure but in cases of high media attention its not unknown.

    We dont know whats going to happen….so at least for now the UK are not complicit.

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